Symfony Nested Validation Constraints - php

I came accross curious problem. Lets say we want to validate some id. Validation should pass 10 different conditions(constraints) and we have to do it in 10 different places. I thought I can save myself writing unnessecary code by nesting one validation in another.
Here's what I did:
I've created new, custom validation constraint called IdParameter
I've registered IdParameterValidator.php file as service and injected validator service to it
I've put there another validation process(in our example 10 constraints which I will have to use in 10 different places) - I used Constraints\Collection to do it, so it looks kinda like this:
namespace Awesome\BlogBundle\Validator\Constraints;
use Symfony\Component\Validator;
class IdParameterValidator extends Validator\ConstraintValidator
private $_data = array();
private $_validator;
public function __construct(Validator\Validator\RecursiveValidator $validator)
$this->_validator = $validator;
public function validate($value, Validator\Constraint $constraint)
/* Preparing object of constraints */
$postIDConstraints = new Validator\Constraints\Collection(array(
'postId' => array(
new Validator\Constraints\Type(array(
'type' => 'integer',
'message' => 'This ain\'t no integer man!'
new Validator\Constraints\Range(array(
'min' => 1,
'minMessage' => 'Post id is not valid'
/* Validating ID */
$this->_data['errors'] = $this->_validator->validate(array('postId' => $value), $postIDConstraints);
/* Checking validation result */
if(count($this->_data['errors']) > 0) {
So now I can use as many constraint as I whish and still have a clean service code:
$postIDConstraints = new Validator\Constraints\Collection(array(
'postId' => array(
new myValidator\Constraints\IdParameter()
/* Validating postID */
$this->_data['errors'] = $this->_validator->validate(array('postId' => (int)$postID), $postIDConstraints);
I'm wondering if it's correct approach?
Best Regards,
I always comment my code - I didn't put comments here to keep it clean.


