How to send multidimensional array as data using array key in codeigniter? - php

I just want to send some data as array from view to controller using a array key. But can not solve this following problem whenever it comes to send multidimensional array.
Here is my controller
public function all_products(){
$data['ls'] = $this->product_details('product1');
$data['ws'] = $this->product_details('product2');
$data['wr'] = $this->product_details('product3');
$this->load->view('view_page', $data);
public function product_details($key){
$data['g'] = // Some rows from database
$data['p'] = // Some rows from database
$data['o'] = // Some rows from database
return $data;
After that, if I print the data key, the output showing in view
// ls1 [Output]
Thanks in advance.

You only need this in your function:
public function product_details($key)
$this->db->select()->from('mydb')->where('id', $key);
return $this->db->get()->row();
And retrived it in your Controller:
public function all_products()
$data['product1'] = $this->Product_model->product_details($key1);
$data['product2'] = $this->Product_model->product_details($key2);
$data['product3'] = $this->Product_model->product_details($key1);
$this->load->view->('product', $data);
In your view:
<p>Name of Product 1: <?php echo $product1->product_name; ?></p>
<p>Name of Product 2: <?php echo $product2->product_name; ?></p>
<p>Name of Product 3: <?php echo $product3->product_name; ?></p>


Display an array data from two tables in codeigniter

I've two tables on my database, monitor [pk = idMonitor] and monitor_data [pk = idMonitor_data].
Please click you can see the tables fields here. As you can see i put the array data in table monitor_data.
I want to Update the condition for every idinventory where monitor_data.idMonitor = $id.
But first i want to display the current data of 'monitordate','idinventory', and 'condition' from database to my view.
My controller
public function edit($id=0) {
$dataa = $this->monitor_m->get_record(array('monitor_data.idMonitor'=>$id),true);
$this->data->monitordate = $dataa->monitordate;
$this->data->condition = $dataa->condition; <-line 20
$this->data->detail = $this->monitor_m->get_record(array('monitor_data.idMonitor'=>$id),true);
$this->template->set_title('SMIB | Monitoring')
My View (monitor_edit)
<?php echo form_open(site_url("monitor/ubah"),'data-ajax="false"'); ?>
<?php foreach ($detail as $items): ?>
<h4><?php echo '[ '.$items['idinventory'].' ] '?> </h4>
<?php echo form_label ('Condition : ');
echo form_dropdown('condition', array('good'=>'Good','broke'=>'Broken','lost'=>'Lost'),#$items['condition']);
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php echo form_close(); ?>
My Model
class Monitor_m extends MY_Model {
public function __construct(){
public function get_record($id = 0,$get_user = FALSE) {
if ($get_user){
$this->db->join('monitor_data','monitor_data.idMonitor = monitor.idMonitor');
$this->db->join('inventory','inventory.idinventory = monitor_data.idinventory');
$this->db->join('user','user.id_user = monitor.id_user');
$data = parent::get_array();
return $this->improve_data($data);
Here is my problem : its work fine for monitordate code in my controller, BUT i keep getting an error for condition code
Maybe because i use 'monitor_data.idMonitor' as my parameter $id not idinventory. how can i use 2 parameters for example like where idMonitor=$id and idinventory=$idiventory.
Do i explain it right ?
Severity: Notice Message: Trying to get property of non-object
Filename: controllers/monitor.php Line Number: 20
Please Please help me, i dont know what is wrong with my controller :( i've searching the solution but none of those work. :(
It's weird if you can get monitordate but can't get condition.
Can you edit your controller to be like this?
public function get_record($id = 0,$get_user = FALSE) {
if ($get_user){
$this->db->join('monitor_data','monitor_data.idMonitor = monitor.idMonitor');
$this->db->join('inventory','inventory.idinventory = monitor_data.idinventory');
$this->db->join('user','user.id_user = monitor.id_user');
// $data = parent::get_array();
$data = $this->db->result_array();
echo $this->db->last_query();
return $this->improve_data($data);

Get object with index of object in list yii php

This is code query data from database :
public function getAllUser(){
$connect = Yii::app()->db;
$query = "SELECT * FROM user";
$statement = $connect->CreateCommand($query);
$result = $statement->query();
return $result;
After that I use Controller to get data & send to View :
public function actionIndex()
$consultas = new ConsultasDB();
$listUser = $consultas->getAllUser();
$this->render('index', array
("listUser" => $listUser));
In View I know show all information from database by loop listUser
foreach ($listUser->readAll() as $user)
echo 'Username : '.$user["username"].'<br>';
echo 'Password : '.$user["password"].'<br>';
but I don't know how to get a object with an index. Ex: User[1]...
Add this in your view, before the foreach loop
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Hope this helps you out.!

CodeIgniter: Why does my array of unique table data contain no values?

My database definitely contains values and I am trying to read these values for a specific column (name) into an array like so:
public function listcli()
then referencing to this function like so:
public function clist() {
$fields = $this->list_model->listcli();
$fieldl = $fields;
$data= array();
$data['fieldl'] = $fieldl;
$this->load->view('clientlist', $data);
This basically completes the database query in the model, passes the information into the controller where it puts the array into another array with a key (key being the same name as the array) so that I can pass it into my view, then my view which looks like this :
<p> <?php print_r($fieldl); ?></p>
$fieldl = array();
<p> <?php print_r($fieldl); ?> </p>
foreach($fieldl as $l) {
<?php echo $l;?>
Then lists it
but even though I KNOW I have data in "name" the print_r is showing that my array is empty? Help please and thank you!
Are you sure your model is returning any value? If not, the return some:
public function listcli()
return $this->db->get('table_name')->result_array(); // return value
Please try the following
public function listcli(){
$query = $this->db->get('table_name');
return ($query->num_rows > 0 ? $query->result() : array());
If it does not help ...
Please give me table structure with some dummy date, So that I can help you resolve this.

