I'm trying to build a simple REST application with Slim framework, but I'm getting a 500 error when I try to execute the POST request. So far, I've implemented two working GET requests. Here is the code:
require_once '../include/DbHandler.php';
require '.././libs/Slim/Slim.php';
$app = new \Slim\Slim();
$app->get("/", function () {
echo "<h1>Hello!!!!</h1>";
* Get all the events
* method GET
* url /events
$app->get('/events', function() {
$db = new DbHandler();
$response = array();
// fetch events
$result = $db->getAllEvents();
if ($result != NULL) {
$response["error"] = false;
$response = $result;
echoResponse(200, $response);
} else {
$response["error"] = true;
$response["message"] = "The requested resource doesn't exists";
echoResponse(404, $response);
$app->get('/event/:id', function ($id) {
$response = array();
$db = new DbHandler();
// fetch event
$result = $db->getEvent($id);
if ($result != NULL) {
$response["error"] = false;
$response = $result;
echoResponse(200, $response);
} else {
$response["error"] = true;
$response["message"] = "The requested resource doesn't exists";
echoResponse(404, $response);
$app->post('/events', function() {
// opening db connection
$db = new DbConnect();
//$db = new DbHandler();
$request = Slim::getInstance()->request();
//$result = $db->addEvent($request);
$event = json_decode($request->getBody());
$img = " ";
$sql = "INSERT INTO event (title, location, date_event, ageMin, ageMax, groupSize, limited, maxParticipants, joining, description, img, type, language) VALUES (".$event->title.", ".$event->location.", ".$event->date_event.", ".$event->ageMin.", ".$event->ageMax.", ".$event->ageMax.", ".$event->limited.", ".$event->maxParticipants.", ".$event->joining.", ".$event->description.", ".$img.", "$event->type", ".$event->language.")";
try {
//$db = $this->conn;
$conn = $db->connect();
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$event->id = $conn->lastInsertId();
echoResponse(200, $event->id);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echoResponse(404, '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getMessage() .'}}');
* Echoing json response to client
* #param String $status_code Http response code
* #param Int $response Json response
function echoResponse($status_code, $response) {
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
// Http response code
// setting response content type to json
echo json_encode($response);
As I said before, the two GET methods are working, but when I try to add a row with the POST method using this data:
{"title": "Test 1", "location": “Rome, Italy", "date_event": "2016-05-12", "time": "22:00:00", "ageMin": 21, "ageMax": 27, "groupSize": "3", "limited": false, "maxParticipants": "", "joining": "2", "description": "Description test 1", "img": "", "type": "hanging out", "language": "Italian/English"}
I get 500 Internal Server Error and I cannot understand why.
Where am I doing wrong?
You've missed concatenation dots around "$event->type" in your $sql assignment.
While developing I recommend you to enable error and warning messages adding
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
to your code.
PHP Syntax Check: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$event' (T_VARIABLE) in your code on line 62.
is more likely understandable than
500 Internal Server Error.
As an alternative, if you have a small piece of code to check, you can use some online tool like http://phpcodechecker.com/
I am able to consume the php endpoint from postman. I try to do the same from angular post, I get this error - Http failure during parsing for. Even though everything looks perfect to me, the problem is surprising. Here is my snippet
php file
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
// check for post
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
// include db connect class
require_once __DIR__ . '/db_connect.php';
// connecting to db
$conn = new db_CONNECT();
//escpae the strings to be inserted to DB
$escapedname = mysqli_real_escape_string($cone, $name);
$escapedemail = mysqli_real_escape_string($cone, $email);
$escapedsubject= mysqli_real_escape_string($cone, $subject);
$escapedmessage = mysqli_real_escape_string($cone, $message);
// mysql inserting a new row
$sql = "INSERT INTO contacts(name, email, subject, message) VALUES ('$escapedname', '$escapedemail', '$escapedsubject', '$escapedmessage')";
// $result= $cone -> query($sql);
// $affected = $cone -> affected_rows;
if (mysqli_query($cone,$sql)) {
echo "Information saved successfully.";
} else {
echo "Not successful";
} else {
echo "Some field missing.";
here is the angular snippet
saveContactDetails = function () {
this.proceed = true;
this.success = false;
const myheader = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
data.append('name', this.contactDeJson.name);
data.append('email', this.contactDeJson.email);
data.append('subject', this.contactDeJson.subject);
data.append('message', this.contactDeJson.message);
.post('http://localhost:80/'+'api/create_contact.php', data.toString(), {headers: myheader})
Please why am I getting this error
{"headers":{"normalizedNames":{},"lazyUpdate":null},"status":200,"statusText":"OK","url":"http://localhost/api/create_contact.php","ok":false,"name":"HttpErrorResponse","message":"Http failure during parsing for http://localhost/api/create_contact.php",
I believe the issue is that your angular script is expecting a json response (the default responseType), but not receiving the correct headers or data. In stead of just echoing out your result in php, I would make a function that can handle sending the response. Something like this:
function sendJsonResponse(data, status = 200) {
header('Content-Type: application/json', true, status);
echo json_encode($data);
In stead of of doing this:
echo "Not successful";
You can now do this:
sendJsonResponse("Not successful", 500);
This should give you more valuable information in the frontend. And the response should now be formatted correctly, and no longer produce the parse error in angular that you are getting now.
