run composer and laravel (artisan) commands without ssh access - php

I want to test some Laravel applications on my basic shared host.
Currently I just upload my complete application including the vendor files, however this takes quite long.
Since I do not have ssh access to my host I'd like to know whether there's an option to run composer / artisan commands without this.
I found this link: Use Composer without ssh access to server (Second Answer) which describes how to run composer using
However, I can change folders in the console etc. But I cannot run php commands - I always get internal server error.

Check if your shared hosting provider has console feature in their CP which allows to run shell commands. Maybe you'll be able to run commands from there.
As alternative, you could right your own artisan runner and call artisan commands from the code:
To run composer command from PHP code, use shell_exec:
shell_exec('composer update');


Laravel artisan serve and npm run dev single command

Is there a way to run terminal commands simultaneously
php artisan serve
npm run dev (for laravel vite)
Run it in a comment or terminal with a shortcut
Yes. There is a creative way
You should define a variable in your command line
İf you're using linux run this command:
export part="php $PWD/artisan serve"
Note:part is variable name. Name it whatever you want (part stands for php artisan)
Note:by running this command the variable will accessible just in that CMD window. That means this way is a temporary way and if you want to access it all the time you need to add this command to your .bash or .profile file

Laravel Artisan error: Target class does not exist

Once our Laravel app is deployed to hosting (AWS Elastic Beanstalk) it's impossible to run php artisan from the ssh command prompt. Every time results in the following error:
In Container.php line 879:
Target class [request] does not exist.
In Container.php line 877:
Class "request" does not exist
Even just running php artisan without any parameters results in the same error. Locally everything is fine.
Strangely AWS runs certain bash php artisan commands as part of postdeploy hooks which work fine during deployment (eg. artisan config:cache). They work fine, but even if I disable that bash script and try to run those commands manually via ssh after deploy, I get the same error. Very confusing.
It's as if there's something happening after deployment that's breaking php artisan.
We're running PHP 8.0.18 and Laravel 9.0.1. I've tried composer dump-autoload, but I still get the same error while that's running.
Where would be the right place to start looking for the cause of this error message?

Make Capistrano use alias on sever when running scripts

I have the following problem using Capistrano with laravel:
My hosting provider does not provide a cli php version via php but only via a usr/bin/local/.../PHP-CLI command
I did create an alias for it in my .bash_profile so running composer install from the cli is no problem.
However, Capistrano (as far as I understand due to it starting in a very basic shell does not load this alias, so I get an error from the composer scripts e.g. php artisan.
However, on my dev machine I need to keep it as php, since this is where php is here.
How can I solve this problem best? Any more info you need? Thanks.
Just in case it helps, this is how I call the script:
desc 'Composer install'
task :composer_install do
on roles(:app), in: :groups, limit:1 do
execute "/usr/local/bin/php5-56STABLE-CLI composer.phar install --working-dir #{fetch(:release_path)}"
execute "cp #{fetch(:deploy_to)}/shared/.env #{fetch(:release_path)}/.env"
It sounds like your scenario is the perfect fit for Capistrano's "command map" feature, as documented here:
Here are the two main takeaways:
Write your Capistrano execute commands so that the binary name (php) is a separate argument. This will allow it to be substituted using the command map. For example:
execute :php, "composer.phar install --working-dir #{fetch(:release_path)}"
In your Capistrano deployment config, tell the command map how to substitute the :php command, like this:
SSHKit.config.command_map[:php] = "/usr/local/bin/php5-56STABLE-CLI"
If you want this substitution to affect all deployment environments, place it in deploy.rb. If it only applies to your production environment, then put it in production.rb.
Okay, my current workaround is the following:
in your capistrano deploy.rb in the script that you execute at deploy update.
desc 'Composer install'
task :composer_install do
on roles(:app), in: :groups, limit:1 do
execute "/usr/local/bin/php5-56STABLE-CLI /path/to/composer.phar install --working-dir #{fetch(:release_path)} --no-scripts"
execute "cd #{fetch(:release_path)} && /usr/local/bin/php5-56STABLE-CLI artisan clear-compiled"
execute "cd #{fetch(:release_path)} && /usr/local/bin/php5-56STABLE-CLI artisan optimize"
after "deploy:updated", "deploy:composer_install"
I am not 100% sure if the artisan clear-compiled is needed. Anyway, those 2 are composer scripts that would normally be called via composer, but the --no-scripts flag keeps them from being called, so that it does not fail on install. When calling them from capistrano, I can easily change which php to use, as you can see.
However if anyone has a better solution, please let me know.

How to run multiple scripts using command prompt

I am able to make selenium scripts in the selenium IDE and also able to export it in PHPUnit. I also installed PHPUnit and the selenium-rc server (Which ran perfectly). Then I ran those scripts using the command: 'PHPUnit Testname.php' for which I got the output, But how can I Run Multiple Scripts at a time using the command..
You may specify directory or directories to run tests.
Or you can define directories in configuration file and run php unit like this:
phpunit --configuration path/to/config.xml
without any parameter it will run all tests.

travis-ci script

I'm trying to setup phing to work with travis-ci, but I can't get it to run a setup script to get all the dependencies installed.
My .travis.yml file is:
language: php
- 5.2
script: ./
In travis, I get the error:
/home/travis/ line 105: ./ Permission denied
What is causing that?
The script to be set to execute. I used:
chmod a+x
Then simply commit, and push back to github.
Run the script using bash
Another option would be to run the script using bash, this would omit the need to modify the files' permissions.
bash path/to/
sh path/to/
Note that
In this case you're not executing the script itself, you're executing bash or sh which then runs the script. Therefore the script does not need to be executable.
Make sense?
I've found this solution incredibly useful myself. I'm mainly running node & npm projects on travis-ci, those builds make use of the npm test command which you can configure to be anything.
I'm order to modify file permission I need to use sudo chmod ... on my local machine. But you can't always use sudo on travis-ci.
sh allows me to run my tests both locally and on travis-ci without having to manually update permissions.