CodeIgniter 4 - Validation Custom Rule Function Quandry

In my CI4 learning, I have started by trying to simulate user sign in functionality. I have a Controller, two Views (not shown here, but really simply pages- one a pretty much just single form, and the other one a “blank” success HTML page), a set of custom rules in the Validation.php file, and a CustomRule.php file with the first of the methods that will implement all my custom rules (which, ultimately, I’d like to have all set in the Validation.php file). For lack of a better idea, I’ve stuck the CustomRules.php file in the app\Config\ folder.
Here is my problem:
For the life of me, I can’t figure out how to get the Validation service to pass additional parameters (from the form) to my custom rules function called ‘user_validated’. The CI4 documentation describes what the custom function needs to cater for when accepting additional parameters, but not how to trigger the Validation service to pass these additional parameters to one’s custom function… so although ‘user_validated’ is called, only ‘user_email_offered’ is ever passed as in as a string- nothing else goes in, from what I can tell. How do I get around this?
I have tried inserting < $validation->setRuleGroup('user_signin'); > before the call to validate, but found that I could move the setting of the rule group into the call to validate, using: $validationResult = $this->validate('user_signin'), which seemed to do the same, and which doesn't seem to work without the rule-group as a parameter (?). This still doesn't seem to be what triggers the additional data to be passed to the custom rule's method.
Extracts from my hack are appended below.
I’d be very grateful one of you knowledgeable folk could please point me in the right direction.
In app\Controllers\SignupTest.php:
namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class SignupTest extends BaseController
public function index() { // redirection from the default to signup(), signin(), ...
return $this->signup();
public function signup() {
$validation = \Config\Services::validation();
if ($this->request->getPost()) { // still TBD: any different to using $this->request->getGetPost() ?
$validationResult = $this->validate('user_signin'); // set the rules to use: 'user_signin', 'user_signup'
if (!$validationResult) {
$validationErrors = $validation->getErrors();
return view('SignupTestView', $validationErrors); // redisplay simple html form view with list of validation errors
} else {
return view('SignupTestViewSuccess'); // display view to show success
} else {
return view('SignupTestView'); // initial display, in the event of there being no POST data
In \app\Config\CustomRules.php:
namespace Config;
use App\Models\UserModel;
// Custom Rule Functions
class CustomRules
public function user_validated(string $str, string $fields = NULL, array $data = NULL, string &$error = NULL) : bool{
$user_email_offered = $str;
$user_password_offered = ''; // to be extracted using $fields = explode(',', $fields), but $fields is never provided in the call to this user_validated method
if (($user_email_offered !== NULL) && ($user_password_offered !== NULL)) {
$usermodel = new UserModel(); // intended to create a UserEntity to permit connectivity to the database
$user_found = $usermodel->find($user_email_offered); // we're going to assume that user_email is unique (which is a rule configured in the database table)
if ($user_found === NULL) { // check if user exists before doing the more involved checks in the else-if section below, which may throw exceptions if there's nothing to compare (?)
In \app\Config\Validation.php:
namespace Config;
class Validation
// Setup
* Stores the classes that contain the
* rules that are available.
* #var array
public $ruleSets = [
* Specifies the views that are used to display the
* errors.
* #var array
public $templates = [
'list' => 'CodeIgniter\Validation\Views\list',
'single' => 'CodeIgniter\Validation\Views\single',
// Custom Rules
/* configurable limits for validation rules array below*/
const user_email_min_lenth = 9;
const user_email_max_lenth = 50;
const user_password_min_lenth = 6;
const user_password_max_lenth = 25;
public $user_signin = [
'user_email' => [
'label' => 'e-mail address',
'rules' => 'trim|required|valid_email|user_validated', // user_validated is custom rule, that will have a custom error message
'errors' => [
'required' => 'You must provide an {field}',
'valid_email' => 'Please enter a valid {field}',
'user_password' => [
'label' => 'password',
'rules' => 'trim|required',
'errors' => [
'required' => 'Enter a {field} to sign in',
'user_password_check' => 'No such user/{field} combination found',
Calling custom rule with parameters should be exactly the same as calling CI4's regular rules. Let's get for example "required_without". You use it like in this example:
$validation->setRule('username', 'Username', 'required_without[id,email]');
And the function is declared as so:
public function required_without($str = null, string $fields, array $data): bool
$fields = explode(',', $fields);
where $str - this is your main field, $fields - string, packing a comma-separated array.
As for Grouping rules, you do not need to group rules to be able to use custom rules with parameters.
If you have only 2 fields to test against you can go a bit cheaper, which will not be perfect but still works:
public function myrule(string $mainfield, string $fieldtotestwith): bool
//doing stuff
Validating rule:
$validation->setRule('somemainfield', 'Something', 'myrule[somesecondfield]');

