I want to get range of date for example:
$startDate = Carbon::now()->subWeek();
$endDate = Carbon::now();
$period = new DatePeriod($startDate, CarbonInterval::day(), $endDate);
foreach ($period as $row) {
$date = $row->format('Y-m-d');
echo $date. ', ';
Those code will return me this date:
2016-04-24, 2016-04-25, 2016-04-26, 2016-04-27, ... until 2016-05-23
But the problem is, the date not return today's date (2016-05-24).
How can I get today date using above code?
I can get today date buy changing $endDate = Carbon::now(); to $endDate = Carbon::now()->tomorrow();
But its a little bit odd when read the code.
$numberOfDays = $endDate->diffInDays($startDate);
foreach (range(0, $numberOfDays) as $day) {
$dates[] = $endDate->copy()->subDays($day)->format('Y-m-d');
i need to get immediate date like if i select date is 05 then output will be 2017-07-05 cause select date already passed
if i select 12 then output will be 2017-06-12 cause this date future date
final if i select previous date of current month then output will be next month same date and if i select future date of current month then output will be same month
i have tired but not working this
$today = date("Y-m-d");
$next_payment_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month', $today));
$time = time();
date("Y-m-d", mktime(0,0,0,date("n", $time),date("j",$time)- 1 ,date("Y", $time)));
thanks in your advance
One more option:
$input = 12;
$day = date("d");
if ($input > $day){
$date = date("Y-m-"). str_pad($input,2,"0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$date = date("Y-m-",strtotime("+1 month")). str_pad($input,2,"0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $date;
I use str_pad to keep two digit day number.
Try this -
$day = '05';
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$supplied = date('Y-m-'.$day);
$final = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+1 months", strtotime($supplied)));
$final = $supplied;
echo $today;
echo '<br />';
echo $supplied;
echo '<br />';
echo $final;
What I'm doing here -
Comparing the current and supplied date
Based on comparison, if supplied date is smaller, I'm adding 1 month else dislpaying the supplied date.
use this,
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$nextDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month'));
or $nextDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month', strtotime($today));
I think this may help.
I would consider using DateTime and it's add method for a DateInterval.
$date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));
$interval = new \DateInterval('P1M');
Here are the supported DateTimeZone values. Make sure to set that to the applicable time zone.
DateTime is mutable, so please keep that in mind.
Try this code :
$selected_date = '2017-06-05';
$current = date('Y-m-d');
//echo $current;
if($selected_date < $current)
$newDate = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($selected_date."+1 month"));
echo $newDate; // gives 2017-07-05
}else if($selected_date > $current)
$newDate = $current;
echo $newDate; // gives 2017-06-07
From what you described in the points at beginning of the question, you could achieve it this way:
$selectedDate = new DateTime('2016-06-05 00:00:00');
$now = new DateTime('now');
$now->setTime(0, 0, 0);
if ($selectedDate < $now) { // Selected date is in past
// Set month and year to current
// Add 1 month
$selectedDate->add(new DateInterval('P1M'));
// If selected date is current or in future we do nothing
echo $selectedDate->format('Y-m-d');
For input 2017-06-05 it will return 2017-07-05 as expected, and for current or future date will return the date that was selected. Works also for any past date like 2016-04-05
for example I have two dates 2015-10-28 and 2015-12-31. from these I want to know how many saturday and sunday in that given date range. I can find the diff between that dates but I can't find how many weekends.
anyone ever made this?
here is my current code:
function createDateRange($maxDate, $cell, $lead, $offArray = array()){
$dates = [];
$edate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($maxDate." -$lead day"));
$sdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($edate." -$cell day"));
$start = new DateTime($sdate);
$end = new DateTime($edate);
$end = $end->modify('+1 day');
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 day');
$period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end);
foreach($period as $d){
$dt = $d->format('Y-m-d');
if(!in_array($dt, $dates)){
$dates[] = $dt;
return $dates;
basically I want to add sat+sun count to the date range.
The trick is to use an O(1)-type algorithm to solve this.
Given your starting date, move to the first Saturday. Call that from
Given your ending date, move back to the previous Friday. Call that to
Unless you have an edge case (where to is less than from), compute (to - from) * 2 / 7 as the number of weekend days, and add that to any weekend days passed over in steps (1) and (2).
This is how I do it in production, although generalised for arbitrary weekend days.
Use this function:
function getDateForSpecificDayBetweenDates($startDate, $endDate, $weekdayNumber)
$startDate = strtotime($startDate);
$endDate = strtotime($endDate);
$dateArr = array();
if(date("w", $startDate) != $weekdayNumber)
$startDate += (24 * 3600); // add 1 day
} while(date("w", $startDate) != $weekdayNumber);
while($startDate <= $endDate)
$dateArr[] = date('Y-m-d', $startDate);
$startDate += (7 * 24 * 3600); // add 7 days
The function call to get dates for all Sunday's in year 2015:
$dateArr = getDateForSpecificDayBetweenDates('2015-01-01', '2015-12-31', 0);
print "<pre>";
//周日0 周一1 .....
$data = 4;//周四
$t1 ='2015-10-28';
$t2 = '2015-12-31';
$datetime1 = date_create($t1);
$datetime2 = date_create($t2);
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
$day = $interval->format('%a');
$result = ($day)/7;
$start = getdate(strtotime($t1))['wday'];
$end = getdate(strtotime($t2))['wday'];
if($data>=$start && $data<=$end){
echo floor($result)+1;
echo floor($result);
I am using this code to add a week to a date:
$date1 = "2009-10-11";
$d = new DateTime($date1);
$d->modify( '+1 week' );
echo $d->format( 'Y m d' ), "\n";
It works fine good but want to add this functionality:
$startDate = "2009-10-11";
$endDate = "2010-01-20";
And want to create an array that holds ALL the +1 weeks IN BETWEEN these dates. How can i do this?
