Facebook Messenger API webhook trouble - php

I am trying to setup a webhook for the Facebook Messenger Bot Platform and i am receiving this error:
The URL couldn't be validated. Response does not match challenge, expected value = '892694233', received='892694233<link rel...'
I am using a heroku host for testing and a callback URL with SSL, the project is on Laravel 5.2 and this is the code that processs the webhook setup
if ($request->get('hub_verify_token') == config('services.bot.verification_token')) {
return (new Response())->setContent($request->get('hub_challenge'));
return (new Response())->setContent('Error: token mismatch');

Sorry for the late answer to my post, the problem was the APP_DEBUG (in .env file) in my Laravel applications is set to TRUE and the request get the code from a debug bar

I'm not familiarized with Lavarel, but looks like the way you are extracting the value of the parameter hub.challenge is giving you a wrong value: '892694233
If you return just the number in the response ('892694233') it should work. Maybe you can clean up the result of calling $request->get('hub_challenge') in order to remove the text at the end?

You have to do like this
if (Request::input('hub_verify_token') === $hubVerifyToken) {
echo Request::input('hub_challenge');


Cannot Verify Shopify Webhook

I have setup a webhook in shopify via settings > notifications > webhooks and entered a heroku app URL. My heroku app is in php and I run the verification function found here: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/manage-webhooks and when I open my app I get a blank response. I am not sure if this is something I am doing wrong on my heroku app, or if I am missing something. The goal here is to grab the json data after the event I have selected is ran, then to send that data to via third party api. But to start I just want to be able to verify that my heroku app is receiving the payload. Is there more I need to add to my php file in order to verify? (php noob here). Below is the code I am running in my php file, and yes I am using my shared secret found in the webhooks section.
define('SHOPIFY_APP_SECRET', 'my_shared_secret');
function verify_webhook($data, $hmac_header)
$calculated_hmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $data, SHOPIFY_APP_SECRET, true));
return hash_equals($hmac_header, $calculated_hmac);
$hmac_header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_HMAC_SHA256'];
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$verified = verify_webhook($data, $hmac_header);
error_log('Webhook verified: '.var_export($verified, true)); //check error.log to see the result
If I am not mistaken you cannot test webhooks that way as the admin does not use your API key as it has no idea who you are when in the admin. So if you have a heroku App and it has an API key, use that API key to first off establish the webhook, verify you created it with the API, and then sit around and test your actual endpoint with Shopify Admin itself. That is how it works AFAIK.
The other verification in the admin is mickey mouse and meant to just throw data at any old endpoint with no validation.

Callback error on YouTube socialite provider for Laravel

I am trying to set up Oauth with the YouTube Data API. I had a Laravel app which has Socialite set up. Out of the box YouTube isn't set up with this but I saw that there is a provider for YouTube here:
I have done all of the steps outlined on the page along with all routes that I need. I have also done the Oauth set up on Google Developer Console and got the client ID/secret key and set the callback.
When I use the login URL it works where I'm redirected for login with Google. The problem comes when the callback URL is reached. I get the error:
Undefined index: items
This occurs on the provider callback function which has the code:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->user();
I have tried using stateless:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->stateless()->user();
But get the same error. All caches have been cleared. I am pretty sure that the setup was done correctly as I'm also using the Twitch provider from https://socialiteproviders.netlify.app/providers/twitch.html which the setup was similar and it works correctly.
Please can anyone advise? Thanks.
Try selecting the fields you want to access first:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->fields([
I'm facing the same issue. Is it possible that the API has changed? If I take a look at the raw response there
I also stumbled onto this issue:
When I tested it, I did not got the error, but my colleague did so I figured it had something to do with the account that tried to connect.
I changed my approach from:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->stateless()->user();
And just received tokens by doing this:
$socialite = Socialite::driver('youtube');
$code = $request->input('code');
$response = $socialite->getAccessTokenResponse($code);
$response will contain an array of tokens. I used these tokens to connect it to an existing user in my database.
I don't know if this is the solution for your workflow, but it is a way to get around the mysterious error.
The issue is due to YouTube no longer automatically creating a channel for your google/gmail account like it did in the past. This results in responses completely missing an items array.
if you dd($response->getBody()->getContents()) the response for an account that throws an error you'll see this.
I've made a pull request for this here. https://github.com/SocialiteProviders/YouTube/pull/8

Why do I receive an error 500 when trying to access Paysafe Api server?

