How to sign SOAP message in php - php

I'm using php (yii2) and I'd like to implement SOAP communication with server. I have following guide to SOAP:
The Customer’s system uses the Customer’s private key for issuing
digital signatures. Both the application request (ApplicationRequest)
and the SOAP message must be signed separately in the WSC. The
signature is performed with the private key. The signing system must
include in the signature also the certificate. This certificate
contains the public key corresponding to the private key used in the
signing. The receiver uses the public key to authenticate the
Next step: Digitally sign (detached type XML Digital Signature) the
whole SOAP message with the Private Key of Sender Certificate and put
the signature into SOAP-header
So, I have own private.key, public.key and certificate.cer
My code looks like
$client = new SoapClient($wdsl, ['trace' => true]);
$arguments = ['DownloadFileListRequest' => $dflr];
$appResponse = $client->__call('downloadFileList', $arguments);
But I get the expected error:
SOAP signature error
What I have to do and how to sign this SOAP?

XMLSecurityDSig helped (
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$ar = $dom->createElementNS('', 'ApplicationRequest');
$ar->appendChild($dom->createElement('CustomerId', $this->userID));
$ar->appendChild($dom->createElement('Content', $contentBase64));
$objDSig = new XMLSecurityDSig();
['force_uri' => true]
$objKey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA256, ['type'=>'private']);
$objKey->loadKey($this->privateKeyPath, true);
$objDSig->add509Cert(base64_encode(file_get_contents($this->certificatePath)), false);
$xmlRaw = $dom->saveXML();


productId is ignored and returned as null when validating Android In App Product via purchases.products.get

