mysqli_prepare do not work right - php

I want to INSERT a few records in my tabel, for this I use mysqli_prepare, bind_param and execute.
In element inspection he gives a 500 internal server error in the params he gives all the data I need.
I hope you guys can help me, here is my code:
<form id="addFolder">
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
<label for="folderName">Map naam</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="folderName" placeholder="Map naam">
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
<label for="selectRootFolder">Selecteer root map</label>
<select class="form-control" id="selectRootFolder">
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
<label for="selectIcon">Selecteer icon <span class="fa fa-question-circle" id="fa-ask"></span></label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="selectIcon" placeholder="fa fa-icon">
<div class="form-group col-md-4">
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="isRootMap"> Is root map
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="active"> Actief
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-info" value="Voeg toe" style="float:right; margin-top: 4%;">
$("#addFolder").on("submit", function(e) {
var folderName = $("#folderName").val();
var rootId = $("#selectRootFolder").find("option:selected").data("id");
var isRoot = $("#isRootMap").is(":checked");
var icon = $("#selectIcon").val();
var active = $("#active").is(":checked");
var array = [folderName, rootId, isRoot, icon, active];
method: "POST",
url: "../admin/handlers/addFolderHandler.php",
data: { data: array }
}).done(function(data) {
if (data == true)
window.location.href = "index.php";
$gegevens = $_POST['data'];
$folderName = $gegevens[0];
$rootId = ($gegevens[3] == true) ? NULL : $gegevens[1];
$isRoot = ($gegevens[3] == true) ? 1 : 0;
$icon = ($gegevens[3] == true) ? $gegevens[4] : "";
$active = ($gegevens[5] == true) ? "1" : "0";
if (addNewFolder($rootId, $isRoot, $folderName, $icon, $active))
echo true;
echo false;
function addNewFolder($rootId, $isRoot, $folderName, $icon, $active)
global $con;
$query = mysqli_prepare($con, "INSERT INTO folders (parent_id, is_root, `name`, icon, active) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$query->bind_param('ddssi', $rootId, $isRoot, $folderName, $icon, $active);
if ($query->execute())
return true;
return false;


HTML form not submitting to PHP

I have an html form set to submit to itself with $SERVER['PHP_SELF'] but the form does not seem to be able submit, instead it simply returns the same form when I click submit (with and input of type submit.
NOTE: the actual code is too long to post here, and I've included all that I think is necessary. The form in question is actually a duplicate of another (which works perfectly) but this one doesn't.
EDIT: I was advised to eventually post the code
SECOND EDIT: I actually removed the tag enctype='multipart/formdata' on the form tag, and the code script now works. But, I need that enctype to be able upload the images. Does anyone know how I can work around that?
include 'templates/inc/header.php';
include 'templates/inc/system_helpers.php';
include 'config/config.php';
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
$listing_saved = FALSE;
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// property type
$property_type = isset($_POST['property_type']) ? $_POST['property_type'] : '';
// property details
$area_sq = isset($_POST['area_sq']) ? $_POST['area_sq'] : '';
$location = isset($_POST['ex_location']) ? $_POST['ex_location'] : '';
$bedrooms = isset($_POST['bedrooms']) ? $_POST['bedrooms'] : '';
$bathrooms = isset($_POST['bathrooms']) ? $_POST['bathrooms'] : '';
$furnished = isset($_POST['furnished']) ? $_POST['furnished'] : '';
// additional information
$description = isset($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : '';
$garden = isset($_POST['garden']) ? $_POST['garden'] : '';
$pool = isset($_POST['pool']) ? $_POST['pool'] : '';
$flatlet = isset($_POST['flatlet']) ? $_POST['flatlet'] : '';
$garage = isset($_POST['garage']) ? $_POST['garage'] : '';
$parking = isset($_POST['parking']) ? $_POST['parking'] : '';
$parking_spaces = isset($_POST['parking_sapces']) ? $_POST['parking_spaces'] : '';
// pricing
$price = isset($_POST['price']) ? $_POST['price'] : '';
// contact person
$first_name = isset($_POST['f_name']) ? $_POST['f_name'] : '';
$last_name = isset($_POST['l_name']) ? $_POST['l_name'] : '';
$email_address = isset($_POST['email_address']) ? $_POST['email_address'] : '';
$phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : '';
$physical_address = isset($_POST['physical_address']) ? $_POST['physical_address'] : '';
$region = isset($_POST['region']) ? $_POST['region'] : '';