Laravel 5 custom validation rule for existing tags

I'm searching for a cleaner way to validate tags when storing a Post.
All of the input validation takes place within my custom request StorePostRequest. The problem is that I need to check whether the given tags exist in the database, only existing tags are allowed. The function $request->input('tags') returns a string with comma seperated values, for example: Tag1,Tag2,Tag3.
Here is the code:
* Store a newly created resource in storage.
* #param StorePostRequest $request
* #return Response
public function store(StorePostRequest $request)
$tags = explode(',', $request->input('tags'));
$tags = Tag::whereIn('title', $tags)->lists('id');
if(count($tags) < 1)
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors([ trans('tags.min') ]);
else if(count($tags) > 5)
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors([ trans('tags.max') ]);
$post = $request->user()->posts()->create([
'slug' => unique_slug('Post', $request->input('title')),
'title' => $request->input('title'),
'description' => $request->input('description'),
'summary' => $request->input('summary'),
return redirect(route('', [$theme->slug, $post->slug]))->with(['success', trans('')]);
The code is a little sloppy and redundant when using it in multiple controllers.
In order to solve this, I've created a ValidationServiceProvider to extend the core validator rules. Something like this:
$this->app['validator']->extend('tags', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters)
$tags = explode(',', $value);
$tags = Tag::whereIn('title', $tags)->lists('id');
if(count($tags) < 1 || count($tags) > 5))
return false;
Pretty neat. The thing is I still need to be able to access the $tags variable within the controller (because of ->attach($tags)).
Is there a better way of tackling this problem? Or should I stop thinking and just use (and repeat) the code I have?
Thanks in advance, hope it makes some sence.
I am assuming that you understand the use of this class because I have seen that you have defined StorePostRequest class. So, just for clarify, the rules method could looks like:
public function rules()
return [
'tags' => ['required', 'tags'] //kb
Finally, with all the tools in correct place, you only make manipulate the data in your controllers like this:
public function store(StorePostRequest $request)
// at this point, the tags are already validated, so we, proceed get them:
$tags = explode(',', $$request->get('tags'));
$post = $request->user()->posts()->create([
'slug' => unique_slug('Post', $request->input('title')),
'title' => $request->input('title'),
'description' => $request->input('description'),
'summary' => $request->input('summary'),
return redirect(route('', [$theme->slug, $post->slug]))->with(['success', trans('')]);
Keep in mind that inyecting StorePostRequeststore in the controller's function it is already validating and running the rules.
That is enough if you really has defined the StorePostRequest's rules correctly.
foreach($request->tags as $k=>$tags){
$this->validate($request, [
'tags.'.$k => 'required|string|max:20'

Laravel 4: Unique(database) not validating

I am creating a basic CMS to teach myself the fundamentals of Laravel and PHP.
I have a 'pages' table and I am storing a url_title. I want this URL title to be unique for obvious reasons. However, whatever I do to validate it, fails. It just saves anyway. I'm sure it is something simple. Can you spot what is wrong with this code?
I am also using Former in the view, that doesn't validate either. I have tried hard-coding a value as the last option in the unique method and it fails also.
States: unique:table,column,except,idColumn
Here is my Controller:
public function store()
$validation = Pages::validate(Input::all());
if($validation->fails()) {
return View::make('myview');
} else {
'title' => Input::get('title'),
'url_title' => Input::get('url_title'),
'status' => Input::get('status'),
'body' => Input::get('body'),
'seo_title' => Input::get('seo_title'),
'seo_description' => Input::get('seo_description')
//check which submit was clicked on
if(Input::get('save')) {
return Redirect::route('admin_pages')->with('message', 'Woo-hoo! page was created successfully!')->with('message_status', 'success');
elseif(Input::get('continue')) {
$id = $page->id;
return Redirect::route('admin_pages_edit', $id)->with('message', 'Woo-hoo! page was created successfully!')->with('message_status', 'success');
Here is my model:
class Pages extends Eloquent {
protected $guarded = array('id');
public static $rules = array(
'id' => 'unique:pages,url_title,{{$id}}'
public static function validate($data) {
return Validator::make($data, static::$rules);
I have tried the following:
public static $rules = array(
// 'id'=> 'unique:pages,url_title,{{$id}}'
// 'id'=> 'unique:pages,url_title,$id'
// 'id'=> 'unique:pages,url_title,:id'
// 'id'=> 'unique:pages,url_title,'. {{$id}}
// 'id'=> 'unique:pages,url_title,'. $id
Any ideas? I spoke to the guy who created Former. He can't make head nor tail about it either. He suggested tracking it back to find our what query Laravel uses to check the uniqueness and try running that directly in my DB to see what happens. I can't find the query to do this. Does anyone know where to track it down?
Many thanks
Your rule should be:
public static $rules = array(
'url_title' => 'unique:pages,url_title,{{$id}}'
As I guessed from your code Input::get('url_title')
You have to use the field name used in the form.
Thanks peeps. I have been using the Laravel unique solutions and it hasn't been working well. I found this package which solves the issue brilliantly.
Definitely worth a look.
Thanks for your feedback.

