Which architectural pattern am I using? - php

I have developed web application without using any framework via PHP. My application mainly have two type of files - frontends and backends. The first type may contain HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery) and the backends - only PHP. I have one class called pg_db_connection which makes connection with the database and one class session which create user's web session(php's function session_start()) and maintain some variables like "username", user's id in the users database table etc.
The pg_db_connection class has a property $link which is a database resource gained from pg_connect(). This class also have some functions like query($query, $b_result = false, &$affected_rows = null), insert($table, $values, $columns = null, &$affected_rows = null), begin(), commit(), rollback(), and more. In the start of every frontend file I create object of type session and perform:
$db = new pg_db_connection($db_config,$log_mng);
$session = new session($db);
#if the session is not active go to login.php frontend and force the user to login
header("Location: /html/admin/login.php?url=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
# If session is active proceed below
# Auto refresh the session
# Check if the current user have privileges to access this frontend file (second param is file path, third - file name)
if(!($session->passpermit($session->user_id(), $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], dirname(__FILE__)."/", basename(__FILE__))))
header("Location: /html/admin/access_denied.html");
Session class store user_id, username and more in $_SESSION. Connection to the database is needed, because the files, which web user have permissions to access are stored in the database. If I want to load any dynamic data in this frontend file I use jQuery's post or load functions and make call to one backend file. This backend file in the most cases include pg_db_connection, execute some database queries, if also needed - do some more work upon the data(wrap with HTML tags, or format the array somehow and then json_encode it), and then retrieve HTML or JSON to the frontend file. Then in the jquery's load or post callback method this HTML is written where needed, or the JSON is transformed somehow to HTML and again written somewhere in the HTML.
I am wondering if I use any kind of known architectural pattern. Or which architectural pattern is closest to the described approach?

To the best of my knowledge, your application architecture doesn't follow any specific architectural pattern specifically.
Generally you use a client(frontend) - server (backend) architecture and you fetch data from the frontend with JavaScript/Ajax requests.
You use don't specify the architecture of your business logic code...so there is no way to tell whether you use a MVC pattern etc...
Check out this link to learn more:
I also recommend you to read this write-up to get a better understanding of web application design decisions:
Web Application Design Patterns
From the list in this link, I would say you use the following design patterns:
Request-Processing: Page Controller (apparently you have a single entry class where you control authentication and authorization)
Presentation: Supervising Presenter (if I got you right, you do the main logic in the server, but you then delegate some UI/JSON-Content replacement tasks etc. to the Frontend JavaScript)
Page Layout (UI): Transform/Two-Step View (you create with jQuery some HTML out of JSON right?)
Persistence: Transactional Data Store (because you use begin(), commit() , rollback())
Some criticism:
pg_db_connection implies you have to use postgres DB I guess?
...so you can't easy switch your database...and you have to deal with error-prone and security-risky low level SQL queries...
Custom session handling is also rather error-prone with many pit-falls...
header("Location: /html/admin/login.php?url=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
...might lead to a redirect-vulnerability...and I don't even want to know what you are doing in login.php...
Regarding exit; you may want to read here why exit() is sub-optimal:
Best Practice for PHP exit()
Anyway, there are reasons why people actually NOT writing their own web-application architecture from scratch and rather get inspired-by or use a PHP framework:
Make speed development possible
Provide well-organized, reusable and maintainable code
Let you grow over time as web apps running on frameworks are scalable
Spare you from the worries about low-level security of a site
Follow the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern that ensures the separation of presentation and logic
Promote modern web development practices such as object-oriented programming tools
Check out some of the currently modern frameworks presented in this blog post:
(thats also the source for the before-mentioned framework usage reasons...)
Maybe something fits your use case without being too slow/bloated/etc...


PHP - Structuring a Slim3 web application using MVC and understanding the role of the model

I’m trying to create an authentication system in php with the Slim3 framework along with the Twig template system, and for the database I’m using MySQL with PDO. I’m also trying to implement it using a model view controller design pattern. However I’m having difficulty understanding how to use an MVC structure for a web application. I’ve looked at a plethora of explanations on the web and there doesn’t seem to be a clear cut answer. A lot of people say to to use a php framework such as Laravel, Symfony or CodeIgniter as they apparently employ an MVC like structure. However I would much rather keep things simple and to write the code manually rather than using a framework.
Currently there are two interpretations of MVC that I see. The first one being depicted in this diagram:
The other interpretation I’ve seen is this: (which is taken from this YouTube video)
I have done my research. Questions and answers such as this and this have been helpful. But I’m still not sure how I might structure my own applications, specifically indentifying and understanding the model aspect of MVC. I’ll now explain the register process of my authentication app. So you have an idea how my code is works.
Firstly I have an SQLQueries class that simply puts a series of SQL statements into functions. I then have a SQLWrapper class that has functions that can for example store a new users details inside the database. This class also calls functions from the SQLQueries class. I also have a ValidateSanitize class that has functions that cleans user input as well as checking if user input is valid in the form. These three classes I think are part of the model aspect of MVC but I'm not sure. I see a lot of other tutorials using a ‘User Model class’ but I can’t find the need for one in my application.
