Vimeo PRO account (owner of videos)
Both public and private videos
Only embeddable on my domains
I simple want to pass in a VIDEO ID, and get a JSON data dump response back.. (so I can use this in an embeddable iframe/player.. BUT ALSO be able to display the description from the video, as well as the video download links... this all seems to be available in the JSON returned data)
I have tried a simple cURL approach..
//project vars
$client_id = 'xxx';
$client_secret = 'xxx';
$access_token = 'xxx';
$video_endpoint = '';
$video_url = '171811266';
//$video_url = '171811266/5822169b48';
$json_url = $video_endpoint . '.json?url=' . rawurlencode($video_url);
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $json_url,
"authorization: Bearer ".$access_token
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
}else {
echo $response;
And while I -thought- I was on the right track (even though its an OLD approach)..
I get this error:
{"error":"The requested video could not be found"}
Not sure what I could be doing wrong? Video link:
I believe I set this video to be PUBLIC for testing..etc
Since I couldnt get that approach to work.. I moved on to attempt to use an 'official library':
However.. IMHO, it does not have any 'working examples' out of the box..
Here is what I tried so far:
*I am not clear why I need to 'authenticate' for videos "I" own.. on a Vimeo account "I" own.. and can only be displayed on domains "I" own?
I not clear why I need to send a user to the Vimeo site to 'accept/approve' ANYTHING? and then redirect them back... to where? The page where the video is housed?
//project vars
$client_id = 'xxxx';
$client_secret = 'xxx';
$access_token = 'xxx';
$redirect_uri = ''; //what URL should this be? The .php page that has the embedded player on it?
// scope is an array of permissions your token needs to access. You can read more at
$scopes = Array('public', 'private');
$state = 'Ldhg0478y'; //randomly made up state variable/value
// instantiate a new instance of Vimeo class/object
$lib = new \Vimeo\Vimeo($client_id, $client_secret);
// build a link to Vimeo so your users can authorize your app. //whatever that means and is for?
$url = $lib->buildAuthorizationEndpoint($redirect_uri, $scopes, $state);
// redirect_uri must be provided, and must match your configured uri
$token = $lib->accessToken(code, redirect_uri);
// usable access token
// accepted scopes
// use the token
$response = $lib->request('/me/videos', array('per_page' => 2), 'GET');
My response from the above is:
Notice: Use of undefined constant code - assumed 'code' in /usr/www/users/ on line 27
Notice: Use of undefined constant redirect_uri - assumed 'redirect_uri' in /usr/www/users/ on line 27
Notice: Undefined index: access_token in /usr/www/users/ on line 30
Notice: Undefined index: scope in /usr/www/users/ on line 33
Notice: Undefined index: access_token in /usr/www/users/ on line 36
array(1) { ["error"]=> string(52) "You must provide a valid authenticated access token." }
I think I'd feel more comfortable and have more control (I think?) if I could get the cURL version working? Instead of trying to use this Vimeo library? (Theres just too many files and random lines to make sense for me at this point to understand what I need)
I dont need to upload anything.. I just need to/want to pass a video ID and get back a list of JSON data for that video.. (dont need USER info... dont need to UPLOAD.. dont need to DELETE)
Can anyone guide me or give me some direction on what I am doing wrong? and how to correct it?
Update: "What worked for me!"
Using the official library.. the readme 'example' just didnt work for me (as I posted)..
However.. this did work for me: (again, using the official library)
//include offifial library
$client_id = 'xxx';
$client_secret = 'xxx';
$access_token = 'xxx';
$video_id = 'xxx';
$lib = new Vimeo\Vimeo($client_id, $client_secret, $access_token);
$video_response = $lib->request('/videos/'.$video_id);
//dont really need this, but included in case there is some data you need to display
$token_response = $lib->clientCredentials();
//example of parsing out specific data from the array returned
echo $video_response['body']['name'] . '<br><br>';
Where are you getting the .json?url= part? Your request url should be just
$json_url = $video_endpoint . rawurlencode($video_url);
Your code works with that change.
I need to add some functionality to my site to connect via REST to a provider and exchange data. I've used Postman for several years to test these APIs for myself and customers, but this is the first time I have tried to add the functionality to my site.
I've Googled numerous sites. I tried a few different things. First I tried the league/oauth2-client library. The requests went through without any errors, but all I received back was a response like this.