I'm trying to validate a Google Play/Android In App Product consumed purchase server-side using PHP. I get a response back with a valid receipt, but there are two confusing issues:
The productId is always null
If I change the the $productId in the sample below to an invalid ID, it will return the exact same response. This seems to be the case for literally any string.
Here is my sample code:
$purchaseToken = 'TEST purchaseToken FROM ANDROID APP';
$appId = 'com.example.myapp';
$productId = 'com.example.myapp.iap1';
$googleClient = new \Google_Client();
$googleClient->setAuthConfig(__DIR__ . '/gp-service.json');
$googleAndroidPublisher = new \Google_Service_AndroidPublisher($googleClient);
$purchase = $googleAndroidPublisher->purchases_products->get($appId, $productId, $purchaseToken);
If I dump out $purchase, I get:
=> Google_Service_AndroidPublisher_ProductPurchase {
+acknowledgementState: 1,
+consumptionState: 1,
+developerPayload: "",
+kind: "androidpublisher#productPurchase",
+obfuscatedExternalAccountId: null,
+obfuscatedExternalProfileId: null,
+productId: null,
+purchaseState: 0,
+purchaseTimeMillis: "1602771022178",
+purchaseToken: null,
+purchaseType: 0,
+quantity: null,
+regionCode: "US",
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here? It doesn't seem to be validating the productId on its end nor does it provide me the data I would need to validate it on my end, meaning I have no way of validating this IAP right now.
I've found on google issue tracker that ignoring productId is an intended behaviour. I've wrote post asking if the null that we receive in response is also an intended behaviour. I hope not because as you wrote if productId will be always null we have no way of fully validating IAP right now.
$purchaseToken was undefined in Josh's answer.
$appId = "com.example.myapp";
$serviceAccountJson = __DIR__ . "/gp-service.json";
// this is the raw receipt data received on the device from Google Play; this example is obfuscated and only shows the keys for sensitive fields
$googlePlayReceipt =
'{"productId": "com.example.myapp.iap1","transactionDate": 1602714720893,"transactionReceipt": "","purchaseToken": "","transactionId": "","dataAndroid": "","signatureAndroid": "","isAcknowledgedAndroid": false,"autoRenewingAndroid": false,"purchaseStateAndroid": 1}';
// decode the json to an array we can use
$decodedGooglePlayReceipt = json_decode($googlePlayReceipt, true);
// the data that was signed for verification purposes
$data = $decodedGooglePlayReceipt["transactionReceipt"];
// the signature that was used to sign the $data
$signature = $decodedGooglePlayReceipt["signatureAndroid"];
// The "Base64-encoded RSA public key" for your app, taken from the Google Play Console
// In the Classic Console: Your App -> Development Tools -> Services & APIs -> Licensing & in-app billing
// In the New Console: Your App -> Monetize -> Monetization Setup -> Licensing
$base64EncodedPublicKeyFromGoogle = "################";
// Convert the key into the normal public key format
// Just need to split the base64 key into 64 character long lines and add the usual prefix/suffix
$openSslFriendlyKey =
"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" .
chunk_split($base64EncodedPublicKeyFromGoogle, 64, "\n") .
"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
// Convert the key to the openssl key ID that openssl_verify() expects
// I'm unsure if this step would be necessary on all platforms
$publicKeyId = openssl_get_publickey($openSslFriendlyKey);
// Use openssl_verify() to verify the $signature (which has to be base64 decoded!) against the $data using the public key we have
$result = openssl_verify(
if ($result === 0) {
throw new Exception("Invalid receipt");
if ($result !== 1) {
throw new Exception(openssl_error_string());
// receipt data is valid. now let's grab the productId and purchaseToken
$decodedData = json_decode($data, true);
$purchasedProductId = decodedData["productId"];
$purchaseToken = decodedData["purchaseToken"];
// now we'll verify that the receipt is valid for our account
try {
$googleClient = new \Google_Client();
$googleAndroidPublisher = new \Google_Service_AndroidPublisher(
$purchase = $googleAndroidPublisher->purchases_products->get(
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
// this means the receipt data is unable to be validated by Google
throw new Exception("Invalid receipt");
After seeing Deusald's response here and starting to type up a response to the Google Issues ticket complaining about it, I had an epiphany: Google is just validating that the transaction is valid for your account and expects you to validate the receipt data server-side. They include a base64 encoded RSA SHA1 signature in the receipt data and the original data they used to create that signature, so they give you everything you need to accomplish this.
The below snippet accomplishes that verification for PHP, but it should be easily portable to other languages:
// our app's bundle id
$appId = 'com.example.myapp';
// the location of a Service Account JSON file for a Service account that has access to the "Financial Data" permissions in the Play Console
$serviceAccountJson = __DIR__ . '/gp-service.json';
// this is the raw receipt data received on the device from Google Play; this example is obfuscated and only shows the keys for sensitive fields
$googlePlayReceipt = '{"productId": "com.example.myapp.iap1","transactionDate": 1602714720893,"transactionReceipt": "","purchaseToken": "","transactionId": "","dataAndroid": "","signatureAndroid": "","isAcknowledgedAndroid": false,"autoRenewingAndroid": false,"purchaseStateAndroid": 1}';
// decode the json to an array we can use
$decodedGooglePlayReceipt = json_decode($googlePlayReceipt, true);
// the data that was signed for verification purposes
$data = $decodedGooglePlayReceipt['transactionReceipt'];
// the signature that was used to sign the $data
$signature = $decodedGooglePlayReceipt['signatureAndroid'];
// The "Base64-encoded RSA public key" for your app, taken from the Google Play Console
// In the Classic Console: Your App -> Development Tools -> Services & APIs -> Licensing & in-app billing
// In the New Console: Your App -> Monetize -> Monetization Setup -> Licensing
$base64EncodedPublicKeyFromGoogle = '################';
// Convert the key into the normal public key format
// Just need to split the base64 key into 64 character long lines and add the usual prefix/suffix
$openSslFriendlyKey = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n" . chunk_split($base64EncodedPublicKeyFromGoogle, 64, "\n") . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
// Convert the key to the openssl key ID that openssl_verify() expects
// I'm unsure if this step would be necessary on all platforms
$publicKeyId = openssl_get_publickey($openSslFriendlyKey);
// Use openssl_verify() to verify the $signature (which has to be base64 decoded!) against the $data using the public key we have
$result = openssl_verify($data, base64_decode($signature), $publicKeyId, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1);
if ($result === 1) {
// receipt data is valid. now let's grab the productId and purchaseToken
$decodedData = json_decode($data, true);
$purchasedProductId = decodedData['productId'];
$purchaseToken = decodedData['purchaseToken'];
// now we'll verify that the receipt is valid for our account
try {
$googleClient = new \Google_Client();
$googleAndroidPublisher = new \Google_Service_AndroidPublisher($googleClient);
$purchase = $googleAndroidPublisher->purchases_products->get($appId, $purchasedProductId, $purchaseToken);
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
// this means the receipt data is unable to be validated by Google
throw new Exception('Invalid receipt');
} elseif ($result === 0) {
throw new Exception('Invalid receipt');
} else {
throw new Exception(openssl_error_string());

How to retrieve metadata from salesforce with toolkit for PHP?

