Does anyone have a clue what it is about this bit of php code that would cause an apache2 webserver with nginx to throw a server error 500?
function cycleColsDbl() {
static $cols = ['transparent;', '#efefef;'], $i = 0;
$selectCol = ($i++/2 % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
return $cols['$selectCol'];
The server suexec.log spat out a rather nonsensical claim:
[2016-04-17 08:34:34]: uid: (10003/usr) gid: (1003/1003) cmd: cgi_wrapper
And error.log says nothing at all about this.
The 500 is thrown on page load so the function never actually gets called.
Ideas anyone?
This $cols['$selectCol']; will look for a key $selectCol, not 0 or 1. It would look for 0 or 1 if you didn't make it literal, i.e. remove the single quotes.
Also, static $cols = ['transparent;', '#efefef;'] is not correct syntax to create an array in PHP.
function cycleColsDbl() {
static $cols = array('transparent;', '#efefef;'), $i = 0;
$selectCol = ($i++/2 % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
return $cols[$selectCol];
I have been using laravel + mysql for my project but and it was working perfectly fine until now. The records keep on increasing and now they have reached almost a million record. Problem is when i try to fetch sms from my database using this query
$smsHistory = SmsLog::where('created_at', '>=', $startDate)->where('created_at', '<=', $endDate)->whereNotNull('gateway_statuscode')->get();
It gives a 500 error without showing anything in error log. What i assume is that as i decreased the time period it gives me record so the problem is the bulk it can not handle. What could be the possible solution as i have to give it today.
I am not worried about the error log.. i want to get a count of those million record but i want to apply some algorithm on it before doing it
This is the check which i have to perform afterwards to see how many sms are in sms log
foreach ($smsHistory as $sms) {
$sms_content = SmsService::_getSmsContent($sms);
if ($sms_content->business_id && array_key_exists($sms_content->business_id, $smsCredits )) {
if (floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 160) == 0) {
$smsCredits[$sms_content->business_id]['count'] += 1;
if (floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 160) == 1 && floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 306) == 0) {
$smsCredits[$sms_content->business_id]['count'] += 2;
if (floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 306) == 1 && floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 459) == 0) {
$smsCredits[$sms_content->business_id]['count'] += 3;
if (floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 459) == 1 && floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 621) == 0) {
$smsCredits[$sms_content->business_id]['count'] += 4;
if (floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 621) == 1 && floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 774) == 0) {
$smsCredits[$sms_content->business_id]['count'] += 5;
if (floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 774) == 1 && floor(strlen($sms_content->content) / 927) == 0) {
$smsCredits[$sms_content->business_id]['count'] += 6;
this is the database field
content is the sms that i have to get and count
Regarding the 500 error:
If you are getting a 500 error, there should hopefully be some clue in the actual server error log (your laravel application error log may not have caught it depending on the error handlers, etc and what the cause was). php_info() should show you the location of the physical error log with the error_log setting:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
If I had to guess, possibly something memory related that is causing it to choke. But that is just a guess.
As a side question, why are you trying to retrieve so many at once? Can you split them up somehow?
Edit based on updated question:
You may need to use some raw-expressions here to get what you really want:
MySQL for example provides the ability to get a column length:
FLOOR(CHAR_LENGTH(content) / 160) as len1, FLOOR(CHAR_LENGTH(content) / 306) as len2, FLOOR(CHAR_LENGTH(content) / 459) as len3
So probably with some magic we could take your query and let the database system do it all for you. And there are probably more efficient ways to do it, if I knew more about the significance of those numbers, but I am trying to help you at least get on one possible path.
You should setup index for mysql, or implement a search engine like elastic search
My code sometimes give code undefinet offset error.
[03-Sep-2015 13:06:44] NOTICE: "Undefined offset: 6"
File: /home/mdmeds/public_html/includes/pages/game/class.ShowBuildingsPage.php | Line: 111
[04-Sep-2015 17:38:57] NOTICE: "Undefined offset: 8"
File: /home/mdmeds/public_html/includes/pages/game/class.ShowBuildingsPage.php | Line: 111
This is the part of the code
$Element = $CurrentQueue[$QueueID - 2][0]; /**this give the error*/
$BuildEndTime = $CurrentQueue[$QueueID - 2][3];
unset($CurrentQueue[$QueueID - 1]);
$NewQueueArray = array();
foreach($CurrentQueue as $ID => $ListIDArray)
if ($ID < $QueueID - 1) {
$NewQueueArray[] = $ListIDArray;
} else {
if($Element == $ListIDArray[0] || empty($ListIDArray[0]))
$BuildEndTime += BuildFunctions::getBuildingTime($USER, $PLANET, $ListIDArray[0]);
$ListIDArray[3] = $BuildEndTime;
$NewQueueArray[] = $ListIDArray;
I read lot of articles about this kind of errors but i do not know how to fix my code. Can someone help me please ?
You are trying to play with indexes that you are not sure they even exist...
things like
$CurrentQueue[$QueueID - 2]
is a guess... Get to find another way..
In this piece of code $CurrentQueue[$QueueID - 2][0], the key is generated dynamically based on $QueueID. WHen you get the error, it means that the specified key is not available in the array $CurrentQueue.