The Paysafe API was working perfectly fine in localhost, I was able to complete payment to Netbanx. I started to integrate the system on the website. I have a page for billing information, then a page for card payment where I use paysafe.js to create a token.
Then, I use PHP to get response from the server. This works in local. But online, this last part where I try to settle a payment, I get an error 500. I think it could be because the server is not using HTTPS. I want to know if it's possible that the error 500 is coming from the fact we don't have HTTPS or if it's something else?
P.S: It's complicated to access to the server because of bureaucracy, I don't want to make all the process if it's sure it's not that!
Thank you!
P.S.: I also tried using curl instead, and the response was bool(false).
use Paysafe\Environment;
use Paysafe\PaysafeApiClient;
use Paysafe\CardPaymentService;
use Paysafe\CardPayments\Authorization;
$client = new PaysafeApiClient($paysafeApiKeyId, $paysafeApiKeySecret, Environment::TEST, $paysafeAccountNumber);
$info = new Authorization(array(
//PAYMENT ARRAY (Getting POST variable from previous page)
$response = $client->cardPaymentService()->authorize($info);
$statut = $response->status;
That Environment::TEST obviously does not match the production environment (or host-name).
Just enable PHP error reporting for your IP only, in order not to possibly leak any details.
Also check the console there (if any), if that host if even authorized to access the API.
I mean, HTTP500 is an error description just alike "it does not work".

How to respond with the correct challenge value when trying to enable event subscriptions for laravel-botman on slack

This is not a duplication of my previous question here.
Am using botman to create a bot for my slack app.
Using the slack api, i have created a bot that i want to connect to botman on my laravel app. Am using ngrok to tunnel localhost. I have to get my url verified first in order to use it for the bot. Well i try to verify the url but i keep getting this error.
Your request URL didn’t respond with the correct challenge value. Update your URL to receive a new request and value.
Checking the ngrok terminal shows that the request from slack is being received and the status is 200. If i reproduce the request using postman, the value of the challenge parameter is returned, on slack i still get the erorr. I use this code to load the slack driver on my routes file.
use BotMan\BotMan\BotMan;
use BotMan\BotMan\BotManFactory;
use BotMan\Drivers\Slack\SlackDriver;
use BotMan\BotMan\Drivers\DriverManager;
Route::match(['get', 'post'],'botman', function () {
// Create BotMan instance
$config = [
'slack' => [
'token' => '***slack Token***' //slack token
$botman = BotManFactory::create($config);
// give the bot something to listen for.
$botman->hears('hello', function (BotMan $bot) {
$bot->reply('Hello yourself.');
// start listening
I went a head to try force the response with the challenge parameter in the url like so on my routes file.
$payload = $request->json();
if ($payload->get('type') === 'url_verification') {
return $payload->get('challenge');
SlackBot::hears('keyword', function (Bot $bot) {
$bot->respond('lets begin');
This still does not work, i still get the URL didn’t respond with the correct challenge value... error.
What am i missing? or how should i use the slack driver to have it respond with the right parameters? The web driver works perfectly.
I noticed that the slack api expects the challenge value in json format.
simply doing return $payload->get('challenge'); . does not do the trick. I changed this to return response->json( return $payload->get('challenge'));. This got my url verified.
Am not sure whether this is an issue with the whole botman slack-driver , I didn't find anyone else with the same issue.

Yii2 OpenId Connect error - yii2-authclient returns 400 error "Token not provided" when I try to getUserAttributes()

I'm implementing OpenId Connect into my Yii2 app using the yii2-authclient library. I can login and exchange the code for a token with no problems. I've followed most of the code examples on the web and set a successCallback function that gets called once a user successfully logs in. It looks like this:
public function successCallback(ClientInterface $client)
$attributes = $client->getUserAttributes();
This code gets called, but calling getUserAttributes() results in the following error:
Exception – yii\authclient\InvalidResponseException
Request failed with code: 400, message:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Token not provided"}
The logs on the id server show a blank client and user, with an error of invalid_token.
I took a close look at the request I make and I see an access_token element. Any ideas what the problem might be? I can provide more information if necessary.
I figured it out. The problem was that the yii2-authclient library was sending the token as a GET parameter and the ID server was expecting it as a POST param. I upgraded the yii2-authclient library and that solved the problem since a recent change sends the parameter as POST instead of GET.