I want to retrieve the value of a parameter from my salesforce instance. For example, I want to recover the trusted IP range:
To do this, use the Metadata API. To access to this API, I use the toolkit for PHP.
However, the examples given only deal with the creation or the update of the parameters:
How to simply get the value of the parameter (for example the trusted IP range)?
The PHP toolkit shipped by Salesforce is quite outdated and should not be used. There are more recent forks/community projects (one,two) that attempt to implement a modern PHP client, perhaps one of these will work for you.
A simple(r) solution is to retrieve the SecuritySettings via a plain SOAP call to the Metadata API. The request payload with API version set to 46.0 should be
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="">
and the response looks like this (only relevant portion is shown, the actual response is much larger)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SecuritySettings xmlns="">
Translating to PHP:
$wsdl = PUBLIC_PATH . '/wsdl-metadata.xml';
$apiVersion = 46.0;
$singlePackage = true;
$members = 'Security';
$name = 'Settings';
$params = new StdClass();
$params->retrieveRequest = new StdClass();
$params->retrieveRequest->apiVersion = $apiVersion;
$params->retrieveRequest->singlePackage = $singlePackage;
$params->retrieveRequest->unpackaged = new StdClass();
$params->retrieveRequest->unpackaged->version = $apiVersion;
$params->retrieveRequest->unpackaged->type = new stdClass();
$params->retrieveRequest->unpackaged->type->members = $members;
$params->retrieveRequest->unpackaged->type->name = $name;
$option = [
'trace' => TRUE,
// Namespaces
$namespace = '';
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, $option);
$header = new SoapHeader($namespace, "SessionHeader", array ('sessionId' => $token)); // NEED: access token
$client->__setLocation($serverUrl); // NEED: service endpoint URL
$serviceResult = $client->retrieve($params);
You'll need to provide an access token ($token) and a service endpoint ($serverUrl).
For anyone trying to get this to work, identigral's example didn't work for me, had to do the following:
change $client->setEndpoint($serverUrl); to $client->__setLocation($serverUrl);
I was using Oauth to login, so you'll need to construct the $serverUrl from the response:
<instance_url> + '/services/Soap/m/46.0/' + <org id (from id)>

Verify JWT signature with RSA public key in PHP

In PHP, I'm trying to validate an AWS auth token (JWT returned from getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity) using the AWS's RSA public key (which I generated from modulus/exponent at The key begins with the appropriate headers/footers -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- etc. I've looked at a few PHP libraries like Emarref\Jwt\Jwt, however I get the error: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line. It all boils down to the basic php function: openssl_verify.
I've looked at the for openssl-verify, but I'm still not clear on the parameter details. The algorithm needed is RS512.
I am able to verify the JWT token using node.js with no problems (same key and token). For that I used the library:
Not sure why this doesn't work in PHP. Can I not use an RSA Public Key?
function verifyKey($public_key) {
$jwt = new Emarref\Jwt\Jwt();
$algorithm = new Emarref\Jwt\Algorithm\Rs512();
$factory = new Emarref\Jwt\Encryption\Factory();
$encryption = $factory->create($algorithm);
$context = new Emarref\Jwt\Verification\Context($encryption);
$token = $jwt->deserialize($authToken);
try {
$jwt->verify($token, $context);
} catch (Emarref\Jwt\Exception\VerificationException $e) {
Could you try using another PHP library:
// File test.php
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Jose\Checker\ExpirationChecker;
use Jose\Checker\IssuedAtChecker;
use Jose\Checker\NotBeforeChecker;
use Jose\Factory\KeyFactory;
use Jose\Factory\LoaderFactory;
use Jose\Factory\VerifierFactory;
use Jose\Object\JWKSet;
use Jose\Object\JWSInterface;
// We create a JWT loader.
$loader = LoaderFactory::createLoader();
// We load the input
$jwt = $loader->load($input);
if (!$jws instanceof JWSInterface) {
die('Not a JWS');
// Please note that at this moment the signature and the claims are not verified
// To verify a JWS, we need a JWKSet that contains public keys (from RSA key in your case).
// We create our key object (JWK) using a RSA public key
$jwk = KeyFactory::createFromPEM('-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----...');
// Then we set this key in a keyset (JWKSet object)
// Be careful, the JWKSet object is immutable. When you add a key, you get a new JWKSet object.
$jwkset = new JWKSet();
$jwkset = $jwkset->addKey($jwk);
// We create our verifier object with a list of authorized signature algorithms (only 'RS512' in this example)
// We add some checkers. These checkers will verify claims or headers.
$verifier = VerifierFactory::createVerifier(
new IssuedAtChecker(),
new NotBeforeChecker(),
new ExpirationChecker(),
$is_valid = $verifier->verify($jws, $jwkset);
// The variable $is_valid contains a boolean that indicates the signature is valid or not.
// If a claim is not verified (e.g. the JWT expired), an exception is thrown.
//Now you can use the $jws object to retreive all claims or header key/value pairs
I was able to get this library to work. However I had to build the key using KeyFactory::createFromValues instead of KeyFactory::createFromPEM. THANK YOU!

