I'm using this following function to check if images exist at their location. Each time the script runs it load about 40 - 50 urls and so its taking long time to load the page. I was thinking of using threading for the "for statement" (at the end of the script) but couldn't find many examples on how to do that. I'm not very familiar with multi-threading with php but i found an example here using popen.
My script:
function get_image_dim($sURL) {
try {
$hSock = # fopen($sURL, 'rb');
if ($hSock) {
while(!feof($hSock)) {
$vData = fread($hSock, 300);
if (strpos(' ' . $vData, 'JFIF')>0) {
$vData = substr($vData, 0, 300);
$asResult = unpack('H*',$vData);
$sBytes = $asResult[1];
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
$hex_width = '';
$hex_height = '';
if (strstr($sBytes, 'ffc2')) {
$hex_height = substr($sBytes, strpos($sBytes, 'ffc2') + 10, 4);
$hex_width = substr($sBytes, strpos($sBytes, 'ffc2') + 14, 4);
} else {
$hex_height = substr($sBytes, strpos($sBytes, 'ffc0') + 10, 4);
$hex_width = substr($sBytes, strpos($sBytes, 'ffc0') + 14, 4);
$width = hexdec($hex_width);
$height = hexdec($hex_height);
return array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
} elseif (strpos(' ' . $vData, 'GIF')>0) {
$vData = substr($vData, 0, 300);
$asResult = unpack('h*',$vData);
$sBytes = $asResult[1];
$sBytesH = substr($sBytes, 16, 4);
$height = hexdec(strrev($sBytesH));
$sBytesW = substr($sBytes, 12, 4);
$width = hexdec(strrev($sBytesW));
return array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
} elseif (strpos(' ' . $vData, 'PNG')>0) {
$vDataH = substr($vData, 22, 4);
$asResult = unpack('n',$vDataH);
$height = $asResult[1];
$vDataW = substr($vData, 18, 4);
$asResult = unpack('n',$vDataW);
$width = $asResult[1];
return array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
} catch (Exception $e) {}
return FALSE;
for($y=0;$y<= ($image_count-1);$y++){
$dim = get_image_dim($images[$y]);
if (empty($dim)) {
echo $images[$y];
$images = array_values($images);
The popen example i found was:
for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
// open ten processes
for ($j=0; $j<10; $j++) {
$pipe[$j] = popen('script.php', 'w');
// wait for them to finish
for ($j=0; $j<10; ++$j) {
I'm not sure which part of my code has to go in the script.php? I tried moving the whole script but that didn't work?
Any ideas on how can i implement this or if there is a better way to multi thread it? Thanks.
PHP does not have multi-threading natively. You can do it with pthreads, but having a little experience there, I can say with assurance that that is too much for your needs.
Your best bet will be to use curl, you can initiate multiple requests with curl_multi_init. Based off the example on, the following may work for your needs:
function curl_multi_callback(Array $urls, $callback, $cache_dir = NULL, $age = 600) {
$return = array();
$conn = array();
$max_age = time()-intval($age);
$mh = curl_multi_init();
if(is_dir($cache_dir)) {
foreach($urls as $i => $url) {
$cache_path = $cache_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.sha1($url).'.ser';
if(file_exists($cache_path)) {
$stat = stat($cache_path);
if($stat['atime'] > $max_age) {
$return[$i] = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_path));
} else {
foreach ($urls as $i => $url) {
$conn[$i] = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($conn[$i], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $conn[$i]);
do {
$status = curl_multi_exec($mh, $active);
// Keep attempting to get info so long as we get info
while (($info = curl_multi_info_read($mh)) !== FALSE) {
// We received information from Multi
if (false !== $info) {
// The connection was successful
$handle = $info['handle'];
// Find the index of the connection in `conn`
$i = array_search($handle, $conn);
if($info['result'] === CURLE_OK) {
// If we found an index and that index is set in the `urls` array
if(false !== $i && isset($urls[$i])) {
$content = curl_multi_getcontent($handle);
$return[$i] = $data = array(
'url' => $urls[$i],
'content' => $content,
'parsed' => call_user_func($callback, $content, $urls[$i]),
if(is_dir($cache_dir)) {
file_put_contents($cache_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.sha1($urls[$i]).'.ser', serialize($data));
} else {
// Handle failures how you will
// Close, even if a failure
curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $handle);
} while ($status === CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM || $active);
// Cleanup and resolve any remaining connections (unlikely)
if(!empty($conn)) {
foreach ($conn as $i => $handle) {
if(isset($urls[$i])) {
$content = curl_multi_getcontent($handle);
$return[$i] = $data = array(
'url' => $urls[$i],
'content' => $content,
'parsed' => call_user_func($callback, $content, $urls[$i]),
if(is_dir($cache_dir)) {
file_put_contents($cache_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.sha1($urls[$i]).'.ser', serialize($data));
curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $handle);
return $return;
$return = curl_multi_callback($urls, function($data, $url) {
echo "got $url\n";
return array('some stuff');
}, '/tmp', 30);
$url_dims = array(
'url' => 'http://www......',
'content' => raw content
'parsed' => return of get_image_dim
Just restructure your original function get_image_dim to consume the raw data and output whatever you are looking for.
This is not a complete function, there may be errors, or idiosyncrasies you need to resolve, but it should serve as a good starting point.
Updated to include caching. This changed a test I was running on 18 URLS from 1 second, to .007 seconds (with cache hits).
Note: you may want to not cache the full request contents, as I did, and just cache the url and the parsed data.
I am trying to implement a bittorrent tracker in Laravel. However, I am stuck at the moment as the download won't start. There is one peer which it appears to be seeding and I am 100% sure that it is connectable. But, when I run a second client on a different machine, the download won't start. It is stuck at "Connecting to peers" (uTorrent).