// legal consent
$consent = isset($_POST['consent']) ? $_POST['consent'] : '';
$isFNBBanked = isset($_POST['isFNBBanked']) ? $_POST['isFNBBanked'] : '';
$account_holder = isset($_POST['account_holder']) ? $_POST['account_holder'] : '';
$account_number = isset($_POST['account_number']) ? $_POST['account_number'] : '';
$commercialAcceptance = isset($_POST['commercialAcceptance']) ? $_POST['commercialAcceptance'] : '';
$isInfoCorrect = isset($_POST['isInfoCorrect']) ? $_POST['isInfoCorrect'] : '';
$optionToOptOut = isset($_POST['optionToOptOut']) ? $_POST['optionToOptOut'] : '';
$isAuthorized = isset($_POST['isAuthorized']) ? $_POST['isAuthorized'] : '';
// create an uploads directory
if (!is_dir(UPLOAD_DIR)) {
mkdir(UPLOAD_DIR, 0777, true);
* List of file names to be filled in by the upload script
* below and to be saved in the db table "images" afterwards.
$file_names_to_save = [];
$allowed_mime_types = explode(',', UPLOAD_ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES);
// capture the image uploads
if (!empty($_FILES)) {
if (isset($_FILES['images']['error'])) {
foreach ($_FILES['images']['error'] as $uploadedFileKey => $uploadedFileError) {
if ($uploadedFileError === UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
$errors[] = 'You did not provide any files.';
} elseif ($uploadedFileError === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
$uploadedFileName = basename($_FILES['images']['name'][$uploadedFileKey]);
if ($_FILES['images']['size'][$uploadedFileKey] <= UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
$uploadedFileType = $_FILES['images']['type'][$uploadedFileKey];
$uploadedFileTempName = $_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$uploadedFileKey];
$uploadedFilePath = rtrim(UPLOAD_DIR, '/') . '/' . $uploadedFileName;
if (in_array($uploadedFileType, $allowed_mime_types)) {
if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadedFileTempName, $uploadedFilePath)) {
$errors[] = 'The file "' . $uploadedFileName . '" could not be uploaded.';
} else {
$file_names_to_save[] = $uploadedFilePath;
} else {
$errors[] = 'The extension of the file "' . $uploadedFileName . '" is not valid. Allowed extensions: JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF.';
} else {
$errors[] = 'The size of the file "' . $uploadedFileName . '" must be of max. ' . (UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE / 1024) . ' KB';
if (!isset($errors)) {
// add captured data into database
$query = 'INSERT INTO property (
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
//prepare the statement
$stmt = $connection->prepare($query);
//bind the parameters
$stmt->bind_param('iisiissssssii', $property_type, $area_sq, $location, $bedrooms, $bathrooms, $furnished, $description, $garden, $pool, $flatlet, $parking, $parking_spaces);
//execute the statement
//grab the last car insert ID
$last_insert_id = $connection->insert_id;
// insert into persons table
$persons_sql = 'INSERT INTO person (
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
$stmt = $connection->prepare($persons_sql);
$stmt->bind_param('isssiss', $last_insert_id, $first_name, $last_name, $email_address, $phone, $physical_address, $region);
// grab the last person's id
$last_person_insert = $connection->insert_id;
// insert into legal table
$legal_sql = 'INSERT INTO legal (
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
$stmt = $connection->prepare($legal_sql);
$stmt->bind_param('isssissss', $last_person_insert, $consent, $isFNBBanked, $account_holder, $account_number, $commercialAcceptance, $isInfoCorrect, $optionToOptOut, $isAuthorized);
// close the statement
// save a record for each uploaded file
foreach ($file_names_to_save as $file_name) {
$query = 'INSERT INTO images (
VALUES (?, ?)';
$stmt = $connection->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param('is', $last_insert_id, $file_name);
$listing_saved = TRUE;
<!-- Page Contents -->
<div class="form-container">
<div class="sticky-anchor"></div>
<div class="banner">
<img src="./assets/MarketSquare banner for PROPERTY.jpg" alt="Market Square Form Banner">
<?php display_message(); ?>
<form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="section-one">
<h3>Property Details</h3>
<div class="text-fields">
<div class="extra-fields">
<select name="property_type" id="property-type" class="select">
<option value="0">Property Type</option>
$query = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM property_type");
if (mysqli_num_rows($query)) {
$i = 0;
while ($propertytype = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
<option value="<?php echo $propertytype['propertytype_id']; ?>"><?php echo $propertytype['type_name']; ?></option>
<div class="text-fields">