Signing an XML file (PHP)

I am facing an issue while trying to sign an XML file to make a soap request.
Here is the function I am using to get the signature in a variable:
private function signXml() {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
foreach($doc->getElementsByTagNameNS('*', 'SignedInfo') as $elm) {
$SignedInfo = $elm->c14n();
$key = openssl_pkey_get_private ( file_get_contents($this->lc_key) , $this->lc_Password); //file_get_contents($this->key);
if ( openssl_sign($SignedInfo, $crypt, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1) ) {
$this->data['SignatureValue'] = base64_encode($crypt);
} else {
throw new Exception('XML signature failed !');
When I use SoapUI to generate the signature, the request is successfully processed by the server. But when I use my php script I get a different signature, though the digestValues is the same and the server rises an Internal Error.
This are the standards I should use:
Key Identifiert Type => Binary Security Token
Signature Algorithm =>
Signature Canonicalization =>
Digest Algorithm => sha1
Signed Message Part => Body

Unable to listUserMessages() - 500 Backend Error

When using the below code to attempt to list messages received by a brand new gmail account I just set up, I get
[Google_Service_Exception] Error calling GET (500) Backend Error
I know the validation portion is working correctly because I'm able to make minor modifications and query the books api as shown in this example. Below is the code I'm using to attempt to query recent messages received...
const EMAIL = '';
private $permissions = [
private $serviceAccount = '';
/** #var Google_Service_Gmail */
private $gmail = null;
/** #var null|string */
private static $serviceToken = null;
public function __construct()
$client = new Google_Client();
$this->gmail = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);
if (isset(self::$serviceToken)) {
$credentials = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
if($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
self::$serviceToken = $client->getAccessToken();
public function getMessages()
I have granted API access to gmail:
The 500 makes me believe this is an internal error with the gmail API or I'm missing something the PHP client isn't validating.
This one work for me. My understanding is service account doesn't have a mailbox and it's not too sure which mailbox it should work on. So you can't use listUsersMessages() function to get all messages.
So you will need to specify which email address that the service account need to work on.
Make sure that the scope has been allowed on Web App API to
1. Add this line:
$credentials->sub = self::EMAIL;
2. Then Update your getMessages() to:
Hope this helps!
I imagine the account has logged in to the web interface already, right? Have you tried with a separate user? How about doing something like labels list instead? Did you try using the APIs explorer site?
Can you provide the first 5 digits of the developer's client ID (it's not secret anyway) so I can try to track down the error?
For this to work you have to impersonate an user account (the service account doesn't have a mailbox, as lthh89vt points out).
If you try to access the mailbox directly you will get the (500) Back End error.
The full code is:
$client_email = '';
$private_key = file_get_contents('MyProject.p12');
$scopes = array('');
$user_to_impersonate = '';
$credentials = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
'notasecret', // Default P12 password
'', // Default grant type
$client = new Google_Client();
if ($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
$service = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);
$results = $service->users_messages->listUsersMessages('me');
Full instructions can be found on Google APIs Client Library for PHP
