I'm making a Guzzle request to an api, and
$request = $this->client->request('GET', 'https://etc', ['http_errors' => false]);
I've had to turn http_errors off as if the API wants to tell me something it does it as a JSON response but it also has a header code of 402.
I can get the response headers back from Guzzle, but I'm unable to get the actual body $request->getBody() as this is just an empty stream on the response object.
Does anyone know how I retrieve the original page despite it providing a 402 http error.
NB: If I don't turn off http_errors, it will throw an exception but the message is wrapped (and truncated).
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
I stumbled across the answer I was looking for.
If I don't turn off http_errors and catch the exception I can run
to retrieve the contents of the request.
I develop at php Laravel.
I receiving GuzzleHttp response from Mailgun as Object and can't to get from it the status.
the Object is:
O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:18:"http_response_body";O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:6:"member";O:8:"stdClass":4:{s:7:"address";s:24:"test_of_json-4#zapara.fr";s:4:"name";s:10:"not filled";s:10:"subscribed";b:1;s:4:"vars";O:8:"stdClass":0:{}}s:7:"message";s:36:"Mailing list member has been created";}s:18:"http_response_code";i:200;}
I need just last data pair:
to get it into variable, like:
$http_response_code = 200;
or even just its value.
To get string as I cited above I use
$result_ser = serialize($result);
but yet can't to extract value of variable.
Also I tried this:
$this->resultString .= \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($result_ser, true);
and get error.
Please, explain me , How to get/extract value I needed?
To take the response status code you can use the function getStatusCode :
$response = $client->request();
$statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
while to take the body of response you can use :
$contents = $response->getBody()->getContents();
let's consider your request is something like
$response = $client->get("https://example.com");
if ( $object_res->getStatusCode() == 200 ) { // here you are checking your http status code
$object_res->getStatusCode() is the method to get http status code.
refer docs, there is simple example in this page.
I found that 'mailgun/mailgun' package uses its own HTTP client which also uses 'RestClient' and these classes are return stdObject.
In that Object there is property 'http_response_code' containing HTTP response code like 200, 400, 401 etc.
This property accessible by standard way $object->property and it's a solution of my query in this case.
For anybody who will read this question and answers I should to explain one thing that I not cleared in question.
I made request to the Mailgun API for subscribing member to mailing list. The API returns stdObject, not JSON or XML data.
But also there is one more strange thing - stdObject returned when request is successful only. If request fails you'll get just Exception thrown with message and without code. This forced me, if fail, to parse message body instead of get and resolve error code.
I am programming a little application for myself. This application is calling to different websites with the package Guzzle.
However, I want to store every request in my database with the time and the request duration time and the request status code I get. The problem I am facing here right now is that I don't know how to get the http status code when the request fails..
This is my code so far:
$client = $this->getGuzzleClient();
$request = $client->post($url, $headers, $value);
try {
$response = $request->send();
return $response->getBody();
}catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e){
dd(array($e, $e->getResponse()));
The $e->getResponse() returns null. I also tried to use $e->getStatusCode() or $e->getRequest()->getStatusCode(). Both are not working...
To be absolutely sure the request is valid and I deal with a real exception I call to this website https://httpstat.us/503. This returns a 503 http status code...
So, how can I get the http status code? Do you guys have any idea?
Kind regards and Thank You!
If you catch a ServerException you are catching a 5xx, if the code execution enters there Guzzle has received a 5xx. If you catch a RequestException that includes network errors too. If the code execution enters on the RequestException but does not on the ServerException means that for Guzzle is not a 5xx error but a network error.
// to get error code from Excetion Object
I am using PHP SoapClient to send requests to a 3rd party using their WSDL. I have working functionality when I send requests that contain all required data. However, if a required field is missing (or some other minor error) all I'm getting back in my catch is a SoapFault with the message 'Internal Server Error'. Just to make it clear, I have zero control over the server side of the request.