From the tracker I am sending the following response when the client makes an announce:
d8:intervali1000e12:min intervali300e5:peers18:�ؤ�i�ؑ�XÚJU�6e
In the downloading client I have the following data:
Here's my announce code:
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Announce;
use App\Helpers\BencodeHelper;
use App\Models\Peer;
use App\Models\PeerTorrent;
use App\Models\Torrent;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
class AnnounceController extends Controller
const __INTERVAL = 1000;
const __TIMEOUT = 120;
const __INTERVAL_MIN = 60;
const __MAX_PPR = 20;
public function announce(Request $request)
$status = 200;
$content = "";
$passkey = Input::get('passkey');
$peer_id = Input::get('peer_id');
$port = Input::get('port');
$info_hash = Input::get('info_hash');
$downloaded = Input::get('uploaded') ? intval(Input::get('uploaded')) : 0;
$uploaded = Input::get('uploaded') ? intval(Input::get('uploaded')) : 0;
$left = Input::get('left') ? intval(Input::get('left')) : 0;
$compact = Input::get('compact') ? intval(Input::get('compact')) : 0;
$no_peer_id = Input::get('no_peer_id') ? intval(Input::get('no_peer_id')) : 0;
$ipAddress = '';
// Check for X-Forwarded-For headers and use those if found
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && ('' !== trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))) {
$ipAddress = (trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']));
} else {
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && ('' !== trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))) {
$ipAddress = (trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
$port = $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
/*if(!$port || !ctype_digit($port) || intval($port) < 1 || intval($port) > 65535)
$content = BencodeHelper::track("Invalid client port.");
$status = 401;
return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status))
->header('Content-Type', $value);
if ($port == 999 && substr($peer_id, 0, 10) == '-TO0001-XX') {
die("d8:completei0e10:incompletei0e8:intervali600e12:min intervali60e5:peersld2:ip12:");
if (!$passkey) {
$content = BencodeHelper::track("Missing passkey.");
$status = 401;
return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status))
->header('Content-Type', $value);
$torrent = Torrent::getByInfoHash(sha1($info_hash));
if (!$torrent || $torrent == null) {
$content = "Torrent not registered with this tracker.";
$status = 404;
return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status))
->header('Content-Type', $value);
$user = User::has('passkeys', '=', $passkey)->get();
if ($user == null) {
$content = BencodeHelper::track("Invalid passkey.");
$status = 401;
return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status))
->header('Content-Type', $value);
$peer = Peer::getByHashAndPasskey(bin2hex($peer_id), $passkey);
if ($peer == null) {
$peer = Peer::create([
'hash' => bin2hex($peer_id),
'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],
'ip_address' => $ipAddress,
'passkey' => $passkey,
'port' => $port
if (!$info_hash || strlen($info_hash) != 20) {
$content = BencodeHelper::track("Invalid info_hash.");
$status = 401;
return (new Response(AnnounceController::track($content), $status))
->header('Content-Type', $value);
$peer_torrent = PeerTorrent::getByPeerAndTorrent($peer, $torrent);
if ($peer_torrent == null) {
$peer_torrent = PeerTorrent::create([
'peer_id' => $peer->id,
'torrent_id' => $torrent->id,
'uploaded' => $uploaded,
'downloaded' => $downloaded,
'left' => $left,
'stopped' => false
} else {
$peer_torrent->uploaded = $uploaded;
$peer_torrent->downloaded = $downloaded;
$peer_torrent->left = $left;
$seeders = $torrent->getSeedersCount();
$leechers = $torrent->getLeechersCount();
$resp = "";
if ($compact != 1) {
$resp = "d" . $this->benc_str("interval") . "i" . AnnounceController::__INTERVAL . "e" . $this->benc_str("peers") . "l";
} else {
$resp = "d" . $this->benc_str("interval") . "i" . AnnounceController::__INTERVAL . "e" . $this->benc_str("min interval") . "i" . 300 . "e5:" . "peers";
$peer = array();
$peer_num = 0;
foreach ($torrent->getPeersArray() as $row) {
if ($compact != 1) {
if ($row["peer_id"] === $peer->hash) {
$resp .= "d" . $this->benc_str("ip") . $this->benc_str($row['ip']);
if ($no_peer_id == 0) {
$resp .= $this->benc_str("peer id") . $this->benc_str($row["peer_id"]);
$resp .= $this->benc_str("port") . "i" . $row["port"] . "e" . "e";
} else {
$peer_ip = explode('.', $row["ip"]);
$peer_ip = pack("C*", $peer_ip[0], $peer_ip[1], $peer_ip[2], $peer_ip[3]);
$peer_port = pack("n*", (int)$row["port"]);
$time = intval((time() % 7680) / 60);
if ($left == 0) {
$time += 128;
$time = pack("C", $time);
$peer[] = $time . $peer_ip . $peer_port;
if ($compact != 1) {
$resp .= "ee";
} else {
$o = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $peer_num; $i++) {
$o .= substr($peer[$i], 1, 6);
$resp .= strlen($o) . ':' . $o . 'e';
public function benc_resp($d)
return $this->benc_resp_raw($this->benc(array('type' => 'dictionary', 'value' => $d)));
public function benc_resp_raw($x)
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] == 'gzip') {
header("Content-Encoding: gzip");
echo gzencode($x, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
} else {
echo $x;
function benc($obj)
if (!is_array($obj) || !isset($obj["type"]) || !isset($obj["value"]))
$c = $obj["value"];
switch ($obj["type"]) {
case "string":
return $this->benc_str($c);
case "integer":
return $this->benc_int($c);
case "list":
return $this->benc_list($c);
case "dictionary":
return $this->benc_dict($c);
public function benc_str($s)
return strlen($s) . ":$s";
public function benc_int($i)
return "i" . $i . "e";
public function benc_list($a)
$s = "l";
foreach ($a as $e) {
$s .= $this->benc($e);
$s .= "e";
return $s;
public function benc_dict($d)
$s = "d";
$keys = array_keys($d);
foreach ($keys as $k) {
$v = $d[$k];
$s .= $this->benc_str($k);
$s .= $this->benc($v);
$s .= "e";
return $s;
public function hex2bin($hex)
$r = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i += 2) {
$r .= chr(hexdec($hex{$i} . $hex{($i + 1)}));
return $r;
I am not quite sure what am I missing here.
