PHP runs so slowly on my Windows desktop that phpMyAdmin takes minutes to open a database. Here’s a comparison of the time to run a simple PHP test program:
Windows 8.1 machine running XAMPP: 3597 ms
iPage shared hosting: 65 ms
A2Hosting shared hosting: 26 ms
Here’s the test program…
$rStartTime = microtime(true);
$countTo = 100000;
$a = 0;
//$countTo = $countTo * 100;
for ($x = 0; $x <= $countTo; $x++) {
$a = sqrt(pow($x, 2));
$rMs = floor((microtime(true) - $rStartTime) * 1000);
echo 'timer done, countTo=' . $a . ' ms=' . $rMs;
The test program is run without debugging, by entering "http://localhost/timer.php" into Firefox.
The local machine is normally blazing fast. It’s running…
Windows 8.1
XAMPP 1.8.3 (control panel v3.2.1)
Apache 2.4.4 (latest is 2.4.20)
PHP 5.5.3
Antimalware = Windows Defender
IDE = PHPStorm 10.0.2
What's making PHP run so slowly?
I found the problem was Xdebug in xampp\php\php.ini. Here're the results of trying many solutions found around the web:
Run XAMPP as adminisrator and restart server: 3617 ms
In xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf, replace localhost with and restart server: 3639 ms
In Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts, add “” & “ localhost” and restart Windows: 3960 ms
In Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts, un-comment “ localhost” and restart Windows: 3659 ms
In php.ini, uncomment zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_eaccelerator_ts.dll" and restart server: 3643 ms
In php.ini, set xdebug.remote_enable=0: 3598 ms
In php.ini, set remote_host="localhost": 3593 ms
In php.ini, set xdebug.profiler_enable=0: 249 ms
In php.ini, comment out all Xdebug statements: 27 ms - Success!
The sad part is, I make mistakes and need Xdebug :-(
I solve my problem with xdebug idekey setting (xdebug.idekey="xdebug1"), and chrome extension xdebug helper (
*Dont forget to disable remote_autostart (xdebug.remote_autostart=0)
Only activating debug (xdebug) by request, using idekey setting, so if debug not needed php processing can be faster/normal, tonggle by button with chrome extension
I'm using xampp 1.8.3 on windows 10 64bit,
i use custom idekey, xdebug.idekey="xdebug1", same with xdebug helper setting
zend_extension = "E:\xampp183\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll"
xdebug.profiler_append = 0
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 0
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "E:\xampp183\tmp"
xdebug.profiler_output_name = "cachegrind.out.%t-%s"
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_handler = "dbgp"
xdebug.remote_host = ""
xdebug.trace_output_dir = "E:\xampp183\tmp"
Now breakpoint/debug activated only if session is requsted via xdebug helper
I excluded my website folder and my xampp folder in Windows Defender and things were solved here.
I Had the same problem with xampp, and the problem was WINDOWS DEFENDER, if you disable the windows defender protection, xampp is faster (normal speed), Also you can search the xampp folder as exlusion in windows defender. these is the solution.
Running the TS (Thread Safe) version of php can slow things down a lot. TS is generally never needed, so use a NTS (Non-Thread Safe) version of php.
[Edit addition, stolen from Quora]
Thread Safe (TS) and Non-Thread Safe (TS) are the two different PHP builds available.
Thread-safety ensures that when the shared data structure is manipulated by different threads, it is free from race conditions. This version is recommended where the web server run multiple threads of execution simultaneously for different requests.
For example, in Apache server, if we use mod_php as worker MPM, thread-safe version should be used.
Non-thread-safe version on the other hand is used where PHP is installed as a CGI binary. Here every request is handled separately which removes the need of thread-safe version. Moreover, using thread-safe version here degrade the performance due to unnecessary checks for thread safety. Servers like IIS & NGINX do not need thread safe versions.
