I'm trying to get the FB Messenger Bot API to work. I'm currently on the step where I'm trying to subscribe a webhook. I currently have a script of the following form:
$challenge = $_REQUEST['hub_challenge'];
echo $challenge; # HERE!
$verify_token = $_REQUEST['hub_verify_token'];
if ($verify_token === 'token') {
echo $challenge;
However when I try to "Verify and Save" the callback URL I get an error of the form:
The URL couldn't be validated. Response does not match challenge, expected value = '401537941', received=''
namely that my script is sending an empty string. However, if I change the line marked "HERE!" above to "echo 'cat' ", the error message is the same except "received='cat'" as expected. Thus, my script is being executed and is trying to send some content back to FB, but for some reason the $challenge variable is empty. Why could this be the case?
if($_GET['hub_verify_token'] === "validation_token"){
} else {
There are probably extra string in your response as you are not exiting after printing challenge. Try your script in browser and inspect html to see if there is anything extra.
Use the following code as you would need to seperate verification code from your work webhook calls. Also verify token is not something you create from Facebook, its your own keyword
/* validate verify token needed for setting up web hook */
if (isset($_GET['hub_verify_token'])) {
if ($_GET['hub_verify_token'] === 'YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN') {
echo $_GET['hub_challenge'];
} else {
echo 'Invalid Verify Token';
So in this case your verify token is YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN, now when you are setting up web hook, Type YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN in the verification token.
I wrote recently a step by step guide with screen shots here.
I'm having trouble implementing webhooks in FluidReview (used to be SurveyMonkey Apply). Specifically, I want to send a webhook with the applicant and current application status, triggered upon any change in application state, so that we can update our CRM with the latest status data. The problem is that I can't figure out setup the webhooks in FluidReview, and their documentation is abysmal (Fluid Review Webhooks, Fluid Review Triggers). Can anyone help me out by providing an example of setting up a simple or advanced webhook?
Steps followed thusfar:
1) I have a php endpoint on my wordpress site that uses the following code snippet to save the JSON from a webhook to the error log:
if(isset($_GET['fr-listener']) && $_GET['fr-listener'] == 'fr') {
error_log("fr-listener==fr hook caught!");
if($json = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true)) {
// if($json = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true)) {
error_log("JSON found");
// $data = var_export($json, true);
// error_log("data dump: " + $data);
// print_json($json);
} else {
error_log("no JSON found");
$data = $_POST;
I can use this to successfully catch webhooks from Stripe (I used the above snippet to help develop my Stripe webhook catcher) and get a look at their JSON contents. When I catch one of the webhooks from FluidReview, I get the "no JSON found" response. This is how I have the webhook set:
My Webhook Action
(URL = https://wfadev.pairsite.com/listen?fr-listener=fr, Method = POST, Request content = {{applicant.email}})
2) I have tried both setting simple and advanced webhooks, and neither of them are producing the JSON output I'd expect.
I did some more testing and it turns out that the "Request content" field is just a blank text field. To have it send JSON data from FluidReview, write it out like this, using the piping variables ("{{variable name}}")
"first_name": "{{user.first_name}}",
I'm doing a facebook messenger bot. After you start it, it makes a call to WebHook.
Unfortunately after the first start will not stop throwing the same call with the same parameters.
The settings are:
The source code is this: https://github.com/Ellusu/nuraghebot-facebookmessenger/blob/master/index.php
Where am I wrong?
Why does only one call?
By your code I decided that you can't setup your webhook, so from documentation
At your webhook URL, add code for verification. Your code should
expect the Verify Token you previously defined, and respond with the
challenge sent back in the verification request. Click the "Verify and
Save" button in the New Page Subscription to call your webhook with a
GET request.
So, for PHP to make a success with webhook setup you must return hub_challenge parameter.
Define $verify_token with your token and add something like:
if (!empty($_REQUEST['hub_mode']) && $_REQUEST['hub_mode'] == 'subscribe' && $_REQUEST['hub_verify_token'] == $verify_token) {
// Webhook setup request
echo $_REQUEST['hub_challenge']; exit;
After success setup, you can delete this code from your script.
Or, if your webhook already hooked:
You should skip any read and delivery messages, like this:
if (!empty($input['entry'][0]['messaging'])) {
foreach ($input['entry'][0]['messaging'] as $message) {
// Skipping delivery messages
if (!empty($message['delivery'])) {
// Skipping read messages
if (!empty($message['read'])) {
Or, you can deselect message_reads & message_deliveries checkboxes in Page Subscription section of your Facebook Page Settings/Webhooks.
In my PHP project I want to integrate SMS gateway.
I have integrated HSPSMS SMS gateway.
They have given one API for this,but unfortunately I am unable to call this in proper way. I have called API after user successfully registered to site for sending SMS to user regarding same to notify he had successfully registered. Currently I am sending SMS for same but API's can send response back for SMS delivery(Successfully SMS sent or not in a JSON format).
Here is a problem- I am unable to caught the return response of SMS gateway,so it causes the Response is showing on user/Web Page.
It is a problematic for user.
For calling SMS gateway I have used PHP Header function like:
header("Location:URL of SMS Gateway");
My Code as Bellow,
if(isset($_POST['submit1'])) {
$qr="insert into tempregistration values('','$cdate','$mname','$maddress1','$mschool','$mschool','$mkendra','$mmobile','$user','$pass','$approved')";
// Code for Registration SMS
$url = 'http://sms.hspsms.com/sendSMS?username=#USERNAME#&message=Dear User,You Have Succeffully Registered to ABC.com ,Thanks&sendername=HSPSMS&smstype=PROMO&numbers=9503808004&apikey=#APIKey#';
Please help me on same or guide where I am doing right or wrong?