Maybe it's because you constantly set
->header('Content-Type', $value);
without ever setting $value? So the "Announce-Response" is malformed?
$port = $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
I think the problem is that the tracker instead of register the port that the connecting peer sends in the announce string, the tracker register the remote port that the peer is connecting from.
That is almost certainly the wrong port to use.
File : smppclass.php
Implements : SMPPClass()
Description : This class can send messages via the SMPP protocol. Also supports unicode and multi-part messages.
License : GNU Lesser Genercal Public License:
Commercial advertisement: Contact for SMS connectivity and more elaborate SMPP libraries in PHP and other languages.
The following are the SMPP PDU types that we are using in this class.
Apart from the following 5 PDU types, there are a lot of SMPP directives
that are not implemented in this version.
define(CM_BIND_TRANSMITTER, 0x00000002);
define(CM_SUBMIT_SM, 0x00000004);
define(CM_SUBMIT_MULTI, 0x00000021);
define(CM_UNBIND, 0x00000006);
define(CM_ENQUIRELINK, 0x00000015);
define('generic_nack', 0x80000000);
define('bind_receiver', 0x00000001);
define('bind_receiver_resp', 0x80000001);
define('bind_transmitter', 0x00000002);
define('bind_transmitter_resp', 0x80000002);
define('query_sm', 0x00000003);
define('query_sm_resp', 0x80000003);
define('submit_sm', 0x00000004);
define('submit_sm_resp', 0x80000004);
define('deliver_sm', 0x00000005);
define('deliver_sm_resp', 0x80000005);
define('unbind', 0x00000006);
define('unbind_resp', 0x80000006);
define('replace_sm', 0x00000007);
define('replace_sm_resp', 0x80000007);
define('cancel_sm', 0x00000008);
define('cancel_sm_resp', 0x80000008);
define('bind_transceiver', 0x00000009);
define('bind_transceiver_resp', 0x80000009);
define('outbind', 0x0000000B);
define('enquire_link', 0x00000015);
define('enquire_link_resp', 0x80000015);
define('submit_multi', 0x00000021);
define('submit_multi_resp', 0x80000021);
define('alert_notification', 0x00000102);
define('data_sm', 0x00000103);
define('data_sm_resp', 0x80000103);
class SMPPClass
// public members:
$smpp = new SMPPClass();
function SMPPClass()
/* seed random generator */
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$seed = (float)$sec + ((float)$usec * 100000);
/* initialize member variables */
$this->_debug = true;
/* set this to false if you want to suppress debug output. */
$this->_socket = null;
$this->_command_status = 0;
$this->_sequence_number = 1;
$this->_source_address = "";
$this->_message_sequence = rand(1, 255);
$this->_message_id = 0;
$this->interface_version = 0x34;
$this->addr_ton = 1;
$this->addr_npi = 1;
$this->address_range = '';
$this->dlvrSms = array();
For SMS gateways that support sender-ID branding, the method
can be used to set the originating address.
$from : Originating address
function SetSender($from)
if (strlen($from) > 20) {
$this->debug("Error: sender id too long.\n");
$this->_source_address = $from;
This method initiates an SMPP session.
It is to be called BEFORE using the Send() method.
$host : SMPP ip to connect to.
$port : port # to connect to.
$username : SMPP system ID
$password : SMPP passord.
$system_type : SMPP System type
true if successful, otherwise false
$smpp->Start("", 2345, "chimit", "my_password", "client01");
function getMessageId(){
return $this->_message_id;
function Start($host, $port, $username, $password, $system_type, $type)
$testarr = stream_get_transports();
$have_tcp = false;
while (list(, $transport) = each($testarr)) {
if ($transport == "tcpp") {
$have_tcp = true;
if (!$have_tcp) {
$this->debug("No TCP support in this version of PHP.\n");
return false;
$this->_socket = #fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 120);
// todo: sanity check on input parameters
if (!$this->_socket) {
$this->debug("Error opening SMPP session.\n");
$this->debug("Error was: $errstr.\n");
socket_set_timeout($this->_socket, 120);
//$status = $this->SendBindTransmitter($username, $password, $system_type);
if ($type == 'transmitter') {
$status = $this->SendBindTransmitter($username, $password, $system_type);
} elseif ($type == 'receiver') {
$status = $this->SendBindReceiver($username, $password, $system_type);
if ($status != 0) {
$this->debug("Error binding to SMPP server. Invalid credentials?\n");
return($status == 0);
This method sends out one SMS message.
$to : destination address.
$text : text of message to send.
$unicode: Optional. Indicates if input string is html encoded unicode.
true if messages sent successfull, otherwise false.
