I created Users table.
After the user registered, The system enter his address, phone, city and more personal details to Users table.
There is another table, called Contacts, there the user add another people details.
Now, if there is Contacts table, How better to save the personal details of the user in Users table? in one json column that contains all the user personal details, or in normal columns (address, phone, city)?
I just do not want to happen a situation of multiple data.
I think separate columns for each field will be the better option!
Well, it would of course be easy to just store it as JSON, but that way, it could be a bit messy to search for certain stuff in the database (say you wish to check all users from a given city for example).
When it comes to user information, I always find the best way to do this is to store only login vital data and the base info in a users table.
Something like:
id | email | password
And then have different tables for the other data.
Name and such (which a user only has one of (of course one could have multiple names, but I usually only store first and last names)) could be stored in a user_information table, which is in a one to one relation with the user (foreign key for the user_id so that it can be quickly fetched when needed).
When it comes to address and phone number, a user could actually have multiple.
I understand that its possible that your system/app is only supposed to support one address or one phone number and the like, but its always nice to make it "right" from the start, so that its easy to just let the user add multiple of them whenever the need is there.
That way, you would have a few different tables:
and so on...
The user_information, addresses and phone_numbers would preferably all have a user_id column which would be used for a foreign key to point at the user who owns it. And if you wish to make it possible to use the same tables for contacts, a contact_id could be added too (and a foreign key to point to the contact).
I'm trying to make an Address book with different users in which they can log in with their username and password. And they can store the information like contact id, first name, last name, phone etc. I want each user to have his own address book.
Can someone please explain how I create different address book for different users.
Thanks a lot.
Create a database. take a primary id to each user or provide unique id.Then create another table fill the fields that you want(address book).Match the user who logged in and and with that another table(foreign key relationship).
When you login ..it checks with db then allows.After that you have to use insert ,update keywords for further process to put data in db.That particular unique id/primary key is used to fetch the related data(address book fields) of that user.
It is actually not a good question for StackOverflow but I will still roughly explain it to you.
You will need two different tables for this. The first one will be used for login details and the second one will record user's address book.
For example:
Table auth will have 3 columns id, username, password
Table addressBook will have contact id, first name, last name, phone etc and also have one more which will be called userID
Whenever any user eneter the data in addressBook their userID from auth table coloum id will be stored along with it. Now you can display their own data to the users.
If you have anymore question ask in comment here.
I've posted a few questions on here and have gotten very great help and support. I'm still fairly new to programming and I'm putting together what I thought would be a simple website for the company I work at. I apologize in advance for my lengthy post/question, I just want to be thorough and clear in what I'm asking. My question is more of needing some help getting pointed in the right direction of how to get started and some best practices to be aware of. What I'm working on right now is to create a system where a user can submit a questionnaire/online form to inquire about a specific product (in this case it's a hard money loan product). The way I am planning on setting it up is to have a database with multiple tables (users, user_info, loan_app, property) and connect these together by referencing each other. I've read about table joins and I understand them conceptually but I have no idea how to implement in practice. I've had a hard time finding actual examples.
Specifically, this is what I am doing and how I am thinking it should work (correct me if I'm wrong or if there's a better way to do it):
1- the user (aka the borrower) signs in to the website. The user log in system references the user table where things like first name, last name, user name, password and user ID are stored. I have included an "active" column in this table so that when a user logs in the condition for them to get into the website is that the username and password match AND the user is activated. This way we can control on the back end certain user accounts access. I have this part working.
2- when the user registers, they only fill out the information that creates a new record in the "user" table. I have created a second table called "user_info" that will contain other data like home address, phone number email etc. But I need to be able to associate the correct record with right user. This is my first issue to wrap my head around. My thinking behind doing this instead of simply putting all this information in the user table is that for one, I might keep adding to that table and make it very big, and two for security reasons, I would like to keep the information separate. I don't know if this thought process has any merit to it though. Again, that's why I'm posting this here.
3- The user, once logged in, clicks on a button on their home screen/dashboard that will take them to the loan "pre-approval application" form, which is the questionnaire. On this form their basic information will be echoed/posted from the "user_info" table to pre-populate certain fields like first name, last name, email, phone number, address etc. So going back to #2 making sure I can associate the user with the correct record in the "user_info" table is critical. THEN, there are additional fields that the user has to fill out in order to submit the application/questionnaire. These form fields will create a new record in the "loan_app" table. This table will have a loanid column that is the primary key for that table, and an auto generated/randomized 6 or 7 digit loan number (loannum). The loanid will be a hidden value but the loan number will be like a reference number that is associated with the loan for the life of it and used for later accounting and recording purposes internally, whether or not it actually becomes a loan. The loanid, I'm assuming here, is the Foreign key in the "user" table and the userid is the Foreign key in the "loan_app" and "user_info" tables correct? If so, how do I incorporate being able to simultaneously associate all these records when the loan application/questionnaire is submitted? My thought would be write individual php scripts that does each of these things separately then have a "master" php that includes all of those individual ones that is placed as the form action associated with the submit button on the form.
Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I'd really appreciate any advice or reference material that I can read up on to learn more about this stuff. My job has a pretty crazy schedule and I travel a lot so I don't have the time to take actual classes to learn this stuff formally. I'm pretty much doing this as I go.
Also, I'm using MAMP with mysql, not sure if that helps any or not...
