I'm new in shopware.
I want to call cron job function programmatically is there any way ?
I have tried following for call function using command line but getting too many argument error.
php bin/console sw:cron:run ACTION-NAME
php bin/console sw:cron:run NAME -f
I need one more help is use shopware function out side of shopware my custom file. is it possible ?
Thanks in advance.
You can run the specific cronjob by following command.
For example:
php bin/console sw:cron:run Shopware_CronJob_ClearHttpCache
But it's only possible since Shopware 5.1.6, not as Shopware says since 5.1.5.
In case you need just run cron job for testing, you can run cron from browser:
There need to replace myshop.com to your domain. In this case all cron jobs will be handled by opening this link.
In case for some reason you need to run cron via console, you can do it this way:
php5 path_to_shopware/shopware.php /backend/cron
There need to replace path_to_shopware to your server path.
I need to run this command when user change something in translation file
php artisan export:messages-flat
I need to add it in may controller
so I'm using this code
but it return error saying that
The command "export:messages-flat" does not exist.
but when I
php artisan list
it's in the list
I also try to run other command
and it works
this is the package I'm using link
kindly help me, sorry for may poor english
The package only allows you to run the commands from the CLI. You can see from the source code, they only register the Artisan commands if the application is running from the console.
As an alternative, you can call ExportLocalization::export()->toFlat() according to their documentation.
I want to run a php script before each call in freepbx. also i need destination gateway ip and did. this is the first time that I try to do this function and I don't have any idea for this.
First of all run php script is bad idea, it slow, will slow down your pbx.
But if you insist you can add it via asterisk System call into predial-hook.
You can write hook in extensions_ovveride_freepbx.conf
List of hooks in current freepbx version is:
you can do it without any configuration in asterisk configs.
first you have to install DialPlanInjection module on your freepbx and then route the calls to the php file in this path : /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
Original Post
Good evening folks. I have a laravel setup and I'm trying to have a cronjob execute a php function to a file within the laravel project directory.
I am getting class and name space errors when I try to do something like this:
and then calling the processQueuedNotifications() function.
This of course gives me errors, what is the correct way to call my function within the laravel directory? I need to call this function as this function has all the correct namespaces and extended controllers necessary to execute the function properly.
Update 1:
Thanks to #michael, I've been made aware of a component in Laravel called commands.
So I ran this code:
php artisan make:console processQueuedNotifications
and it created some files in the console directory.
Currently exploring on what to do next.
After checking out the Events class which the kernel.php file makes use of, I noticed that this class provides an easy to use interface for me to create cron jobs on the fly. Am I correct in think so?
I notice there is not function to run a cron job every minute, is it safe to edit the Events class file without it being overwritten by future make:console commands, or laravel updates?
I saw this code in the kernel.php file:
So is this the place you wanted me to add my function? as I notice that the inspire function is something automatically created for me to understand what's going on?
So I would write,
//Providing it's safe to edit the Event's class or figure out a clean way of doing so without my code being deleted in the future on Laravel updates.
A very convenient way is to use laravels console component. You can create a new command by issuing
php artisan make:console
And find it thereafter in your app/console directory. Make sure to enable the command in the Kernel.php file once created.
Simply call your class or whatever you want to run via cron from inside the command. The console command itself is callable via cli just as you would run one of laravels php artisan ... commands. You can set this in the file created for you. For example, you can then call the file from everywhere you want with
/usr/bin/php /path/to/file/artisan my:command
You can set options and arguments if you need to.
Here's the documentation: http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/commands / http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/console/introduction.html
There's an array in kernel.php you need to register your class (include the namespace) in. After that it is callable via cli. For a start, have a look on arguments and options you can initialize in case you need to make different requests on your controller class. (The filename you have chosen for your console command, is an argument. You can make them required or optional for your own commands. )
Within your file, you can create them by simply creating an array in the appropriate method with these values:
[$name, $mode, $description, $defaultValue]
have a look at the docs or Jeffrey's laracasts, they are very good.
To only call your class from the console command, it's enough to name your command in the above section of the file and call you controller like
(new namespace\controller)->method();
What you can do in your code, after your update, 2 choices :
Dispatching directly the command from your code using the Bus facade
first import it using the
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Bus;
then in your code
Bus::dispatchNow(new YourCommandClass);
(don't forget to import your command class)
Dispatch it for queue process using the same bus facade:
(still importing the same way)
Bus::dispatch(new YourCommandClass);
(Note that in that case, you'll need to have the following command run by your cron job :
php artisan queue:listen
it can handle several options such as the --tries=X where is is the number of tries etc
Generally speaking, you can get more info from commands typing php artisan my:command -h
Hi i was trying to emulate a post created from javascript in a site with curl from a php script but it seems some variables have the same name and they get overwritten, is there a way to run the script itself from command promt, assuming i make the necessary changes to it?
Well ... you can always install NodeJS and then just write in terminal: node <filename>
I've set up a cron job to run. It executes a php file which is named cronj.php
But it doesn't work and cron job notification I get is:
/root/website/myworld/blabla/cronj.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
And line 1 in that file is simply a php tag <?php I don't know how
Cron is executing the file as if it was a shell script. Normally you would put in a shebang line (like #!/usr/bin/env php) at the top of the file so that the shell knows how to invoke it, but PHP doesn't like it - as it outputs everything outside its tags. Thus, instead of this:
0 3 * * * /mypath/myscript.php ...
try this:
0 3 * * * /usr/bin/env php /mypath/myscript.php ...
or use #Ravenex's trick.
EDIT I was just rightly admonished for assuming PHP behaves in a consistent way. Apparently, shebang does work in PHP. My apologies to #chess007.
We use cron to run nightly tasks in a php facebook game. We do it by using curl like this:
/usr/bin/curl http://www.ourdomain.com/page.php
If I remember right we had some issues using localhost to try to avoid external lookups. Also we tried using php command line execution, which mostly worked but caused a few strange bugs.
Try to call the web url (http://.....).
It's apparently not parsing it as an PHP script.
Please show use the cronjob you used, to verify my hunch was right.
Use this to set your cron and also give email address in your cron setting Cpanel so that you get an email when cron runs successfully
wget -O - http://YOURSITE/cron.php