Mysql selects rows from select - php

I have one specific problem, I need to make function. User pass sttring into this function. String is MYSQL query and now, I want to change this mysql query as this, if I get for example SELECT as person FROM student WHERE student.grade = 1 LIMIT 10 Now i need to create somethink like this (SELECT as person FROM student WHERE student.grade = 1 LIMIT 10) WHERE person = "John" LIMIT 5 (watch person in where). The Select between ( and ) can be anythink, but my conditions after ) can be only aggregate functions, limit and where conditions. Is somethink like this possible? I need to create it in php. I hope you understand me.
Thanks for help.

As I said in my initial comment it is a very very bad idea, however you can simply do this:
FROM ([user supplied query]) AS theQ
WHERE theQ.person = "John"
Once you wrap the user supplied query as a subquery, you can pretty much just use it like a table. Of course, in this case if the user supplied query does not contain a person field, the query will error.


issue with mysql query and optimization into one query

I have a query that determine a users rank based on their actions
$db->row("SELECT COUNT(ID) as `user_rank` FROM userdetails WHERE (userdetails.totalaction /4) >= ('$user_detailed->totalaction' /4) AND active = 1 AND frozen = 0",array());
The above will return there rank and I want to make one query to update all users at once.
Basically I want the >= ('$user_detailed->totalaction' /4) to become pure sql no php in the query
so if i had 100 users it will work out each of there ranks and update another field called current_rank is it possible to do this all in one query if so can someone help me out.
You simply need to replace ('$user_detailed->totalaction' /4) with your desired value to test against. For example if you want it greater than equal 10, then it should be:
$db->row("SELECT COUNT(ID) as `user_rank` FROM userdetails WHERE (userdetails.totalaction /4) >= 10 AND active = 1 AND frozen = 0",array());
figured out how to do it had to do two queries not one like i wanted ;) thanks for help

Is there a way to identify which data has been selected with the sql statement

I have a sql statement:
$feed=$conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE post_by=? OR id=? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
The $friend['id'] is the id of a user's friend, $like[id] is the id of a like by the user's friend.
The posts fetched with this query appear in a page.
What I want is I want to know which all posts have been posted by the user's friends (Which all posts have been fetched using $friends['id']) and which all posts have been liked by the user's friends and appear in the feed(Which all posts have been fetched using $like['id'])
I want to know all possibilities I can try to achieve what I want.
I have tried varying my query with UNION ALL but it shows errors and I could'nt achieve what I want.
Currently there are no errors but I want the user to know how this post appeared in the newsfeed.
Hope you all get a good idea about my question and all types of hacks are also accepted as I want in someway to achieve the result I would also agree to change mt query nature.
Please comment for more info.
Thanks in advance.
SELECT *, post_by = ?postId AS post_by_friend
FROM posts
WHERE post_by = ?postId OR
id = ?friendId
post_by_friend will be 1 if it matched the first condition, otherwise 0. I haven't benchmarked it, but this method should be faster than StuartLC's UNION suggestion.
What you can do is break the query up on its 'OR' clause into a UNION of two separate queries, and add a marker column to indicate whether the row was found by friend or by like:
SELECT *, 'Friend' AS HowFound
FROM posts
WHERE post_by= ?postId
SELECT *, 'Like' AS HowFound
FROM posts
WHERE id= ?friendId AND post_by <> ?postId
) x
You'll want to exclude rows which match both friend and post classifications from one of the selects, otherwise it will be reported twice (or, otherwise your app will need to combine them).
I'm no PHP guru, but I'm sure there is a way to name the parameters to allow the above exclusion.
The derived table is needed to order and restrict the overall result.