I figured out that Eclipse did not end a XDebug session properly. I solved the problem by restarting the debug session and ending it properly.
for me has been an improvement after changing all of above to change from https://localhost to
For chrome users: I found out (after trying all hints above) that the Chrome extension "Evernote Web Clipper" is also slowing down chrome.
When loading a plain URL without any includes:
enabled / disabled Evernote Web Clipper: 0,7ms / 0,25ms
For me, mcAfee Web boost extension was the Blocker. I removed the extension and now it speeds up by 90%
If you are using mysql db within your PHP script, pls check your db connection config.
Use instead of localhost in case of db host on windows (10).
Solved php - WAMP/XAMPP is responding very slow over localhost / wordpress
The easiest way is that go to c dirive > xamp > php folder > search php.ini > clink on top then find max_execution_time anset it to max_execution_time=300 > now restart xamp > all done :)
I've installed latest XAMPP server with PHP 7 (update: checked also PHP 7.1) (on my Windows 10 system). Wanted to use opcache, so I enabled it in php.ini.
With that change now, and with almost every page refresh, I'm getting this error from Apache:
AH00428: Parent: child process 3748 exited with status 3221226356 -- Restarting.
So, page is loading, and loading... waiting to Apache start again. When I'm turning opcache off (by setting opcache.enable=0), Apache is not restarting and everything works fine (omitting the slower web application topic, of course).
Everything works fine while loading app on XAMPP having PHP 5.6 with enabled opcache.
EDIT (added GIF image):
As you can see, sometimes page refreshes like it should. But sometimes it's refreshing much longer, and Apache is restarting in that moment.
To be honest, I gave up with this application and working with PHP on Windows (was working on it for around 10 years with PHP <= 5.6). It's very hard/impossible (for now) to make PHP 7.x work on that OS (with Opcache). Decided to go with Ubuntu and server created with Docker. Everything is easier to configure (especially with Docker) and works faster. I advise everyone to do the same ;).
Your php_opcache.dll path seems wrong, you need write it like below, it works for me.
More details
If your XAMPP comes with PHP 5.5+ by default, opcache already included in the bundle, you will just need to enable it. To enable the extension:
Open php.ini (by default it should be located here: C:\xampp\php\php.ini).
Add this line at the end of the file:
Restart Apache server.
open a php.ini file
Change the ;opcache.enable=1 to opcache.enable=1
Add opcache dll path at the end of the file zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_opcache.dll"
Restart apache
for more reference check this video
In case of Xampp, just put the below lines next to [opcache]
To be honest - do not use xammp. Right now we have a bit better tech stack, to run PHP on Linux servers.
Both of them are based on linux systems, where most of xammp problems will not have place.
First at all:
This is 2022 and I had a similar problem too with PHP-7.2, not on Xamp, but similar server.
How I've got my problem solved?
If you're here because of that, at first try to go with a default "opcache configuration options". And just above opcache.enable=1 put zend_extension=opcache. Your PHP is smart enough to find the extension. And yeah, there's no need to define the full path if you have defined it here extension_dir = [YOUR PATH] (in php.ini). Of course you can use the full path too, if you want too. The path, probably, it's not a problem if your extension is there (in the folder with all PHP extensions). Did you checked, is it there, your extension?
My problem was in this two options:
I have no idea why, but I guess this two option should have some balance, because both of them is about memory usage.
So, this had my Apache useless, because it didn't wanted to start
opcache.memory_consumption = 64
opcache.interned_strings_buffer = 32 ;this one BAD
next one works fine!
opcache.memory_consumption = 64
opcache.interned_strings_buffer = 16
this one is works fine too!
opcache.memory_consumption = 128
opcache.interned_strings_buffer = 32
So, as I said, at first try to go with a default values of "opcache configuration options", and later do experiments.