Using SoapUI with the same request I get the following response.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<faultstring xml:lang="en-US">Request validation failed.</faultstring>
<RequestValidationFault xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/OCCM.Phoenix.EWF.Shared.Modules.ERM.Common.BusinessEntities.Exceptions" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Domain>Request validation</Domain>
<Message>Request validation failed.</Message>
<ValidationResult xmlns:a="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
<a:string>Patient: Last name is required.</a:string>
This is exactly what I need to be able to tell the a user of the system on my end to go in and enter/fix the needed data. In this case the patients last name.
I have exceptions and tracing turned on and when a successful request is made I can use $obj->__getLastResponse() and see the expected data. However when an error comes back the response is '', or 'NULL' if I var_dump() it.
Looking closer in SoapUI I can see that the response has the header:
status HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
My assumption is that SoapClient is seeing this and just immediately throwing an exception based on the http error. Has anyone had a similar experience with an issue like this? If so, is there a way to tell SoapClient to return the full response?
If that's not possible does anyone know if there is a function I can override to save the raw response text before the exception is thrown? I had an issue earlier where the success XML response was wrapped in meta data. By overriding __doRequest() and manually stripping the meta data I got SoapClient to stop throwing exceptions. This won't work for my current problem as the response is blank there as well.
I was unable to find a solution using SoapClient. I ended up using curl to resend the request when there is an error. Then I manually parsing the actual response.
I am trying to connect to an API using PHP and its built-in SoapClient. I have checked against the url I was given through the ill-formatted documents the client gave and $client->__getFunctions() returns a list of three functions. HelloWorld($name), which responds with Hello ~name~, shows me that I am communicating with the server through the SoapClient call and the URL is correct.
However, when I try to access one of the other methods that __getFunctions() gives me, even after copy/pasting the XML from the docs and putting in my own credentials, I am still being given an Internal Server Error faultstring and 500 as faultcode from the SoapFault object.
I am sure that it is my own XML string that is causing the issue but I cannot for the life of me figure out how. Reaching out to the API provider directly hasn't proven helpful. This is my first time dealing with Soap/Web Services so I am unsure of where to go from here.
I did wget http//xxx.xxx.xxx?wsdl and it returned me what looks like a valid XML response, the same one I get when I go directly to the url in the browser. What should I be looking into in order to solve this issue? All of the past API's I've dealt with have been JSON/RESTful so I feel out of my element trying to debug PHP errors.
I have slowly deleted parts of my method call and parts of my XML string, trying to trigger a different error or something in order to find what I need to fix. What I have found is that by not passing in my XML string, I get a valid response from the $client->FunctionCall(...). It's an "this isn't right" message but it's a message! In fact, passing that function ANYTHING for the xml parameter causes the 500 http faultcode/faultstring. Does this mean that my XMl is poorly formatted or does it mean that there is an issue on their end handling requests?
Second Edit
If I make my $client decleration as follows, I get the faultstring Could not connect to host
$opts = array(
'ssl' => array('ciphers'=>'RC4-SHA')
$client = new SoapClient($CREDS['orderingWSDL'], array (
'stream_context' => stream_context_create($opts),
I am getting more confused the longer I try to fix this.
Sometimes a 500 status coming from a SOAP service could be a SoapFault exception being thrown. To help your troubleshooting, you'll want to be able to inspect both your request XML, and the response XML.
Put your code in try/catch blocks, and use $client->__getLastRequest() and $client->__getLastResponse() to inspect the actual XML.
$client = new SoapClient('http//xxx.xxx.xxx?wsdl', array('soap_version'=>SOAP_1_1,'trace' => 1,'exceptions' => true));
try {
$response = $client->someFunction();
} catch (Exception $e) {
I am trying to catch POST response send to me by external API.
The problem is that POST array is completely empty while I can check in firebug that browser recieved it but with codes 302 FOUND and second (with same body) with code 307 TEMPORARY REDIRECT:
Is there any way to grab this data inside my script or is this something wrong with server re-directions?
If you are using the CURL library, there are two options that help with your case:
This returns the response header including the status code. You can see whether 302 is returned.
Or you can simply follow the redirect
Edit: sorry just saw you were doing this on the client side.
If this is an AJAX call, you can get the status code in the raw XHR object.