$smpp->Send("31649072766", "This is an SMPP Test message.");
$smpp->Send("31648072766", "صباحالخير", true);
function Send($to, $text, $unicode = false)
if (strlen($to) > 20) {
$this->debug("to-address too long.\n");
if (!$this->_socket) {
$this->debug("Not connected, while trying to send SUBMIT_SM.\n");
// return;
$service_type = "";
//default source TON and NPI for international sender
$source_addr_ton = 1;
$source_addr_npi = 1;
$source_addr = $this->_source_address;
if (preg_match('/\D/', $source_addr)) {
//alphanumeric sender
$source_addr_ton = 5;
$source_addr_npi = 0;
} elseif (strlen($source_addr) < 11) {
//national or shortcode sender
$source_addr_ton = 2;
$source_addr_npi = 1;
$dest_addr_ton = 1;
$dest_addr_npi = 1;
$destination_addr = $to;
$esm_class = 3;
$protocol_id = 0;
$priority_flag = 0;
$schedule_delivery_time = "";
$validity_period = "";
$registered_delivery_flag = 1;
$replace_if_present_flag = 0;
$data_coding = 241;
$sm_default_msg_id = 0;
if ($unicode) {
$text = mb_convert_encoding($text, "UCS-2BE", "HTML-ENTITIES");
/* UCS-2BE */
$data_coding = 8;
/* UCS2 */
$multi = $this->split_message_unicode($text);
} else {
$multi = $this->split_message($text);
$multiple = (count($multi) > 1);
if ($multiple) {
$esm_class += 0x00000040;
$result = true;
while (list(, $part) = each($multi)) {
$short_message = $part;
$sm_length = strlen($short_message);
$status = $this->SendSubmitSM($service_type, $source_addr_ton, $source_addr_npi, $source_addr, $dest_addr_ton, $dest_addr_npi, $destination_addr, $esm_class, $protocol_id, $priority_flag, $schedule_delivery_time, $validity_period, $registered_delivery_flag, $replace_if_present_flag, $data_coding, $sm_default_msg_id, $sm_length, $short_message);
if ($status != 0) {
$this->debug("SMPP server returned error $status.\n");
$result = false;
return $result;
This method ends a SMPP session.
true if successful, otherwise false
Example: $smpp->End();
function end()
if (!$this->_socket) {
// not connected
$status = $this->SendUnbind();
if ($status != 0) {
$this->debug("SMPP Server returned error $status.\n");
$this->_socket = null;
return($status == 0);
This method sends an enquire_link PDU to the server and waits for a response.
true if successfull, otherwise false.
Example: $smpp->TestLink()
function TestLink()
$pdu = "";
$status = $this->SendPDU(enquire_link, $pdu);
return($status == 0);
function ReadSms()
$pdu = "";
$status = true;
$m = 0;
echo date('H:i:s') . "\n";
$status = $this->SendPDU(deliver_sm_resp, $pdu);
return $this->dlvrSms;
function QuerySms($message_id, $gsm)
$this->dlvrSms = array();
socket_set_timeout($this->_socket, 120);
$pdu = "";
$message_id = $message_id;
$source_addr_ton = 1;
$source_addr_npi = 1;
$source_addr = $gsm;
////$pdu = pack($message_id . chr(0), $source_addr_ton . chr(0), $source_addr_npi . chr(0), $source_addr);
$status = $this->SendPDU(deliver_sm, $pdu);
return $this->dlvrSms;
This method sends a single message to a comma separated list of phone numbers.
There is no limit to the number of messages to send.
$tolist : comma seperated list of phone numbers
$text : text of message to send
$unicode: Optional. Indicates if input string is html encoded unicode string.
true if messages received by smpp server, otherwise false.
$smpp->SendMulti("31777110204,31649072766,...,...", "This is an SMPP Test message.");
function SendMulti($tolist, $text, $unicode = false)
if (!$this->_socket) {
$this->debug("Not connected, while trying to send SUBMIT_MULTI.\n");
// return;
$service_type = '';
//default source TON and NPI for international sender
$source_addr_ton = 1;
$source_addr_npi = 1;
$source_addr = $this->_source_address;
if (preg_match('/\D/', $source_addr)) {
//alphanumeric sender
$source_addr_ton = 5;
$source_addr_npi = 0;
} elseif (strlen($source_addr) < 11) {
//national or shortcode sender
$source_addr_ton = 2;
$source_addr_npi = 1;
$dest_addr_ton = 1;
$dest_addr_npi = 1;
$destination_arr = explode(",", $tolist);
$esm_class = 3;
$protocol_id = 0;
$priority_flag = 0;
$schedule_delivery_time = "";
$validity_period = "";
$registered_delivery_flag = 1;
$replace_if_present_flag = 0;
$data_coding = 241;
$sm_default_msg_id = 0;
if ($unicode) {
$text = mb_convert_encoding($text, "UCS-2BE", "HTML-ENTITIES");
$data_coding = 8;
/* UCS2 */
$multi = $this->split_message_unicode($text);
} else {
$multi = $this->split_message($text);
$multiple = (count($multi) > 1);
if ($multiple) {
$esm_class += 0x00000040;
$result = true;
while (list(, $part) = each($multi)) {
$short_message = $part;
$sm_length = strlen($short_message);
$status = $this->SendSubmitMulti($service_type, $source_addr_ton, $source_addr_npi, $source_addr, $dest_addr_ton, $dest_addr_npi, $destination_arr, $esm_class, $protocol_id, $priority_flag, $schedule_delivery_time, $validity_period, $registered_delivery_flag, $replace_if_present_flag, $data_coding, $sm_default_msg_id, $sm_length, $short_message);
if ($status != 0) {
$this->debug("SMPP server returned error $status.\n");
$result = false;
return $result;
// private members (not documented):
function ExpectPDU($our_sequence_number)
do {
$this->debug("\n\nTrying to read PDU.\n");
if (feof($this->_socket)) {
$this->debug("Socket was closed.!!\n");
return false;
$elength = fread($this->_socket, 4);
if (empty($elength)) {
$this->debug("Connection lost.\n");
return false;
extract(unpack("Nlength", $elength));
$this->debug("Reading PDU : $length bytes.\n");
$stream = fread($this->_socket, $length - 4);
//$stream = fread($this->_socket, 12);
if (!$stream)
return false;
$this->debug("Stream len : " . strlen($stream) . "\n");