My views are simply Twig templates that display html, such as the homepage, register, login etc. I then have controllers. I intend to have multiple controllers that do different things. For now I’ve only implemented the AuthController which is responsible for Registering and Signing a user in.
So the first thing the AuthController does is to display the register form in a function called getRegisterForm. Once the user has submitted the form the postRegisterForm function takes that user input and assigns it to tainted variables.
public function postRegisterForm($request, $response)
$arr_tainted_params = $request->getParsedBody();
$tainted_email = $arr_tainted_params['email']; it a variable
$tainted_username = $arr_tainted_params['username'];
$tainted_password = $arr_tainted_params['password'];
$tainted_password_confirm = $arr_tainted_params['password_confirm'];
Next all of the three previous classes as well as the database details are instantiated so their functions can be used in the AuthController:
$sanitizer_validator = $this->container->ValidateSanitize;
$sql_wrapper = $this->container->SQLWrapper;
$sql_queries = $this->container->SQLQueries;
$db_handle = $this->container->get('dbase');
The tainted user details are then cleaned with the sanitize_input function. The cleaned user details are then fed into the validate functions to make sure they don’t trigger any validation violations. The password is also hashed here:
$cleaned_email = $sanitizer_validator->sanitize_input($tainted_email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
$cleaned_username = $sanitizer_validator->sanitize_input($tainted_username, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$cleaned_password = $sanitizer_validator->sanitize_input($tainted_password, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$cleaned_password_confirm = $sanitizer_validator->sanitize_input($tainted_password_confirm, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$hashed_cleaned_password = password_hash($cleaned_password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
Finally there is an if statement that checks to see if all validation error messages are empty. If they are we provide the SQLWrapper class with the database details as well as a SQLQueries class object. We then insert the users details into the database by calling the SQLWrapper classes store-details function. Finally we direct the user to the login page, so the user can sign into their newly registered account.
if ($sanitizer_validator->get_validate_messages('email_error') == ' ' && $sanitizer_validator->get_validate_messages('username_error') == ' '
&& $sanitizer_validator->get_validate_messages('password_error') == ' ' && $sanitizer_validator->check_passwords_match($cleaned_password, $cleaned_password_confirm ) == true
&& $sanitizer_validator->check_email_exists($cleaned_email) == false)
$sql_wrapper->store_details($cleaned_email, $cleaned_username, $hashed_cleaned_password);
return $response→withRedirect($this→container→router→pathFor('login'));
However if any of the validate error messages are not blank, then we call the SanitiseValidate display_validate_messages which simply sets the messages into a session to be displayed on the register twig template. We then redirect back to the register page so the user can see the validation error messages.
return $response->withRedirect($this->container->router->pathFor('register'));
So based on this structure of a user registering an account. Does this adhere to a clean simple MVC structure or do some changes need to be made? Do any of my classes take the role of a model? Any suggestions and tips regarding my structure will be appreciated.
The full application can be seen on my GitHub if that would be helpful. Note that this version is slightly older than the sample code I used in this question.
Indeed, there are multiple approaches regarding how the MVC pattern should be applied in web applications. This multitude of variants is the result of the simple fact, that the original MVC pattern - developed for desktop applications (by Trygve Reenskaug, in 1979) - can not be applied as is to the web applications. Here is a little description. But, from this set of approaches, you can choose one which best complies with your requirements. Maybe you'll try more of them before you'll make your mind. Though, at some point, you'll know which one fits to your vision.
In the following diagrams I tried to present my chosen approach on the web MVC workflow - mainly inspired by Robert Martin's presentation Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years (licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0).
In general, you could think of a web MVC application as composed of the following parts:
Domain model (e.g. model, e.g. model layer);
Service layer (optional);
Delivery mechanism;
Other components (like own libraries, etc).
1) The domain model should consist of the following components:
Entities (e.g. domain objects) and value objects. They model the business rules in terms of properties and behavior and, being application-independent, can be used by multiple (types of) applications.
(Data) mappers and, optional, repositories. These components are responsible with the persistence logic.
External services. They are used to perform different tasks involving the use of external/own libraries (like sending emails, parsing documents, etc).
Further, the domain model could be split into two parts:
a) Domain model abstraction. This would be the only space of the model layer accessed by the components of the delivery mechanism, or by the services of the service layer - if one is implemented:
Entities and value objects;
(Data) mapper abstractions and, optional, repository abstractions;
Abstractions of external services.
Note: By abstractions I mean interfaces and abstract classes.
b) Domain model implementation. This space would be the one in which the implementations of the different domain model abstractions (see a) would reside. The dependency injection container (as part of the delivery mechanism) will be responsible with passing instances of these concrete classes as dependencies - as constructor arguments, for example - to the other components of the application (like controllers, views, services, etc).
2) Service layer (optional): Technically, the components of the delivery mechanism could directly interact with the elements of the domain model. Though such interactions involve (a lot of) operations, specific only to the model, not to the delivery mechanism. Therefore, a good choice is to defer the execution of these operations to service classes (e.g. services), as part of the so-called service layer. The delivery mechanism components will then use only these services to access the domain model components.
