Speeding up PHP Calls - php

so I have some PHP code which is displaying an email list (Name, Surname & Email) from a list I have hosted via API.
The problem I have is that in order to display the name of the subscriber, I have to separately pass the email through the API... and the only way to get the email is to use a separate function.
So, for a list of 100 people, I'm basically hitting calling their API 300 times... so it is taking forever to echo the information (and over 30ish people the server just times out).
Is there a way I can edit the blow code so that I'm not pulling their info EVERY time, and instead bring it all down at once?
Here's my code:
/////////Total Subscriber Count $subscribers
$mailin = new Mailin('https://api.sendinblue.com/v2.0','UNIQUEKEY');
$datacount = array( "id"=>13 );
$subscribercount = $mailin->get_list($datacount);
$subscribers = $subscribercount['data']['total_subscribers'] - 1;
/////////Get Emails of Subscribers
$dataemail = array( "listids" => array(2),
"page" => 1,
"page_limit" => 500
$getemails = $mailin->display_list_users($dataemail);
/////////Get Name of Subscribers
foreach (range(0, $subscribers) as $number) {
$subscriberemail = $getemails['data']['data'][$number]['email'];
echo $subscriberemail;
echo '<br/>';
$dataname = array( "email" => $subscriberemail );
$getname = $mailin->get_user($dataname);
$subscribername = $getname['data']['attributes']['NAME'];
$subscribersurname = $getname['data']['attributes']['SURNAME'];
echo $subscribername;
echo '<br/>';
echo $subscribersurname;
echo '<br/>';
Here is the output you get calling the display_list_users:
"message":"Retrieved details of all users for the given lists",
"last_modified" : "2015-05-22 15:30:00"
"blacklisted_sms":0 ,
"last_modified" : "2015-05-25 19:10:30"
And the output you get calling the get_user:
"message":"Data retrieved for email",
"NAME" : "Name",
"SURNAME" : "surname"
"camp_id" : 2,
"event_time" : "2013-12-18"
{ "camp_id" : 8,
"event_time" : "2014-01-03"
{ "camp_id" : 11,
"event_time" : "2014-01-07"
"camp_id" : 11,
"event_time" : "2014-01-07"
"camp_id" : 2,
"event_time" : "2014-01-09"
"camp_id" : 8,
"event_time" : "2014-01-03",
"ip" : ""