$this->debug("Stream Hex : " . $this->printHex($stream) . "\n");
extract(unpack("Ncommand_id/Ncommand_status/Nsequence_number", $stream));
//$info = stream_get_meta_data($this->_socket);
//$this->debug("stream_get_meta_data id : ".var_export($info,true)."\n");
$command_id &= 0x0fffffff;
$this->debug("Command id : $command_id.\n");
$this->debug("Command status : $command_status.\n");
$this->debug("sequence_number : $sequence_number.\n");
$pdu = substr($stream, 12);
switch ($command_id) {
case bind_transmitter:
$this->debug("Got bind_transmitter_RESP.\n");
$spec = "asystem_id";
//extract($this->unpack2($spec, $pdu));
$this->debug("system id : $system_id.\n");
case bind_receiver:
$this->debug("Got bind_receiver_RESP.\n");
$spec = "asystem_id";
extract($this->unpack2($spec, $pdu));
$this->debug("system id : $system_id.\n");
case unbind:
$this->debug("Got unbind_RESP.\n");
case submit_sm:
$this->debug("Got submit_sm_RESP.\n");
if ($command_status == 0) {
$spec = "amessage_id";
extract($this->unpack2($spec, $pdu));
$this->debug("message id : $message_id.\n");
$this->_message_id = $message_id;
case submit_multi:
$this->debug("Got submit_multi_RESP.\n");
$spec = "amessage_id/cno_unsuccess/";
extract($this->unpack2($spec, $pdu));
$this->debug("message id : $message_id.\n");
$this->debug("no_unsuccess : $no_unsuccess.\n");
case enquire_link:
$this->debug("GOT enquire_link_RESP.\n");
case deliver_sm;
$this->debug("GOT deliver_sm.\n");
$body = substr($stream, 8, $length);
$this->dlvrSms[] = $this->parseSMS($body, $sequence_number);
$this->SendPDU(deliver_sm_resp, "",$sequence_number);
case deliver_sm_resp;
$this->debug("GOT deliver_sm_resp.\n");
//$body = substr($stream,8, $length);
//$this->dlvrSms[]= $this->parseSMS($body);
case query_sm;
$this->debug("GOT deliver_sm.\n");
$body = substr($stream, 8, $length);
$this->dlvrSms[] = $this->parseSMS($body, $sequence_number);
case generic_nack:
$this->debug("Got generic_nack SMPP pdu.\n");
$spec = "ccommand_length/ccommand_id/ccommand_status/csequence_number";
extract($this->unpack2($spec, $pdu));
$this->debug("command_length generic_nack == " . $command_length . "\n");
$this->debug("command_id generic_nack == " . $command_id . "\n");
$this->debug("command_status generic_nack == " . $command_status . "\n");
$this->debug("command_status generic_nack == " . $command_status . "\n");
$this->debug("Got unknow $command_id SMPP pdu.\n");
$this->debug("\nReceived PDU: \n");
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($stream); $i++) {
if (ord($stream[$i]) < 32)
$this->debug("(" . ord($stream[$i]) . ")");
} while ($sequence_number != $our_sequence_number);
return $command_status;
* #private function
* Parse deliver PDU from SMSC.
* #param $pdu - deliver PDU from SMSC.
* #return parsed PDU as array.
function parseSMS($body, $sequence_number)
//check command id
//unpack PDU
$ar = unpack("C*", $body);
$sms = array('service_type' => $this->getString($ar, 6), 'source_addr_ton' => array_shift($ar), 'source_addr_npi' => array_shift($ar), 'source_addr' => $this->getString($ar, 21), 'dest_addr_ton' => array_shift($ar), 'dest_addr_npi' => array_shift($ar), 'destination_addr' => $this->getString($ar, 21), 'esm_class' => array_shift($ar), 'protocol_id' => array_shift($ar), 'priority_flag' => array_shift($ar), 'schedule_delivery_time' => array_shift($ar), 'validity_period' => array_shift($ar), 'registered_delivery' => array_shift($ar), 'replace_if_present_flag' => array_shift($ar), 'data_coding' => array_shift($ar), 'sm_default_msg_id' => array_shift($ar), 'sm_length' => array_shift($ar), 'short_message' => $this->getString($ar, 255));
// $this->_sequence_number=$sequence_number;
//send responce of recieving sms
return $sms;
function SendPDU($command_id, $pdu, $sequence_number = null)
if ($sequence_number == null) {
$sequence_number = $this->_sequence_number;
$length = strlen($pdu) + 16;
$header = pack("NNNN", $length, $command_id, $this->_command_status, $sequence_number);
$this->debug("Sending PDU, len == $length\n");
$this->debug("Sending PDU, header-len == " . strlen($header) . "\n");
$this->debug("Sending PDU, command_id == " . $command_id . "\n");
$this->debug("Sending PDU, sequence number == " . $sequence_number . "\n");
$this->debug("Sending PDU, command status == " . $this->_command_status . "\n");
fwrite($this->_socket, $header . $pdu, $length);
$status = $this->ExpectPDU($sequence_number);
$this->_sequence_number = $this->_sequence_number + 1;
return $status;
function SendBindTransmitter($system_id, $smpppassword, $system_type)
$system_id = $system_id . chr(0);
$system_id_len = strlen($system_id);
$smpppassword = $smpppassword . chr(0);
$smpppassword_len = strlen($smpppassword);
$system_type = $system_type . chr(0);
$system_type_len = strlen($system_type);
$pdu = pack("a{$system_id_len}a{$smpppassword_len}a{$system_type_len}CCCa1", $system_id, $smpppassword, $system_type, $this->interface_version, $this->addr_ton, $this->addr_npi, $this->address_range);
$this->debug("Bind Transmitter PDU: ");
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pdu); $i++) {
$this->debug(ord($pdu[$i]) . " ");
$status = $this->SendPDU(bind_transmitter, $pdu);
return $status;
function SendBindReceiver($system_id, $smpppassword, $system_type)
$system_id = $system_id . chr(0);
$system_id_len = strlen($system_id);
$smpppassword = $smpppassword . chr(0);
$smpppassword_len = strlen($smpppassword);
$system_type = $system_type . chr(0);
$system_type_len = strlen($system_type);
$pdu = pack("a{$system_id_len}a{$smpppassword_len}a{$system_type_len}CCCa1" . (strlen($this->address_range) + 1), $system_id, $smpppassword, $system_type, $this->interface_version, $this->addr_ton, $this->addr_npi, $this->address_range);