Note: The service layer can, actually, be seen as part of the model layer. In my diagrams bellow I preferred to display it as a layer residing outside the model. But, in the file system example, I put the corresponding folder in the domain space.
3) The delivery mechanism sums up the constructs used to assure the interaction between the user and the model layer's components. By user I don't mean a person, but an interface with which a person can interact - like a browser, a console (e.g. CLI), a desktop GUI, etc.
Web server: parses the user request through a single point of entry (index.php).
Dependency injection container: provides the proper dependencies to the different components of the application.
HTTP message (e.g. HTTP request and HTTP response) abstraction (see PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces).
Router: matches the request components (HTTP method and URI path) against the components of each route (HTTP method and pattern) in a predefined list of routes and returns the matched route, if found.
Front controller: matches the user request against a route and dispatches it to a certain controller and/or view action.
Controllers. They write (e.g. perform create, update and delete operations) to the model layer and (should) expect no results. This can happen by directly interacting with the components defined in the domain model, or, preferably, by only interacting with the service classes.
Views. They should be classes, not template files. They can receive a template engine as dependency. They only fetch data (e.g. perform read operations) from the model layer. Either by directly interacting with the components defined in the domain model, or, preferably, by only interacting with the service classes. Also, they decide which result (like a string), or template file content, will be displayed to the user. A view action should always return a HTTP response object (maybe as defined by the PSR-7 specification), whose body will be before-hand updated with the mentioned result or template file content.
Template files. Should be kept as simple as possible. The whole presentation logic should happen only in the view instances. So, the template files should contain only variables (be they pure PHP ones, or presented with the used template engine syntax) and, maybe, some simple conditional statements, or loops.
Response emitter: reads the body of the HTTP response instance returned by the view and prints it.
4) Other components. As wished. For example some libraries developed by your own. Like an implementation of the PSR-7 abstraction.
How I chose to dispatch the user request:
As you see in the diagrams above, the front controller dispatches the user request not only to a controller action (in order to update the domain model), but also to a view action (in order to read and display the updated state/data from the model layer). Kind of a splitted dispatch. This can be relatively easy achieved by assigning the controller action and the view action to each route (like bellow), and telling the front controller to call them successively:
use MyApp\UI\Web\Application\View;
use MyApp\UI\Web\Application\Controller;
// Note: $this specifies a RouteCollection to which the route is added.
$this->post('/upload', [
'controller' => [Controller\Upload::class, 'uploadFiles'],
'view' => [View\Upload::class, 'uploadFiles'],
This approach gives flexibility in regard to the user request dispatch. For example, the name of the view action can be different from the name of the controller action. Or, in order to only fetch model layer data, you don't need to dispatch the user request to a controller, but only to a view. Therefore you don't need to assign a controller action in the route at all:
use MyApp\UI\Web\Application\View;
$this->get('/upload', [View\Upload::class, 'listFiles']);
File system structure example:
myapp/domain: folder containing the domain model classes and the services. This directory could be brought into the "myapp/web/src" folder, but it shouldn't, because the model layer and the service layer are not part of the delivery mechanism.
myapp/web: folder containing the delivery mechanism classes. Its name depicts the type of application - can be a web app, a cli app, etc.
*) Sandro Mancuso : An introduction to interaction-driven design
*) The ones listed in an older answer of mine.
*) The tutorials presented by Alejandro Gervasio:
Building a Domain Model – An Introduction to Persistence Agnosticism
Building a Domain Model – Integrating Data Mappers
Handling Collections of Aggregate Roots – the Repository Pattern
An Introduction to Services
*) The example on the Slim 3 page: Action-Domain-Responder with Slim.
There is a course where you get walked through making MVC with slim 3. Ill link it here : https://codecourse.com/courses/slim-3-authentication . Hope this helped, its a really easy to follow course and you learn alot.

When using SOC & SRP should I be concerned about too much parameter passing between code blocks?

How far do I break down individual tasks within a typical scenario of "Web application reacts to user input"?
For example, in the case below, say a scenario is "User submits a form, causing user data to be turned into an Object (technical detail) and then saved into the database" .
I am using various services to get, filter, object-ify, and save data. Specifically, for example, in my $domainObject = ... line below solely copies data from array into an object (similar to this What is a name for a pattern where it receives data or asks for data and returns back an object?)
I am asking, if by continuing to separate individual concerns I come across, into various classes, services, and methods, am I making things harder for myself or future maintainers in the long run?
class Controller
//saves a domain object acquired from an HTML form & other sources
function saveAction()
// acquire data from GET, POST, COOKIE, SESSION, database, et
$inputData = $this->inputService->acquireData();
// clean data
$filteredData = $this->filterService->filter($inputData);
// marshall data into an object
$domainObject = $this->objectService->createObject($filteredData);
//save object into a database
$id = $this->repository->save($domainObject);
// Send $id to View
return new ViewModel(array(
'id' => $id
For Clarity
Let's call "parameter passing" as "wiring".
So, first, my wire is $inputData, which I receive from inputService.