Insert multiple rows into database from json containing multidimensional data

This is the following JSON I am working with. I have everything being pulled and added correctly except the content under "tactics" -- which comes out as Array.
My goal is to store the "tactics" values as a comma-delimited string.
"queryFrequency": "P1D",
"queryPeriod": "P1D",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0,
"eventGroupingSettings": {
"aggregationKind": "SingleAlert"
"severity": "Medium",
"query": "let extess",
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"displayName": "MFA disabled for a user",
"enabled": true,
"description": "Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) helps prevent credential compromise. This alert identifies when an attempt has been made to diable MFA for a user ",
"alertRuleTemplateName": "65c78944-930b-4cae-bd79-c3664ae30ba7",
"lastModifiedUtc": "2021-06-16T16:29:52.6974983Z",
"name": "1ada95bc-b4d5-4776-bc3e-2dbb3684c0b1",
"id": "/sc0b1",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"createIncident": true,
"groupingConfiguration": {
"enabled": false,
"reopenClosedIncident": false,
"lookbackDuration": "PT5H",
"entitiesMatchingMethod": "All",
"groupByEntities": [
"playbookName": ""
"queryFrequency": "P1D",
"queryPeriod": "P1D",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0,
"eventGroupingSettings": {
"aggregationKind": "SingleAlert"
"severity": "Medium",
"query": "StppUsed",
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"displayName": "Explicit MFA Deny",
"enabled": true,
"description": "User explicitly denies MFA push, indicating that login was not expected and the account\'s password may be compromised.",
"alertRuleTemplateName": "a22740ec-fc1e-4c91-8de6-c29c6450ad00",
"lastModifiedUtc": "2021-06-16T16:29:54.0826821Z",
"name": "bba57ceb-dd33-4297-8080-b19b1bd07a21",
"id": "/suobba5d07a21",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"createIncident": true,
"groupingConfiguration": {
"enabled": false,
"reopenClosedIncident": false,
"lookbackDuration": "PT5H",
"entitiesMatchingMethod": "All",
"groupByEntities": [
"playbookName": ""
} ]'
This is my code:
$dep_cols=array("queryFrequency","queryPeriod","triggerOperator","triggerThreshold","aggregationKind","severity","query","suppressionDuration","suppressionEnabled","tactics","displayName","enabled","description","kind","createIncident","playbookName"); // declare columns
$dep_keys=array_map(function($v){return ":$v";},$dep_cols); // build :keys
$dep_cols=array_combine($dep_keys,$dep_cols); // assign :keys
$dep_query="INSERT INTO `template_rules` (`id`,`".implode('`,`',$dep_cols)."`)"; // list columns as csv
$dep_query.=" VALUES ('',".implode(',',array_keys($dep_cols)).");";
echo "<div>$dep_query</div>";
foreach(json_decode($json) as $d){
foreach($dep_cols as $k=>$v){
echo "<div>$k => {$d->$v}</div>";
echo "<div>Dep Affected Rows: ",$stmt_add_dep->rowCount(),"</div><br>";
If I remove the if($k==':tactics') statement, I just get Array. I'm not sure how to pull those values out as they look to just be a string in an array.
Current results look like this:
:suppressionDuration => PT1H
:suppressionEnabled =>
:tactics =>
:displayName => MFA disabled for a user
:enabled => 1
Here's a working refactor of your script.
Create arrays of the whitelisted column names and a number of placeholders (I prefer the vague ?, but you can use named placeholders if you like).
Create separate payloads of values to be fed to the prepared statement when execute() is called.
You don't need to mention id if you are autoincrementing that column.
Code: (PHPize.online Demo)
$whitelist = [
"queryFrequency", "queryPeriod", "triggerOperator", "triggerThreshold",
"aggregationKind", "severity", "query", "suppressionDuration",
"suppressionEnabled", "tactics", "displayName", "enabled",
"description", "kind", "createIncident", "playbookName"
$columns = [];
$placeholders = [];
$valueSets = [];
foreach ($whitelist as $column) {
$columns[] = "`$column`";
$placeholders[] = "?";
foreach (json_decode($json) as $i => $obj) {
$obj->aggregationKind = $obj->eventGroupingSettings->aggregationKind ?? null;
$obj->tactics = property_exists($obj, 'tactics') ? implode(',', $obj->tactics) : null;
foreach ($whitelist as $column) {
$valueSets[$i][] = $obj->$column ?? null;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(
'INSERT INTO `template_rules` (%s) VALUES (%s)',
implode(',', $columns),
implode(',', $placeholders)
foreach ($valueSets as $values) {
printf("<div>New autoincremented Id: %d</div><br>\n\n", $pdo->lastInsertId());
echo json_encode($pdo->query('SELECT * FROM template_rules')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

MongoDB / PHP / MapReduce / Reg Exp / Strings->Floats

I'm new with MapReduce, but I have a collection that I'd like to apply myself to as a chance to learn how mapreduce works.
Example Documents:
{ "filename" : "resume.doc",
"folder" : "work",
"completed": "0.5" },
{ "filename" : "spreadsheet.xls",
"folder" : "work",
"completed": "0.6" },
{ "filename" : "thesis.doc",
"folder" : "school",
"completed": "0.75" },
{ "filename" : "coverletter.doc",
"folder" : "work",
"completed": "0.6"}
So the whole idea is: I'd like to query:
{ "folder" : "work",
"completed": { $gt: 0.5 },
"filename" : new MongoRegex( "/\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/" ) }
And ultimately get the count of all documents by extension (.doc, .xls, etc.), as so:
{ ".doc" : 1,
".xls" : 1 }
I also realize i've got an issue because my %-completed are strings, not floats, so i think mongodb is going to need more instruction for comparing the strings.
I'm using (if it matters):
PHP extension: mongo/1.5.7
MongoDB: version 3.2.11
Seems I've stumbled upon my own answer.
Let me know if anybody comes up with a more concise/expert solution.
But this seems to work.
try {
$map = new MongoCode(
var re = new RegExp(/(.+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,})$/);
doctype = this.value.match(re);
emit(doctype[2], parseFloat(this.completed));
$reduce = new MongoCode(
'function(key, values){
var sum = 0, num = 0;
for(var i in values){
sum += values[i];
num += 1;
return { number_of_documents : num,
sum_of_document_completions : sum,
average_completion : (sum/num) };
$query = array (
"folder" => "work"
$doctypes = $db->command(
'mapReduce' => 'mydocuments',
"map" => $map,
"reduce" => $reduce,
"query" => $query,
"out" => array("inline"=>1)
print_r ( $doctypes);
catch(MongoCursorException $e) {
echo "error message: ".$e->getMessage()."\n";
echo "error code: ".$e->getCode()."\n";

