I don't know how to work with such object, i need to get first and second one status value, tryed to convert it to json, but it gives me nothing. I just don't get it how to open array with such "_data:MailWizzApi_Params:private" name.
$response = $endpoint->emailSearch($myConfig["LIST-UNIQUE-ID"], $_GET["email"]);
echo '<hr /><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
I receive such answer
MailWizzApi_Params Object
[_data:MailWizzApi_Params:private] => Array
[status] => success
[data] => Array
[subscriber_uid] => an837jdexga45
[status] => unsubscribed
[_readOnly:MailWizzApi_Params:private] =>
In this case, you can't.
Because it's private field.
For public fields with "incorrect" names you can use snippet:
$name = '}|{';
So, let see to your property: [_data:MailWizzApi_Params:private].
It is private field of instance of MailWizzApi_Params class with _data name.
Let's google to it's implementation: Found
As you can see it has toArray public method. Just use it.
It has ArrayAccess implemented also. So, $response->body['status'] or $response->body['data'] will works.
Thank you guys for fast answers, here is my dumb way if reading status value
(thanks, #Jose Manuel Abarca RodrÃguez)
$toJson = json_encode((array)$response->body);
$toJson = str_replace(array("\u0000MailWizzApi_Params\u0000_"), "", $toJson);
So we receive a normal json:
And now we need just to decode it
$json = json_decode($toJson, true);
echo $json['data']['status'];
Here My class name is User, When I print my class properties I'm getting my objective name properly. After that, I encoded the data with json_encode(). and then I decoding with json_decode(). I'm getting stdClass objective why?
class User
public $name;
public $age;
public $salary;
$user = new User();
$user->name = 'Siddhu';
$user->age = 24;
$user->salary = 7000.80;
//Output: User Object ( [name] => Siddhu [age] => 24 [salary] => 7000.8 )
//Output: {"name":"Siddhu","age":24,"salary":7000.8}
$d = json_encode($user);
$s = json_decode($d);
//Output: stdClass Object ( [name] => Siddhu [age] => 24 [salary] => 7000.8 )
If you noticed stdClass is coming, How can I change to user
There is no direct way you can get data in class object either you need to used custom method to decode else you can use serialize() && unserialize() function to get data in the class object when you decode;
$serialized_user_object = serialize($user);
$deserialized_user_object = unserialize($serialized_user_object);
In json_decode you can pass true in second argument if you want data as array.
like this.
var_dump(json_decode($json, true));
to know more about json_decode see here.
The reason this happens can be demonstrated quite easily...
class foo{
public $bar = 'bar';
$json = json_encode(new foo);
echo $json."\n\n";
stdClass Object
[bar] => bar
As you can see the output {"bar":"bar"} contains no information about what if any class this was, it could have been ['bar'=>'bar'] and the JSON would be the same... Then when decoding it, you don't have json_decode set to return as an array (second argument set to true), which is fine as that's not really what you want, but when it's set that way you get stdClass objects instead of an associative array for items with non-numeric keys. In short there is no way to recover the class "foo" from the json {"bar":"bar"} as that information does't exist (you can make it exist, but that's another tale for another day).
Using serialize we get something very different.
class foo{
public $bar = 'bar';
$json = serialize(new foo);
echo $json."\n\n";
foo Object
[bar] => bar
This O:3:foo means an Object with a class name 3 in length named "foo". So it preserves that information for PHP to use when "decoding" the data.
The whole thing reads like this:
Object (3) "foo" with 1 property named (s)tring (3) "bar" with a value of (s)tring (3) "bar", or something like that.
Make sense.
AS a note PHP's serialize is less portable then JSON, as it only works in PHP, It's also much harder to manually edit then JSON, but if you really want to encode a class than that is the easiest way to do it. That said you can also "repopulate" the class from JSON data, but that can also be hard to maintain.
I have a problem with modifying an array.
foreach ($page->getResults() as $lineItem) {
This code gives a result:
[0] => Google\AdsApi\Dfp\v201611\Location Object
[id:protected] => 2250
[type:protected] => COUNTRY
[canonicalParentId:protected] =>
[displayName:protected] => France
I'm trying to add another, [1] , same type of object to this array.
I made a class to create and add an object:
class Location{
public function createProperty($propertyName, $propertyValue){
$this->{$propertyName} = $propertyValue;
$location = new Location();
$location->createProperty('id', '2792');
$location->createProperty('type', 'COUNTRY');
$location->createProperty('canonicalParentId', '');
$location->createProperty('displayName', 'Turkey');
array_push($lineItem->getTargeting()->getGeoTargeting()->getExcludedLocations(), $location);
Then, if I pass this into print_r() function
It shows the same result.