$this->debug("Bind Receiver PDU: ");
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pdu); $i++) {
$this->debug(ord($pdu[$i]) . " ");
$status = $this->SendPDU(bind_transceiver, $pdu);
return $status;
function SendUnbind()
$pdu = "";
$status = $this->SendPDU(unbind, $pdu);
return $status;
function SendSubmitSM($service_type, $source_addr_ton, $source_addr_npi, $source_addr, $dest_addr_ton, $dest_addr_npi, $destination_addr, $esm_class, $protocol_id, $priority_flag, $schedule_delivery_time, $validity_period, $registered_delivery_flag, $replace_if_present_flag, $data_coding, $sm_default_msg_id, $sm_length, $short_message)
$service_type = $service_type . chr(0);
$service_type_len = strlen($service_type);
$source_addr = $source_addr . chr(0);
$source_addr_len = strlen($source_addr);
$destination_addr = $destination_addr . chr(0);
$destination_addr_len = strlen($destination_addr);
$schedule_delivery_time = $schedule_delivery_time . chr(0);
$schedule_delivery_time_len = strlen($schedule_delivery_time);
$validity_period = $validity_period . chr(0);
$validity_period_len = strlen($validity_period);
// $short_message = $short_message . chr(0);
$message_len = $sm_length;
$spec = "a{$service_type_len}cca{$source_addr_len}cca{$destination_addr_len}ccca{$schedule_delivery_time_len}a{$validity_period_len}ccccca{$message_len}";
$this->debug("PDU spec: $spec.\n");
$pdu = pack($spec, $service_type, $source_addr_ton, $source_addr_npi, $source_addr, $dest_addr_ton, $dest_addr_npi, $destination_addr, $esm_class, $protocol_id, $priority_flag, $schedule_delivery_time, $validity_period, $registered_delivery_flag, $replace_if_present_flag, $data_coding, $sm_default_msg_id, $sm_length, $short_message);
$status = $this->SendPDU(submit_sm, $pdu);
return $status;
function SendSubmitMulti($service_type, $source_addr_ton, $source_addr_npi, $source_addr, $dest_addr_ton, $dest_addr_npi, $destination_arr, $esm_class, $protocol_id, $priority_flag, $schedule_delivery_time, $validity_period, $registered_delivery_flag, $replace_if_present_flag, $data_coding, $sm_default_msg_id, $sm_length, $short_message)
$service_type = $service_type . chr(0);
$service_type_len = strlen($service_type);
$source_addr = $source_addr . chr(0);
$source_addr_len = strlen($source_addr);
$number_destinations = count($destination_arr);
$dest_flag = 1;
$spec = "a{$service_type_len}cca{$source_addr_len}c";
$pdu = pack($spec, $service_type, $source_addr_ton, $source_addr_npi, $source_addr, $number_destinations);
$dest_flag = 1;
while (list(, $destination_addr) = each($destination_arr)) {
$destination_addr .= chr(0);
$dest_len = strlen($destination_addr);
$spec = "ccca{$dest_len}";
$pdu .= pack($spec, $dest_flag, $dest_addr_ton, $dest_addr_npi, $destination_addr);
$schedule_delivery_time = $schedule_delivery_time . chr(0);
$schedule_delivery_time_len = strlen($schedule_delivery_time);
$validity_period = $validity_period . chr(0);
$validity_period_len = strlen($validity_period);
$message_len = $sm_length;
$spec = "ccca{$schedule_delivery_time_len}a{$validity_period_len}ccccca{$message_len}";
$pdu .= pack($spec, $esm_class, $protocol_id, $priority_flag, $schedule_delivery_time, $validity_period, $registered_delivery_flag, $replace_if_present_flag, $data_coding, $sm_default_msg_id, $sm_length, $short_message);
$this->debug("\nMulti PDU: ");
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pdu); $i++) {
if (ord($pdu[$i]) < 32)
$status = $this->SendPDU(submit_multi, $pdu);
return $status;
function split_message($text)
$this->debug("\n\nIn split_message.\n");
$max_len = 153;
$res = array();
if (strlen($text) <= 160) {
$this->debug("One message: " . strlen($text) . "\n");
$res[] = $text;
return $res;
$pos = 0;
$msg_sequence = $this->_message_sequence++;
$num_messages = ceil(strlen($text) / $max_len);
$part_no = 1;
while ($pos < strlen($text)) {
$ttext = substr($text, $pos, $max_len);
$pos += strlen($ttext);
$udh = pack("cccccc", 5, 0, 3, $msg_sequence, $num_messages, $part_no);
$res[] = $udh . $ttext;
$this->debug("Split: UDH = ");
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($udh); $i++) {
$this->debug(ord($udh[$i]) . " ");
$this->debug("Split: $ttext.\n");
return $res;
function split_message_unicode($text)
$this->debug("\n\nIn split_message.\n");
$max_len = 134;
$res = array();
if (mb_strlen($text) <= 140) {
$this->debug("One message: " . mb_strlen($text) . "\n");
$res[] = $text;
return $res;
$pos = 0;
$msg_sequence = $this->_message_sequence++;
$num_messages = ceil(mb_strlen($text) / $max_len);
$part_no = 1;
while ($pos < mb_strlen($text)) {
$ttext = mb_substr($text, $pos, $max_len);
$pos += mb_strlen($ttext);
$udh = pack("cccccc", 5, 0, 3, $msg_sequence, $num_messages, $part_no);
$res[] = $udh . $ttext;
$this->debug("Split: UDH = ");
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($udh); $i++) {
$this->debug(ord($udh[$i]) . " ");
$this->debug("Split: $ttext.\n");
return $res;
function unpack2($spec, $data)
$res = array();
$specs = explode("/", $spec);
$pos = 0;
while (list(, $sp) = each($specs)) {
$subject = substr($data, $pos);
$type = substr($sp, 0, 1);
$var = substr($sp, 1);
switch ($type) {
case "N":
$temp = unpack("Ntemp2", $subject);
$res[$var] = $temp["temp2"];
$pos += 4;
case "c":
$temp = unpack("ctemp2", $subject);
$res[$var] = $temp["temp2"];
$pos += 1;
case "a":
$pos2 = strpos($subject, chr(0)) + 1;
$temp = unpack("a{$pos2}temp2", $subject);
$res[$var] = $temp["temp2"];
$pos += $pos2;
return $res;
* #private function
* Reads C style zero padded string from the char array.