<div class="extra-fields">
<input type="text" name="area_sq" placeholder="Area (in square metres)" required>
<input type="text" name="location" placeholder="Location (e.g. Veki's Village, Mountain Drive, Mbabane)">
<div class="text-fields selected">
<div class="extra-fields">
<input type="text" name="bedrooms" placeholder="No. of Bedrooms" required>
<input type="text" name="bathrooms" placeholder="No. of Bathrooms">
<label class="check-box">Furnished
<input type="checkbox" name="furnished" value="Yes">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<div class="section-two">
Additional Information
<span> (Provide details about additional features)</span>
<div class="extra-fields">
<textarea name="description" id="description" cols="30" rows="4" placeholder="Separate your items with a comma ( , )"></textarea>
External Features <span>(tick where appropriate)</span>
<div class="checks">
<label class="check-box">Garden
<input type="checkbox" name="garden" value="Available">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<label class="check-box">Swimming Pool
<input type="checkbox" name="pool" value="Available">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<label class="check-box">Bedsitter/flatlet
<input type="checkbox" name="flatlet" value="Available">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<label class="check-box">Garage
<input type="checkbox" name="garage" value="Available">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<label class="check-box">Open Parking
<input type="checkbox" name="parking" value="Available" id="parking-space" onclick="show_input()">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<input type="text" name="parking_spaces" id="parking" placeholder="Number of parking spaces">
<div class="file-input">
Photos: <span>(max. 12, in all angles incl. interior)</span>
<input type="file" name="images[]" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .webp" id="imgUpload" multiple required>
<!-- PRICING -->
<div class="section-two pricing">
Give it a Price
<span>(The sale price you wish to attach, based on the Valuation Report)</span>
<div class="extra-fields">
<input type="text" name="price" placeholder="E " required>
<div class="section-three">
<h3>Contact Person</h3>
<div class="text-fields">
<div class="extra-fields">
<input type="text" name="f_name" placeholder="First name" required>
<input type="text" name="l_name" placeholder="Last name">
<div class="text-fields">
<div class="extra-fields">
<input type="email" name="email_address" placeholder="Email address">
<input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="Phone number" required>
<div class="text-fields">
<div class="extra-fields">
<input type="text" name="physical_address" placeholder="Town/city (e.g. Lobamba)">
<input type="text" name="region" placeholder="Region (e.g. Hhohho)" required>
<!-- LEGAL -->
<div class="section-four">
<div class="consent">
<input type="checkbox" name="consent" value="Given" required>
I/We give
<div class="consent">
<input type="checkbox" name="consent_1" value="Yes" required>
I/We confirm .
<div class="extra-fields">
<input type="text" name="acount_name" placeholder="Account Name">
<input type="text" name="account_number" placeholder="Account Number" required>
<div class="consent">
<input type="checkbox" name="consent_3" value="Accepted" required>
I/We agree .
<div class="consent">
<input type="checkbox" name="consent_4" value="Confirmed" required>
I/We confirm
<div class="consent">
<input type="checkbox" name="consent_5" value="Acknowledged" required>
I/We acknowledge
<div class="consent">
<input type="checkbox" name="consent_6" value="Confirmed" required>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit">
if ($listing_saved) {
redirect('listings_Properties.php', 'Your submition has been received. Please give us time to verify validity of the provided information.', 'sucess');
<?php include 'templates/inc/footer.php' ?>
code for the redirect script is
function redirect($page = FALSE, $message = NULL, $message_type = NULL){
$location = $page;
$location = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
// check for message
if($message != null){
$_SESSION['message'] = $message;
// check for message type
if($message_type != null){
$_SESSION['message_type'] = $message_type;
//...then redirect
header('Location: '. $location);
// display the message
function display_message(){
$message = $_SESSION['message'];
$message_type = $_SESSION['message_type'];
if($message_type == 'error'){
echo '<div class="alert alert-danger" id="msg">'.$message.'</div>';
echo '<div class="alert alert-success" id="msg">'.$message.'</div>';
echo '';
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards me figuring out what really the problem.