How to check everything works on PHP?
var_dump ( zend_version() );
var_dump ( extension_loaded("opcache") ); // bool(false) cuz it's ZEND
var_dump ( extension_loaded("Zend OPcache") ); // bool(true)
// Next one will give you a lot of data about current opcache usage,
// but of course, only if your extension is enabled.
print_r ( opcache_get_status() );
Default OPcache configuration options you can find here:
Creeating directory with appropriate permissions and setting it php.ini worked!
ThreadStackSize 8388608
Helped me in the similar case. This is a httpd option.
on php.ini add more
remove comment
restart apache
I am having serious problem connecting to external ORA DB 11g from local Zend server CE.
OCI8 is enabled and running version 1.4.6 (due to phpinfo()).
I have tried many connection options (listed below) with the same error returned:
oci_connect(): ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error
After googling for whole day I am only able to say that this error means that PHP was able to comunicate with the server but was unable to connect to a concrete service/database and that the error shouldn't come from PHP itself...
I have set environment variable TNS_ADMIN to c:\oracle_instantclient_11_2 where the file tnsnames.ora is located containing this connection description:
Using this description like
I am able to connect to the server and the service/database with sqlplus console, so the connection is very right. I am also using the very same HOST, PORT and SID to connect to the server with Sqldeveloper tool. The problem is when connecting to the server within a PHP...
What have I tried so far:
oci_connect("user", "password", "X.X.X.X:1521", "AL32UTF8", 0);
oci_connect("user", "password", "MYDB", "AL32UTF8", 0);
All of these oci_connect calls above return the same error mentioned.
I had also tried the ezconnect way for 11g as stated here - [//]host_name[:port][/service_name][:server_type][/instance_name]:
oci_connect("user", "password", "X.X.X.X:1521/MYDB", "AL32UTF8", 0);
but the problem is I do not know the service name, only the service ID (SID), thus the error returned is this:
oci_connect(): ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
that says there is no service running with the service name provided (or that the ORA listener does not know of such service).
PHP version: 5.3.14
Appache v.: 2.2.22 (32bit) Zend
Zend server CE: 5.3.6
PHP info for OCI8:
OCI8 Support enabled
Version 1.4.6
Revision $Revision: 313688 $
Active Persistent Connections 0
Active Connections 0
Oracle Instant Client Version Unknown
Temporary Lob support enabled
Collections support enabled
Directive Local Value Master Value
oci8.connection_class no value no value
oci8.default_prefetch 100 100 Off Off
oci8.max_persistent -1 -1
oci8.old_oci_close_semantics Off Off
oci8.persistent_timeout -1 -1
oci8.ping_interval 60 60
oci8.privileged_connect Off Off
oci8.statement_cache_size 20 20
Maybe the problem is that there is unknown version of Oracle instant client though it's path is set within both the TNS_ADMIN and PATH environment variables...
My question is: does anybody know of what have I done wrong? Am I missing something? I have googled for a whole day yesterday so probably (with 99% chance) any google links You would like to provide me with I have already seen and tried...
Though this question could be considered as an exact duplicate of this one - it has not been yet answered and I guess nobody will return back to that old question even if I post a comment I am having the connection problems too. Also keep in mind that in that similar question a different error is returned and asked about.
Due to several misconfigurations and 3 days lost while looking for a solution I moved to develop on Linux server and all of the problems are gone.
What I have found:
both php_oci8.dll and php_oci8_11g.dll are depending on the Oracle Instant Client libraries
these libraries does not contain oci_ functions (like oci_connect), only ociX functions (like ociLogon) which is strange...
though I am pretty sure I have downloaded Oracle Instant Client Basic and all of the extensions, I was not able to connect to another Oracle server due to unknown charset and the error was saying I am using only Lite instant client...
I tried both 64bit and 32bit instant client version at no avail
my Apache is 64bit, windows is 64bit, PHP is 32bit, remote Oracle server is 64bit, remote Linux server is 64bit...
tried many environment settings (ORA_HOME, TNS_ADMIN, adjusted PATH to look to instant client installation) at no avail
tried uninstalling local Oracle XE server due to possible environment settings interference at no avail
almost lost my head - at no avail...