* #param $ar - input array
* #param $maxlen - maximum length to read.
* #return readed string.
function getString(&$ar, $maxlen = 255)
$s = "";
$i = 0;
do {
$c = array_shift($ar);
if ($c != 0)
$s .= chr($c);
} while ($i < $maxlen && $c != 0);
return $s;
* #private function
* Prints the binary string as hex bytes.
* #param $maxlen - maximum length to read.
function printHex($pdu)
$a = "";
$ar = unpack("C*", $pdu);
foreach ($ar as $v) {
$s = dechex($v);
if (strlen($s) < 2)
$s = "0$s";
$a .= "$s ";
return $a . "\n";
function debug($str)
if ($this->_debug) {
echo $str;
Deliver_sm and Deliver_sm_resp is not working, When i request for delivery report the server is sending me deliver_sm but deliver_sm_resp is not working.
Any body know how to receive delivery report of specific sms, although i have message id of every sms.
I use openssl_pkcs7_sign and openssl_pkcs7_encrypt to create encrypted data. The functions only accept file names. I would like to store the temporary files in shared memory to improve performance. I understand in Linux I can file_put_contents('/dev/shm/xxx', data), but it is not possible for Windows. Is there portable way in PHP to do this? Would shmop_ function help here? Thanks.
PS: Or is there way to make these functions accept data strings?
PS2: Please do not suggest invoking /usr/bin/openssl from PHP. It is not portable.
Ok, so the way I would suggest doing this is with a file stream wrapper. Let me whip up a quick example:
class staticStreamWrapper {
public $context;
protected static $data = array();
protected $path = '';
protected $pointer = 0;
protected $writable = false;
public function stream_close() {}
public function stream_eof() {
return $this->pointer >= strlen(static::$data[$this->path]);
public function stream_flush() {}
public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path) {
switch ($mode[0]) {
case 'r':
if (!isset(static::$data[$path])) return false;
$this->path = $path;
$this->writable = isset($mode[1]) && $mode[1] == '+';
case 'w':
static::$data[$path] = '';
$this->path = $path;
$this->writable = true;
case 'a':
if (!isset(static::$data[$path])) static::$data[$path] = '';
$this->path = $path;
$this->writable = true;
$this->pointer = strlen(static::$data[$path]);
case 'x':
if (isset(static::$data[$path])) return false;
$this->path = $path;
$this->writable = true;
case 'c':
if (!isset(static::$data[$path])) static::$data[$path] = '';
$this->path = $path;
$this->writable = true;
return false;
$opened_path = $this->path;
return true;
public function stream_read($count) {
$bytes = min(strlen(static::$data[$this->path]) - $this->pointer, $count);
$data = substr(static::$data[$this->path], $this->pointer, $bytes);
$this->pointer += $bytes;
return $data;
public function stream_seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET) {
$len = strlen(static::$data[$this->path]);
switch ($whence) {
case SEEK_SET:
if ($offset <= $len) {
$this->pointer = $offset;
return true;
case SEEK_CUR:
if ($this->pointer + $offset <= $len) {
$this->pointer += $offset;
return true;
case SEEK_END:
if ($len + $offset <= $len) {
$this->pointer = $len + $offset;
return true;
return false;
public function stream_stat() {
$size = strlen(static::$data[$this->path]);
$time = time();
return array(
0 => 0,
'dev' => 0,
1 => 0,
'ino' => 0,
2 => 0777,
'mode' => 0777,
3 => 1,
'nlink' => 1,
4 => 0,
'uid' => 0,
5 => 0,
'gid' => 0,
6 => '',
'rdev' => '',
7 => $size,
'size' => $size,
8 => $time,
'atime' => $time,
9 => $time,
'mtime' => $time,
10 => $time,
'ctime' => $time,
11 => -1,
'blksize' => -1,
12 => -1,
'blocks' => -1,
public function stream_tell() {
return $this->pointer;
public function stream_write($data) {
if (!$this->writable) return 0;
$size = strlen($data);
$len = strlen(static::$data[$this->path]);
if ($this->stream_eof()) {
static::$data[$this->path] .= $data;
} else {
static::$data[$this->path] = substr_replace(
$this->pointer += $size;
return $size;
public function unlink($path) {
if (isset(static::$data[$path])) {
return true;
Now, you would then need to register the wrapper:
stream_wrapper_register('static', 'staticStreamWrapper');
So you now can treat it like a file even though it never actually leaves PHP (it's stored as a static variable)!
file_put_contents('static://foo.txt', 'this is my data');
file_get_contents('static://foo.txt'); // "this is my data"
$f = fopen('static://foo.txt', 'r'); // should return a resource
// etc...
Since Windows 2000, the shmop (previously shm_) methods are available.
shmop_open uses a unique integer key to share the memory area. ftok can be used to produce a unique index based on a file path (typically your script file's full path). Any instance that shares the same key can share the same memory.
