Typo3 7: Change fluid_styled_content textmedia video width - php

I want to change the default size of a textmedia video in the frontend. Right now if I upload a new video (format: vimeo), for some reason {column.dimensions.width} is 490 - is there a way to change this via typoscript? Where does that come from?
I'd be thankful for any hints!

This comes from the calculateMediaWidthsAndHeights function from the class GalleryProcessor in the system extension frontend. The width depends on some facts:
Maximum width of the media element (maxGalleryWidth)
This property is set in TypoScript. The path:
Width for each media element. It is set inside the element. See the image below:
How many columns do you have. "Number of Columns" set to 2 in default.
The logic is like: you have a max size for your "gallery", because each textmedia element is a gallery of media elements. The function calculates how many elements you want to show in one row, caped with the max width of the element.
So you have two solution:
1) You try to adjust the TypoScript value for maxGalleryWidth and the Max Element Width
2) You make your own fluid template which one in case of 1 video renders it just the way you want.
fluid_styled_content is very flexible in this matter.


How to embed pdf within an iframe with height exactly one page?

I am trying to embed a pdf within an iframe but when I set height to 100% it is really small.
Is there a way to make the height exactly one page?
my code
<iframe src="/wp-content/uploads/test.pdf#view=FitH" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
Try to add some CSS into your code as below:
<iframe src="/wp-content/uploads/test.pdf#view=FitH" style="width: 100%; height: 100vh"></iframe>
There are two parts to the question
Part 1
"when I set height="100%" the frame is too small
it will be 150px on whatever device since you cannot use % for frame height. The correct way is to set a frame to 100vh (viewport height as suggested by Baris Taskiran in their answer) but there are frame imbedding values that suggest say style as width: calc(100vw - 18px)!important; min-height: calc(100vh - 18px)!important ; can be preferable to avoid drag resizing issues.
see https://stackoverflow.com/a/74354395/10802527
Part 2
You cannot force a browser internal PDF view (it is after PDF download, or not, or download and view. Embed, iFrame or Object it makes no difference the PDF is out of your control and in the application/PDF) but you may suggest it attempt to FitV (fit the vertical) in the viewers downloaded frame.
However that can be meaningless for some PDF viewing plugins, if they are not Acrobat since those are Adobe Acrobat "fragments" and do not need to be supported by plugin extensions such as Chromes Foxit/Skia or Firefoxs PDF.js etc.
For more on the topic see https://stackoverflow.com/a/72265519/10802527 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/72106063/10802527
The question asked is why the middle FitV appears not to be working and since both the HTML and the PDF now belong to the user, they may edit or control view as they wish. This allows users to change font if they wish to inverted W&B Comic Sans or allow for different screen sizes/dpi etc. Both the files are 100% theirs.
The following answer does NOT work:
This may not be practical for you, but this is how I guarantee that only one page of a pdf is displayed in an .
Give your a class--I use "x85x110" for 8.5" x 11" paper and use the following CSS:
iframe.x85x110 { height:calc(103% * (8.5 / 11)); }
The "103%" is a fudge factor that you can change to get exactly the height you want, i.e., to get just a hair of the blank space between one page and the next. The white-space on either side of the "*" and "/" is critical--calc won't work without it.
This answer, however, DOES work:
First the CSS:
iframe.x85x110 { width:80%; }
Second, the HTML:
<iframe class="x85x110" src="A Boy And His Dog/docs/Downunder Expansion - 8.5 x 11 - 10pt.pdf"></iframe>
Third, the javascript:
<script type="text/javascript" >
window.addEventListener('resize', x85x110);
function x85x110()
array_x85x110 = document.getElementsByClassName("x85x110");
for (count=0; count<array_x85x110.length; count++)
array_x85x110[count].style.height = Math.round(array_x85x110[count].offsetWidth * (11.0 / 8.5)) + "px";
} // for (count=0; count<array_x85x110.length; count++)
} // function x85x110()
Fourth, the explanation:
Give your <iframe> a class name, I used x85x110 because my documents are 8.5" x 11".
I use width:80% because I want the frame to be 80% of the width of the column width in which the .pdf and its containing <iframe> lives--this is NOT necessary.
The x85x110(); calls the function x85x110() when the page loads.
The window.addEventListener('resize', x85x110); calls the x85x110() function whenever the page is resized.
The array_x85x110 = document.getElementsByClassName("x85x110"); collects all of the <iframe> elements of the class x85x110 in an array named array_x85x110.
Then, for each element of array_x85x110, i.e., for each <iframe> of the class x85x110, we loop using the for (count=0; count<array_x85x110.length; count++) {} and set the height of the <iframe> to (11.0 /8.5) times the offsetWidth of the <iframe> with the the:
array_x85x110[count].style.height = Math.round(array_x85x110[count].offsetWidth * (11.0 / 8.5)) + "px";
Math.round() rounds the resizing of the <iframe>'s height to the nearest pixel.
The (11.0 / 8.5) divides the <iframe>'s .offsetWidth by 8.5 (the width of my pdf page in inches), which changes as the browser window is resized, and multiplies by 11 (the height of my pdf page in inches), to maintain the pdf's natural aspect ratio.
If for some bizarre reason you're using A4 paper, you European wierdo :-), the (11.0 / 8.5) would be (11.69 / 8.27), i.e., the height of a piece of A4 paper divided by its width.)
You can see this CSS at work, for real now at my board game design page.
Sorry for the confusion.
You need to set the following settings in CSS (suitable for PDF page size):

