how to find a value contained inside a value inside an array? - php

If I have the array:
$os = array("Mac", "NT", "Irix", "Linux");
I know that in_array() is what to use if I want to find "Mac" inside $os.
But what I have the array:
$os = array( [1] => "Mac/OSX", [2] => "PC/Windows" );
and I want to see if "Mac" is contained in $os?

$example = array("Mac/OSX","PC/Windows" );
$searchword = 'Mac';
$matches = array_filter($example, function($var) use ($searchword) { return preg_match("/\b$searchword\b/i", $var); });

You could also use array_map to do this. Take a look at the following code:
$array = array(
$result = in_array(true, array_map(function ($word, $match, $char = "/") {
$words = explode('/', $word);
return in_array($match, $words) ? true : false;
}, $array, array('Mac')));
var_dump($result); // bool(true)

You can try this-
$os = array( "Mac/OSX", "PC/Windows" );
function findInArray($os){
foreach($os as $val){
if(strpos($val, $word_to_search) !== false){
return true;
return false;

Here is another solution:
if (strpos($v, 'Mac') !== false) {
echo 'found';
echo "Not found";

You can simply use preg_grep function of PHP like as
$os = array( '1' => "Mac/OSX", '2' => "PC/Windows" );
Array ( [1] => Mac/OSX )

By using foreach and strpos
$os =array("Mac/OSX","PC/Windows" );
$string = "Mac";
foreach ($os as $data) {
//echo $data;
if (strpos($data,$string ) !== FALSE) {
echo "Match found";
echo "not found";

function FindString($string, $os)
// put the string in between //
$preg = "/$string/";
// Match found
$found = false;
// loop each value
for($j = 0; $j < count($os); $j++)
// check with pattern
// set var to ture
$found = true;
// Break
if($found == false)
die("Unable to found the string $string.");
echo "String $string found in array index $j and value is $os[$j]";
$where =array("Mac/OSX","PC/Windows" );
$what = "Mac";
FindString($what, $where);


How to splitting words match by patterns with PHP

I have an array of words. e.g.,
$pattern = ['in', 'do', 'mie', 'indo'];
I wanna split a words match by the patterns to some ways.
input =
to output =
$ in, do, mie
$ indo, mie
any suggests?
*ps sorry for bad english. thank you very much!
it was an very interesting question.
$inputSting = "indomie";
$pattern = ['in', 'do', 'mie', 'indo','dom','ie','indomi','e'];
Approach to this challenge
Get the pattern string length
Get the all the possible combination of matrix
Check whether the pattern matching.
if i understand your question correctly then above #V. Prince answer will work only for finding max two pattern.
function sampling($chars, $size, $combinations = array()) {
if (empty($combinations)) {
$combinations = $chars;
if ($size == 1) {
return $combinations;
$new_combinations = array();
foreach ($combinations as $combination) {
foreach ($chars as $char) {
$new_combinations[] = $combination . $char;
return sampling($chars, $size - 1, $new_combinations);
function splitbyPattern($inputSting, $pattern)
$patternLength= array();
// Get the each pattern string Length
foreach ($pattern as $length) {
if (!in_array(strlen($length), $patternLength))
// Get all the matrix combination of pattern string length to check the probablbe match
$combination = sampling($patternLength, count($patternLength));
foreach ($combination as $comp) {
$MatchNotfound = true;
// Loop Through the each probable combination
foreach (str_split($comp,1) as $length) {
// Check whether the pattern existing
$value = $value.substr($inputSting,$intlen,$length).',';
$MatchNotfound = false;
$intlen = $intlen+$length;
return array_unique($MatchOutput);
$inputSting = "indomie";
$pattern = ['in', 'do', 'mie', 'indo','dom','ie','indomi','e'];
$output = splitbyPattern($inputSting,$pattern);
foreach($output as $out)
echo $out."<br>";
try this one..
and if this solves your concern. try to understand it.
function splitString( $pattern, $string ){
$finalResult = $semiResult = $output = array();
$cnt = 0;
# first loop of patterns
foreach( $pattern as $key => $value ){
if( strpos( $string, $value ) !== false ){
if( implode("",$output) != $string ){
$output[] = $value;
if( $cnt == count($pattern) ) $semiResult[] = implode( ",", $output );
$semiResult[] = implode( ",", $output );
$output = array();
$output[] = $value;
if( implode("",$output) != $string ){
$semiResult[] = implode( ",", $output );
# second loop of patterns
foreach( $semiResult as $key => $value ){
$stackString = explode(",", $value);
/* if value is not yet equal to given string loop the pattern again */
if( str_replace(",", "", $value) != $string ){
foreach( $pattern as $key => $value ){
if( !strpos(' '.implode("", $stackString), $value) ){
$stackString[] = $value;
if( implode("", $stackString) == $string ) $finalResult[] = implode(",", $stackString); # if result equal to given string
$finalResult[] = $value; # if value is already equal to given string
return $finalResult;
$pattern = array('in','do','mie','indo','mi','e', 'i');
$string = 'indomie';
var_dump( '<pre>',splitString( $pattern, $string ) );