Tested on PHP Version 5.3.3 from Zend Server CE
System Windows NT CRYPE 6.1 build 7601 (Unknow Windows version Business Edition Service Pack 1) i586
$key = ftok(__FILE__, 't');
$memory = shmop_open($key, "c", 0600, 16 * 1024);
$data = array('data' => 'value');
$bytes = shmop_write($memory, serialize($data), 0);
$return = shmop_read($memory, 0, $bytes);
shmop_read/shmop_write stores raw bytes from a string, so you don't need to serialize it, but you will need to write the length of the string somewhere. My example creates a 16KB shared memory area, you can of course size it to fit the openssl file plus the space you need to store the file size.
I have a php string containing the serialization of a javascript object :
$string = '{fu:"bar",baz:["bat"]}';
The actual string is far more complicated, of course, but still well-formed javascript. This is not standard JSON, so json_decode fails. Do you know any php library that would parse this string and return a php associative array ?
This sounded like a fun challenge, so I coded up a tiny parser :D
class JsParserException extends Exception {}
function parse_jsobj($str, &$data) {
$str = trim($str);
if(strlen($str) < 1) return;
if($str{0} != '{') {
throw new JsParserException('The given string is not a JS object');
$str = substr($str, 1);
/* While we have data, and it's not the end of this dict (the comma is needed for nested dicts) */
while(strlen($str) && $str{0} != '}' && $str{0} != ',') {
/* find the key */
if($str{0} == "'" || $str{0} == '"') {
/* quoted key */
list($str, $key) = parse_jsdata($str, ':');
} else {
$match = null;
/* unquoted key */
if(!preg_match('/^\s*[a-zA-z_][a-zA-Z_\d]*\s*:/', $str, $match)) {
throw new JsParserException('Invalid key ("'.$str.'")');
$key = $match[0];
$str = substr($str, strlen($key));
$key = trim(substr($key, 0, -1)); /* discard the ':' */
list($str, $data[$key]) = parse_jsdata($str, '}');
"Finshed dict. Str: '$str'\n";
return substr($str, 1);
function comma_or_term_pos($str, $term) {
$cpos = strpos($str, ',');
$tpos = strpos($str, $term);
if($cpos === false && $tpos === false) {
throw new JsParserException('unterminated dict or array');
} else if($cpos === false) {
return $tpos;
} else if($tpos === false) {
return $cpos;
return min($tpos, $cpos);
function parse_jsdata($str, $term="}") {
$str = trim($str);
if(is_numeric($str{0}."0")) {
/* a number (int or float) */
$newpos = comma_or_term_pos($str, $term);
$num = trim(substr($str, 0, $newpos));
$str = substr($str, $newpos+1); /* discard num and comma */
if(!is_numeric($num)) {
throw new JsParserException('OOPSIE while parsing number: "'.$num.'"');
return array(trim($str), $num+0);
} else if($str{0} == '"' || $str{0} == "'") {
/* string */
$q = $str{0};
$offset = 1;
do {
$pos = strpos($str, $q, $offset);
$offset = $pos;
} while($str{$pos-1} == '\\'); /* find un-escaped quote */
$data = substr($str, 1, $pos-1);
$str = substr($str, $pos);
$pos = comma_or_term_pos($str, $term);
$str = substr($str, $pos+1);
return array(trim($str), $data);
} else if($str{0} == '{') {
/* dict */
$data = array();
$str = parse_jsobj($str, $data);
return array($str, $data);
} else if($str{0} == '[') {
/* array */
$arr = array();
$str = substr($str, 1);
while(strlen($str) && $str{0} != $term && $str{0} != ',') {
$val = null;
list($str, $val) = parse_jsdata($str, ']');
$arr[] = $val;
$str = trim($str);
$str = trim(substr($str, 1));
return array($str, $arr);
} else if(stripos($str, 'true') === 0) {
/* true */
$pos = comma_or_term_pos($str, $term);
$str = substr($str, $pos+1); /* discard terminator */
return array(trim($str), true);
} else if(stripos($str, 'false') === 0) {
/* false */
$pos = comma_or_term_pos($str, $term);
$str = substr($str, $pos+1); /* discard terminator */
return array(trim($str), false);
} else if(stripos($str, 'null') === 0) {
/* null */
$pos = comma_or_term_pos($str, $term);
$str = substr($str, $pos+1); /* discard terminator */
return array(trim($str), null);
} else if(strpos($str, 'undefined') === 0) {
/* null */
$pos = comma_or_term_pos($str, $term);
$str = substr($str, $pos+1); /* discard terminator */
return array(trim($str), null);
} else {
throw new JsParserException('Cannot figure out how to parse "'.$str.'" (term is '.$term.')');
$data = '{fu:"bar",baz:["bat"]}';
$parsed = array();
parse_jsobj($data, $parsed);
array (
'fu' => 'bar',
'baz' =>
array (
0 => 'bat',
Tested with these strings:
'{"quoted key":[1,2,3]}',
Pear Services_JSON will parse that string (tested version 1.31). But given that that is a JSON parser and that this isn't valid JSON you have no guarantee that future versions will still work.
I found out that the Yii-framework's CJSON::decode() function handles Javascript objects as well.
If you're not using Yii, you should be able to just use the source code
thank luttkens
the CJON::decode() class of the Yii-framework works perfectly !
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/phplib/CJSON.php");
$json = new CJSON();
$data = $json->decode('{ url : "/jslib/maps/marker/marker_red.png", height : 34, width : 20, anchorIcon : [5,25.5], anchorText : [0,2], }', true);
print_r( $data );
result :
[url] => /jslib/maps/marker/marker_red.png
[height] => 34
[width] => 20
[anchorIcon] => Array
[0] => 5
[1] => 25.5
[anchorText] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 2
What about that library?
I haven't tried it yet.