I believe you are trying to send some query parameters using data variable. You could actually send a JS object as the parameters. Try the following
private saveContactDetails() {
this.proceed = true;
this.success = false;
const myheader = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
const data = {
'name': this.contactDeJson.name,
'email': this.contactDeJson.email,
'subject': this.contactDeJson.subject,
'message': this.contactDeJson.message
this.http.post('http://localhost:80/'+'api/create_contact.php', { params: data }, { headers: myheader })
I have created agent in API.AI and I have created a database in Google Cloud Platform. I am able to connect to it using Navicat Premium to update the database of the bot. Also, I am able to use webhook using Heroku with PHP scripting. And I'm able to get response successfully with this code below
// Process only when method is POST
if($method == 'POST'){
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$json = json_decode($requestBody);
$intent = $json->result->metadata->intentName;
$entertype = $json->result->contexts->entertainmentType.original;
$response = array(
"messages"=> [array(
"type"=> 1,
"platform"=> "facebook",
"title"=> 'MBO Melaka Mall',
"subtitle"=> 'Tingkat 2, Kompleks Melaka Mall, Lebuh Air Keroh, 75450 Melaka',
"imageUrl"=> "http://s-yoolk-images.s3.amazonaws.com/my/gallery_images/medium/1435340336/67323?1435340336",
"buttons"=> [ array(
"text"=> "Search in Google",
echo json_encode($response);
echo "Method not allowed";
However, after I update this, I'm not able to get any response and I got error code 500 as internal server error. Please help me.
// Process only when method is POST
if($method == 'POST'){
$requestBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$json = json_decode($requestBody);
$intent = $json->result->metadata->intentName;
$entertype = $json->result->contexts->entertainmentType.original;
$speech = "No Connection";
$speech = "Connected to Google";
$selectdb = mysql_select_db($connection,$database) or die("Unable to select database");
if ($selectdb)
//echo = "database selected";
echo json_encode($response);
echo "Method not allowed";
function cybercafe($user)
I believe Cloudant has recently changed some of their code. Recently, if you do a storedoc operation, in a try/catch statement. Cloudant will return an 'error' to the framework:
Uncaught exception 'couchException' with message 'Continue
Of course you can handle it in the catch statement, but it should really be coming back as 'successful' in the Try statement of the PHP-on-Couch library.
Anyone come across this or know how to handle it? The biggest issues is that you cannot grab the ID and Rev in the catch statement because it's coming up as an error:
try { // does not return here, goes to catch
$response = $client->storeDoc($doc);
$response_json['status'] = 'success';
$response_json['id'] = $response->id;
$response_json['rev'] = $response->rev;
} catch (Exception $e) { // even though the doc is successfully storing
// check for accepted BEG
$error = '';
$error = $e->getMessage();
$err_pos = strpos($error,"Accepted");
$err_pos_2 = strpos($error,"Continue");
if($err_pos !== false OR $err_pos_2 !== false){ // success
$response_json['status'] = 'success';
$response_json['id'] = $response->id; // returns null
$response_json['rev'] = $response->rev; // returns null
} else { // truely an error
$response_json['status'] = 'fail';
$response_json['message'] = $e->getMessage();
$response_json['code'] = $e->getCode();
// check for accepted END
I tested in both CouchDB and Cloudant and the behavior is the same. This is what I believe is happening. When you create a new couchDocument:
$doc = new couchDocument($client);
By default the document is set to autocommit. You can see this in couchDocument.php:
function __construct(couchClient $client) {
$this->__couch_data = new stdClass();
$this->__couch_data->client = $client;
$this->__couch_data->fields = new stdClass();
$this->__couch_data->autocommit = true;
As soon as you set a property on the document:
$doc->set( array('name'=>'Smith','firstname'=>'John') );
storeDoc is immediately called. You are then trying to call storeDoc a second time and couchDB returns an error.
There are 2 ways to fix this:
Turn off autocommit:
$doc = new couchDocument($client);
$doc->set( array('name'=>'Smith','firstname'=>'John') );
try {
$response = $client->storeDoc($doc);
$response_json['status'] = 'success';
$response_json['id'] = $response->id;
$response_json['rev'] = $response->rev;
Keep autocommit on and get the id and rev from the $doc after you set a property:
$doc = new couchDocument($client);
try {
$doc->set( array('name'=>'Smith','firstname'=>'John') );
$response_json['status'] = 'success';
$response_json['id'] = $doc->_id;
$response_json['rev'] = $doc->_rev;
I have been using Slim v2 for my APIs and am thinking about upgrading to v3.