What I didn't realize was that the max file upload in the script is set to 2MB while I was uploading images larger than 2MB, and my error handler wasn't working to actually prompt that. Again thank you to everyone who had suggestions. They really helped me figure out each step

PHP MySQL Ajax form data output

I have a code that I have been trying to run for days without success, could anyone look at it and help figure where I am going crazy?
here is report.js:
$(document).ready(function() {
// order date picker
// order date picker
.bind('submit', function() {
var startDate = $('#startDate').val();
var endDate = $('#endDate').val();
var personId = $('#personId').val();
if (startDate == '' || endDate == '' || personId == '') {
if (startDate == '') {
'<p class="text-danger">The Start Date is required</p>'
} else {
if (endDate == '') {
'<p class="text-danger">The End Date is required</p>'
} else {
if (personId == '') {
'<p class="text-danger">Person Name is required</p>'
} else {
} else {
var form = $(this);
url: form.attr('action'),
type: form.attr('method'),
data: form.serialize(),
dataType: 'text',
success: function(response) {
var mywindow =
'Child Behavior Management System',
mywindow.document.close(); // necessary for IE >= 10
mywindow.focus(); // necessary for IE >= 10
} // /success
}); // /ajax
} // /else
console.log(personId, startDate, endDate);
return false;
Here is getReport.php:
require_once 'core.php';
if($_POST) {
$personId = $_POST['personId'];
$startDate = $_POST['startDate'];
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y',$startDate);
$start_date = $date->format("Y-m-d");
$endDate = $_POST['endDate'];
$format = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y',$endDate);
$end_date = $format->format("Y-m-d");
$table = '';
$sql = "SELECT notes.note_id, notes.note_content, notes.person_id,
notes.note_date, notes.note_status, persons.persons_name
FROM notes INNER JOIN persons ON notes.person_id = persons.persons_id
WHERE notes.person_id = '$personId' AND notes.note_date
BETWEEN CAST('$start_date' AS DATE) AND CAST('$end_date' AS DATE)
AND notes.note_status = 1"
$query = $connect->query($sql);
$table = '
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%;">
while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
$table .= '<tr>
$table .= '
echo $table;
And here is report.php:
<?php require_once 'includes/header.php'; ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-check"></i> Generate Report
<!-- /panel-heading -->
<div class="panel-body">
<form class="form-horizontal" action="php_action/getReport.php" method="post" id="getReportForm">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="personId" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Resident</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<select type="text" class="form-control" id="personId" placeholder="Resident" name="personId" >
<option value="">~~SELECT~~</option>
$sql = "SELECT persons_id, persons_name, persons_status FROM persons WHERE persons_status = 1";
$result = $connect->query($sql);
while($row = $result->fetch_array()) {
echo "<option value='".$row[0]."'>".$row[1]."</option>";
} // while ?>
</div> <!-- /form-group-->
<div class="form-group">
<label for="startDate" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Start Date</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="startDate" name="startDate" placeholder="Start Date" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="endDate" class="col-sm-2 control-label">End Date</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="endDate" name="endDate" placeholder="End Date" />
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" id="generateReportBtn"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-sign"></i>
Generate Report</button>
<!-- /panel-body -->
<!-- /col-dm-12 -->
<!-- /row -->
<script src="custom/js/report.js"></script>
<?php require_once 'includes/footer.php'; ?>
I would love to have expert solution to this. I have looked for solution almost the entire night but no joy. The popup is not firing when I select the preferred person, start and end dates based on the query.

retrieve php error messages on bootstrap modal form submitting with ajax

I have a bootstrap form and i use jquery modal so i can open it on the same index.php window and when it is submitted the form should close and save data to database which it does on the other hand if there are error messages from formValidation.php file then it should show error messages instead of closing form.Now it does disappear even if there are errors and when i open it up again error messages are shown.I know there has been similar questions but i really cant make up solution for weeks from all sources i can get so i am a bit frustrated.Would appreciate help.Here is my code.