Here is one way of doing it:
$startDate = "2009-10-11";
$endDate = "2010-01-20";
$dates = array();
$temp = strtotime($startDate);
do {
$dates[] = date("Y-m-d", $temp);
$temp = strtotime("+1 week", $temp);
} while ($temp < strtotime($endDate));
You can see a demo here
Dates can be converted to timestamps. Timestamps are great for being compared because they basically just integers.
What I would do as a quick'n'dirty solution is to convert both your dates to timestamps and then design a loop like this (pseudo-code) :
timestamp = start_timestamp
WHILE timestamp < end_timestamp
timestamp = timestamp + 1 week
dates[] = timestamp
What's the cleanest way to use a loop in PHP to list dates in the following way?
The key elements here:
Should be as simple as possible - I would prefer one for loop instead of two.
Should list this month's date as the first date, and should stop at a fixed point (2009-11)
Should not break in the future (eg: subtracting 30 days worth of seconds will probably work but will eventually break as there are not an exact amount of seconds on each month)
Had to make a few tweaks to the solution:
// Set timezone
// Start date
$date = date('Y').'-'.date('m').'-01';
// End date
$end_date = '2009-1-1';
while (strtotime($date) >= strtotime($end_date))
$date = date ("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 month", strtotime($date)));
echo substr($date,0,7);
echo "\n";
Maybe this little code does the thing? :
more complicated situations.
// Set timezone
// Start date
$date = '2009-12-06';
// End date
$end_date = '2020-12-31';
while (strtotime($date) <= strtotime($end_date)) {
echo "$date\n";
$date = date ("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($date)));
The credit goes to: http://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2009/php-loop-through-dates-from-date-to-date-with-strtotime-function/
This is what im guessing your asking for cause it doesnt really make sense......
$startmonth = date("m");
$endmonth = 7;
$startyear = date("Y");
$endyear = 2012;
//First for loop to loop threw years
for($i=$startyear; $i<=$endyear; $i++, $startmonth=0) {
//Second for loop to loop threw months
for($o=$startmonth; $o<=12; $o++) {
//If statement to check and throw stop when at limits
if($i == $endyear && $o <= $endmonth)
echo $i."_".$o."<br/>";
Will output:
PHP 5.3 introduces some great improvements to date/time processing in PHP. For example, the first day of, DateInterval and DatePeriod being used below.
$start = new DateTime('first day of this month');
$end = new DateTime('2009-11-01');
$interval = new DateInterval('P1M');
$period = new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end);
foreach ($period as $date) {
echo $date->format('Y_m') . PHP_EOL;
I am using following codes to display start and end dates of current month.
function firstOfMonth() {
return date("m/d/Y", strtotime(date('m').'/01/'.date('Y').' 00:00:00'));
function lastOfMonth() {
return date("m/d/Y", strtotime('-1 second',strtotime('+1 month',strtotime(date('m').'/01/'.date('Y').' 00:00:00'))));
$date_start = firstOfMonth();
$date_end = lastOfMonth();
echo $date_start;
echo $date_end;
Question: How to get start and end dates of all months in a range of date given
For Eg:
function daterange($startdate,$enddate)
Expected result be array of start and end dates of each month between date range of $startdate and $enddate.
Help me how to do this....
//Function to return out start and end dates of all months in a date range given
function rent_range($start_date, $end_date)
$start_date = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($start_date));
$end_date = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($end_date));
$start = strtotime($start_date);
$end = strtotime($end_date);
$month = $start;
$months[] = date('Y-m', $start);
while($month < $end) {
$month = strtotime("+1 month", $month);
$months[] = date('Y-m', $month);
foreach($months as $mon)
$mon_arr = explode( "-", $mon);
$y = $mon_arr[0];
$m = $mon_arr[1];
$start_dates_arr[] = date("m/d/Y", strtotime($m.'/01/'.$y.' 00:00:00'));
$end_dates_arr[] = date("m/d/Y", strtotime('-1 minute', strtotime('+1 month',strtotime($m.'/01/'.$y.' 00:00:00'))));
//to remove first month in start date and add our start date as first date
array_unshift($start_dates_arr, $start_date);
//To remove last month in end date and add our end date as last date
array_push($end_dates_arr, $end_date);
$result['start_dates'] = $start_dates_arr;
$result['end_dates'] = $end_dates_arr;
return $result;
$start_date = '2011-07-29';
$end_date = '2012-03-31';
$res = rent_range($start_date, $end_date);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
My Above Function will give the month range display of dates within a given range.
This function would be useful for monthly rent calculation as indian tradition.
It may help some one else....
Have a look at date function and scroll to format character t which gives you the number of days. Start date will always be 1 :-)
Doing this in a loop for the number of months between the two dates and storing the values in an array is up to you
function firstAndLast($d=''){
$d = $d?$d:time();
$f = mktime(0,0,0,date("n",$d),1,date("Y",$d));
$l = mktime(0,0,0,date("n",$d),date("t",$d),date("Y",$d));
return array($f,$l);
list($first,$last) = firstAndLast();
echo date("d/m/Y",$first)." ($first) - ".date("d/m/Y",$last)." ($last)";
You can pass a timestamp to the function or leave it blank and it will pick up the current time