I know it is somewhere in the documentation, but I can't find it. How can I output one validation error at a time instead of aggregating over every possible validation and output everything in $entity->errors()? In addition to that, is there a simple way to give this setting to every validation in every table?
I already found the answer to the first question which is the following:
->add('body', [
'minLength' => [
'rule' => ['minLength', 10],
'last' => true, // this particular line
'message' => 'Comments must have a substantial body.'
'maxLength' => [
'rule' => ['maxLength', 250],
'message' => 'Comments cannot be too long.'
Again, is there any way to apply this to all validation methods, everywhere?
Here is a similar question and info what this is all about:
Laravel translate values required_if
And here's GitHub gist of feature which would solve this problem and it is merged in but still not working:
Here are my validation rules
'input.deliver_to_address' => ['in:to_billing_address,to_other_address']
'input.delivery_company_name' => ['required_if:input.deliver_to_address,to_other_address'],
and here's my validation.php files:
'values' => [
'to_other_address' => 'to other address',
'input.deliver_to_address' => [
'to_other_address' => 'to other address',
'deliver_to_address' => [
'to_other_address' => 'to other address',
As you can see I've tried all possible combinations but still the validation rule displays:
The contact person field is required when deliver to address is to_other_address.
The question is, is it possible to translate array validation values in Laravel?
I'm using Laravel 6.2
The issue was that I'm using input.deliver_to_address and when the Validator.php tries to replace the value with translated string, the $key will be validation.values.input.deliver_to_address.to_other_address
so the array structure needs to be like this:
'values' => [
'input' => [
'deliver_to_address' => [
'to_other_address' => 'to other address',
instead of
'values' => [
'input.deliver_to_address' => [
'to_other_address' => 'to other address',
because of the additional .input in the attribute name.
I am struggling with the usage of the NotificationPusher component and the possibility to send custom parameters within the payload to apple products.
I've tried the following, since I've found this annotation within the docs on github.
$message = new Message("Hello there", [
'message' => [
'sound' => 'default'
'custom' => [
'lat' => 123,
'lon' => 321,
'radius' => 32,
'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'action' => 'update'
This syntax sadly didn't led to the expected result. The apple devices wouldn't receive these parameters.
I've also tried this, but this also failed.
$message = new Message("Hello there", [
'message' => [
'sound' => 'default',
'custom_lat' => 123,
'custom_lon' => 321,
'custom_radius' => 32,
'custom_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'custom_action' => 'update'
What is the exact syntax so send custom parameters within the payload to apple devices with a push message?
I've dug trough the source code on github and have found out, that the 'custom' key of the array wasn't extracted by the ASPN Adapter.
But I've found a piece of code that extracted the complete 'message' array, so my guess was to add the 'custom' array within the 'message' part, what then also was the solution for my problem.
$message = new Message("Hello there", [
'message' => [
'sound' => 'default',
'custom' => [
'lat' => 123,
'lon' => 321,
'radius' => 32,
'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'action' => 'update'
I faced the same need. Started debugging and found that KhorneHoly is right: You need to send the payload under custom key. The array format is a little bit different, though:
$message = new Message('This is the message', [
'custom'=> [
'payloadKey' => 'payloadContent'
I'm using "sly/notification-pusher": "^2.3"
Hope it helps =)
i am trying to validate a user registration form in Zend Framework 2.
More specifically how to validate the email, ZF1 i could do:
$email->setValidators( array(new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress()) );
I'm wondering if i can just call something similar like this.
Also I'm wondering how to validate two fields that need to be the same like the password field and the password verification.
I guess that when i say if($form->isValid()).. this will check the getInputFilter() method for all validation.
I've been taking a look at ZfcUser module but, right now, i can't understand much since i don't have a full grasp on how ZF2 works
Any ideas, maybe a simple example?
Have you read the official tutorial to see how the new ZF2 Form component works?
At a very high level, you need a Form object and a Filter object working together. The Filter object is where you place your filters and validators. However, if you use a form element of type EmailAddress in your Form, then it will automatically add the correct validator. There is more information in the manual.
I recently did a webinar on forms for Zend which you should be able to find on this page.
i've figure it out.
the validators are multidimensional arrays and each array has a name and some options. It might be a bit wired in the beginning to notice it, but much configuration in zf2 is in this way
see an example for the password:
'name' => 'password',
'required' => true,
'filters' => [ ['name' => 'StringTrim'], ],
'validators' => [
'name' => 'StringLength',
'options' => [
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
'min' => 6,
'max' => 128,
'name' => 'password_verify',
'required' => true,
'filters' => [ ['name' => 'StringTrim'], ],
'validators' => [
'name' => 'StringLength',
'options' => array( 'min' => 6 ),
'name' => 'identical',
'options' => array('token' => 'password' )
note, in php 5.3 > an array could be written like array() or [], in the above example i mix them up for no particular reason.
I'm using cakephp 2.0 and I'm having problem using Cake's validation thing, which works wonderful when used for it alone.
var $validate = array(
'loginname' => array(
'minCharactersRule' => array(
'rule' => array('minLength', 3),
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'on' => 'create',
'alphaNumericRule' => array(
'rule' => 'alphaNumeric',
'uniqueRule' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'password' => array(
'minCharactersRule' => array(
'rule' => array('minLength', 5),
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
// on so on ...
Due to Internalization I put the error messages into the view like this:
echo $this->Form->input('display_name', array(
// some other options ...
'error' => array(
'betweenRule' => __('Your Dispay Name must contain at least 3 characters and should be maximal 20 characters long.'),
'uniqueRule' => __('This Display Name is already in use!'),
Now I want jQuery to validate the form on client-side as well with some little - sexy message box to return validation errors if something goes wrong.
The Ajax Request works fine but the problem here is: I only get returned the name of the validation rule, not the message.
sure: Because I didn't specified any messages in the model.
But how can I get those messages I declared in the view?
Is there any solution without having to type everything twice (PHP and JS)?
I've some conditions to a form to be valid that has to be on several fields instead one, how to do this.
Some example for a registration:
enterprise or firstName+lastName filled
mobile phone number OR static phone number filled
How to do this? Is there an implemented way or I've to do it myself every time?
Thank you
Write your own validation rules. Cake Book: Custom validation rules
Attach a rule to the enterprise field what checks if it is filled or the first, last names are filled. Attach another rule to the name fields to check if the names or the enterprise fields are filled. Similar to the phone fields. You are in the model so you can reach all passed fields in $this->data
I am not sure if I understand the question correctly but you can create your own validation rule and then apply it for the desired fields (not really the other way around). See here
Otherwise Cakephp has a lot of pre-built validation rules here is an example:
var $validate = array(
'title' => array(
'titleRule1' => array (
'rule' => array('minLength', 1),
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'last' => true,
'message' => 'Please enter a title.'
'titleRule2' => array(
'rule' => array('between', 1, 100),
'message' => 'Your title must be between 1 and 100 characters long.'
'description' => array(
'rule' => array('minLength', 1),
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'last' => true,
'message' => 'Please write a description.'