Find and extract words from strings

I need to find and extract words (array) in a string. I tried many techniques, and I found how to find first occurrences, but can't get it to work recursively.
$uda_state = [
"uda actif",
"uda stagiaire",
"stagiaire uda",
"apprenti actra",
"actra apprenti",
$arr = [
'<p>Nothing here</p>',
'<p>UDA Stagiaire et ACTRA</p>',
'<p>Stagiaire UDA</p>',
'<p>Should not pop</p>'
function contains($str, array $arr)
foreach($arr as $a) {
if ($pos = stripos($str,$a)) return true;
return false;
function extractWord($str, array $arr)
foreach($arr as $a) {
if ($pos = stripos($str, $a)) return $arr;
function find_uda_actra($str, array $arr = []) {
global $uda_state;
if (contains($str, $uda_state)) {
$word = extractWord($str, $uda_state);
$arr[] = $word;
$str = str_ireplace($word, '', $str);
if ($str != '') {
if (contains($str, $uda_state)) {
list($str, $arr) = find_uda_actra($str, $arr);
else {
return [$str, $arr];
} else {
return [$str, $arr];
return [$str, $arr];
foreach ($arr as $str) {
list($content, $uda) = find_uda_actra($str);
echo 'Content:'.PHP_EOL;
echo 'UDA:'.PHP_EOL;
All I get now is emptied content and the whole $uda_state in each $uda. I need only the one that was found.
3v4l link for sandbox.

PHP foreach with more condition

Is it possible to set foreach function more than 2 condition. Example like below:
$stat_cps = $_POST['stat_cp'];
$acc_idss = $_POST['acc_ids'];
$string = 'NG';
foreach ($stat_cps as $url)
if(strpos($string, $url) !== FALSE)
echo "One of the field is NG";
return true;
echo "All field is OK";
What I want is:
if $stat_cps or $acc_idss contains NG then echo "One of the field is NG";
On the above code, it's only working for $stat_cps
*stat_cps and acc_idss is from radio button form.
Anyone can give the suggestion?
"One-line" solution with array_merge, implode and strpos functions:
$hasNg = strpos("NG", implode(",", array_merge($stat_cps,$acc_idss)));
// check for 'NG' occurance
echo ($hasNg !== false)? "One of the field is NG" : "string 'NG' doesn't exists within passed data";
You can use array_merge to combine both your arrays:
$stat_cps = $_POST['stat_cp'];
$acc_idss = $_POST['acc_ids'];
$merged = array_merge($stat_cps,$acc_idss);
$string = 'NG';
foreach ($merged as $url)
if(strpos($string, $url) !== FALSE)
echo "One of the field is NG";
return true;
This will remove duplicate string keys but it doesn't look like that should be an issue here if you just want one match
From you comment try doing
$stat_cps = $_POST['stat_cp'];
$acc_idss = $_POST['acc_ids'];
$merged = array_merge($stat_cps,$acc_idss);
$match = false;
$string = 'NG';
foreach ($merged as $url)
if(strpos($string, $url) !== FALSE)
$match = true;
echo "One of the field is NG";
echo "Everything is OK";
$stat_cps = $_POST['stat_cp'];
$acc_idss = $_POST['acc_ids'];
$string = 'NG';
foreach ($stat_cps as $url)
if(strpos($string, $url) !== FALSE)
foreach ($acc_idss as $url2)
if(strpos($string, $url2) !== FALSE)
echo "One of the field is NG";
return true;
#header user in_array()
$stat_cps = $_POST['stat_cp'];
$acc_idss = $_POST['acc_ids'];
$string = 'NG';
foreach ($stat_cps as $url)
if(in_array($string, $url) !== FALSE)
echo "One of the field is NG";
return true;

How to get both array key from value in 2 dimensional array (PHP)

$arr['animal'][0] = 'Dog';
$arr['animal'][1] = 'Cat';
From that array basically I need to create a function with the array value parameter and then it gives me the array keys.
For example:
Output :
The result is animal, 1
You could probably do something like
function find_index($value) {
foreach ($arr as $index => $index2) {
$exists = array_search($value, $index2);
if ($exists !== false) {
echo "The result is {$index}, {$exists}";
return true;
return false;
Try this:
$arr['animal'][0] = 'Dog';
$arr['animal'][1] = 'Cat';
function find_index($searchVal, $arr){
return array_search($searchVal, $arr);
print_r(find_index('Cat', $arr['animal']));
Consider this Array,
$arr['animal'][] = 'Dog';
$arr['animal'][] = 'Cat';
$arr['insects'][] = 'Insect1';
$arr['insects'][] = 'Insect2';
Here is Iterator Method,
$search = 'InsectSub1';
$matches = [];
$arr_array = new RecursiveArrayIterator($arr);
$arr_array_iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($arr_array);
foreach($arr_array_iterator as $key => $value)
if($value === $search)
$fill = [];
$fill['category'] = $arr_array->key();
$fill['key'] = $arr_array_iterator->key();
$fill['value'] = $value;
$matches[] = $fill;
// One or more Match(es) Found
// Not Found
$arr['animal'][] = 'Dog';
$arr['animal'][] = 'Cat';
$arr['insects'][] = 'Insect1';
$arr['insects'][] = 'Insect2';
$search_for = 'Cat';
$search_result = [];
while ($part = each($arr)) {
$found = array_search($search_for, $part['value']);
if(is_int($found)) {
$fill = [ 'key1' => $part['key'], 'key2' => $found ];
$search_result[] = $fill;
echo 'Found '.count($search_result).' result(s)';

Php check if string contains multiple words

I have looked around the internet for something that will do this but it will only work with one word.
I am trying to build a script that will detect a bad username for my site, the bad username will be detected if the username contains any of the words in an array.
Here's the code I made, but failed to work.
$bad_words = array("yo","hi");
$sentence = "yo";
if (strpos($bad_words,$sentence)==false) {
echo "success";
If anybody could help me, I would appreciate it.
for an array use the following function
function substr_count_array( $haystack, $needle ) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($needle as $substring) {
$count += substr_count( $haystack, $substring);
return $count;
You can use this code:
$bad_words = array("yo","hi");
$sentence = "yo you your";
// break your sentence into words first
preg_match_all('/\w+/', $sentence, $m);
echo ( array_diff ( $m[0], $bad_words ) === $m[0] ) ? "no bad words found\n" :
"bad words found\n";
// returns false or true
function multiStringTester($feed , $arrayTest)
$validator = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrayTest); $i++)
if (stringTester($feed, $arrayTest[$i]) === false )
} else
$validator = true;
return $validator;
I believe a sentence is more than one single word
$badwords = array("yo","hi");
$string = "i am yo this is testing";
$word = array_intersect( $badwords,explode(" " , $string));
echo "Sucess" ;
function isUserNameCorrect()
Foreach($badname in $badnames)
if(strstr($badname, $enteredname) == false)
return false;
return true;
Maybe this helps
Unfortunately, you can't give an Array to functions strpos/strstr directly.
According to comments, to do this you need to use (or create your own if you want) function like this:
function strstr_array($haystack, $needle)
if ( !is_array( $haystack ) ) {
return false;
foreach ( $haystack as $element ) {
if ( stristr( $element, $needle ) ) {
return $element;
Then, just change strpos to the new function - strstr_array:
$bad_words = array("yo","hi");
$sentence = "yo";
if (strstr_array($bad_words,$sentence)==false) {
echo "success";
I'd implement this as follows:
$bad_words = array("yo","hi");
$sentence = "yo";
$valid = true;
foreach ($bad_words as $bad_word) {
if (strpos($sentence, $bad_word) !== false) {
$valid = false;
if ($valid) {
echo "success";
A sentence is valid unless it contains at least one word from $bad_words. Note the strict checking (i.e. !==), without this the check will fail when the result of strpos is 0 instead of false.
You're close. You can do it the following way:
$bad_words = array("yo","hi");
$sentence = "yo";
$match = false;
foreach($bad_words as $bad_word) {
if (strpos($bad_word,$sentence) === false) { # use $bad_word, not $bad_words
$match = true;
if($match) { echo "success"; }