Zend Framework 2 - Hydrator strategy for Doctrine relationship not working

As mentioned here I'm building a custom hydration strategy to handle my related objects in a select box in a form.
My form looks like this:
$builder = new AnnotationBuilder($entityManager);
$form = $builder->createForm(new MyEntity());
$form->add(new MyFieldSet());
$hydrator = new ClassMethodsHydrator();
$hydrator->addStrategy('my_attribute', new MyHydrationStrategy());
When I add a new MyEntity via the addAction everything works great.
I wrote fetchAllAsArray() to populate my selectbox. It lives within my SecEntityRepository:
public function fetchAllAsArray() {
$objects = $this->createQueryBuilder('s')
->add('select', ',')
->add('orderBy', ' ASC')
$list = array();
foreach($objects as $obj) {
$list[$obj['id']] = $obj['name'];
return $list;
But in the edit-case the extract() function doesn't work. I'm not at the point where I see something of hydrate() so I'll leave it out for now.
My hydrator strategy looks like this:
class MyHydrationStrategy extends DefaultStrategy
public function extract($value) {
$result = array();
foreach ($value as $instance) {
$result[] = $instance->getId();
return $result;
public function hydrate($value) {
The problem is as follows:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object
The print_r($value) returns loads of stuff beginning with
DoctrineORMModule\Proxy__CG__\SecEntity\Entity\SecEntity Object
following with something about BasicEntityPersister and somewhere in the mess are my referenced entities.
The print_r($instance) prints nothing. It's just empty. Therefore I guess is the error message legit... but why can't I iterate over these objects?
Any ideas?
Regarding to #Sam:
My attribute in the entity:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Path/To/Entity", inversedBy="whatever")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="attribute_id", referencedColumnName="id")
* #Form\Attributes({"type":"hidden"})
protected $attribute;
My new selectbox:
'name' => 'attribute',
'type' => 'DoctrineModule\Form\Element\ObjectSelect',
'attributes' => array(
'required' => true
'options' => array(
'label' => 'MyLabel',
'object_manager' => $entityManager,
'target_class' => 'Path/To/Entity',
'property' => 'name'
My final hope is that I'm doing something wrong within the controller. Neither my selectbox is preselected nor the value is saved...
$obj= $this->getEntityManager()->find('Path/To/Entity', $id);
$builder = new \MyEnity\MyFormBuilder();
$form = $builder->newForm($this->getEntityManager());
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('entity');
I still haven't come around to write the tutorial for that :S
I don't know if this is working with the annotationbuilder though! As the DoctrineModule\Form\Element\ObjectSelect needs the EntityManager to work. The options for the ObjectSelect are as follows:
'name' => 'formElementName',
'type' => 'DoctrineModule\Form\Element\ObjectSelect',
'attributes' => array(
'required' => true
'options' => array(
'label' => 'formElementLabel',
'empty_option' => '--- choose formElementName ---',
'object_manager' => $this->getEntityManager(),
'target_class' => 'Mynamespace\Entity\Entityname',
'property' => 'nameOfEntityPropertyAsSelect'
In this case i make use of $this->getEntityManager(). I set up this dependency when calling the form from the ServiceManager. Personally i always do this from FactoryClasses. My FormFactory looks like this:
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$em = $serviceLocator->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
$form = new ErgebnishaushaltProduktForm('ergebnisform', array(
'entity_manager' => $em
$classMethodsHydrator = new ClassMethodsHydrator(false);
// Wir fügen zwei Strategien, um benutzerdefinierte Logik während Extrakt auszuführen
$classMethodsHydrator->addStrategy('produktBereich', new Strategy\ProduktbereichStrategy())
->addStrategy('produktGruppe', new Strategy\ProduktgruppeStrategy());
$hydrator = new DoctrineEntity($em, $classMethodsHydrator);
->setObject(new ErgebnishaushaltProdukt())
->setInputFilter(new ErgebnishaushaltProduktFilter())
->setAttribute('method', 'post');
return $form;
And this is where all the magic is happening. Magic, that is also relevant to your other Thread here on SO. First, i grab the EntityManager. Then i create my form, and inject the dependency for the EntityManager. I do this using my own Form, you may write and use a Setter-Function to inject the EntityManager.
Next i create a ClassMethodsHydrator and add two HydrationStrategies to it. Personally i need to apply those strategies for each ObjectSelect-Element. You may not have to do this on your side. Try to see if it is working without it first!
After that, i create the DoctrineEntity-Hydrator, inject the EntityManager as well as my custom ClassMethodsHydrator. This way the Strategies will be added easily.
The rest should be quite self-explanatory (despite the german classnames :D)
Why the need for strategies
Imo, this is something missing from the DoctrineEntity currently, but things are still in an early stage. And once DoctrineModule-Issue#106 will be live, things will change again, probably making it more comfortable.
A Strategy looks like this:
namespace Haushaltportal\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy\StrategyInterface;
class ProduktbereichStrategy implements StrategyInterface
public function extract($value)
if (is_numeric($value) || $value === null) {
return $value;
return $value->getId();
public function hydrate($value)
return $value;
So whenever the $value is not numeric or null, meaning: it should be an Object, we will call the getId() function. Personally i think it's a good idea to give each Element it's own strategy, but if you are sure you won't be needing to change the strategy at a later point, you could create a global Strategy for several elements like DefaultGetIdStrategy or something.
All this is basically the good work of Michael Gallego aka Bakura! In case you drop by the IRC, just hug him once ;)
Edit An additional resource with a look into the future - updated hydrator-docs for a very likely, soon to be included, pull request