Here is my form from index.php file
<div class="container" id="register" style="display:none">
<div class="row centered-form">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-4 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-offset-4">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Banāns <small>Sia</small></h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<form role="form" class="ajax" method="post" action="index.php">
<?php include('classes/errors.php'); ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="firstname" value="<?php echo $firstName;?>" id="firstname" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Vārds">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="lastname" value="<?php echo $lastName;?>" id="lastname" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Uzvārds">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo $userName;?>" id="username" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Lietotājvārds">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="email" name="email" value="<?php echo $email;?>" id="email" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="E-pasta adrese">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Telefona numurs</label>
<input type="number" name="number" value="<?php echo $number;?>" id="number" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Telefona numurs">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="password1" id="password1" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Parole">
<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Apstipriniet paroli</label>
<input type="password" name="password2" id="password2" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Apstipriniet paroli">
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Register" class="btn btn-info btn-block">
<span id="success_msg"></span>
<span id="error_msg"></span>
<p>Aizvērt ...</p>
Here is my formValidation.php
$firstName = $lastName = $userName = $email = $number = $password1 = $password2 = "" ;
$errors = array();
if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$firstName = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["firstname"]);
$lastName = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["lastname"]);
$userName = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["username"]);
$email = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["email"]);
$number = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["number"]);
$password1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["password1"]);
$password2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST["password2"]);
if (empty($firstName)) {
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu ievadiet vārdu.");
} else {
$firstName = test_input($firstName);
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zēūīāšžčķļņA-ZŅĒŪĪĀŠŽČĶĻŅ]*$/",$firstName)) {
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu ievadiet tikai burtus.");
if (empty($lastName)) {
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu ievadiet uzvārdu.");
} else {
$lastName = test_input($lastName);
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zēūīāšžčķļņA-ZŅĒŪĪĀŠŽČĶĻŅ]*$/",$lastName)) {
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu ievadiet tikai burtus.");
if (empty($userName)){
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu ievadiet lietotājvārdu.");
} else {
$userName = test_input($userName);
if(strlen($userName <= "6")){
array_push($errors, "Lietotājvārdam jāsastāv no vismaz 6 burtiem un/vai cipariem.");
if (empty($email)) {
array_push($errors,"Lūdzu ievadiet e-pasta adresi.");
} else {
$email = test_input($email);
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu pārbaudiet e-pasta adresi.");
if (empty($number)) {
$number = "NULL";
} else {
$number = test_input($number);
if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{8}$/", $number)) {
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu ievadiet 8 ciparu numuru.");
if(!empty($password1) && $password1 == $password2){
$password1 = test_input($password1);
$password2 = test_input($password2);
} elseif ($password1 != $password2){
array_push($errors, "Paroles nesakrīt.");
} else {
array_push($errors, "Lūdzu ievadiet paroli.");
if(count($errors) == 0){
$password = md5($password1);
$query = "INSERT INTO users(firstname, lastname, username, email, phonenumber, password)
VALUES ('$firstName', '$lastName', '$userName', '$email', '$number', '$password')";
mysqli_query($con, $query);
$_SESSION["username"] = "$userName";
$_SESSION["succes"] = "Apsveicu, tu esi pieslēdzies!";
header("location: index.php");
function test_input($data) {
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
and my error messages are looped trough in seperate errors.php file and are echoed in error class in index.php
<?php if (count($errors) > 0) : ?>
<div class="error">
<?php foreach ($errors as $error) : ?>
<p><?php echo $error ?></p>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
And finally Ajax
This submits the form and it closes even if there are error messages.
$("#submit").click(function() {
var firstname = $("#firstname").val();
var lastname = $("#lastname").val();
var username = $("#username").val();
var email = $("#email").val();
var number = $("#number").val();
var password1 = $("#password1").val();
var password2 = $("#password2").val();
var submit = $("#submit").val();
url: "classes/formValidation.php",
method: "POST",
data: {
firstname: firstname,
lastname: lastname,
username: username,
email: email,
number: number,
password1: password1,
password2: password2,
success: function(data){
if(data == "success"){
return false;
And i have tried this
If i open up console it retrieves all my form name attributes in an object.I have tried to change action to my formValidation.php or errors.php but it does not work.
