Any other way to create the image from hexadecimal number?
I use a signature pad to get the signature and save it as an image and put in a PDF;
I have created the image (*.PNG) from the hex code(signiture pad generates the HExadecimal number); the image seems fine (I can open it and see it!), but for some reason this image cannot be put in the PDF by FPDF; however I can put any other images to my PDF by using FPDF; so I guess there is a problem with the image I created (HEX to Image). I created my image by the following code:
$binary = pack("H*", $MyHex);
file_put_contents("../img/Sign_Representative.png", $binary);
Do you know any other way I can create the image from HEX or any way I can handle this problem?
I appreciate your guidance!
Are you sure that signature pad provides PNG-data in HEX?
Check generated file's content if the first row contains letters "PNG" (without quotes).
Tried yours and following and all provided data correctly back:
// test 1
$binary = pack("H" . strlen($MyHex), $MyHex);
file_put_contents("../img/Sign_Representative-1.png", $binary);
// test 2
$binary = hextobin($MyHex);
file_put_contents("../img/Sign_Representative-2.png", $binary);
// #src
function hextobin($hexstr)
$n = strlen($hexstr);
while($i < $n) {
$a =substr($hexstr,$i,2);
$c = pack("H*",$a);
if ($i == 0) {
$sbin = $c;
} else {
$sbin .= $c;
$i += 2;
return $sbin;
btw, what kind/model signature pad you have? i.e. Honeywell TT8500?
I have a PHP file that makes an image. I have PHP configured to report errors on the screen. When I run the file in the PHP file in Firefox 23, it returns the Image cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
How can I find out what particular error is at fault in the image?
Here is the code:
$tfont[] = 'cylburn-webfont.ttf';
$cryptinstall = "./cryptographp.fct.php";
include $cryptinstall;
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
if ($_GET[$_GET['sn']] == "")
unset ($_GET['sn']);
$question = getcaptcha();
$questionLen = strlen($question);
$cryptwidth = 25 * $questionLen;
$cryptinstall2 = "./cryptographp.cfg.php";
include $cryptinstall;
$cryptwidth = 900;
$cryptheight = 200;
// CrÈation du cryptogramme temporaire
$imgtmp = imagecreatetruecolor($cryptwidth, $cryptheight);
$blank = imagecolorallocate($imgtmp, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($imgtmp, 0, 0, 0);
imagefill($imgtmp, 0, 0, $blank);
$word = '';
$x = 10;
$pair = rand(0, 1);
$charnb = rand($charnbmin, $charnbmax);
for ($i=0; $i<= $questionLen; $i++) {
$tword[$i]['font'] = $tfont[array_rand($tfont, 1)];
$tword[$i]['angle'] = (rand(1, 2) == 1) ? rand(0, $charanglemax) : rand(360-$charanglemax, 360);
$tword[$i]['element'] = str_split($question)[$i-1];
$tword[$i]['size'] = rand($charsizemin, $charsizemax);
$tword[$i]['y'] = ($charup ? ($cryptheight/2) + rand(0, ($cryptheight/5)) : ($cryptheight/1.5));
$word .= $tword[$i]['element'];
$lafont = "fonts/" . $tword[$i]['font'];
imagettftext($imgtmp, $tword[$i]['size'], $tword[$i]['angle'], $x, $tword[$i]['y'], $black, $lafont, $tword[$i]['element']);
$x += $charspace;
// Calculate horizontal racadrage temporary cryptogram
$xbegin = 0;
$x = 0;
while (($x<$cryptwidth)and(!$xbegin)) {
$y = 0;
while (($y<$cryptheight) and (!$xbegin)) {
if (imagecolorat($imgtmp, $x, $y) != $blank)
$xbegin = $x;
$xend = 0;
$x = $cryptwidth-1;
while (($x>0) and (!$xend)) {
$y = 0;
while (($y<$cryptheight)and(!$xend)) {
if (imagecolorat($imgtmp, $x, $y) != $blank)
$xend = $x;
$xvariation = round(($cryptwidth/2)-(($xend-$xbegin)/2));
imagedestroy ($imgtmp);
// Create the final cryptogram
// Create the background
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($cryptwidth, $cryptheight);
if ($bgimg and is_dir($bgimg)) {
$dh = opendir($bgimg);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh)))
if(eregi(".[gif|jpg|png]$", $filename))
$files[] = $filename;
$bgimg = $bgimg . '/' . $files[array_rand($files, 1)];
if ($bgimg) {
list($getwidth, $getheight, $gettype, $getattr) = getimagesize($bgimg);
$imgread = imagecreatefrompng($bgimg); break;
imagecopyresized($img, $imgread, 0, 0, 0, 0, $cryptwidth, $cryptheight, $getwidth, $getheight);
imagedestroy ($imgread);
else {
$bg = imagecolorallocate($img, $bgR, $bgG, $bgB);
imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bg);
if ($bgclear)
imagecolortransparent($img, $bg);
function ecriture()
// CrÈation de l'Ècriture
global $img, $ink, $charR, $charG, $charB, $charclear, $xvariation, $charnb, $charcolorrnd, $charcolorrndlevel, $tword, $charspace;
$ink = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, $charR, $charG, $charB, $charclear);
global $question;
global $questionLen;
$x = $xvariation;
for ($i=1; $i<$questionLen; $i++) {
if ($charcolorrnd) { // Choisit des couleurs au hasard
$ok = false;
do {
$rndcolor = 0;
switch ($charcolorrndlevel) {
case 1 :
if ($rndcolor<200)
$ok = true; break; // tres sombre
default : $ok = true;
} while (!$ok);
$rndink = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, $rndR, $rndG, $rndB, $charclear);
$lafont = "fonts/" . $tword[$i]['font'];
imagettftext($img, $tword[$i]['size'], $tword[$i]['angle'], $x, $tword[$i]['y'], $charcolorrnd ? $rndink : $ink, $lafont, $tword[$i]['element']);
$x += $charspace;
// Fonction permettant de dÈterminer la couleur du bruit et la forme du pinceau
function noisecolor()
global $img, $noisecolorchar, $ink, $bg, $brushsize;
switch ($noisecolorchar) {
case 1 : $noisecol = $ink; break;
case 2 : $noisecol = $bg; break;
case 3 :
