How to run exe file in php - php

I'm working on classification algorithm in python and it related with php code, to get the right result I should run my python exe then go to the php code.
I want to execute the python by itself with php code. I tried this:
// outputs the username that owns the running php/httpd process
// (on a system with the "whoami" executable in the path)
echo exec('whoami');
But It's not working, should I know more about path? and how to put my exe in the write path?

exec("C:\\Users\\posh\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python35\\python.exe <arguments if any>", $output, $ret_code);
// directly writing python may not work in that case
// give path to python.exe
exec("python <arguments if any>", $output, $ret_code);
// $ret_code : returns the code 0 or 1
// output is an array


how to run Python script from php

I want to run python script from php.
this is my python code. It is saved in /home/pi and name of file is
#! /usr/bin/python
import bluetooth
while 1:
data +=sock.recv(1024)
if data_end!=-1:
print datas
except KeyboardInterrupt:
And here is my php code. It is saved in /var/www/html and name of file is php.php
$output=shell_exec('ls -l /home/pi/');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";
And I insert localhost/php.php in chrome, it displays
-rw-r-r- 1 pi pi 378 Mar 8 12:07 /home/pi/
what is the problem??
As pointed out by Jon Stirling, you are using "ls" to only listing the content of the folder or to check whether the file exist in that folder. To run the Python code, you need to change the PHP file into something like this:
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";
ls command is used to list files in a directory or to get information about a file. You are ls-ing on your python file and the result is correct. It is providing you with information about the file.
Just put the file name inside of shell_exec that is /home/pi/ If you do not want to depend on the shebang and the command python is available in your shell environment then you can use python /home/pi/ instead of bare /home/pi/
Again, you used the variable datas with print where you intended to use data - fix it.
php code:
$output=shell_exec('python /home/pi/');
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";
python code:
#! /usr/bin/python
import bluetooth
while 1:
data +=sock.recv(1024)
if data_end!=-1:
print data
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Execution of a Python Script from PHP

I am making an android application in which I am first uploading the image to the server and on the server side, I want to execute a Python script from PHP. But I am not getting any output. When I access the Python script from the command prompt and run python it runs successfully and gives the desired output. I'm running Python script from PHP using the following command:
$result = exec('/usr/bin/python /var/www/html/Source/');
echo $result
However, if I run a simple Python program from PHP it works.
PHP has the permissions to access and execute the file.
Is there something which I am missing here?
exec('/usr/bin/python /var/www/html/Source/', $output);
2nd Parameter of exec will give output
exec('/usr/bin/python /var/www/html/Source/ 2>&1', $output);
2>&1 - redirecting stderr to stdout. Now in case of any error too, $output will be populated.
First Check your python PATH using "which python" command and check result is /usr/bin/python.
Check your "" if you have written #!/usr/bin/sh than replace it with #!/usr/bin/bash.
Than run these commands
exec('/usr/bin/python /var/www/html/Source/', $result);
echo $result

Running a python code with php

I have a python script which is needed to be run by php:
$command = escapeshellcmd('/home/Desktop/');
$output = shell_exec($command);
echo $output;
The out put of the python script is a binary file but I get the following error in the log:
Unable to access the X Display, is $DISPLAY set properly?
The php code works fine from the terminal but no luck when I try to run it from the browser. Any idea what is going on? Ideally, I don't want to change my program. I want to know how you can rectify the X Display error. Is there a way to check if $DISPLAY is set properly? ( I am working with Ubuntu)
I tried this : pidof X && echo "yup X server is running" on my terminal and it is saying yup x server is running!
Add the following text as the first line of your Python script:
Without this, the kernel doesn't know what interpreter to run your script with, and may end up trying to launch it using /usr/bin/import (because that word probably appears on the first line of the script). The import utility requires access to the X11 display (it's a screenshot utility, basically), which is why you're getting this error.
The python file you need may need to open a window to run. You say you saw it run in terminal though? What's Is it propitiatory?
If you try using this as a command in your PHP: (not 100% that the shell escape won't strip this so may need to comment that out)
python -c \'print \"Test\"\'
and see if you get the output text back. If so it's a python issue not PHP and the file may be instantiating something that needs the $DISPLAY var set. PHP doesn't set the $DISPLAY var as it is shell commands not GUI.
try popen
$command = "/usr/bin/python /home/Desktop/";
$handle = popen($command, "r");
"r" for read
$read = fread($handle, 10);
10 is the size of output you want to take,
echo $read ;
hope it helps,

exec not working in php script ( WAMP Server )

I am using WAMP server on my system to execute php scripts.
I want to execute a script test.php from my main script main.php.
For that I am using exec function like this exec('php test.php');. In test.php I have given one echo statement.
But when I run my main.php script from the browser I am not able to see output of test.php script.
What am I doing wrong ? please suggest.
You have to give the proper path of php.exe
exec("c:\wamp\<where ever you exe is>/php.exe test.php");
so it has to be a proper path
use this command
echo exec('php test.php', $output); //this will print your echo statement.

error on using exec() to call python script

I am trying to call a simple python script
print "hello world"
from the following php script
echo exec("/usr/local/python25/bin/python");
But nothing was happened.
Please tell me what is wrong here? (I also checked other thread but I could not solve my problem)
Question Solved:
I forgot to give the permission to access /usr/local/python25/bin/python. After I did this, the problem solved.
Thank you so much for your help!
1.The exec function just return the last line from the result of the command.
2. The print statement in python (except python 3) automatically adds a newline at the end.
This is the reason you feel nothing was happened.
You can catch the whole output by this way.
exec("/usr/local/python25/bin/python 2>&1", $output);
Kind of an obvious point here, but can you run the python script from a terminal? Does it actually run?
Make sure the script is executable by whatever user PHP is running as - chmod 777, and just to be safe chmod 777 /usr/local/python25/bin/python. Also, make sure the python script is in the same directory as the PHP script, which is what your method of calling it requires.
Try changing your PHP script to this, and tell me what you see: (EDITED)
// Path to the python script - either FULL path or relative to PHP script
$pythonScript = '';
// Path to python executable - either FULL path or relative to PHP script
$pythonExec = '/usr/local/python25/bin/python';
// Check the file exists and PHP has permission to execute it
if (!file_exists($pythonExec)) {
exit("The python executable '$pythonExec' does not exist!");
if (!is_executable($pythonExec)) {
exit(("The python executable '$pythonExec' is not executable!"));
if (!file_exists($pythonScript)) {
exit("The python script file '$pythonScript' does not exist!");
// Execute it, and redirect STDERR to STDOUT so we can see error messages as well
exec("$pythonExec \"$pythonScript\" 2>&1", $output);
// Show the output of the script
If you want to capture the subprocess' stdout, you should use passthru
Also you don't need the first line of that python script if you're calling the python interpreter directly.