$('form.ajax').on('submit', function(){
var bzz = $(this),
url = bzz.attr('action'),
method = bzz.attr('method'),
data = {};
bzz.find('[name]').each(function(index, value) {
var bzz = $(this),
name = bzz.attr('name'),
value = bzz.val();
data[name] = value;
url: url,
type: method,
data: data,
success: function(response) {
return false;

Can't add data through PHP and MySQL

Validate function
function validate(add_app_form){
var valid = true;
var userTxt = document.getElementById("patient_name").value;
var dateTxt = document.getElementById("app_date").value;
var timeTxt = document.getElementById("app_time").value;
var oldName = document.getElementById("select_old").value;
if(userTxt == "" && dateTxt == "" && timeTxt == "" && oldName == "choose")
//$("#lblTxt").text("Username and Password are required!");
$('#patient_name').css('border-color', 'red');
$('#app_date').css('border-color', 'red');
$('#app_time').css('border-color', 'red');
$('#select_old').css('border-color', 'red');
$("#add_app_lbl").text("Please Fill all the form");
valid = false;
if(userTxt == "" && oldName == "choose")
$('#patient_name').css('border-color', 'red');
$("#add_app_lbl").text("Please Add Patient Name Or select an old patient");
valid = false;
if(dateTxt == "")
$('#app_date').css('border-color', 'red');
$("#add_app_lbl").text("Please Add a Date");
valid = false;
return valid;
//Set error reporting on
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
//Include connection file
$user = $_SESSION['username'];
$id_logged = $_SESSION['login_id'];
//Values From AJAX
$patient_name = $_POST['patient_name'];
$date_app = $_POST['app_date'];
$time_app = $_POST['app_time'];
$reason = $_POST['app_reason'];
$old_patient_id = $_POST['select_old'];
//If new patient
if($patient_name == "" && $old_patient_id != "choose")
//See if date and time exist
$appExist = "SELECT * FROM appointment WHERE id_logged = :id_logged AND date_app = :date_app and time_app = : time_app";
$appExistStmt = $conn->prepare($appExist);
$appExistStmt->bindValue(":id_logged", $id_logged);
$appExistStmt->bindValue(":date_app", $date_app);
$appExistStmt->bindValue(":time_app", $time_app);
$appExistStmtCount = $appExistStmt->rowCount();
if($appExistStmtCount == 0)
//Add to appointment table
$appAdd = "INSERT INTO appointment(id_logged, patient_id, date_app, time_app, reason)
VALUES(:id_logged, :patient_id, :date_app, :time_app, :reason)";
$appAddStmt = $conn->prepare($appAdd);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":id_logged", $id_logged);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":patient_id", $old_patient_id);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":date_app", $date_app);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":time_app", $time_app);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":reason", $reason);
echo "added";
echo "not added";
header("Location: add_appoint.php");
catch(PDOException $m)
echo "error";
header("Location: add_app_btnoint.php");
<form class="form-horizontal" id="add_app_form" method="post" action="add_appoint.php" onSubmit="return validate(this);">
<div class="box-body">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="patient_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Old Patient</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<select id="select_old" name="select_old">
<option value="choose">Choose Name</option>
<?php foreach($name_array as $na) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $na['id'] ?>"><?php echo $na['patient_name'] ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<label for="patient_name" class="col-sm-1 control-label">New</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="patient_name" name="patient_name" placeholder="New Patient Name">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="app_date" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Date</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="date" class="form-control" id="app_date" name="app_date">
<label for="app_time" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Time</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="time" class="form-control" id="app_time" name="app_time">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="app_reason" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Reason</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<textarea class="form-control" id="app_reason" name="app_reason" placeholder="Reason"></textarea>
</div><!-- /.box-body -->
<div class="box-footer">
<button type="submit" id="add_app_btn" name="add_app_btn" class="btn btn-success pull-right">Add Appointment</button>
</div><!-- /.box-footer -->
I have a php code that take values from a form and add them into MySQL database.
First part of the PHP code, see if the admin choose an already exist patient from drop list, then add a date and time of an appointment with a reason.
Then values are posted into PHP code where we see if we have already an appointment in those date and time. If not ($appExistStmtCount == 0) then go and insert an appointment.
The problem is that nothing added to database and can't see any PHP errors echoed.