how to access json file fields [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to loop through PHP object with dynamic keys [duplicate]
(16 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
"took" : 363,
"timed_out" : false,
"num_reduce_phases" : 15,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 7195,
"successful" : 7195,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 35672,
"max_score" : 0.0,
"hits" : [ ]
"aggregations" : {
"2" : {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 54,
"sum_other_doc_count" : 1463,
"buckets" : [
"key" : "ふるさと納税",
"doc_count" : 30376
This is the json file . I need to access the doc_count field.
I am trying to do it like this
$trend_words = json_decode($file);
$aggregations = $trend_words->aggregations;
$buckets = $aggregations->{2}->buckets->{0};
But its not working.
Can someone help.
$trend_words = json_decode($file,true);
$aggregations = $trend_words['aggregations']['2']['buckets'][0]['doc_count'];
You should use ,true otherwise you will get an stdclass object and not an array you want.
try this
$sJson = '
"took" : 363,
"timed_out" : false,
"num_reduce_phases" : 15,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 7195,
"successful" : 7195,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 35672,
"max_score" : 0.0,
"hits" : [ ]
"aggregations" : {
"2" : {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 54,
"sum_other_doc_count" : 1463,
"buckets" : [
"key" : "ふるさと納税",
"doc_count" : 30376
$aJson = json_decode($sJson, true);
echo $aJson['aggregations'][2]['buckets'][0]['doc_count'];
Here is the answer, As the buckets increases you need to have a loop through to read all the buckets
$trend_words = json_decode($file, true);
$aggregations = $trend_words['aggregations'][2];
$buckets = array();
foreach($aggregations as $element)
$buckets[] = $element['buckets'];
Make Json to array and try
$trend_words = json_decode($file, true);
$aggregations = $trend_words['aggregations'];
$buckets =$aggregations[2]['buckets'][0];

Get an average number for multiple embedded documents MongoDB

I am working with highcharts to make a drilldown chart. This will display multiple projects, with an average value and will drilldown in columns with every value. The problem is, I can't get the average number per projects..
My JSON from the mongo looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("57f4dd6c45db428df9a5541b"),
"id" : 68,
"project_code" : 13110202,
"samples" : [
"sample_name" : "1678_2",
"perc" : "75.97"
"sample_name" : "2012_1B-5",
"perc" : "75.33",
"sample_name" : "2012_1B-8",
"perc" : "77.28",
}, {
"_id" : ObjectId("57f4dd6c45db428df9a5541a"),
"id" : 70,
"project_code" : 1235125,
"samples" : [
"sample_name" : "Ben",
"perc" : "30.97"
"sample_name" : "Anna",
"perc" : "81.25",
"sample_name" : "Sarah",
"perc" : "80.23",
I am trying to look through the document, through the embedded document samples, get all the perc_mapped values, calculate the average and put this in a JSON used for the HighChart. The code which I have now:
foreach ($id_array as $char) {
$cursor = $collection->find(array("_id" => new MongoId($char)));
foreach ($cursor as $document) {
if (is_array($document['samples'])) {
foreach ($document['samples'] as $samples) {
array_push($perc_total, $samples['perc']);
$average_of_foo = array_sum($perc_total) / count($perc_total);
foreach ($id_array as $char) {
$cursor = $collection->find(array("_id" => new MongoId($char)));
foreach ($cursor as $document) {
if (is_array($document['samples'])) {
foreach ($document['samples'] as $samples) {
$array =
array("name" => $document['project_code'],
// Here is will add the average
"y" => (float) $samples['perc'],
"drilldown" => $char
array_push($array_data, $array);

JSON to Database with php

So I have this JSON for example
"top" : [
"info" : {
"ID" : 0,
"TID" : 1
"geo" : {
"poins" : [
"info" : {
"ID" : 1,
"TID" : 2
"geo" : {
"points" : [
I need to put this information in the DataBase with php
So I have a colum in the DB called points and it need the data inside to be looking like:
[-5.4, 57.0],[-5.9, 57.0]
I have a columb with ID so all I need is to put the points from the JSON for every ID
My php should be loking like:
connection to the database
$str = file_get_contents(the JSON);
$json = json_decode($str, true);
foreach ($json['top'] as $field) {
query='UPDATE poins_table
SET points='$field['geo']['points']'
WHERE ID='$field['info']['ID']' '
The code seems to be not working. What I am missing ...Any siggestions will be helpfull. Thank you
You could try following:
$str = file_get_contents('the JSON URL');
$json = json_decode($str, true);
$db = new PDO("dbtype:host=yourhost;dbname=yourdbname;charset=utf8","username","password");
$query = $db->prepare('UPDATE poins_table SET points=? WHERE ID=?');
foreach ($json['top'] as $field) {
$query->execute(array(json_encode($field['geo']['points']), $field['info']['ID']));
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo "Error: ". $e;