How to display svg as image with background-color given in URL

I'm trying to create discord bot with some cool options and one of them is a color command where I want to display a thumbnail with background-color from argument.
I've tried to set this as thumbnail
data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Ccircle r='50' cx='50' cy='50' fill='%23" + hex + "'/%3E%3C/svg%3E
where hex is given from command argument.
The problem was that Discord.js uses URL for a thumbnail so I thought I can create some kind of api to display svg element colored with color from the link, but I can't find useful informations how to do that.
For example: mywebsite.com/color/ffffff will display white svg logo as image.

what's the limit size of the magento image?

if i want the product image to have the following functioin,
when i upload a small image, it will not show the function,except i uploaded an enough large image,what's the smallest size of the image when installed magento with default state. thank you.
It depends on the display size of the containing element. Look at the JavaScript functions in the default included "product.js" file. You'll find this in lines 58-64:
if (this.imageDim.width <= this.containerDim.width
&& this.imageDim.height <= this.containerDim.height) {
Where this.containerDim is the parent node of the image element ($(imageEl).parentNode). (I think default is a p tag with class="product-image").
Try changing the display size of the P tag to something smaller and re-initialize the Product.Zoom method with the appropriate parameters and see what happens.
If memory serves me correctly that will be 265 pixels on default theme. But nobody uses the default Magento product zoom viewer, you need to roll your own or go onto 'connect' to get something better.

Customized width and height in DOMPDF

Is there anyway i can set the generated PDF's width and height? i want to customized the width and height of the PDF. Normally it would be on a size of a short bond paper but how can i customized it? lets say for example i want it to be 200 x 500 pixel in size?
Any idea would be very much appreciated! cheers!
You can set your own format, without having to change DOMPDF code, by passing an array when you're calling DOMPDF::set_paper(). Make sure it contains the width and the height in points, like this:
$dompdf->set_paper(array(0, 0, 595, 841), 'portrait');
DOMPDF handles the paper size via the configuration.
define ("DOMPDF_DEFAULT_PAPER_SIZE", "letter");
You can referrer to all available sizes there:

How do i get jquery variables in agiletoolkit (aka ATK4)?

I need to get the window height and width of the browser using ATK4, the lightweight php framework with jquery
The javascript to get this would be
As agiletoolkit integrates with jquery, i think it should be possible to get it with something like
but this doesnt work, instead when i pass the $height variable to be used, in the HTML source i get the following .
and it doesnt display the element at all
I want to be able to call jqplot to set the width of a graph to the full width of the users browser on a particular page. To do this, i need to pass a parameter which is width:NNN where NNN is the number of pixels wide. As far as i know, jqplot doesnt support a parameter as a percentage so i cant say width:100%. Also, if i set a div on the page and add the graph, it also ignores the size of the div and creates a small graph 400 x 300 pixels only.
I created a plugin to use jqplot from atk4 but this is one of the issues I still need to resolve. I can pass a height and width as parameters without issue but i want it to default to the full screen size if no parameters are specified.
Can anyone suggest the right syntax for getting these values ? TIA.
what you should understand is that "$p->js()->_selectorWindow()->height();" will actually be translated to "$(window).height();" -- but you can get width of window ONLY at client side.
so, if you want to get height of the window in your code, you can do that only by using ajax request, where actual heigh is sent back from the frontend.
please, rephrase your question so that it's clear what you need height for so I can suggest best way of doing that.
example of how to get backend and frontend interlinked:
paste this in page/test.php and open up http://example/test to see in action
class page_test extends Page {
function init(){
$b->set("Get Width");
$b->js("click")->univ()->ajaxec($this->api->getDestinationURL(), array("width" => $this->js(true)->_selectorWindow()->width()));
$v=$this->add("View_HtmlElement")->setElement("div")->set("Click button to get width of the window");
if ($w = $_POST["width"]){
$v->js(null, $v->js()->html("Width: " . $w))->univ()->alert("Width: " . $w)->execute();