Here is the PHP code:
//Set error reporting on
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
//Include connection file
$user = $_SESSION['username'];
$id_logged = $_SESSION['login_id'];
//Values From AJAX
$patient_name = $_POST['patient_name'];
$date_app = $_POST['app_date'];
$time_app = $_POST['app_time'];
$reason = $_POST['app_reason'];
$old_patient_id = $_POST['select_old'];
//If new patient
if($patient_name == "" && $old_patient_id != "choose")
//See if date and time exist
$appExist = "SELECT * FROM appointment WHERE id_logged = :id_logged AND date_app = :date_app and time_app = : time_app";
$appExistStmt = $conn->prepare($appExist);
$appExistStmt->bindValue(":id_logged", $id_logged);
$appExistStmt->bindValue(":date_app", $date_app);
$appExistStmt->bindValue(":time_app", $time_app);
$appExistStmtCount = $appExistStmt->rowCount();
if($appExistStmtCount == 0)
//Add to appointment table
$appAdd = "INSERT INTO appointment(id_logged, patient_id, date_app, time_app, reason)
VALUES(:id_logged, :patient_id, :date_app, :time_app, :reason)";
$appAddStmt = $conn->prepare($appAdd);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":id_logged", $id_logged);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":patient_id", $old_patient_id);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":date_app", $date_app);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":time_app", $time_app);
$appAddStmt->bindValue(":reason", $reason);
echo "added";
echo "not added";
header("Location: add_appoint.php");
catch(PDOException $m)
echo "error";
header("Location: add_app_btnoint.php");
And here the HTML form:
<form class="form-horizontal" id="add_app_form" onSubmit="return validate(this);">
<div class="box-body">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="patient_name" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Old Patient</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<select id="select_old" name="select_old">
<option value="choose">Choose Name</option>
<?php foreach($name_array as $na) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $na['id'] ?>"><?php echo $na['patient_name'] ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<label for="patient_name" class="col-sm-1 control-label">New</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="patient_name" name="patient_name" placeholder="New Patient Name">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="app_date" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Date</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="date" class="form-control" id="app_date" name="app_date">
<label for="app_time" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Time</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="time" class="form-control" id="app_time" name="app_time">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="app_reason" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Reason</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<textarea class="form-control" id="app_reason" name="app_reason" placeholder="Reason"></textarea>
</div><!-- /.box-body -->
<div class="box-footer">
<button type="submi;" id="add_app_btn" class="btn btn-success pull-right">Add Appointment</button>
</div><!-- /.box-footer -->
Values can be seen in the URL but the page just refresh and nothing added
Your form has no method, so it's passing data through get. You need to add method="post" to your form.
Edit. As #u_mulder mentioned, you need to add name attribute to your button for the check in your php if the button is clicked.

Edit PHP/AJAX to deal with DELETE OR EDIT

First of all before i show you the code i will explain how my webpage works.
User selects date -> AJAX Calls On Date Change
Resulting PHP data displays in two sections on page.
First Section is Orders Table Contents
Second Section is Items Table Contents (not including the items inside Orders)
What i am trying to add is functionality to 3 buttons that will change the tables dynamically using AJAX.
I currently have working non ajax requests.