Unfortunately I have limited experience and could use your help on a code example below.
This is the login code:
$app->post('/register', function() use ($app) {
// check for required params
verifyRequiredParams(array('name', 'email', 'password'));
$response = array();
// reading post params
$name = $app->request->post('name');
$email = $app->request->post('email');
$password = $app->request->post('password');
// validating email address
$db = new DbHandler();
$res = $db->createUser($name, $email, $password);
$response["error"] = false;
$response["message"] = "You are successfully registered";
} else if ($res == USER_CREATE_FAILED) {
$response["error"] = true;
$response["message"] = "Oops! An error occurred while registereing";
} else if ($res == USER_ALREADY_EXISTED) {
$response["error"] = true;
$response["message"] = "Sorry, this email already existed";
// echo json response
echoRespnse(201, $response);
Here is the validateEmail function:
function validateEmail($email) {
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$response["error"] = true;
$response["message"] = 'Email address is not valid';
echoRespnse(400, $response);
How do I get an Instance of app in Slim v3 to actually stop the app when input criteria are not met?
I would appreciate it if you could give me an example with the help of my code.
Thanks for the help!
The above issue was solved. Unfortunately, a new issue arose after checking my code.
I have a middle layer to authenticate the user:
function authenticate(\Slim\Route $route) {
// Getting request headers
$headers = apache_request_headers();
$response = array();
$app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance();
// Verifying Authorization Header
if (isset($headers['Authorization'])) {
//omitted code
} else {
// api key is missing in header
$response["error"] = true;
$response["message"] = "Api key is misssing";
echoRespnse(400, $response);
In my main code i implement function authenticate as follows:
$app->get('/tasks', 'authenticate', function() {
global $user_id;
$response = array();
$db = new DbHandler();
//ommit some code
echoRespnse(200, $response);
Would you know how to do this in Slim v3?
I would really appreciate your help.
In Slim3, return $response (return Response object) is a better way to stop app.
So how is the below?
$app->post('/register', function($request, $response, $args) {
// omit some codes
return $response->withJson(['message' => 'Email address is not valid', 'error' => true], 400);
// omit some codes
validateEmail function is changed to like below.
function validateEmail($email) {
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
return false
return true;
Hope it will help you.
I got some problem with php-sample.
I want to add users, but there were something went wrong.
Please help me!!
Here is code that I used:
<!DOCTYPE html>
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "autoload.dist.php";
require_once "client/JasperClient.php";
require_once "client/User.php";
require_once "client/Role.php";
$client = new Jasper\JasperClient(
"localhost", // Hostname
8080, // Port
"jasperadmin", // Username
"jasperadmin", // Password
"/jasperserver-pro", // Base URL
); // Organization (pro only)
$newUser = new Jasper\User("BI_User", // username
"superSTRENGTHpassw0rd", // password
"clever#email.com", // email
"Business Intelligence User", // description
"organization_1", // parent organization
"true" // enabled
$role = new Jasper\Role("ROLE_USER", NULL, "false");
try {
catch (Exception $e) {
printf("Could not add new user: %s", $e->getMessage());
And Here is the error message that I got:
Could not add new user: Unexpected HTTP code returned: 400 Body of response:
Apache Tomcat/6.0.26 - Error report HTTP Status 400 - type Status
reportmessage description The request sent by the client was syntactically
incorrect ().Apache Tomcat/6.0.26
Ask I spent time google so much on that problem, I have found the solution.
Here is my solution whether someone are interested.
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "autoload.dist.php";
use Jaspersoft\Client\Client;
use Jaspersoft\Dto\User\User;
use Jaspersoft\Dto\Role\Role;
function registerUsers(){
$client = new Client(
$file_path = 'data/userlist.csv';
$handle = fopen($file_path,'r');
$array_users = array();
while (!feof($handle) !==false){
$line = fgetcsv($handle,1024,',');
if($i==1) continue;
for($c = 0; $c < count($line); $c++){
$username = $line[0];
$password = $line[1];
$email = $line[2];
$fullname = $line[3];
$tenantId = $line[4];
$enabled = $line[5];
$user = new User($username, $password, $email,
$fullname, $tenantId, $enabled);
$role = new Role('ROLE_USER', null, 'false');
$array_users[$c] = $user;
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
printf('Could not add new user: %s', $e->getMessage());
And here is my csv data file:
User Name,Password,Email Address,Full Name,Tenant ID,Enable
User1,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,a,true
User2,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,a,true
User3,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,a,true
User6,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,organization_1,true
User7,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,organization_1,true
User8,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,b,true
User9,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,b,true
User10,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,c,true
User11,superSTRENGTHpassw0rd,clever#email.com,User One,c,true