I am trying to implement my own class as an entity and table, but even if i do, it seems Cake still uses the default that it generates. How can i implement my own entity / table classes, and have Cake actually use them?
Here is the code i'm using in the controller:
$users = TableRegistry::get('Users');
// If post, create user
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$newUser = $users->newEntity($this->request->data());
$newUser->password = "tester";
$result = $users->save($newUser);
Then i have this entity class:
namespace App\Model\Entity;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;
class User extends Entity
protected function _setPassword($value) {
$hasher = new DefaultPasswordHasher();
return $hasher->hash($value);
Even though i follow conventions, Cake still does not use this class and the _setPassword function is NEVER called? How do i make cake actually use this entity class?
* EDIT *
I tried this:
$test = $users->newEntity();
And that outputs:
Meaning that cake does NOT load in my model, for some weird reason i cannot figure out. i can manually create an instance using new User() and it fetches the right one, but i can't go through the table?
I'm new in Laravel, I want to know where is the correct place where define functions that query table from DB. In Model or in Controller?
public function insertUser($firstname, $lastname, $email) {
$user = new User();
$user->firstname = $firstname;
$user->lastname = $lastname;
$user->email = $email;
return $user;
The function above where I should declare? Models or Controllers?
For example: I need to create a function that return male authors that live in USA and their books. I define AuthorController that use Author (Model). What's the right way to define this function? I write a function in my controller that accept gender and nation as arguments, like:
public function getAuthoursByGenderAndNation($gender, $nation) {
$authors = Author::with("books")->where("gender", "=", $gender)->where("nation", "=", $nation)->get();
return $authors;
Or I define a generic function that returns all authors with their books and then apply where clause on function that call this generic function? Like:
public function showAuthors(Request $request) {
$gender = $request->get("gender");
$nation = $request->get("nation");
$authors = $this->getAuthors()->where("gender", "=", $gender)->where("nation", "=", $nation)->get();
return view("authors", ["authors" => $authors]);
public function getAuthors() {
$authors = Author::with("books");
return $authors;
keep in mind that all application logics should be in controller, and all data operations should be in model. in your question insert user is a application logic, so you should place that on controller, but if you want to define how data is managed, place that method in model. For example, you want a model has ability to retrieve a collection with some condition, may be a user with female gender only so you can Access it via Modell::getFemale()
The function you mention, should be used within a controller. I would recommend that you get a grasp on how MVC works before you dive in Laravel.
Reading that may be useful to you
MVC Concept
Laravel Docs
PHP MVC Tutorial
As according to MCV recommendations.
M (model) should be fat and C (controller) should be thin.
you should write your all database transaction related code in model. Even you can create repositories for database queries.
Your controller should be thin, so you should write only logical code there, like calling model function.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\Request;
class UserController extent Controller {
use App\User;
protected $_user;
public function __construct(User $user) {
$this->_user= $user;
function saveUser(Request $request) {
// or you can directly save by $user->create($request->all());
This is how you can directly fill data to your User model with $fillable attribute defined there as
$fillable= ['name','email','password'];
If you define your model under the conventions of Eloquent you can simply use the built in Eloquent methods to insert your user as demonstrated in the documentation.
In the wider scope of your question: 'where to define functions that query the DB table'.
I would suggest typically defining these on the model and looking to make use of the structures provided by Eloquent, for example defining scoped queries on your model.
The code in your controller would then call methods on your model eg.
It also appears you are trying to insert users. I would strongly suggest you look into using Laravel's built in Authentication structures. You'll find these very powerful.
Hope this helps get you started.
I want to add some joins onto my Auth::user() query. How do I do this without creating a brand new query? I just want to be able to make the default call of Auth::user() different than:
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?
SELECT * FROM users INNER JOIN user_icons ON user_icons.ID = users.iconid WHERE `id` = ?
I'm using the default model User class.
Laravel provides a way for you to extend the Auth functionality. First, you need to create a class that implements the Illuminate\Auth\UserProviderInterface. Once you have your class, you call Auth::extend() to configure Auth with your new class.
For your case, the easiest thing for you to do would be to create a class that extends Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider. You'll want to update the retrieveBy* methods to add in your custom joins. For example:
class MyEloquentUserProvider extends Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider {
public function retrieveById($identifier) {
return $this->createModel()->newQuery()->join(/*join params here*/)->find($identifier);
public function retrieveByToken($identifier, $token) {
// your code with join added here
public function retrieveByCredentials(array $credentials)
// your code with join added here
Once your class is fleshed out, you need to tell Auth to use it:
Auth::extend('eloquent', function($app) {
return new MyEloquentUserProvider($app['hash'], $app['config']['auth.model']);
The first parameter to the Auth::extend method is the name of the auth driver being used as defined in app/config/auth.php. If you want, you can create a new driver (e.g. 'myeloquent'), but you'd need to update your Auth::extend statement and your app/config/auth.php driver.
Once all this is done, Auth::user() will end up calling your MyEloquentUserProvider::retrieveById method.
Fair warning: I have not actually done this myself, and none of this is personally tested. You will probably want to check out the documentation (L4.1 docs, L4.2 docs) and look at the Laravel code.
