Code Igniter authentication library [closed] - php

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I just learn new Code Igniter, look for login with register and authentication so I could get user group role like admin and member and other.
I would like to know what is the best Code Igniter authentication library which fits my requirements.
Anyone could help me with this?

Ion Auth is a simple and lightweight authentication library for the CodeIgniter framework.
Documentation is located at
Just copy the files from this package to the corresponding folder in your application folder. For example, copy Ion_auth/config/ion_auth.php to application/config/ion_auth.php
You can also copy the entire directory structure into your third_party/ folder. For example, copy everything to /application/third_party/ion_auth/
CodeIgniter Version 2 Compatibility
CodeIgniter v2 requires the class file names to be lowercase. In order to support this follow the standard installation procedures and then either rename the following files or create symlinks
models/Ion_auth_model.php => models/ion_auth_model.php
controllers/Auth.php => controllers/auth.php
Hope that helps, cheers


Amazon SP-API PHP Library [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a PHP library from Amazon using their new Amazon SP-API? I found this one: but it just looks like a dummy.
Thanks for your help!
Not yet for the time being. You can generate a library with swagger using the model files. You will get the same result as Clousale. However, if you can't handle it, you can build the library yourself by looking at the documentation.
Blog entry to explain SP-API and the current status
Selling Partnership Documentation
Selling Partnership Model-files
There are more links on how to authorize yourself in the API:
Selling Partnership Authorization (AWS Signature V4)
With this information you can already build the whole library in PHP. I did not need more information myself.
You will probably get to the same point as me where you will find that uploading encrypted files does not work that way. Currently several people have this problem (see issue in github). If I still get the problem solved, I would write a manual and make my PHP library available.
Now I have found out how documents are encrypted and uploaded. A short manual and PHP code can be found here (selling-partner-api-docs/issues/97).

How to SSR vue 3 in php? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to know how to server side render vue 3 code inside laravel 8 (with webpack) project.
All info I managed to get was on vue 2.5 like how to do it with v8 and other plugins like here
The real answer to your question is that if you want to do SSR using vanilla PHP or Laravel, you would use your controller to modify the base file (like what may be your current index.html file) prior to the user receiving it. This isn't recommended and complicates things a bit. If you're using vanilla Laravel or PHP, you shouldn't need to do this anyway since blade files are already rendered by the server natively.
If you're making a SPA or web app and not using blade files, your SSR now has nothing to do with PHP and everything to do with your JS framework.
Vue.js has a tutorial on how to do SSR here:
And I found an example package here:
And if you're interested in switching to React, Nextjs handles this out of the gates with zero setup:
It plays nicely with Laravel Sanctum and there's packages available to handle that quickly as well.

Stuck on the getting started guide [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to follow the guid on:
I complete the composer install, create the composer.json file and install the SDK as described in the guide.
The next step is a mystery to me: "Require the autoload.php file, and initialize Parse:" What does this mean? Do I create a file and put the code in it? What should the file be called? Where should it be located? How to I run it?
The "guide" doesn't explain what I'm actually supposed to do!?
It does, it's the lines of code directly below that.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Parse\ParseClient;
ParseClient::initialize('APPLICATION ID', 'REST API KEY', 'MASTER KEY');
Put it wherever you want, call it whatever you want.
Are you using any other framework? Parse is only the data model, you need something like Laravel or Symphony to put your code together. The next step depends on the framework you choose. In fact, I'm sure there are bridge libraries for those frameworks that do everything for you.
To start though, you can just create an index.php file and add those lines in. This will be enough to let you test the Parse library/service.

How to include js file in yii 2.0? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to use 3rd party js files in my application. I have little bit knowledge in Yii 1.1.
But I'm very new to Yii 2.0. Now i'm started working on Yii 2.0 advanced.
I tried with Yii official documentation but it's hard to understand.
Can anyone suggest me for Yii 2.0 reference book in simple manner.
Thanks in advance.
A good book for yii2 beginners, based upon the advanced template: (290 pages)
If you already have some experience with yii1 or yii2 and like the test driven developement I recommend this book (rewritten 3rd edition of a book which was already published on yii1 in two editions):

How to setup a simple API key for use with a Wordpress plugin [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am currently writing a payment gateway integration for wordpress (simple redirect) and once finished I would like to list it for sale online for others to use.
The plugin will be listed in the wordpress extensions, and there will be a free version with all the basic functionality. The pro (paid) version will have further customisation to page styling etc.
So - I would like people to pay on a website for an API key for the pro version, and simply enable that functionality on their plugin by entering the key...
Can someone point me in the right direction as to where to start?
Is there an open source framework for this already available?
Do I learn RESTful/SOAP?
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!
If you're open to a 3rd Party solution, check out It will take care of letting you create a white-label page to assign/manage API keys, and let you set up metering too, if you'd like. I've used their Scala library with great success, but there is also a PHP library they provide that will do the trick for you.