count all items in table mysql plus get record

Hi I have this situation:
$query = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*),* FROM memberFileReports');
$data = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
its not working ? any idea why and how to Count and get all items at the same time, and what if I want to Count (*) and then next Select will have Limit 0,5?
Is this what you're looking for?
SELECT * , CONCAT('', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM memberFileReports)) AS total
FROM memberFileReports LIMIT 0,5
EDIT 1: Note that the 'total' will be a string
EDIT 2: As I understand , you want to get the total rows in the table, but only select 5 of them (as example)
EDIT 3: caps... and misspell
Use this
SELECT * , COUNT(*) FROM memberFileReports Group by column_id
Instead of this
SELECT COUNT(*),* FROM memberFileReports
try this
$data = $query->fetchAll();
instead of
$data = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
I know this post is a little late but i figured i would tell you, the reason why you only get one row back is because you are using an aggregate function "COUNT()". that function makes it so the result is returned in one row. the way to show stuff in more than one row is to use a "GROUP BY" in your select statement and it will group the data by the condition you tell it to.
example... suppose we had an example table with 3 users..
one has 10 interactions
one 3
and one 33:
COUNT(e.interactions) as num_interactions
FROM example e
that would show the number of interactions a user has made in the dummy example table.
UserID num_interactions
1 3
2 10
3 33
without the GROUP BY the aggregate would make the output look like this:
UserID num_interactions
1 46
just for future reference :)

Return all records of non-given id if just one of those records matches the given id of another field

After searching for a damn long time, I've not found a query to make this happen.
I have an "offers" table with a "listing_id" field and a "user_id" field and I need to get ALL the records for all listing_id's where at least one record matches the given user_id.
In other words, I need a query that determines the listing_id's that the given user is involved in, and then returns all the offer records of those listing_id's regardless of user_id.
That last part is the problem. It's getting all the other user's offer records to return when I'm only providing one user's id and no listing id's
I was thinking of first determining the listing_ids in a separate query and then using a php loop to create a WHERE clause for a second query that would consist of a bunch of "listing_id = $var ||" but then I couldn't bring myself to do it because I figured there must be a better way.
Hopefully this is easy and the only reason it has escaped me is because I've had my head up my ass. Will be happy to get this one behind me.
Thanks for taking the time.
You could do two queries playing along on the MySQL side, like this:
SELECT * FROM offers WHERE listing_id IN (SELECT listing_id FROM offers WHERE user_id = 1)
If I understand what you are after you should join offers on itself on listingid match and userid = given
select * from offers AS t1
inner join offers AS t2 on t1.listingid = t2.listingid and t1.userid = 1;

getting same property from mysql with php

suppose i have 1 current user id and another user id to which current user is visiting.....than i want to fetch mysql data only if both have same options.....
for example user1 has uploaded a picture and user2 has also uploaded picture.......than how can i matchd user1 to user2 and query should be like this........
select * from users where id='user1id' or id='user2id' and imguploaded='1'
is this query is correct or not but it is not working for me..........!!
i want a working query same as above not as
select * from users where imguploaded=1
try ecapsultating your where with brackets, because of the precedence...
select * from users where (id='user1id' or id='user2id') and imguploaded='1'
if you don't mysql will presume default precedence and interpret the query like this:
select * from users where id='user1id' or (id='user2id' and imguploaded='1')
which will not give the desired result.
To check if both users have actually have a picture uploaded you could make it:
select COUNT(*) as count from users where (id='user1id' or id='user2id') and imguploaded='1'
and then check if count==2
Why would you want such a thing like this?
Anyway... create some sort of actions table where you have a structure like id, action, desc Then create a user_action table like id, user_id, action_id. Then fetch your results.
This way you store data in therefore meant tables and don't mess up userdata with their action data. This way you can also easily extend actions and compare users of their made actions.
select * from users where (id='user1id' and imguploaded='1') and (id='user2id'and imguploaded='1')
How about with a join?
query = "SELECT * FROM users AS first JOIN users AS second
ON first.imguploaded = second.imguploaded
WHERE first.userid = $user1 AND second.userid = $user2"
This query would take the two users, and if they have the same attribute (imguploaded is the same for both), return both rows, you can then select what you need. You can add more attributes to the ON clause, for example:
ON first.imguploaded = second.imguploaded OR ( first.imgdloaded = second.imgdloaded AND first.somethingelseuploaded = second.somethingelseuploaded).
This way (with the ON clause of the mysql statement) you can combine all the attributes in the AND/ON but you have to place the brackets - ( and ) - in the right places. Of course, if you don't put them, the MySQL server will just read them serially.
Is that what you need?