I take that wire and feed it into filterService, which returns the
other end of the wire called $filteredData.
I take that end of wire and feed it into objectService.
In return I get $domainObject end of the wire.
I take that end and feed it into repository, and receive back ID
I take the $id end of wire and run it into my ViewModel, and that's the endpoint.
^^^^ The above is all the wiring that I do and that needs to happen when I use Separation of Concern to separate my code into various code constructs of inputService, filterService, objectService, repository, ViewModel.
The wiring connects them together.
I can "cheat" and merge some code constructs together to minimize on passing the wire. (minimize passing the parameters everywhere).
And that is what my question is about.
Is wiring up of the individual code constructs (parameter passing between various services) a good thing? Should I do more? Should I do less? Is there a technique I'm not aware of that makes this a non-issue?
I would say that it depends of the business logic and the domain of the problem you're trying to solve. If you see frameworks like Ruby On Rails, or Laravel, they try to use MVC to tackle common web app problems. However, these frameworks start to get fat (for example, you can find controllers or models with more than 2000 lines of code, i.e the famous User model with a lot of business logic).
This has popularized two approachs.
The use of microservices in different technologies instead of monolithic applications.
The use of OOP concepts like concerns (traits in PHP), composition, mixins for behaviors, engines for splitting logic and more.
So I would say that if you have a simple app, with no future intentions of making it grow with hundreds of features, a simple mvc flow with helpers can be enough. If your app is planning to grow a lot, you should consider an alternative as mentioned before.
This is a very debated topic, and there are several articles of great programmers, like this one from David Heinemeier Hansson. Also this is pure gold from Sandy Metz in railsconf. And other nice resource is this question.

Choosing which classes to use in a php OOP design

I run an arcade site and over the past few years it's had many features added, it's got to the point where procedural programming just looks way too complicated and adding new features or making simple design modifications can be very tricky.
Therefore I've decided to try and recode the site from the ground up with the same features but in an OOP format.
The issue I have is picking the classes, I understand OOP and how it should work but always seem to have trouble getting started. I am unsure whether I should be trying to make functions for classes such as a user class with log in user function or if the user class should just be to add/update/show user details and the log in part would be better in a system class?
At the moment I've started with the following class and functions but do they fit in this category?
class User {
var $userId,
function isLoggedIn(){
function login($postusername, $postpassword)
function increaseLoginCount(){
function logout(){
I could then have something like the following in a page.php .. (connect class not shown)
$db = new Connect;
$user = new User;
echo "Please Log In.";
$user->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
echo $user->username." Logged In.<br />";
But then the site would have pages to show game categories and I don't know where the displayGames() function would fit as it's not a single game so wouldn't go in the 'Game' class?
I've tried to find 'real world' examples but php code showing me how to make an elephant change colour or dance doesn't really help ...
Let's start with some textual analysis, highlights by me:
I run an arcade site and over the past few years
Think about how much you are able to cope with and what you are dealing with. Also understand that over the years you have gained specific knowledge about running arcade site. You have gained profession in your area. Never underestimate your own position and assets, it's the base you're operating from and you will introduce changes to. This includes your site's userbase.
it's had many features added, it's got to the point where procedural programming just looks way too complicated and adding new features or making simple design modifications can be very tricky.
If systems grow, they become more and more complicated. That's not specific to procedural programming only, it's a matter of fact. As you're running the site now for many years, you know how things changed, especially in the area how the user interfaces with your site.
Therefore I've decided to try and recode the site from the ground up with the same features but in an OOP format.
It's said that it could be possible to use OOP techniques to make re-useable software, there is (and can not be) any proof of this.
But there are only very few examples in commercial software development where re-writing the whole application from scratch was a success. Very few. The rules of commercial software development might not apply in your specific case, so just saying.
Think twice before you recode the site. Doing a lot of work only to achieve the same is somewhat fruitless and can be disappointing. Instead probably look more specifically which of your current design is introducing the biggest problem you would love to change.
It is possible with PHP to mix procedural and object-oriented style, which can be especially useful when you have legacy code (a common definition of legacy code is code w/o automated tests).
The issue I have is picking the classes,
I try to rephrase that: For what write classes for?
I understand OOP and how it should work but always seem to have trouble getting started.
The beginning is always the hardest step. You're in the position ready to make decisions now, but you can't look into the future. Reduce the risk by eliminating the most risky part. You've probably started to ask a question here to gain some feedback to base your decisions on, but that will probably not reduce the burden and might lead to confusion. However, getting educated is most often a good thing.
I am unsure whether I should be trying to make functions for classes such as a user class with log in user function or if the user class should just be to add/update/show user details and the log in part would be better in a system class?
That highly depends on the nature of your application and the nature of the user. Probably the most of your script only need to know if a user is concrete or anonymous (an anonymous user has not logged in), it's ID, name or nickname.
The application should provide that user to any consuming component, so each command/script does not need to deal with a) obtaining users information and handling users (like logging in), b) verifying if the component is valid for the user (access control). That should be placed somewhere else, e.g. in the application controller­PofEAA.
Each of your scripts/commands that has the application controller object, can ask for the user and just interact with the user.