The user table's primary key userid can be the primary key of the user_info table as well, since each user will have only one user_info record, right? A foreign key constraint is good to ensure only valid userids get recorded in user_info.
The loan_app table can contain a denormalized relationship from loanid to userid so that each loan application is associated with a user. Again, use an FK constraint for integrity.
Don't include loanid in the user table - that would mean each user has a relationship to a single loan application. You already have the one-to-many relationship you need in the loan_app table.
I'm looking to create a database for users with multi-level user rights and I don't know how to go about doing this. What I mean is that I want a manager of a business to be able to purchase my product; that person would be given Owner rights, but would also be able to grand additional users under that license--those people would be given Manager or User rights. Each level (as well as my level: Admin, and my staff: SuperUser) would obviously have individual rights/privileges).
What I'm asking, more specifically, is how to set up the database. For example, if my business is a corporate calendar/organizer, the Owner would set up departments, each with a Manager and many Users. What's the best and most efficient way to structure the database? Like, would each user (and each calendar entry) have to be associated with an ID that belongs to that specific Owner account? I'm just a little lost as to what the best way to organize the database to keep everything together, as I will have multiple different Owners with their own company structure under them.
I want to use MySQL and PHP.
I tried to make this as logical as possible. I think I'm making it too hard, but I am sure there is a standard that makes it easier....Thanks in advance.
At the very least every product/object whatsoever needs a foreign_key in its table, as for example the user's id. This is necessary and sets the relation from the product/object with the user.
And then it depends on how complex you want your system to become. An easy way would be to just use boolean columns in the user table, like an admin, an editor column and so on, with only true and false as values. In your code you could then use if and case to check if a user is an admin and show him parts of your app or not. Like a delete link for example. But you could also restrict updating and deleting to people whose user has a true value in the sufficient column.
The more complex route would include other id-fields in the tables which set a relation of something to something else. Like say you want the user to be a seller or a buyer, then you would add seller_id and buyer_id columns to the products table and check if the ids correspond with the user_id. But not "the" user_id, but a different user_id which you saved when the user created the product listing for example. This way you could guarantee, that besides your staff the user who created this thing has rights to edit it, too, because of the product's user_id being the same as his user_id (current user) when he is logged in to your system.
You could do even more complex relations but then you'd have to create another table and save other ids in it which relate certain users with say other users. In this table you save let's say a maintainer_id and a maintained_id, both have values of certain user_ids but this way you could make a relation between objects one user could change, though they belong to others. Or if you're talking of customers so the mainter_id would be allowed to write messages to those people with maintained_id, like if someone is a seller and the others are potential buyers.
I'm having a little trouble understanding exactly what you're looking for. From what I've gathered, it seems you want a database that holds permissions, users, and departments. In this very basic example I've created 3 tables. (assuming one user can only belong to one department)
You could set a foreign key in the users table which links to the primary key in the permissions table. The departments table would have the foreign key of the user_id.
You could base all of the logic on what each permission can do with your queries and application side logic.
(I can't embed images due to not having 'enough rep')
i have three tables to store details of different types of uses: customers, suppliers, staff
here are the structures of them,
supplier(id, name, address....)
employee(id, name, job_title....)
now i need those to log-in to the system , the log-in details stored in separate table,
user(user_id, password, role, ref_id)
how i planed to work this is, when registering some one, firstly insert the record to customer, supplier or employee according to the person, then insert a record in to the USER table in which the "ref_id" is the id of the previous table. the user is provided the "user_id" which can not be changed and they can change their password themselves.
when log-in, check the user_id, password combination, if ok then takes the ref_id and type, the appropriate table can be determined by the type which may be customer, supplier or employee....
the reason i done this in above way is,
customer, supplier and employee table has many different attributes except few like id, name...so can not maintain all the data in one table. in this situation if we use ids of customer, supplier and employee..would provide duplicate ids because they are separate tables!
so i need to know,
Is it correct the way i have implemented the authentication ?
if it isn't what is the correct way? (please mentioned that the details of the three parties should be handled separately)
i need to define relationship between supplier, customer, employee --> with user table. so is it ok to define three relationship as follows or another solution, how if the user table keep alone without relationship? is it violate the relational database concept?
customer (id-pk) ---->user (ref_id-fk)
supplier (id-pk) ---->user (ref_id-fk)
employee (id-pk) ---->user (ref_id-fk)
I am currently working on a system that would allow users to add additional custom fields for the contacts that they add.
I wondered what is the best and most efficient approach to add such ability?
Right now what I was thinking was to have 1 table per users (with foreign keys to a "main" contacts table) and then adding a column for each custom fields that the user adds (since I don't expect to have more then 100-200 users per database shards [sharding is easy since every users never see each-other's content in this system]), although I am not 100% sure that this would be the right solution for such problems.
Maybe you could try to have one separated table to store a reference to the user, plus the field name and value, this way you will be able to have lots of custom fields.
If you go with Boyce-Codd, you separate the information and store them into a table.
Means one table for all users with a foreign key.
One table per user would lead to hundreds or more tables with possible repeated information.
You need to have one table named USERS that stores the id of a user and fixed info you might want. Then, you could have a CONTACT table, that stores the type of contact user might create, and one matching table USER_CONTACT that matches the user unique id with the id of the contact that was created.
With this, you could have advanced data mining on all the information stored, like nowing how many contacts each user created, who created more, etc...