Difference between Controller and Model in MVC

I'm little confused about controller and model in MVC framework (codeIgniter). Its clear to me that controller methods calls the views and Model methods interact with database.
However, I'm little confused about the following types of methods, which are called by methods in a controller.
hash_password //returns hash password.
valid_email //validates email format and return true or false
is_logged //check if session has a variable, returns true or false
generate_random_string //generates and hashes a random string
Should they be placed in controller or in a model?
Currently I place all of the above functions in a controller. Is it correct?
I think the is_logged should be placed in the Model for User. Note that the User might be a customer in your case or any class that you have made to model a user of your service.
The valid_email and generate_random_string are more or less utility functions, which you can place in a Utility or Utilities model, so that these are reusable in various controllers in your application.
The hash_password, can be placed in either the User model or Utility model. I am more tempted to place it in Utility model, since its a hashing function and there is nothing the user cares about. However, I can imagine there can be argument(s) otherwise.
The following SO question (though for a different framework) can also serve as a rule of thumb:
Where to put custom functions in Zend Framework 1.10
generally controllers are used to determine how to handle the http requests made..
There's nothing wrong in creating some functions which directly respond to the http requests.
but if it has anything to do with the DB, its better to place those function in the model, and call them from the controller.
Controller should combine view with model, so every validation shoulde be placed in model
this is my example from kohana
* User Controller
class Controller_Admin_User extends Controller_Admin_Template {
public function action_index()
$this->template->body = View::factory('admin/user/index')
->set('i', 0)
->bind('users', $users)
->bind('groups', $groups)
->bind('id_user_group', $id_user_group);
$model_user = new Model_Admin_User;
$users = $model_user->get_users(Arr::get($_GET, 'sort'), Arr::get($_GET, 'order'));
$model_usergroup = new Model_Admin_Usergroup;
$groups = $model_usergroup->get_user_group();
public function action_add()
$this->template->body = View::factory('admin/user/form_add')
->bind('error', $error)
->bind('groups', $groups)
->bind('post', $post);
$model_usergroup = new Model_Admin_Usergroup;
$groups = $model_usergroup->get_user_group();
$model_user = new Model_Admin_User;
if($model_user->save($_POST) == false)
$error = $model_user->error;
$post = $_POST;
class Model_Back_User extends Model {
private $qb;
public $aliases = array(
'id'=> 'id_user'
public $error = array(
'name' => null,
'surname' => null,
'login' => null,
'password' => null,
'id_user_group' => null,
'old_password' => null,
'new_password' => null,
'confirm' => null,
'email' => null,
'phone' => null,
private $rules = array(
'name' => array('not_empty' => null, 'alpha' => null),
'surname' => array('not_empty' => null, 'alpha' => null),
'login' => array('not_empty' => null),
'password' => array('not_empty' => null),
'id_user_group' => array('not_empty' => null),
'email' => array('not_empty' => null, 'email' => null),
'phone' => array('not_empty' => null),
'old_password' => array('not_empty' => null),
'new_password' => array('not_empty' => null),
'confirm' => array('matches' => array('new_password'))
public function __construct()
$this->qb = new Querybuilder;
public function change_password($data)
$validate = Validate::factory($data)
->filter(true, 'trim')
->rules('old_password', $this->rules['old_password'])
->rules('new_password', $this->rules['new_password'])