However this is just technically speaking. Deal with the fact of yourself being unsure, work with that information. Try to better formulate your concrete problem, list pros and cons for a specific way of solving it, get away from concrete code again before starting to code. Then compare pros and cons. Try to make things more simple and less complicated.
Probably write down in simple words what should be happening instead of writing code.
At the moment I've started with the following class and functions but do they fit in this category**?**
Your code is quite bare, so it's hard to say much about it - especially as I don't know what your arcade site is (and what the category is you write about). It's still good for an example probably. What can be seen in your classes is that you tightly integrate everything with each other.
For example you start with the DB. That's common, because the DB is a central component for any application. The application needs the DB to operate on. However you want to keep things loosely coupled so that all your commands can be run with some other DB or a new user object that is connected with some even other DB than the rest of your application's data objects.
As the user is such a central subject in each application, it should have a very simple interface. All the glory details about authentication, retrieving of the users properties etc. should be delegated into another class/component, so that you can change the implementation where users are stored and how they authenticate:
* #package command.modules.games
function ListGamesCommand(Request $request, Response $response)
$application = $request->getApplication();
$user = $application->getSession()->getUser();
$games = $application->getModels()->build('games');
$games = $games->findByUser($user);
$response->setProp('games', $games);
As this example shows, you can add the functionality when you need it. E.g. as long as your application does not need to actually log in users, why care about how it's written now?
Create a factory that is producing the user for the application object - whatever it will need now or in the future (see the Two Piles of Objects in The Clean Code Talks — Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing). If you then need the authentication, either add it to the session object or the user object interface.
The authentication itself would be implemented in a class of it's own anyway, the Authenticator. So you can review your interfaces later on as well, by moving the invocation of authentication from session to user or whatever. Only a fraction of your commands will need to deal with these specific task and as all new code is under automatic tests as you want to rewrite and benefit from OOP, you have ensured that all the places are covered and properly re-factored.
Same is true for accessing request variables. If you want to make use of the benefits of OOP - which is highly connected with indirection (and each layer of indirection comes with a price) - you should first of all make your base classes operate on specific data and not on any data (like globals and superglobals, I've seen $_POST in your example code).
So enable your new code to operate on a request and deliver a response (Input - Processing - Output):
$request = new Request($_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_ENV);
$response = new Response;
Example taken from the BankAccount - Sample application used for PHPUnit training
Now everything below this can operate on a Request and a Response object - process input and turn it into output. The domain command (your scripts/commands that do the thing) do not need to care any longer about extracting input from the HTTP request like using $_POST or $_GET they can take it directly from the Request - or if you write a class of commands of it's own - this can be even more tailored. And some commands can operate on requests and responses of their own.
The next big topic is the user-interface. You write you want to:
I've decided to try and recode the site from the ground up with the same features but in an OOP format.
I already wrote that such a doing can be fruitless. To have a benefit of OOP code would mean that the next time you change your code, you're still able to re-use components. As software changes constantly, this time now is already the next time. So you want to already re-use existing code. I assume one part of your existing code is the output logic. So the existing output logic needs to interface with the exemplary Request and Response above.
I bet you love websites. You love to make them just work and look great. You've build your site over the years and even not everything is like you wish it to be, you don't want to drop it. So it's crucial for your re-write that you don't destroy everything but you can preserve it's working form from now to the future (See as well Preserve a Working Application; last point of the list).
In webapps the view is such a crucial part. If you loose the view, your site will loose it's identity. If you change too much of it, your site will loose users that are comfortable with using it today.
If you break it,
will you even notice?
can you fix it?
On the other hand you want your application code (the features, the functionality) to not be that tightly bound to it any longer to have a benefit in rewriting your code. As you want to rewrite your application, let's take a look:
.---------. .-------------.
| website | ---> [interface in ] ---> | application |
| user | <--- [interface out] <--- | |
`---------´ `-------------´
As this schema shows, to make your application more independent to whatever the interaction looks like (can be a website, a (smartphone) GUI or the ticketing system), the application code should be replace-able. You don't want to code the logic to obtain a users games for example for every type of user-interface in the new application code, but you did in the old application code.
Taking the User object as an example here. How it authenticates and where it is stored shouldn't be something your new application commands code are concerned about. It's just there if the command needs it. Not globally but specifically if the command asks for it.
Where-as the registration and lost password procedures are part of your existing application and continue to exist.
Now you need to bring the old and the new code together.
So you will probably start with an interface for HTTP requests and a HTTP response. The view kicks in with that Interface Out. You assign/pass all needed data for the view via that interface, your application does not know the view any longer. You don't deal with any CSS, Javascript or HTML code within your new application code. That's just the sugar on top for the output. Your application should interface as well via console/telnet in plain text or as a remote XMLRPC service, AJAX endpoint - whatever.
So you can probably just generalize your view code and inject variables to it. To write a view layer could be as simple as including a PHP file. It operates on variables that are available within it's scope. It can make use of "helper" functions (template macros) that are available in it's scope. It can make use of view model objects. It's even possible to write your own language for the view (templating language, a Domain Specific Language (DSL)).
