Hopping some of you can help me with this, since a few days back I'm trying to get a list like a carousel, displayed in my FaceBook bot using the following code:
public function returnCarousel(){
$messagearray = array (
'message' =>
array (
'attachment' =>
array (
'type' => 'list',
'payload' =>
array (
'template_type' => 'list',
'top_element_style' => 'compact',
'elements' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'title' => 'Classic T-Shirt Collection',
'subtitle' => 'See all our colors',
'image_url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/img/collection.png',
'buttons' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'title' => 'View',
'type' => 'web_url',
'url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/collection',
'messenger_extensions' => true,
'webview_height_ratio' => 'tall',
'fallback_url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/',
1 =>
array (
'title' => 'Classic White T-Shirt',
'subtitle' => 'See all our colors',
'default_action' =>
array (
'type' => 'web_url',
'url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=100',
'messenger_extensions' => false,
'webview_height_ratio' => 'tall',
2 =>
array (
'title' => 'Classic Blue T-Shirt',
'image_url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/img/blue-t-shirt.png',
'subtitle' => '100% Cotton, 200% Comfortable',
'default_action' =>
array (
'type' => 'web_url',
'url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=101',
'messenger_extensions' => true,
'webview_height_ratio' => 'tall',
'fallback_url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/',
'buttons' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'title' => 'Shop Now',
'type' => 'web_url',
'url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/shop?item=101',
'messenger_extensions' => true,
'webview_height_ratio' => 'tall',
'fallback_url' => 'https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/',
'buttons' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'title' => 'View More',
'type' => 'postback',
'payload' => 'payload',
public function sendMessage($parameters) {
echo json_encode($parameters);
No carousel is displayed and no error is returnes intead I get in my ngrok console this:
{"message":{"attachment":{"type":"list","payload":{"template_type":"list","top_element_style":"compact","elements":[{"title":"Classic T-Shirt Collection","subtitle":"See all our colors","image_url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/img/collection.png","buttons":[{"title":"View","type":"web_url","url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/collection","messenger_extensions":true,"webview_height_ratio":"tall","fallback_url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/"}]},{"title":"Classic White T-Shirt","subtitle":"See all our colors","default_action":{"type":"web_url","url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=100","messenger_extensions":false,"webview_height_ratio":"tall"}},{"title":"Classic Blue T-Shirt","image_url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/img/blue-t-shirt.png","subtitle":"100% Cotton, 200% Comfortable","default_action":{"type":"web_url","url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/view?item=101","messenger_extensions":true,"webview_height_ratio":"tall","fallback_url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/"},"buttons":[{"title":"Shop Now","type":"web_url","url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/shop?item=101","messenger_extensions":true,"webview_height_ratio":"tall","fallback_url":"https://peterssendreceiveapp.ngrok.io/"}]}],"buttons":[{"title":"View More","type":"postback","payload":"payload"}]}}}}
if I send a single card it works, please your help
SOLVED: I formatted the array like this and I get it working.
$messagearray = array (
'speech' => 'Carousel',
'messages' => array (
0 => array (
'type' => 1,
'platform' => 'facebook',
'title' => 'Rosa Amarilla',
'imageUrl' => 'http://rosa.com/assets/imgs/rosaamarilla.jpg',
'buttons' =>
array (
0 =>array ('text' => 'Detalles de la Rosa', 'postback' => '',),
1 =>array (
'type' => 1,
'platform' => 'facebook',
'title' => 'Rosa Azul',
'imageUrl' => 'http://rosa.com/assets/imgs/rosaazul.jpg',
'buttons' =>
array (
0 => array ('text' => 'Detalles de la Rosa', 'postback' => '',),
I'm storing data to an array like this which is inside three nested loops (loops omitted):
$teamDetails[$k] = array(
'side' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['side'],
'gold' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['gold'],
'aces' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['aces_earned'],
'herokills' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['hero_kills'],
'winner' => translateGame($json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['winner']),
'participants'[$j] => array(
'work' => 'it worked',
How can make 'participants' an array with the indices coming from $j?
That's easy
$teamDetails[$k] = array(
'side' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['side'],
'gold' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['gold'],
'aces' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['aces_earned'],
'herokills' => $json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['hero_kills'],
'winner' => translateGame($json['data'][$i]['rosters'][$k]['winner']),
'participants' => array(
$j => array(
'work' => 'it worked',
array (
'_attributes' =>
array (
'name' => 'Rothco Product API - Variations',
'item_variations' =>
array (
0 =>
'item_variation_id' => 2,
'item_index' => 3146,
'rothco_item_no' => '10002',
'upc' => '023063601212',
'inventory' => 99,
'created_date' => '2014-11-28 10:06:45.000',
'weight' => '.4000',
'image_filename' => '10002-A.jpg',
'catalog_page_no' => 183,
'msrp' => '20.9900',
'map' => '.0000',
'diameter' => '',
'price' => '8.100000',
'case_price' => NULL,
'case_quantity' => NULL,
'statuses' => '',
This is my array $list.
I want to access 'item_variations' value from this array,
but if I try $list['item_variations'], or $list->['item_variations']
it is not working
If you want to reach just item_variations then
echo $list['item_variations'];
is sufficient. Things get more tricky if you would like to i.e. get value if created_date from your sample data as you got mix of arrays and objects so that require different access:
echo $list['item_variations'][0]->created_date;
which would output
2014-11-28 10:06:45.000
I have a collection in mongoDb. it is similar to the following.
'_id' => new MongoId("50b35d1217ce10ac1000000f")
'Education' =>
array (
'content' =>
array (
'0' =>
array (
'Organization' => 'SUST',
'Degree' => 'BSC',
'Department' => '',
'Location' => 'Dhaka',
'Session' => '2 Years',
'1' =>
array (
'Organization' => 'DU',
'Degree' => 'BSC',
'Department' => '',
'Location' => 'Dhaka',
'Session' => '2 Years',
'sharing' => 'public',
I want to delete Education.content.1 from the collection.
So i used the
update(array('_id' => new MongoId('50b35d1217ce10ac1000000f')), array('$unset' => array('Education.content.1' => 1)));
As a result Education.content.1 becomes null.
But I want Education.content.1 to be deleted not to be null.
Please help me if any one knows the solution. Thanks in advance.
Use $pull after $unset:
update(array('_id' => new MongoId('50b35d1217ce10ac1000000f')),
array('$unset' => array('Education.content.1' => 1)));
update(array('_id' => new MongoId('50b35d1217ce10ac1000000f')),
array('$pull' => array('Education.content' => null)));
How can I get the all the 'name' and 'city' value back in an array from the following multidimensional array?
$myarray=Array(Array('name' => 'A','id' => '1', 'phone' => '416-23-55',
Base => Array ('city' => 'toronto'),'EBase' => Array('city' => 'North York'),
'Qty' => '1'), (Array('name' =>'B','id' => '1','phone' => '416-53-66','Base' =>
Array ('city' => 'qing'), 'EBase' => Array('city' => 'chong'),'Qty' => '2')));
I expect the returned value be
$Ebasecityarray=Array('North York','chong');
Thank you!
You can definitely try something like this:
$shop = array( array( 'Title' => "rose",
'Price' => 1.25,
'Number' => 15
array( 'Title' => "daisy",
'Price' => 0.75,
'Number' => 25,
array( 'Title' => "orchid",
'Price' => 1.15,
'Number' => 7
You can access the first row as
echo $shop[0][0]." costs ".$shop[0][1]." and you get ".$shop[0][2]."<br />";
or $shop[0]->Title will return to you rose.