JSON response = {"status":"400","timeStamp":"2022-01-22T16:21:19+0000","error":{"errorId":"ea7bc74d-21ca-4503-92ad-3a76b05d7554","message":null,"code":"invalid_request","description":"Cannot generate token. Bad request","details":null}}
So I went to look at other examples. I found this nice and simple code from
UC San Diego Example for Client Credentials. I tried it and got the same type of results. "Cannot generate token. Bad request." For now, I like the simple option of the UCSD example if I can make it work.
As I said, I can successfully make this request and use the API all day long in Postman. So I know the Client ID, Client Secret, and URL are correct.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to troubleshoot this in PHP. I looked in the server log and I didn't find any errors. I tried to echo something out to see if I could see what was wrong, but I couldn't get the request to echo to the page. I tried using Fiddler to see if I could find the request with no luck.
Here's where I am right now. Any suggestions for what I am missing?
Thanks in advance for your help!
$token_url = "";
$test_api_url = "";
// client (application) credentials on
$client_id = "xxxxxxxxxxx";
$client_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$access_token = getAccessToken();
$resource = getResource($access_token);
echo "</br>access_token = " . $access_token;
echo "</br>resource = " . $resource;
// step A, B - single call with client credentials as the basic auth header
// will return access_token
function getAccessToken() {
global $token_url, $client_id, $client_secret;
$content = "grant_type=client_credentials";
$authorization = base64_encode("$client_id:$client_secret");
$header = array("Authorization: Basic {$authorization}","Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $token_url,
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo "</br>JSON response = " . $response;
return json_decode($response)->access_token;
// step B - with the returned access_token we can make as many calls as we want
function getResource($access_token) {
global $test_api_url;
$header = array("Authorization: Bearer {$access_token}");
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $test_api_url,
$response = curl_exec($curl);
return json_decode($response, true);
So it seems that with a little bit of research and learning on my part the answer to my question was in Postman. Postman includes a feature that will translate your request into any number of code languages.
All I had to do was select the PHP option and copy and paste the results into my project. Boom, there you go. That was easy.
Here's a YouTube video showing how it works.
Postman: Import/Export and Generating Code Samples
I have a Vimeo PRO account.
I have protected videos uploaded.
Videos are also set to ONLY be embeddable on my domains (set in the video settings)
I am -not- grasping how to use their examples (sorry, for me the examples do not include real working samples for me,..or at least how to implement them to understand.. so I'm hoping to get some help)
Not clear on all the OAuth2, Oembed... authentication stuff either.. which I believe is where my problem lies.
I was following this gitHub example:
(looks to be pretty old?)
I'm looking to get JSON data returned for a video when an ID is passed along.
I was/am under the impression that I need to 'authenticate' before I can get my response/return data?
Is this best done in the CURL header or something?
Can someone guide me a bit more? (shouldnt be this hard!) haha..
Here is my code:
$video_endpoint = '';
$video_url = '171811266';
//JSON url
//$json_url = $video_endpoint . '.json?url=' . rawurlencode($video_url);
//this fixes the cURL approach
$json_url = $video_endpoint . rawurlencode($video_url);
// Curl helper function
function curl_get($url) {
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
//curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Authorization : bearer xxxxxx'));
$return = curl_exec($curl);
return $return;
$vimeoJSON = json_decode((curl_get($json_url)));
And I get this response:
object(stdClass)#1 (1) { ["error"]=> string(52) "You must provide a valid authenticated access token." }
questions are:
1.) Is this even a valid approach? (assuming I just need to append some lines of code to the CURL header to send my auth over before getting a response?)
2.) How do I update my CURL snippet to work with VIEMO authentication?
I'm trying to keep this as CLEAN/SIMPLE as I can (for the JSON call/return portion)..
Any guidance is appreciated.
this code does NOT work:
$access_token = 'xxx';
$video_endpoint = '';
$video_url = '171811266';
$json_url = $video_endpoint . '.json?url=' . rawurlencode($video_url);
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $json_url,
"authorization: Bearer ".$access_token
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
The video I want to use is located here:
IT IS A PRIVATE VIDEO. (not sure you'll be able to see it)..
When I use the latest version of the code posted above.. I get this response:
{"error":"The requested video could not be found"}
Is this because its a PRIVATE video?
(actually I just set the video to be able to be viewed by anyone.. and I still got the same error/response) (not found)
If so.. what is the fix to use MY videos.. that are set to private... but use them on my site/domain still?
Trying to use the code in the readme example:
Trying to use (un-successfully) the LIB #Dashron pointed me too.. I cant even seem to get the basics to work from the GIT Page:
//project vars
$client_id = 'xxxx';
$client_secret = 'xxx';
$access_token = 'xxx';
$redirect_uri = ''; //where do I redirect them back to? the page where I have the embeded video at?
// scope is an array of permissions your token needs to access. You can read more at
$scopes = Array('public', 'private');
$state = 'Ldhg0478y';
$lib = new Vimeo\Vimeo($client_id, $client_secret);
// build a link to Vimeo so your users can authorize your app. //whatever that means and is for?
$url = $lib->buildAuthorizationEndpoint($redirect_uri, $scopes, $state);
// redirect_uri must be provided, and must match your configured uri
$token = $lib->accessToken(code, redirect_uri);
// usable access token
// accepted scopes
// use the token
I get this error message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected Fatal error: Class 'Vimeo\Vimeo' not found in /usr/www/users/aaemorg/
Seems like its not creating instantiating my $lib object/class??
(I know I'm not great at high level PHP class/code... but this absurdly hard just to get a JSON response for video I own to embed (again) on a site I own as well)
Any direction would be appreciated?
Update: "what worked for me"..
I am appreciate the link to the 'official' library.. but the readme examples just didnt work for me...
To keep things nice and easy for others who may be new to the Vimeo API stuff as well.. here is a quick and dirty, simple code sample to get you up and running:
//include offifial library
$client_id = 'xxx';
$client_secret = 'xxx';
$access_token = 'xxx';
$video_id = 'xxx';
$lib = new Vimeo\Vimeo($client_id, $client_secret, $access_token);
$video_response = $lib->request('/videos/'.$video_id);
//dont really need this, but included in case there is some data you need to display
$token_response = $lib->clientCredentials();
//example of parsing out specific data from the array returned
echo $video_response['body']['name'] . '<br><br>';
The link you provided is very, very old. It is actually part of a different API, and no longer relevant.
The Library you should be using is located here: with many examples in the readme, and the examples directory!
Below code works for me
Please follow this step before
Under video settings : General->privacy, Change Who can watch select box to Anyone.
$url = '';
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$headers = array();
$headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
$headers[] = "Accept: application/json";
$headers[] = "Authorization: Bearer 969329f9b5b3882d74d1b39297528242";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$final_result = json_decode( preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $result), true );
echo "<pre>";
I'm beginner programmer
to get Instagram Authentication, I uploaded this php code on my server
function getAccessToken(){
if($_GET['code']) {
$code = $_GET['code'];
$url = "";
$access_token_parameters = array(
'client_id' => 'b7f14786b7754f04aa43dcxxxxxxxxxx', // my client id
'client_secret' => '33987fcae22949a9b3682bxxxxxxxxxx', // secret key
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri' => '',
'code' => $code
$curl = curl_init($url); // we init curl by passing the url
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POST,true); // to send a POST request
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$access_token_parameters); // indicate the data to send
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec() instead of outputting it out directly.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate.
$result = curl_exec($curl); // to perform the curl session
curl_close($curl); // to close the curl session
$arr = json_decode($result,true);
echo "access_Token: ".$arr['access_token']; // display the access_token
echo "<br>";
echo "user_name : ".$arr['user']['username']; // display the username
and when I access to ""
it returns following error
Notice: Undefined index: access_token in /home/ubuntu/php/hashberry/token.php on line 26
Notice: Undefined index: user in /home/ubuntu/php/hashberry/token.php on line 28
user_name :
After testing, your code works perfectly.
1- You need to have your code inside of the redirect URI which is different from your website URI.
2- Change your redirect uri to match the one in your registered app.
For example :
Website URI:
Redirect URI:
Good luck
I am trying to post messages automatically to my Tumblr Blog (which will run daily via Cron)
I am using the Official Tumblr PHP library here:
And using the Authentication method detailed here :
(or parts of this, as I don't need user input!)