But this is only possible if you create an interface that allows the application code to do so.
So what you now do is to move away the HTTP/HTML/CSS/JS from your application into an adapter of it's own. That adapter is able to formulate the generic command that can be passed to any application via interface in.
The application will only take care to execute the command and deliver it's response via interface out. So you have two domains now: Your application and the website.
You can start to create these two new domains and then offer an interface in and out for your legacy code and one for your new code.
You also have "two" applications next to each other. They are finally bound together (invisible in their own code) with your database which takes care that the data of your site is in order. And that's what the database is for. Separate the data from your code, so you can change your code over time.
Also if you want to re-code, draw a border between the existing code and the new code.
Good luck! And I hope reading this will show you some options for your specific case. Also take note that you don't turn your controllers into just another facade to the database. Probably you've got the best benefits (don't know your concrete biggest problem) by using a lightweight HTTP abstraction and a view layer only as it might be that your application is for websites only.
Because as in HTTP / PHP:
[Interface In] Plain Text HTTP request
[Application] Free to go
[Interface Out] Plain Text HTTP response
You normally need only some functionality to parse the input and build the output.
Additionally not using fat models has the benefit that you access your data quickly and sequentially, e.g. if you don't need to pass the output at once (buffered, one-block), you can make of the benefit to stream the output to the server.
You should decide which parts are important to refactor for your application, not OOP or not. Like procedural, OOP needs to be done well as well. If you today run into problems by writing procedural code, OOP code might not the answer to your problem. The need to write better procedural code might be it. Just saying, it's not easy to refactor an application and you should identify the actual problem first.
If you break it, will you even notice?
If you break it, can you fix it?
The crucial part is that you can notice and that you have everything at hand to do the fix.
Get your website under test, so you can say if changing code here or there is actually doing good. Be able to turn any change back if it comes to light it's not working (better).
That done you can easily decide about a new feature or not. As long as you don't need to introduce new features, there is no need to change anything in how you write features. And until there, you can't plan for the new features.
So better think twice before re-writing your application. As written, this can kill the project.
See as well: How to implement MVC style on my PHP/SQL/HTML/CSS code?­SO Q&A
OOP is all about identifying areas of responsibility and constructing self-contained units of code intended to handle one, and only one, of those areas. A general rule of thumb is that each object in your system should embody an equivalent object or concept in the real world but that's not always true as you need to also worry about abstract things that are needed to make your system work (I mean abstract here in the sense that they don't represent an item of business logic, but are still needed to make the system work. I don't mean abstract classes, which is something else altogether).
For example, in your gaming site, you're probably going to have to deal with Games, Users, Moderators, Accounts, Reviews, Comments and so on. Each of these should be a class in its own right, and every instance of that class should represent a particular User, Game, Comment and so on.
But classes have areas of responsibility, and a stated above, a class should deal with its area of responsibility and nothing else. Rendering a page is not the responsibility of any of the object classes mentioned above. This is where the classes that don't represent the entities of your system come in. You'll probably need a class for a Page, a class for a Session, a class for database connections (though PHP has you covered there already with PDO and some of the other DB modules such as mysqli).
To render a page you'd use an instance of a page class. You'd pass it a reference to the logged in user object, references to any game objects you'd want it to display, and so on. Then you'd have it render the actual HTML. The Page class doesn't need to know anything about the inner workings of the objects you pass it, other than about the APIs that those objects expose (known in OOP circles as the object's protocol, in otherwords their public methods and properties). A (very basic) Page class might look like this:
class Page
private $user = NULL;
private $games = array ();
public function setUser (User $user)
$this -> user = $user;
public function getUser ()
return ($this -> user);
public function addGame (Game $game)
$this -> games [] = $game;
public function getGames ()
return ($this -> games);
public function generate ()
$user = $this -> getUser ();
$games = $this -> getGames ();
$pageFile = '/path/to/a/php/script/representing/the/page/markup.php';
require ($pageFile);
public function __construct (User $user, array $games)
$this -> setUser ($user);
foreach ($games as $game)
$this -> addGame ($game);
The actual markup.php script would probably look something like this:
<title>Games page for <?php echo ($this -> user -> getName ()); ?>
<p>Hello, <?php echo ($this -> user -> getName ()), here are your games.</p>
<?php if (count ($this -> games)) { ?>
<?php foreach ($this -> games as $game) { ?>
<li><?php echo ($game -> getName ()); ?>: your best score is <?php echo ($game -> getHighScore ($this -> user)); ?></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
As you might have noticed, if you use this approach then your application's modules will tend to fall into one of three categories. Your business logic objects like User and Game, your display logic like the markup.php file, and the third group that serves as a form of glue logic and coordination like the Page class.
Whilst in this particular case it's specific to your site, if you were to generalize this approach further it would fall into a design pattern known as MVC, which stands for Model, View, Controller (well actually it's closer to a pattern called PAC for Presentation, Abstraction, Controller, but it's almost always called MVC in the PHP community for some reason, so we'll just say MVC for now). A pattern is a generalization of a class of problems that programmers run into on a regular enough basis that having a toolkit of pre-made solutions is handy.