default : $noisecol = imagecolorallocate ($img, 0, 0, 0); break;
if ($brushsize and $brushsize>1 and function_exists('imagesetbrush')) {
$brush = imagecreatetruecolor($brushsize, $brushsize);
imagefill($brush, 0, 0, $noisecol);
imagesetbrush($img, $brush);
$noisecol = IMG_COLOR_BRUSHED;
return $noisecol;
//Adding noise: points, lines and circles random
function bruit()
global $noisepxmin, $noisepxmax, $noiselinemin, $noiselinemax, $nbcirclemin, $nbcirclemax, $img, $cryptwidth, $cryptheight;
$nbpx = rand($noisepxmin, $noisepxmax);
$nbline = rand($noiselinemin, $noiselinemax);
for ($i=1; $i<$nbpx; $i++)
imagesetpixel($img, rand(0, $cryptwidth-1), rand(0, $cryptheight-1), noisecolor());
for ($i=1; $i<=$nbline; $i++)
imageline($img, rand(0, $cryptwidth-1), rand(0, $cryptheight-1), rand(0, $cryptwidth-1), rand(0, $cryptheight-1), noisecolor());
if ($noiseup) {
else {
// Create the frame
if ($bgframe) {
$framecol = imagecolorallocate($img, ($bgR*3 + $charR)/4, ($bgG*3 + $charG)/4, ($bgB*3 + $charB)/4);
imagerectangle($img, 0, 0, $cryptwidth-1, $cryptheight-1, $framecol);
// Transformations supplÈmentaires: Grayscale et Brouillage
// VÈrifie si la fonction existe dans la version PHP installÈe
if ($cryptgrayscal)
imagefilter($img, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
if ($cryptgaussianblur)
imagefilter($img, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);
/* If I comment out these lines, then the file runs fine, but
of course it does not return an image.
header("Content-type: image/png"); // This is the only header(...) that is
// included in the file. I am requesting
// the file directly with the URL.
imagedestroy ($img);
unset ($word, $tword);
unset ($_SESSION['cryptreload']); */
If I comment out the header("content-type: image/png"), it gets rid of the error, but it returns nonsense to the browser that looks like this:
(All this said, I am less interested in fixing this particular image file than in understanding how to go about debugging errors/unexpected behavior in image-creation files. I want to learn how to fix problematic image-generating files on my own.)
First make sure that no part of your code before the header() command outputs anything.
If you have any includes before your header, make sure you don't finish your PHP code with ?> because sometimes this generates a byte.
Finally try wrapping your includes inside of ob_start(); and ob_end_clean(); as this will make sure that no random bytes are cast to the output due to any other reasons (I had this happen once).
Comment out the header() so it just sends back data and not image/png.
Perhaps your PHP script messed up your images. Logical errors can't be reported, you have to find it by yourself. To turn on regular error reporting, check out this link: How do I enable error reporting in PHP?
To enable error logging
Where does PHP store the error log? (PHP 5, Apache, FastCGI, and cPanel)
In an ASP.NET Core application you may be tempted to put picture files in a folder called Images under the solution, but you need to put them in the wwwroot/images folder:
That's a trick question, isn't it?
Your script contains the line
echo('here!'); //prints here to the screen
This will prepend the ASCII string "here" to the PNG data stream, thus ruining the image.
Hint: If you download the result of your script (using e.g. wget, or simply "Save page" in Firefox), and open the file in an editor, you'll quickly see the problem.
Here's an answer from a thread at that may help others who come across this question:
I have discovered that a very common reason for this is that the image type does not match the file extension. This causes the webserver to report the wrong mime-type. For example, if you take a photoshop image, rename it to a .jpg file, and put it on a webserver, it will not load in Firefox.
If you are working on troubleshooting this issue, try downloading the file and verifying that the file type matches the jpg. I fixed this for a client today who took a .psd file, renamed it to .jpg, uploaded it to a webserver, and wondered why it wouldn't load in Firefox.
Read your PHP error log and you will find out the exact error. Most probably PHP is throwing a warning. That's the reason you are seeing this error in your browser.
I hope this might save a hour for someone troubleshooting .NET Core applications on Linux:
In my case it wasn't actually the issue with the image. The problem was a server-side uppercase directory/file name. In the Windows file system filename, case doesn't matter while the Linux file system is case-sensitive.
For my case, it was Visual Studio's fault for the error. I started to add the image to the code via the img tag, and Visual Studio guided me through it with IntelliSense I guess. The funny thing is, it added the wrong path. This is what it added in for me:
<img src="~/images/home-couple.jpg" />
Where it should have been:
<img src="images/home-couple.jpg" />
The location of the images folder is right under wwwroot. This is an ASP.NET Core web application.
Before the header line insert this function
like in the example:
$image = file_get_contents($imageFilePath);
ob_clean(); // <-DON'T FORGET THIS LINE
header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); //jpeg, png, bmp...
header("Content-Disposition: filename=".basename($imageFilePath));
echo $image;
ob_clean() is used to clean (erase) the output buffer. So, if there is something else echoed beofre the header, it will be erased;