I have the below code
// some variables that will be pretttty useful
$consumerKey = 'MY-CONSUMER-KEY';
$consumerSecret = 'MY-CONSUMER-SECRET';
$client = new Tumblr\API\Client($consumerKey, $consumerSecret);
$requestHandler = $client->getRequestHandler();
$blogName = 'MY-BLOG-NAME';
// start the old gal up
$resp = $requestHandler->request('POST', 'oauth/request_token', array());
// get the oauth_token
$out = $result = $resp->body;
$data = array();
parse_str($out, $data);
// set the token
$client->setToken($data['oauth_token'], $data['oauth_token_secret']);
// change the baseURL so that we can use the desired Methods
// build the $postData into an array
$postData = array('title' => 'test title', 'body' => 'test body');
// call the creatPost function to post the $postData
$client->createPost($blogName, $postData);
However, this gives me the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Tumblr\API\RequestException: [401]: Not
Authorized thrown in
on line 426
I can retrieve blog posts and other data fine with (example):
echo '<pre>';
print_r( $client->getBlogPosts($blogName, $options = null) );
echo '</pre>';
So it seems it is just making a post that I cant manage.
In all honesty, I don't really understand the OAuth Authentication, so am using code that more worthy coders have kindly provided free :-)
I assume I am OK to have edited out parts of the as I don't need user input as this is just going to be code ran directly from my server (via Cron)
I have spent days looking around the internet for some answers (have gotten a little further), but am totally stuck on this one...
Any advice is much appreciated!
It looks like the parts that you removed in the code pertained to a portion of the OAuth process that was necessary for the desired action.
// exchange the verifier for the keys
You might try running the Authentication Example itself and removing the parts of the code that you've removed until it no longer works. This will narrow down what's causing the issue. I'm not very familiar with OAuth personally, but this looks as though it would be apart of the problem as one of the main portions you took out was surrounding the OAuth process exchanging the verifier for the OAuth keys.
function upload_content(){
// Authorization info
$tumblr_email = '';
$tumblr_password = 'secret';
// Data for new record
$post_type = 'text';
$post_title = 'Host';
$post_body = 'This is the body of the host.';
// Prepare POST request
$request_data = http_build_query(
'email' => $tumblr_email,
'password' => $tumblr_password,
'type' => $post_type,
'title' => $post_title,
'body' => $post_body,
'generator' => 'API example'
// Send the POST request (with cURL)
$c = curl_init('');
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request_data);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($c);
$status = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// Check for success
if ($status == 201) {
echo "Success! The new post ID is $result.\n";
} else if ($status == 403) {
echo 'Bad email or password';
} else {
echo "Error: $result\n";
it's been 5 days that I'm stuck in the implementation of a simple fb login and I'm banging my head like a motherf***r. anyways.
I'm at the point that I'm trying to set the accessToken by hand.
like shown in this post.
the only problem is that the oauth/access_token call returns nothing
and I'm guessing that it's a pretty messed up behaviour.
this is the snippet I use to make the call
$token_url = "".FB_APPID."&redirect_uri=".urlencode($curUrl)."&client_secret=".FB_APPSECRET."&code=".$_GET['code'];
log_to_file("curPageURL: ".$token_url);
$response = file_get_contents($token_url);
log_to_file("resp: ".$respone);
the log_to_file is a custm method that logs the taken message in a file so that I can have the log situation in a tail -f scenario.
what happens here is that the log "resp: ". returns nothing at all.
did anyone face the same problem?
thx in advance. this thing is driving me insane.
and I can officially state that the fb sdk is the most buggy and worse-documented service
I've ever used.
Facebook has the most badly-documented API in the world. I remember the time I used it and couldn't help swearing all the time ! :) Here is a piece of pseudo-code that did work for me. It gains permission from a user to post a link on his wall. I'm just posting it so that maybe you can take some hints and make your code work:
//A function for cURL operations.
function callFb($url)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $url,
$result = curl_exec($ch);
return $result;
$url = "<your_client_id>&redirect_uri=".urlencode("<the_url_where_the_user_is_redirected_after_granting_permission>")."&client_secret=<your_client_secret>";
/* Get access token. */
$access_token = callFb($url);
/* Parse the result to get access token */
$access_token = substr($access_token, strpos($access_token, "=")+1, strlen($access_token));
/* Save access token, if you want to for future.*/
mysql_query("INSERT INTO fb_auth_tokens (id,auth_token) VALUES('$_GET[id]','$auth_token')");
/* Post to users wall */
$apprequest_url = "";
$mymessage="Hello World !";
$parameters = "?access_token=" . $access_token . "&message=" .
urlencode($mymessage) .
$myurl = $apprequest_url . $parameters;
$result = callFb($myurl);
// Thy shall be done. :)