In the case of your gaming application, User and Game are models, Page is a controller, and markup.php is a view. If you substitute a different markup.php script into this code you can use it to present the exact same data in a completely different way, say as an XML file for example. You could also use the same models with a different controller to get them to do different things. The important thing to keep in mind here is that models should not concern themselves with how they are being used, that way they can be used in different ways depending on what the controller needs to achieve.
As MVC is a pattern, there are already toolkits that exist to build MVC (though they aren't really MVC ;) ) applications in PHP. These are called frameworks. There are plenty to choose from out there, such as Symfony, CodeIgnitor, Zend Framework and so on. The most popular framework these days is Zend, though I'm not personally a fan of it. (I would say that the beta versions of Zend Framework 2 do look a lot better than the current version of the framework though).
I hope this has been helpful for you. I know OOP can be daunting at first. It does require you to change your way of thinking as a programmer, but don't worry, it will come with enough practice.
All the members in the user class look like they belong there. It's important to separate the gui code from other code, I'd put displayGames() in some sort of gui class.
GordonM's post is a good one to get you started. I would certainly recommend using an established framework to get you started - they do a lot of the heavy lifting for you and will help you get used to OOP within PHP. Personally, if you're using PHP5.3 I'd recommend Symfomy2 but that's purely a personal preference. What I would also suggest is you get hold of a copy of the "Gang of Four" book. It's pretty much essential reading and although it comes mainly from a non-request-driven-environment background many of the patterns are still relevant in PHP.

MVC... how and why, and what other good options are there (PHP)?

All the examples I've seen of what and how MVC SHOULD be have used classes as the models, classes as the controller, and HTML templates as the view. And all of them consisted of one index.php script and different requests in the url to run the entire site.
So they've all been something like...
class User{
function getUser($userID){
$sql = mysql_query('SELECT name......');
// more code.....
return $array
<h2><?php echo $user['name']; ?></h2>
class Controller{
$userModel = new User;
$userInfo = $userModel->getUser($id);
$template = new Template('usertemplate.tpl');
I understand why the model is made of classes that simply get and save data (even though I assume classes arent always necessary and functions could be used). I understand why the template consists of mainly HTML. But I dont understand why the controller is a class. I would assume the controller to be a procedural script (like userprofile.php which gets the users data from the model and sends it to the template for displaying).
Also, I was wondering why every tutorial I've read dealt with mod rewriting, and using a single page with requests in the url like "index.php?user=1", or index.php?news=3 to run the entire site. Whats wrong with having separate pages like user_profile.php?id=1, or news.php?id=3...
Can somebody please help me with a quick "tutorial" and an explanation along the way. Like...how would a registration form be implemented using MVC, what would go where and why? thankyou
PS. what other kind of design patterns are there
The big "win" of the controller in PHP's version of MVC is you get away from having a separate PHP page for each and every URL that your application responds to.
When you have a new single page being created for each URL, you're expecting your developers (or yourself) to pull in the needed libraries and initialize the template/layout engine in the same way. Even when you're a single developer, the temptation to break from the "standard" way of doing things usually ends up being too strong, which means each URL/PHP-page ends up being its own mini-application instead of each URL/PHP-page being part of the same application. When you have multiple developers this is guarantied to happen.
The end results is pages and components that don't play nice with each other and are hard to debug (with everything hanging out in the global namespace), giving an inconsistent experience for both the users and the developers who have to work on the project.
MVC frameworks also make it easier to give your site friendly URLs. There's usually enough going on in the routing system that you don't need to resort to a huge number of query string variables. Readable URLs are a plus, for SEO and for savvy users.
Finally, although this is pie in the sky with most shops, when you have a controller the methods on the controller become easily unit testable. While you can technically wrap a test harness around a non-MVC site, it's always a pain in the ass, and never works like you'd like it to.
using a single page with requests in
the url like "index.php?user=1", or
index.php?news=3 to run the entire
site. Whats wrong with having separate
pages like user_profile.php?id=1, or
Using a single entry point makes some things easier, I suppose :
You don't have to duplicate any portion of code in user_profile.php and news.php
If you want to set up any kind of filter (like PHPIDS for security, or ACL, for instance), you only have one file to modify, and it's done for the whole application.
PS. what other kind of design patterns
are there
There are a lot of design patterns ; you can find a list on the Design pattern (computer science) article on wikipedia, for instance -- with links to the page of each one of them, for more details.
There's nothing wrong with having separate scripts for each action, and in fact you CAN create a MVC architecture this way, without using a class for the controller. I'm working on an MVC framework at the moment that supports both styles.
The important thing is really to keep separation of different concerns. Database logic goes in your models, Layout logic goes in templates, and everything else in the controller.
So for a really simple example you could have a script "register.php" with the following code
$signup_options = SignupOptions::getSignupOptions(); // Load some data
require("register_form.php"); // Pass it to the view
And this posts to register_process.php
$username = $_REQUEST['username'];
$password = $_REQUEST['password'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
Users::Register( $username, $password, $email );
header( 'location: register_success.php' );
MVC is not suitable for all applications, so you should consider your architecture on a per project basis. For many sites, just having a bunch of independent scripts works fine. For larger more complex applications however, MVC has proven itself to be a reliable and scalable way of developing web applications.