Here is the Code:
type: 'POST',
url: 'php/getproduct.php',
data: {dateorderpicker: $('.date-picker').val()},
dataType: 'JSON',
success: function(data)
PHP file for Current AJAX:
$datepicker = $_POST['dateorderpicker'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE deliveryDate = ? AND customerId = ? ";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(1, $datepicker, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindParam(2, $_SESSION['customer_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$container = array();
$data['result_1'] = $data['result_2'] = '';
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$container[] = "'{$row['itemName']}'"; // put them inside a temporary container
$data['result_1'] .= '
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4">
<div class="content-boxes style-two top-column clearfix animated flipInY" style="opacity: 1;">
<div class="content-boxes-text">
<form action="php/edit.php" method="post" class="form-inline pull-right">
<h3>' . $row['itemName'] . '</h3>
<h4>Total Price: $'.$row['price'].'</h4>
<img src="../wholesale/img/sourdough.jpg" class="img-reponsive">
<p>Our best seller. Full of flavour.</p>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="sr-only" for="exampleInputAmount">Qty</label>
<div class="input-group">
<input type="number" name="qty" class="form-control" id="exampleInputAmount" value="' . $row['qty'] . '">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$row['id'].'">
<button type="submit" name="update" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<button type="submit" name="delete" class="btn btn-primary">Remove</button>
<!-- //.content-boxes-text -->
<!-- //.content-boxes -->
$excluded_names = implode(',', $container);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE itemName NOT IN($excluded_names)";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$price ="";
if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'A') {
$price = $row['bandA'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'B') {
$price = $row['bandB'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'C') {
$price = $row['bandC'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'D') {
$price = $row['bandD'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'E') {
$price = $row['bandE'];
$data['result_2'] .= '
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4">
<div class="content-boxes style-two top-column clearfix animated flipInY" style="opacity: 1;">
<div class="content-boxes-text">
<form action="php/additem.php" method="post" class="form-inline pull-right">
<h4>'.$row['itemName'].'</h4><input id="itemname" type="hidden" name="itemName" value="'.$row['itemName'].'">
<h3>$'.$price.'</h3><input id="price" type="hidden" name="pricetotal" value="'.$price.'">
<img src="../wholesale/img/sourdough.jpg" class="img-reponsive">
<p>'.$row['description'].'</p><input id="description" type="hidden" name="description" value="'.$row['description'].'">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="sr-only" for="exampleInputAmount">Qty</label>
<div class="input-group">
<input id="qty" type="number" name="qty" class="form-control" id="exampleInputAmount" placeholder="How Many?">
<button type="submit" id="additem" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>
<!-- //.content-boxes-text -->
<!-- //.content-boxes -->
$sql = "SELECT * FROM item";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
$price ="";
if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'A') {
$price = $row['bandA'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'B') {
$price = $row['bandB'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'C') {
$price = $row['bandC'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'D') {
$price = $row['bandD'];
else if ($_SESSION['customer_band'] == 'E') {
$price = $row['bandE'];
$data['result_2'] .= '
<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4">
<div class="content-boxes style-two top-column clearfix animated flipInY" style="opacity: 1;">
<div class="content-boxes-text">
<form action="php/additem.php" method="post" class="form-inline pull-right">
<h4>'.$row['itemName'].'</h4><input type="hidden" name="itemName" value="'.$row['itemName'].'">
<h3>$'.$price.'</h3><input type="hidden" name="pricetotal" value="'.$price.'">
<img src="../wholesale/img/sourdough.jpg" class="img-reponsive">
<p>'.$row['description'].'</p><input type="hidden" name="description" value="'.$row['description'].'">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="sr-only" for="exampleInputAmount">Qty</label>
<div class="input-group">
<input type="number" name="qty" class="form-control" id="exampleInputAmount" placeholder="How Many?">
<button type="submit" id="additem" class="btn btn-primary">Add</button>
<!-- //.content-boxes-text -->
<!-- //.content-boxes -->
echo json_encode($data);
Both Update and Delete PHP file:
if (isset($_POST['update']))
$qty = $_POST['qty'];
$id = $_POST['id'];
echo $id;
$sql = "UPDATE orders SET qty=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
header('Location: ../order.php');
if (isset($_POST['delete']))
$id = $_POST['id'];
$sql = "DELETE FROM orders WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
header('Location: ../order.php');
The code above needs to be converted to AJAX, and both sections on the page using ajax should update the table automatically. It might be that you will call the first ajax query to reload the tables correctly?
Thanks for having a look at this.
I am having trouble wrapping my head around how i should get this work.
It is easy you can give a class (NOTE : yes class ) to your update button and similarly to delete button
Suppose your update button has class "update_task"
but your content was added to DOM after DOM already loaded, so you will need to create two ajax request with DELEGATE Methods for delete and update.
For delegate reference -
// for update
current_id = $(this).previous("input:hidden").val() // for current update button id,
type: 'POST',
url: 'php/update_product.php',
data: {id: current_id, othervalues: other_value_of_choice},
dataType: 'JSON',
success: function(data)
// what ever you want to do if data has been updated
Send AJAX request to PHP for update/delete. Return result of operation (true/false).
If result is true, update/remove from html with javascript(jquery).
By the way, don't use redirect, when you call php via ajax.