To avoid such run time exceptions, you can do something like this
if (!empty($CurrentQueue[$QueueID - 2])) {
// the actual functionality goes here.
I have a bit of PHP code that works fine on my production server but not on my test server. Here is the code:
function callProcedure0(&$connection, $procname, $dofunction)
mysqli_multi_query($connection, "CALL " . $procname . "();");
$first_result = 1;
$query_result = mysqli_store_result($connection);
if ($first_result)
$first_result = 0;
if ($query_result)
$query_result = NULL;
} while(mysqli_next_result($connection));
function doGenres($in_result)
global $genre_array, $game_array, $genre_order_array;
$genre_count = 1;
// foreach is necessary when retrieving values since gaps may appear in the primary key
while ($genre_row = mysqli_fetch_row($in_result)) // line 81 is here!
$genre_array[] = $genre_row[0];
$genre_order_array[$genre_row[1] - 1] = $genre_count;
$game_array[] = [[],[]];
$genre_count += 1;
callProcedure0($con, "get_genres_front", doGenres); // line 138 is here!
The "get_genres_front" bit refers to a stored procedure on my database. Here are the errors:
Notice: Use of undefined constant doGenres - assumed 'doGenres' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/keyboard/keyboard.php on line 138
Again, there are no problems on the production server which is using Apache 2.2.23, MySQL 5.1.73-cll, PHP 5.4.26. The test server where things are broken is running Apache 2.4.10, MySQL 5.6.21, PHP 5.5.19.
Did something change in recent software versions? Thanks.
This is not a duplicate question. I'm worried about the first error. I already know what to do about the second error which I have deleted.
The code you have posted is wrong, you must pass function name as string and then use call_user_func to invoke this function.
In your callProcedure0 function change
call_user_func($dofunction, $query_result);
And then call it with the function name as string like this
callProcedure0($con, "get_genres_front", "doGenres");
The above code could work also with invoking the function with
on some php versions, but the line where you pass the function name it should be string, otherwise PHP assumes it is a constant.
I am trying to run my cake shell script but the output looks like the following:
-bash-3.2$ ../cake/console/cake audit
../cake/console/cake: line 30:/root/site/app: is a directory
[0] => /root/site/cake/console/cake.php
[1] => -working
[2] =>
[3] => audit
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /root/site/cake/console/cake.php on line 550
What am I doing wrong? Here are the contents of this file:
function __parseParams($params) {
$count = count($params);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (isset($params[$i])) {
if ($params[$i]{0} === '-') {
$key = substr($params[$i], 1);
$this->params[$key] = true;
if (isset($params[++$i])) {
if ($params[$i]{0} !== '-') {//This is line 550
$this->params[$key] = str_replace('"', '', $params[$i]);
} else {
} else {
$this->args[] = $params[$i];
Focus on the first error
Whenever debugging something that's broken, it's a good idea to focus on the first error and not the fallout from it. The first error message is this line:
line 30:/root/site/app: is a directory
It comes from the cake bash script, before calling php. That line in the most recent 1.3 version is blank, so it's not obvious what specific version of cake you are using, but it isn't the latest 1.3 release.
The consequence of the above error is that the following is the command called:
exec php -q "/root/site/cake/console/"cake.php -working "" "audit"
The parameters passed to cake.php specify that the working directory is an empty string, something which is abnormal and later causes an undefined index error.
Upgrading cures all ailes
Most likely, this specific error can be solved by copying cake.php from the latest version of the same release cycle you are using.
Also consider simply upgrading CakePHP itself to the latest release (from the same major version in use) which will likely fix this specific problem, and others - especially relevant if there have been security releases, which recently there have been.
I am using predis and everything was great until I started getting this error:
ERR Protocol error: invalid bulk length
I am not sure why I am getting it. The error is in this file: Predis/Network/StreamConnection.php in this method:
public function writeCommand(ICommand $command) {
$commandId = $command->getId();
$arguments = $command->getArguments();
$cmdlen = strlen($commandId);
$reqlen = count($arguments) + 1;
$buffer = "*{$reqlen}\r\n\${$cmdlen}\r\n{$commandId}\r\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $reqlen - 1; $i++) {
$argument = $arguments[$i];
$arglen = strlen($argument);
$buffer .= "\${$arglen}\r\n{$argument}\r\n";
It fails when it tries to do an strlen() on an array.
Here is the code that is causing this to fail:
$ids = array(1, 2, 3);
$predis = new Predis\Client();
$predis->set('testerKey', $ids);
Am I not allowed to set an array? Of course I can set an array. The only thing I changed was I make my files UTF-8 so maybe that screwed something up?
Any help would be appreciated.
I found the problem and a solution. Coming from memcached where it will serialize the array automatically this is not the same in PRedis. PRedis will never serialize anything when performing a set or get.
You have to use mset.
With the set command, Predis is looking for an array with only 2 variables (to set the key => hash). Do set 3 keys, you have to use mset.
To do what you seem to be trying to do:
$ids = array(1 => 'id-1', 2 => 'id-2', 3 => 'id-3');
$predis = new Predis\Client();
$predis->mset('testerKey', $ids);