->rules('confirm', $this->rules['confirm'])
->callback('old_password', array($this, 'password_exists'), array('id_user'=> $data['id_user']));
if($validate->check() == false)
$this->error = array_merge($this->error, $validate->errors('user'));
return false;
$u = Session::instance()->get('user');
$this->edit(array('password'=> $this->password($data['new_password'])), array('id_user'=> $u['id_user']));
return true;
public function password_exists(Validate $valid, $field, $param)
if($this->user_exists(array('password'=> $this->password($valid[$field]), 'id_user'=> $param['id_user'])) == false)
$valid->error($field, 'old password is incorrect', array($valid[$field]));
public function save($data)
$validate = Validate::factory($data)
->filter(true, 'trim')
->rules('name', $this->rules['name'])
->rules('surname', $this->rules['surname'])
->rules('user_group_id', $this->rules['id_user_group'])
->rules('email', $this->rules['email'])
->rules('phone', $this->rules['phone']);
$edit = false;
if(isset($data['id_user']) AND Validate::not_empty($data['id_user']))
$edit = true;
$validate->rules('login', $this->rules['login'])
->rules('password', $this->rules['password']);
if($validate->check() == false)
$this->error = array_merge($this->error, $validate->errors('user'));
return false;
if($edit == true)
'name' => $data['name'],
'user_group_id' => $data['user_group_id']
'id_user'=> $data['id_user']
return true;
return $this->add(
'name' => $data['name'],
'login' => $data['login'],
'password' => $data['password'],
'user_group_id' => $data['user_group_id']
protected function add($data)
$data['password'] = $this->password($data['password']);
return $this->_db->query(Database::INSERT,
View is not so important thats why i dont put this here.
Generally speaking - a model should know stuff about it's own data. So anything related purely to a model's own data - should go in the model.
Eg the hash_password and email-validation methods - a model should know how to validate or update it's own data-fields, so those should go in the model.
However a controller should know about how to direct user actions appropriately and to load the correct models for views etc.
EG the session-related method should go in the controller, because the session is used for storing the user's state (based on past actions).
The "generate random string" method is very vague and may be used everywhere. I'd put that in a separate library possibly included in the model/controller as appropriate.
I've been using Codeigniter for a long time and I'd do the following with your functions as far as placement goes:
hash_password //returns hash password.
I'd put something like a password hasher in a library or helper file so I could call it from my controller like:
// pretend library I'd make for tasks like hashing etc
// transform posted password into it's hashed version
$password = $this->password_library->hash_password($this->input->post('password'));
I'm assuming you want to hash/salt the password and store it in your database in that example
valid_email //validates email format and return true or false
This is already in form_validation, so...
is_logged //check if session has a variable, returns true or false
This should also connect to a authentication library
generate_random_string //generates and hashes a random string
Again, this would come from a library or helper.
Me, I use models exclusively for in/out on the database. All my queries go in there. I usually have my model's functions return data objects so I can loop through them in my views.
Controllers call your data from your models, then dump everything into your views. Outside functionality always goes into libraries and helpers. I like to do the "MY_library" and extend Codeigniter's own stuff - especially with forms and the html helper etc.