So finaly on Linux server I have no problems connecting to remote Oracle server. Somewhere (while surfing over thousands of PHP-Oracle related pages) I have found an information that "one shouldn't develop PHP application connecting to Oracle server under windows" and should stick to UNIX system instead...
So anybody experiencing similar or same problems - be so kind and do not waste Your time, install a VirtualBox, run Linux on it and move forward!
to connect php to Oracle 11g version 11.2 you need to do following;
login to you db with sys as sysdba and execute following scripts.
execute dbms_connection_pool.start_pool();
execute dbms_connection_pool.restore_defaults();
in you PHP script
$conn = oci_connect("username", "password", "//hostname/servicename");
if (!$conn) {
$m = oci_error();
echo $m['message'], "\n";
else {
print "Connected to Oracle!";
// Close the Oracle connection
Note: i). Make sure PHP_OCI8 and PHP_OCI8_11g exertions are enabled
ii). Oracle 11 is case sensitive.
Best Regards
Yasir Hashmi
I have had the same issue and tried to connect from my local machine to a remote server.
after 2 weeks of tring I finally got it to work.
the solution is very simple but not documented in the PHP documentation
so let us take the sample PHP provided:
$conn = oci_connect('hr', 'welcome', 'localhost/XE');
what they did not mention is that it points to the default port on the server.
if yours is set up to a different one you need to specify that.
see the new example below:
$conn = oci_connect('hr', 'welcome', 'localhost:1234/XE');
try that with your specified port.
Hope this helps
Just adding my two cents, as I Banged my head against the wall with this one... If all else fails, try this, Once you have downloaded the instant client,, copy it's extracted contents to the apache/bin folder. It'll likely ask you to over-write the oci.dll. Do so, then restart apache/php. With luck this will fix the problem...
Good luck.
My solution on fedora 17:
1. yum install httpd httpd-devel.
2. yum install php php-mysql php-pear php-devel
3. Install oracle instantclient:
rpm -Uvh oracle-instantclient11.2-basic-
rpm -Uvh oracle-instantclient11.2-devel-
4. pecl install oci8
This gives:
downloading oci8-1.4.7.tgz ...
Starting to download oci8-1.4.7.tgz (Unknown size)
.....done: 168,584 bytes
10 source files, building
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20100412
Zend Module Api No: 20100525
Zend Extension Api No: 220100525
Please provide the path to the ORACLE_HOME directory.
Use 'instantclient,/path/to/instant/client/lib' if you're compiling
with Oracle Instant Client [autodetect] :'
Just press enter.
5. Enable the OCI8 extension by creating a file, oci8.ini for example, with the following line at /etc/php.d/:
6. service httpd restart
For the record (PHP 8.0.12), you can also try:
In the Apache bin folder, copy inside the next files
📁 apache24
....📁 bin
....... 📃oraociei12.dll
....... 📃oci.dll
....... 📃oraons.dll
You can find those files in the Instant client folder and in the bin folder.
Then restart Apache and that is.
The instant client, apache version and PHP version must be or 32bits or 64bits.
You can also try to connect using ez-connection (if you want to avoid using the tnsnames).
I've got the following code and the semaphore wouldn't lock it as expected.
(I'm aware of apc_inc. This is not what I'm looking for.)
$semkey = sem_get(123);
$count = apc_fetch('count111');
if(!$count) $count = 0;
apc_store('count111', $count);
followed by
ab -n 4000 -c 200 http://localhost/test.php
0 requests failed.
but after that an apc_fetch('count111') shows only ~ 1200 hits
nginx on ubuntu 12.04 (64bit), php 5.3.16~dotdeb, php-fpm
update 1: works perfectly on Linux mint, 5.4.6~dotdeb, built in web server. I'm going to try the same machine with the same version with nginx.
The problem was, apparently, with the APC itself, not with the semaphore.