Any help will be appreciable.
You're sending the user's browser to the API, what you want to do is have PHP make the request and then tell the user if it was successful or not.
You may be able to use get_file_contents, but curl will give you more control.
You should have a function that will send the request to the API and return a success/failure and then display a message to the user.
Something like this (untested):
if(isset($_POST['submit1'])) {
$qr="insert into tempregistration values('',
//update to encode parameters which contain spaces
$message = urlencode('Dear User, You have successfully registered ...');
// other parametes might also contain spaces ...
$username = urlencode('#USERNAME');
$sendername = urlencode('HSPSMS');
$url = 'http://sms.hspsms.com/sendSMS?username='.$username
if ($result = do_api_call($url)){
echo "SMS API returned:<br>";
echo $result;//for debugging
}else {
echo "Failure"
function do_api_call($url){
//this is very simplistic code to get you going ...
//use curl instead for more control
return file_get_contents($url);
I want to subscribe to picture object of a specific Facebook page. In order to do that I am following this article. I made uploaded the PHP file that would serve as callback here. Code below:
* This is sample subscription endpoint for using Facebook real-time update
* See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api/realtime to additional
* documentation
// Please make sure to REPLACE the value of VERIFY_TOKEN 'abc' with
// your own secret string. This is the value to pass to Facebook
// when add/modify this subscription.
define('VERIFY_TOKEN', 'app_code_123');
// In PHP, dots and spaces in query parameter names are converted to
// underscores automatically. So we need to check "hub_mode" instead
// of "hub.mode".
if ($method == 'GET' && $_GET['hub_mode'] == 'subscribe' &&
$_GET['hub_verify_token'] == VERIFY_TOKEN) {
echo $_GET['hub_challenge'];
} else if ($method == 'POST') {
$updates = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
// Replace with your own code here to handle the update
// Note the request must complete within 15 seconds.
// Otherwise Facebook server will consider it a timeout and
// resend the push notification again.
error_log('updates = ' . print_r($updates, true));
Then I got my access_token as directed in the article where I replaced client_id with APP_ID and client_secret with APP SECRET from my app details:
https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<REMOVED APP ID>&client_secret=<REMOVED CLIENT SECRET>
Followed by an attempt to create the subscription:
https://graph.facebook.com/<REMOVED APP ID>/subscriptions?access_token=<REMOVED APP ACCESS TOKEN>object=user&fields=feed&verify_token=app_code_123&method=post&callback_url=http://www.shameemcompany.com/facebook.php
But it fails with the error:
"message": "(#2200) callback verification failed: ",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 2200
I want to subscribe to a specific Facebook page so where or how would I specify that?
First you must use HTTP POST method instead of sending "..&method=POST&.."
Second, your server must be reachable from the internet.
And third, your server must be able to process concurrent requests, because facebook sends verification requests simultaneously.
I've been trying to implement openID authentication as a consumer in a project I'm developing, and I haven't yet managed to make even the examples work as I want.
Even though the example consumer works perfectly for yahoo openid authentication, it fails in the try_auth.php page with a 501 HTTP error when trying to use google openID.
Here's the code for try_auth.php (the page that handles the call to the actual openID provider):
require_once "common.php";
function getOpenIDURL() {
// Render a default page if we got a submission without an openid
// value.
if (empty($_GET['openid_identifier'])) {
$error = "Expected an OpenID URL.";
include 'index.php';
return $_GET['openid_identifier'];
function run() {
$openid = getOpenIDURL();
$consumer = getConsumer();
// Begin the OpenID authentication process.
$auth_request = $consumer->begin($openid);
// No auth request means we can't begin OpenID.
if (!$auth_request) {
displayError("Authentication error; not a valid OpenID.");
$sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::build(
// Required
// Optional
array('fullname', 'email'));
if ($sreg_request) {
$policy_uris = null;
if (isset($_GET['policies'])) {
$policy_uris = $_GET['policies'];
$pape_request = new Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Request($policy_uris);
if ($pape_request) {
// Redirect the user to the OpenID server for authentication.
// Store the token for this authentication so we can verify the
// response.
// For OpenID 1, send a redirect. For OpenID 2, use a Javascript
// form to send a POST request to the server.
if ($auth_request->shouldSendRedirect()) {
$redirect_url = $auth_request->redirectURL(getTrustRoot(),
// If the redirect URL can't be built, display an error
// message.
if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($redirect_url)) {
displayError("Could not redirect to server: " . $redirect_url->message);
} else {
// Send redirect.
header("Location: ".$redirect_url);
} else {
// Generate form markup and render it.
$form_id = 'openid_message';
$form_html = $auth_request->htmlMarkup(getTrustRoot(), getReturnTo(),
false, array('id' => $form_id));
// Display an error if the form markup couldn't be generated;
// otherwise, render the HTML.
if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($form_html)) {
displayError("Could not redirect to server: " . $form_html->message);
} else {
print $form_html;
Another think I noticed is that on my windows dev box (Apache 2.2.6 standalone, not XAMPP, PHP 5.3.8) everything runs smoothly, both yahoo and Google perform openID authentication without any issues.
Anyone have an idea what might be wrong?
Thanks in advance.
After some trial and error, I came to the conclusion that the 501 error occurs due to the Google openID url being passed to the page either as querystring (for form method "get") either as postdata (for form method "post"). In particular, the url I was using is
the last part (the "id") is triggering the 501 error. If I use
the error is not triggered. Well, since the two are equivalent urls, I'll be using the second one. I'm still curious as to why this was happening though.