Other notes:
People have already chimed in that this is probably not what you want to do. However, the this information may be helpful to you and others looking to extend Auth for some other reason.
Considering your inner join, if a user does not have an associated user_icons record, Auth::user() will not return a record anymore, and the user probably won't be able to log in at all.
If you have 1:n relation:
Add a "icons" table to you database with a foreign key "user_id".
Add a "Icon" Model to your models.
class Icon extends Eloquent{
In Model Class "User" add a function:
public function icons() {
return $this->hasMany('Icon');
Now you can do this:
$userIcons = Auth::user()->icons();
In my Laravel application I have an Faq model. An Faq model can contain many Product models, so the Faq class contains the following function:
class Faq extends Eloquent{
public function products(){
return $this->belongsToMany('Product');
In a controller, I would like to be able to retrieve the class name that defines the relationship. For example, if I have an Faq object, like this:
$faq = new Faq();
How can I determine the class name of the relationship, which in this case would be Product. Currently I am able to do it like this:
$className = get_class($faq->products()->get()->first());
However, I'm wondering if there is a way to accomplish this same thing without having to actually run a query.
Yes, there is a way to get related model without query:
$className = get_class($faq->products()->getRelated());
It will work for all relations.
This will return full name with namespace. In case you want just base name use:
// laravel helper:
$baseClass = class_basename($className);
// generic solution
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($className);
Let's assume that we have module called 'UsersModule' with the following model in it:
class User extends CActiveRecord
// Some code here
We use this module in different applications and some time we want to extend User model to add some custom methods or properties to it. More over, often we want to change tables in database to store this new properties in it. But we don't want to change code in the UsersModule itself because it comes from the master repository (GitHub for ex.) and when we fix some bugs in it we want to simply update this module from repository in all our projects. At the same time we want to save custom changes made for the projects. So we have the following idea:
In UsersModule.php we do the following:
class UsersModule extends CWebModule
public $usersBaseClass = 'UsersBase';
In Users.php:
$extendClass = Yii::app()->getModule('users')->usersBaseClass;
$version = '1.0';
$usersFile = Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.runtime').'/Users_extends_'.$extendClass.'_v'.$version.'.php';
if(!file_exists($usersFile)) {
$code =<<<PHP
* This is the model class for table "{{users}}".
class Users extends {$extendClass}
* Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
* #param string \$className active record class name.
* #return Users the static model class
public static function model(\$className=__CLASS__)
return parent::model(\$className);
file_put_contents($usersFile, $code);
if(!class_exists('Users', flase))
Also we introduce UsersBase.php:
class UsersBase extends CActiveRecord
// All base Users model logic is here
So when we use Users class somewhere in our application our code in Users.php generates real Users class that extends desired base class. In each project when we want to extend our Users model we can do the following:
In configs/main.php of the project:
'modules' =>
'users => array(
'usersBaseClass' => 'MyUsers'
And also we add MyUsers.php some where in our application:
class MyUsers extends UsersBase
// All the custom logic goes here
So my question is:
Is it a good idea to generate classes automatically in runtime or not?
Genrating php code during runtime could work, but not the best solution imho. You should use some kind of table inheritance.
More info:
There is simple User class which is Doctrine entity (I skipped comments to keep the code short):
class User {
protected $iUserId;
protected $sName;
How to retrieve collection of objects of class User from the controller?
Follow up:
Until now, we were creating methods like getUsers() in User class which gets data from DB, creates User class objects and returns it.
Now, I'm wondering if it's not a better solution to create class like UserCollection which would handle data retrieving and creating User objects? Maybe I should make use of \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection class somehow?
What I'd like to accomplish is easy way to handles i.e. where clauses. UserCollection class could have QueryBuilder object on which I could operate from controller like this:
$oUserCollection = new UserCollection();
$oUserCollection->setWhere( 'u.iUserId = 1' );
$aUsers = oUserCollection->getUsers();
Please share your thoughts on that topic.
Doctrine provides a concept of repositories of entities which I think maybe the solution I'm looking for.
You have two options:
If your criterias are simple, eg. you just want to filter on a single property, or you don't need filtering at all, you can use the findBy() and findAll() methods, on the EntityRepository:
// find all users
$repository = $em->getRepository('My\\User');
$users = $repository->findAll();
// find users who are marked as active
$users = $repository->findBy(array('active' => true));
// sort users by age
$users = $repository->findBy(array(), array('age' => 'DESC'));
If you have complex(er) requirements, or your finders will be used from multiple places, you will have to create a custom EntityRepository, and group your finder logic there. You have to specify in the mapping that you want to create your own EntityRepository for this entity, the method for this varies depending on what mapping driver you use (annotation, yaml, xml). For example, in yaml you would have to place this line in your mapping:
RepositoryClass: My\Repository\UserRepository
And then create the file:
namespace My\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository {
public function findVIPUsers() {
$query = $this->_em->createQuery("Your query here");
return $query->getResult();
// you can also use $this->findBy(), or $this->findAll() here
And then in your controller, when you call $em->getRepository('My\User') it will return the custom repository you just created.