In the end, I need to send this updated whole $lineItem to this function
$lineItems = $lineItemService->updateLineItems(array($lineItem));
But seems like before sending I can't properly add an object to the array.
Thanks in advance.
PHP returns arrays as a value instead of as a reference. This means you must set the modified value back somehow.
Looking at the library apparently in question, there seems to be setExcludedLocations method for that purpose.
So your code should be something like:
$geo_targeting = $lineItem->getTargeting()->getGeoTargeting();
$excluded_locations = $geo_targeting->getExcludedLocations();
array_push($excluded_locations, $location);
I am working on laravel app and I am saving my data in JSON encoded form as
It shows as above in db text field
In my method I am getting data as
function users($id, Request $request)
$method = $request->method();
if($request->isMethod('GET')) {
$users = DB::table('user_settings')->select('notification_setting')->first();
print_r( $notification_smtp);
return view('setting/user');
Below is the output of the code above:
stdClass Object ( [notification_setting] => {"name":"Ali","email":"testdc#gamil.com"} )
If I try to decode it it gives an error as json_decode 2nd parameter should be string object passed
How can I get the response to this format?
stdClass Object ( [name] => Ali [email] => test#gmail.com )
How can I possibly achieve that?
Try, print_r( json_decode($notification_smtp->notification_setting) );
Did you try serialization? like get a tmp variable with parsed object
//your code
$users = DB::table('user_settings')->select('notification_setting')->first();
print_r( $notification_smtp);
//try this
$tmp = (string) $user;
if not help, read laravel doc, its really good.
Laravel Serialization
If still no helping you, google serialization and unserialization ;)
Ive been working with some code and I am recieving a var (I didnt work the entire code, so, I dont know how it was made), my problem is that I get something like this
AdminUserRoleDecorator Object (
[user:AdminUserRoleDecorator:private] => EssUserRoleDecorator Object (
[user:EssUserRoleDecorator:private] => User Object (
[topMenuItemsArray:User:private] => Array ( )
[employeeList:User:private] => Array ( )
[activeProjectList:User:private] => Array ( )
[empNumber:User:private] => [allowedActions:User:private] => Array ( )
[nextState:User:private] => [userId:User:private] => 1
[userTimeZoneOffset:User:private] => -6
To be honest, and It could sound like a very stupid question, I dont know how to read that, normally I get the atributes in the way $myobject->atribute , now this I really have no idea, any way I can access to this? for example, I want to get the userId, I see its there, with :user:private (which I also dont know what are they for).
If I try
for example, I get nothing back.
I tried $myobject->user
and I am getting this
Fatal error: Cannot access private property AdminUserRoleDecorator
I am working with symfony by the way.
From the answer I gave here, you can get some insight into objects with get_class_methods() (php reference) and get_class_vars(). On that post, I made up a function to help me learn more about class methods available:
function show_methods( $_a ) {
echo "<h3>Methods for ".get_class($_a)."</h3>";
$_a= get_class_methods($_a);
foreach( $_a as $method ) {
echo "\n";
So I do a print for my object: print_r ($objMailer);
And I get the following below:
mymailer Object
[_strRecipient:mymailer:private] =>
[_strBcc:mymailer:private] =>
[_strSubject:mymailer:private] =>
[_strEmail:mymailer:private] =>
[_arrData:mymailer:private] => Array
[full_name] => brian
[invitee_name] => test
[email] => test#testing.com
[captcha] => kqd2q9
[_arrAttachments:mymailer:private] =>
[_blnCaptcha:mymailer:private] => 1
[_arrErrors:mymailer:private] => Array
I need to echo/print out just the 'full_name' field? How can I go about doing this?
You can not trivially. As the print_r output shows that is within a private member.
You can either provide it from within your (?) mymailer object:
return $this->_arrData['full_name'];
or by using Reflection to make it accessible from the outside:
$refObj = new ReflectionObject($objMailer);
$refProp = $refObj->getProperty('_arrData');
$array = $refProp->getValue($objMailer);
echo $array['full_name'];
If you want to echo the value inside a method of mymailer class, you may use:
echo $this->_arrData['full_name'];
Since it's private you'll need to use a getter
The object you are referencing has an _arrData member variable which has private scope resolution, which means you cannot access it from outside the class. Chances are there is a public accessor which will allow you get the information you are after, but no way to tell unless you introspect the object itself.
I would suggest doing something like:
foreach (get_class_methods($mymailer) as $method) { echo 'M: ' . $method . '<br>'; } exit;
Then you can see the methods available to you, chances are there is a getData() method, with which you can do this:
$mailerData = $mymailer->getData();
There may even be a method to get the full name, something like this: