According to this: the following piece of code should return the custom audiences related to my ads account. It does return an array of the objects, but the only fields populated on this is the ID (everything else, including its name, is null).
$account = new AdAccount(<ADS_ACCOUNT_NO>);
$audiences = $account->getCustomAudiences();
I've just found the answer and it is that you need to read() each object in order to obtain the full details.
Something like this should work fine:
$account = new AdAccount(<ADS_ACCOUNT_NO>);
$audiences = $account->getCustomAudiences();
$audiencesObjects = $audiences->getObjects();
foreach($audiencesObjects as $audienceObj) {
$data = $audienceObj->read(['name', 'rule'])->getData();
print $data['name'];
I have two different Facebook leads ad campaigns (A and B) connected to the same F.B page, I've connected it to a webhook following this guide using Facebook ads PHP sdk, and pass the leads to my C.R.M, everything works fine, the problem is that I can't tell if the lead came from form A or B.
I've tried to pull the from name like this:
$input = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$form_id = $input['entry'][0]['changes'][0]['value']['form_id'];
$form = AdsWebhookHandler::getFormName($form_id);
From the AdsWebhookHandlerclass:
public static function getFormName($form_id)
$form = new LeadgenForm($form_id);
if(!$form) return $form_id;
return $form->read();
But the form always returns empty ({}) for some reason.
Does anybody know how can I pull the form name? or even better - is it possible to pass custom hidden fields in the form?
Thank you all for an answer :)
O.K so I figure out how to get the form name, all I needed to do is use the getData() function included in the Facebook PHP SDK, my code looks like this now:
public function getFormName($form_id)
$form = new LeadgenForm($form_id,null,$this->fb_instance);
if(!$form) return $form_id;
$data = $form->read()->getData();
return isset($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : $form_id;
Hope it'll help someone in the future :)
I am adding AWeber as an autoresponder in a web application. Using AWeber API, I am able to add a new subscriber to list with a known name which is in this case is firstlist:
$app = new MyApp();
$list = $app->findList('firstlist');
$subscriber = array(
'email' => '',
'name' => 'Name here'
$app->addSubscriber($subscriber, $list);
Function definition for findList() is:
function findList($listName) {
try {
$foundLists = $this->account->lists->find(array('name' => $listName));
return $foundLists[0];
catch(Exception $exc) {
print $exc;
As I am developing a public application, so I need to provide users an option to select from their available lists.
Please guide me how I can retrieve all the lists name.
You are returning $foundLists[0] so it will return single list. Try to return foundLists and check what it returns.
This may help you:
In short, I pulled the lists by first finding the Aweber User Id so that I could use it in the URL<id>/lists
To find the User ID, I first got the account.
$this->aweber->getAccount($token['access'], $token['secret']);
Then, I retrieve the user's information.
$aweber_user = $this->aweber->loadFromUrl('');
From that, I grabbed the user ID with...
$id = $aweber_user->data['entries'][0]['id'];
Once I had the user ID, I could then retrieve their lists with...
$lists = $this->aweber->loadFromUrl(''.$id.'/lists');
This example is more of a procedural approach, of course, I recommend utilizing classes.
Is it possible to get the asset details using asset name with Azure PHP sdk. I can get all the asset list, but it's loading first 1000 assets only.
I can get single asset details using asset id.
But in my case, I don't have asset id with me. I just have asset name alone. Now how do I get the asset details using this?
I got some help from Azure support saying that, we can use $skip parameter for pagination. I got code snippet in c#
for (int i = 0; i < _context.Assets.Count(); i += 1000 )
var assets = _context.Assets.Skip(i);
foreach (IAsset objIAsset in assets)
How can I use this param in PHP SDK.
It seem that Azure SDK for PHP don't support skip method. However, I used the fiddler to monitor C# skip method and got the URL like this:
So I think we can bulid up the request path like above in our PHP project and we can modify the getAssetList method in "MediaServicesRestProxy" file.
I add a function named "getAssetListBySkip($number)" into "MediaServicesRestProxy" class, the code like this:
* Get asset list using skip number
* */
public function getAssetListBySkip($number)
$propertyList = $this->_getEntityList("Assets()?".'$skip='.$number);
$result = array();
foreach ($propertyList as $properties) {
$result[] = Asset::createFromOptions($properties);
return $result;
We can call this method like this:
$mediaServiceProxy = ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createMediaServicesService(
new MediaServicesSettings("**","**/**="));
Azure Media services supports filtering by name. You can construct web request to be like
/api/assets()?$filter=Name%20eq%20'Your Name'&$top=1
You can also filter by other properties
Have you tried REST API that are used when creating, processing, managing, and delivering Assets. but I do think we can list asset via a name directly since id is an unique indentifier of asset entity. PHP Azure SDK leverages assetId to get an Asset as well:
public function getAsset($asset)
$assetId = Utilities::getEntityId(
return Asset::createFromOptions($this->_getEntity("Assets('{$assetId}')"));
But in my case, I don't have asset id with me. I just have asset name
alone. Now how do I get the asset details using this?
Here are some test function code snippets for your reference:
public function testListAllAssets(){
// Setup
$asset1 = new Asset(Asset::OPTIONS_NONE);
$asset1->setName(TestResources::MEDIA_SERVICES_ASSET_NAME . $this->createSuffix());
$asset2 = new Asset(Asset::OPTIONS_NONE);
$asset2->setName(TestResources::MEDIA_SERVICES_ASSET_NAME . $this->createSuffix());
// Test
$asset1 = $this->createAsset($asset1);
$asset2 = $this->createAsset($asset2);
$result = $this->restProxy->getAssetList();
// Assert
$this->assertCount(2, $result);
$names = array(
$id = array(
$this->assertContains($asset1->getName(), $names);
$this->assertContains($asset2->getName(), $names);
$this->assertContains($asset1->getId(), $id);
$this->assertContains($asset2->getId(), $id);
public function testGetAnAssetReference(){
// Setup
$assetName = TestResources::MEDIA_SERVICES_ASSET_NAME . $this->createSuffix();
$asset = new Asset(Asset::OPTIONS_NONE);
$asset = $this->createAsset($asset);
// Test
$result = $this->restProxy->getAsset($asset);
// Assert
$this->assertEquals($asset->getId(), $result->getId());
$this->assertEquals($asset->getName(), $result->getName());
According to my testing, it seems that we can’t use Asset’s name to get the information of asset in Media Service.
$mediaServiceProxy = ServicesBuilder::getInstance()->createMediaServicesService(
new MediaServicesSettings("**","******"));
$asset = new Asset(Asset::OPTIONS_NONE);
//$asset don't have the value of id,
// unless execute ‘createAsset($asset)’, "$asset1" will be set the ID
$asset1 =$mediaServiceProxy->createAsset($asset);
PHP SDK support the method named “getAsset($asset)”. Actually, the method get the Asset information by Asset id, just like the Aka's reference code.And Azure REST API don’t support the method queried by Asset’s name.
Please refer to the official document.
Alternative approach is that you can store your assets information (such as Id,URl,name and ect.) into Azure table storage when you upload them into media service. If you want to use it, you can fetch and filter the data of Asset’s name you wants from table storage.
I have a saved search in Netsuite that's only criteria is "Type is Item Group" and I am trying to use the Soap API SuiteTalk to retrieve its results through PHP.
Here's the function I'm using:
function getSavedSearch($ns_client, $search_id, $search_type, $page_size = 1000) {
$searchItem = array();
$searchItem['savedSearchId'] = $search_id;
$search = new nsComplexObject($search_type);
$ns_client->setSearchPreferences(false, $page_size);
return $ns_client->search($search);
I try calling it with the search's internalId and the type 'ItemSearchAdvanced' but that returns a search with 0 records.
If I change the type to 'ItemSearchBasic' it seems to ignore the search criteria and I get every item record in the system (not limited to item groups).
I am able to use the same function to retrieve the results of other saved searches such as as "Transaction Search" using the type "TransactionSearchAdvanced".
I suspect there is a different search type I should be using but I can't find any references to what it should be.
This code uses an older version of the Toolkit.
The 2013_1 version is much, much better and easier to use. Also, be careful which endpoint the Toolkit points toward, as older versions, like 2009_2 are no longer supported.
The code when using the 2013_1 version of the Toolkit is simple:
$service = new NetSuiteService();
$search = new ItemSearchAdvanced();
$search->savedSearchId = "XX"; //replace with your internal ID
$request = new SearchRequest();
$request->searchRecord = $search;
$searchResponse = $service->search($request);
I'm trying to display the subscriber count from a MailChimp mailing list using their API, and I've got it partially working, except the code below is currently spitting out the subscriber count for all lists, rather than for one specific list. I've specified the list id in the line $listId ='XXX'; but that doesn't seem to be working. Because I have five lists in total, the output from the PHP below shows this:
10 0 0 1 9
What do I need to do in my code below to get the subscriber count from a specific list id?
This Example shows how to pull the Members of a List using the MCAPI.php
class and do some basic error checking.
require_once 'inc/MCAPI.class.php';
$apikey = 'XXX';
$listId = 'XXX';
$api = new MCAPI($apikey);
$retval = $api->lists();
if ($api->errorCode){
echo "Unable to load lists()!";
echo "\n\tCode=".$api->errorCode;
echo "\n\tMsg=".$api->errorMessage."\n";
} else {
foreach ($retval['data'] as $list){
echo "\t ".$list['stats']['member_count'];
I just came across this function (see below) that let's me return a single list using a known list_id. The problem is, I'm not sure how to add the list_id in the function.
I'm assuming I need to define it in this line? $params["filters"] = $filters;
The MailChimp lists() method documentation can be referred to here:
function lists($filters=array (
), $start=0, $limit=25) {
$params = array();
$params["filters"] = $filters;
$params["start"] = $start;
$params["limit"] = $limit;
return $this->callServer("lists", $params);
I'd strongly recommend not mucking with the internals of the wrapper as it's not going to be nearly as helpful as the online documentation and the examples included with the wrapper. Using the wrapper means the line you tracked down will effectively be filled when make the proper call.
Anywho, this is what you want:
$filters = array('list_id'=>'XXXX');
$lists = $api->lists($filters);
Mailchimp provides a pre-built php wrapper around their api at This api includes a function lists() which, according to its documentation, returns among other things:
int member_count The number of active members in the given list.
It looks like this is the function which you are referring to above. All you should have to do is iterate through the lists that are returned to find the one with the proper id. From there you should be able to query the subscriber count along with a number of other statistics about the list.