Updating to PHP 5.4.8-1~dotdeb.0 has solved the problem for both nginx and built-in server test runs.
I've been tying to follow this guide for integrating Doctrine 2 and CI 2.
all was good until i ran "php doctrine-cli.php orm:generate-proxies" from a cmd,
and got this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function Doctrine\Common\Cache\apc_fetch().
after some research it looks like I don't have the AlternativePhpCache (ACP) module installed.
so i've tried every single version in and they all yield the same error
(screenshot from my picasa as i can't upload images due to a lack of points)
I'm using :
Win7 (x64)
am I doing something wrong?
I had the same problem with Xammp. I made a search on google and found web site. According to my operating system specification and PHP version I chose the suitable file which was (2011-01-09 12:16 -0800) for me and downloaded it. I extracted the file to my Xammp/php/ext folder as php_apc.dll. After all, I edited my php.ini file and add extension=php_apc.dll to extension section in php.ini. If you need you can add the following configuration.
- apc.enabled = 1
- apc.shm_segments = 1
- apc.shm_size = 64
- apc.max_file_size = 16M
- apc.stat = 1
That worked out for me. If this is not going to work for you, then you may check your operating system(especially x86 or x64) and php version (5.2.* or 5.3.*). I hope this information will help you. Have a great day guys.
I just installed wamp and the latest version comes with webgrind, but i cannot figure out how it works.It says
Select a cachegrind file above
And thats all.
Webgrind is a parser/viewer for a profiling file format called cachegrind. The PHP extension Xdebug can (among other very useful things) generate these. For webgrind to work, Xdebug needs to be installed and enabled.
Make sure Xdebug is installed and working (see the Xdebug docs for info on how to do that)
Have Xdebug generate a profiling report by requesting a local PHP file
Load webgrind in the browser and select a file in the popup-menu at the top
Press update, and hopefully everything should work
The wiki on Google Code has more on configuring webgrind.
1) Download XDebug from their download page.
2) Put all DLL files in your PHP extension directory: C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.x.x\ext
3) Add the following line in your php.ini file located in C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.x.x:
zend_extension = c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0\ext\php_xdebug-2.1.0-5.3-vc6.dll
4) Add also the following section to your php.ini (search for the [xdebug] section first to make sure it does not exist yet):
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "c:\wamp\www\webgrind\tmp"
xdebug.profiler_output_name = cachegrind.out.%t.%p
5) Restart Wamp and verify that the extension was loaded. To do so, add a file pi.php in C:\wamp\www\ and put the following code in it:
6) Check the output by opening your browser at http://localhost/pi.php and search for XDebug.
7) Download Webgrind from their download page and extract in in your www folder.
8) Edit the config.phpfile located in C:\wamp\www\webgrind\ to change the storage directories:
static $storageDir = 'c:\wamp\www\webgrind\tmp';
static $profilerDir = 'c:\wamp\www\webgrind\tmp';
9) In the Webgrind directory where you have extracted the code, add an .htaccess file and put this content in it to avoid webgrind from profiling itself:
php_flag xdebug.profiler_enable 0
10) Rerun the http://localhost/pi.php script to generate some profiling data.
11) Open your browser with http://localhost/webgrind to display the results. Do not forget to click the Update button!
This answer is based on an answer provided by Jacob Moen. You can view the original source here.
It is good to watch if the application becomes SLOW, had problems with
it because of the settings of Cachegrind.
Good luck!
My settings are Wamp 2.4, Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.6
[Portugues pt_BR]
É bom prestar atenção se a aplicação se tornar LENTA, tive problemas com isso por causa das configurações do cachegrind.
Boa sorte!
Minhas configurações são Wamp 2.4, Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4 e MySQL 5.6
Update the PHP.INI with these parameters
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1
this should be work.
You don't have to do much....
I just edited the line to be
xdebug.profiler_enable = 1
Thats all buddy. Totally works!