Another common design pattern is "View-Helper", which is where you call a template directly, and the template calls a "Helper" object that performs business logic between the template and the models. Similar in concept, but you can skip having any extra code for templates that don't need it, while still maintaining separation of concerns like MVC. (The difference is essentially that you call the template directly, rather than calling a controller).
There are several ways to implement a good application, but I am just going to touch on a few concepts. These concepts are taken from Samstyle PHP Framework.
Firstly, you have these components: Model (Table Data Gateway), View, View Controller and Backend Controller.
This View Controller actually controls how the view is going to be like (e.g. display out the registration form). The Backend Controller processes user data on the backend and interacts with the Model (database).
So here we can easily integrate Post-Redirect-Get into it.
Say you have register.php for the View Controller which will display the form and parse the content into the template HTML file.
User uses the form, submit and will then be posted to the Backend Controller deck.php. The Backend Controller validates, check then passes the data to functions (Table Data Gateway) which will help you to interact with the database. After the interaction is done, the user is redirected either to a success page, or the registration page with an error.
In the Model (Table Data Gateway), you actually have functions which take in an array and then CRUD with the database.

PHP includes vs OOP

I would like to have a reference for the pros and cons of using include files vs objects(classes) when developing PHP applications.
I know I would benefit from having one place to go for this answer...I have a few opinions of my own but I look forward to hearing others.
A Simple Example:
Certain pages on my site are only accessible to logged in users. I have two options for implementation (there are others but let's limit it to these two)
Create an authenticate.php file and include it on every page. It holds the logic for authentication.
Create a user object, which has an authenticate function, reference the object for authentication on every page.
I'd like to see some way weigh the benefits of one over the other.
My current (and weak reasons) follow:
Includes - Sometimes a function is just easier/shorter/faster to call
Objects - Grouping of functionality and properties leads for longer term maintenance.
Includes - Less code to write (no constructor, no class syntax) call me lazy but this is true.
Objects - Force formality and a single approach to functions and creation.
Includes - Easier for a novice to deal with
Objects - Harder for novices, but frowned upon by professionals.
I look at these factors at the start of a project to decide if I want to do includes or objects.
Those are a few pros and cons off the top of my head.
These are not really opposite choices. You will have to include the checking code anyway. I read your question as procedural programming vs. OO programming.
Writing a few lines of code, or a function, and including it in your page header was how things were done in PHP3 or PHP4. It's simple, it works (that's how we did it in osCommerce, for example, an eCommerce PHP application).
But it's not easy to maintain and modify, as many developers can confirm.
In PHP5 you'd write a user object which will carry its own data and methods for authentication. Your code will be clearer and easier to maintain as everything having to do with users and authentication will be concentrated in a single place.
While the question touches on a couple of very debatable issues (OOP, User authentication) I'll skip by those and second Konrad's comment about __autoload. Anyone who knows C/C++ knows how much of a pain including files can be. With autoload, a PHP5 addition, if you choose to use OOP (which I do almost exclusively) you only need use some standard file naming convention and (I would recommend) restricting a single class per file and PHP will do the rest for you. Cleans up the code and you no longer have to worry about remembering to remove includes that are no longer necessary (one of the many problems with includes).
I don't have much PHP experience, although I'm using it at my current job. In general, I find that larger systems benefit from the readability and understandability that OO provides. But things like consistency (don't mix OO and non-OO) and your personal preferences (although only really on personal projects) are also important.
I've learned never to use include in PHP except inside the core libraries that I use and one central include of these libraries (+ config) in the application. Everything else is handled by a global __autoload handler that can be configured to recognize the different classes needed. This can be done easily using appropriate naming conventions for the classes.
This is not only flexible but also quite efficient and keeps the architecture clean.
Can you be a bit more specific? For the example you give you need to use include in both ways.
In case 1 you only include a file, in case 2 you need to include the class file (for instance user.class.php) to allow instantiation of the User class.
It depends how the rest of the application is built, is it OO? Use OO.
Whether you do it in classes or in a more procedural style, you simply need to check to ensure that:
There is a session;
That the session is valid; and,
That the user in possession of the session has proper privileges.
You can encapsulate all three steps into one function (or a static method in a Session class might work). Try this:
class Session
const GUEST = 0;
const SUBSCRIBER = 1;
public static function Type()
// Depending on how you use sessions on
// your site, you might just check for the
// existence of PHPSESSID. If you track
// every visitor with sessions, however, you
// might want to assign some separate unique
// number (that you can track in a DB) to
// authenticated sessions
return Session::GUEST;
// For the best security, don't store the
// user's access permissions in the $_SESSION,
// but rather check against the DB. This will
// ensure that recently deleted or downgraded
// administrators will not be able to make use
// of a previous session.
// In your files that need to check for authentication (you
// could also do this in a controller if you're going MVC
if(!(Session::Type() == Session::ADMINISTRATOR))
// Redirect them to wherever you want them to go instead,
// like a log in page or something like that.