get query results from cdbcommand Yii

I've been trying to get the results from my query for the past two hours, in my model I have this
public function getQuotes()
$data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select fromm from city_fare_final');
return $data ;
in the controller
public function actionIndex()
// renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'
// using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'
$model=new QuoteForm();
if ($model->validate())
$priceTable=new CityFareFinal;
and in the view
<div id="moduleResult">
<span><?php echo $model->getQuotes() ;?><------ Here</span>
but it always give me an error saying "Object of class CDbCommand could not be converted to string ", what can I do to get the results of my query made in the model???
public function getQuotes()
$data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select fromm from city_fare_final');
return $data ;
Your getQuotes() return Object of class CDbCommand:
+ You returned $data in the function instead of $data->queryRow().
By the way, you cannot use echo for array data.
The below example is used for fetching data from DB to view by using DAO with Yii: I suppose you have Person model and Person controller
In your Person model:
function getData() {
$sql = "SELECT * from Person";
$data = Yii::app()->db
return $data;
In your controller:
function index(){
$data = Person::model()->getData();
In your view: you can foreach your data to echo items in the array data:
<?php foreach($data as $row): ?>
//show something you want
<?php echo $row->name; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
$data->queryRow(); returns result in array format. Your code is returning $data which is an object not result of query. That's why you are getting this error.
If you want to fetch single value you can use $data->queryScalar();
In case of queryRow() your code will be
public function getQuotes()
$data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select * from city_fare_final');
$result = $data->queryRow();
return $result ; //this will return result in array format (single row)
for a single field value you code will be
public function getQuotes()
$data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('Select xyz from city_fare_final');
$result = $data->queryScalar();
return $result; //return single value of xyz column
I hope this will help.
below sample code to traverse rows returned by queryAll
$connection = Yii::app()->db;
$command = $connection->createCommand("Select * from table");
$caterow = $command->queryAll(); //executes the SQL statement and returns the all rows
foreach($caterow as $retcat )
echo $retcat["ColumnName"] ;
Returns Arrary of rows with fields
Model: Notices.php:
public function getNoticesBlog($offset = 0){
$dataResult = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from($this->tableName())
->limit(3)->offset($offset)->order('created_on DESC')->queryAll();
return $dataResult;
Controller: NoticesController.php
$firstNotices = Notices::model()->getNoticesBlog(0);
$secondNotices = Notices::model()->getNoticesBlog(3);
$thirdNotices = Notices::model()->getNoticesBlog(6);

Codeigniter form_helper getting database rows to be values in select menu

I am writing a form, which has a select menu in it, I want the values to pulled from the database, so I thought it would be something along these lines:
My view
echo form_open('admin/save_content');
echo form_fieldset();
echo form_dropdown('categories', $select_options);
echo form_submit('category_submit', 'Submit');
echo form_fieldset_close();
echo form_close();
My controller
function add_content() {
$data = array();
$data['select_options'] = $this->category_model->get_all_online();
$this->load->view('admin/content/add_content', $data);
my model
public function get_all_online() {
$this->db->where('category_online', 1);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
now when I place the $selected_options in the form dropdown I get this error,
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 4096
Message: Object of class stdClass
could not be converted to string
Filename: helpers/form_helper.php
Line Number: 331
You need to pass an array to your dropdown, where the array key will be the value that is POSTed and the value will the text that is displayed.
To achieve this, change your controller like so:
function add_content() {
$data = array();
$data['select_options'] = $this->category_model->get_all_online_select();
$this->load->view('admin/content/add_content', $data);
and add this function to your model
public function get_all_online_select() {
$this->db->select('id, name'); //change this to the two main values you want to use
$this->db->where('category_online', 1);
$query = $this->db->get();
foreach($query->result_array() as $row){
return $data;
That should do the trick
I personally hate to make assumptions in my Models about how my data will be used as that is the job of the controller. If you add a MY_array_helper.php and paste this in:
function array_to_select() {
$args = func_get_args();
$return = array();
case 3:
foreach ($args[0] as $itteration):
if(is_object($itteration)) $itteration = (array) $itteration;
$return[$itteration[$args[1]]] = $itteration[$args[2]];
case 2:
foreach ($args[0] as $key => $itteration):
if(is_object($itteration)) $itteration = (array) $itteration;
$return[$key] = $itteration[$args[1]];
case 1:
foreach ($args[0] as $itteration):
$return[$itteration] = $itteration;
return FALSE;
return $return;
Then you can do something like this:
function add_content() {
$data = array();
$data['select_options'] = array_to_select($this->category_model->get_all_online(), 'id', 'title');
$this->load->view('admin/content/add_content', $data);
That supports multi-dimensional arrays by passing in one or two keys, or single dimensional arrays by using the value as the value and the key.
Eg: array_to_select(array('value1', 'value2')) gives array('value1'=>'value1', 'value2'=>'value2')
You need to return an array of strings, result() is an array of objects.
Maybe try this in your model:
return $query->result_array();
In your view, you can add foreach there instead of in Model.
echo form_open('admin/save_content');
echo form_fieldset();
foreach($select_options->result_array() as $row){
echo form_dropdown('categories', $row);
echo form_submit('category_submit', 'Submit');
echo form_fieldset_close();
echo form_close();
Not tested.
I have edited Phil Surgeon's array helper to work with a simple db query with only two fields (id & value). So the helper class now looks like this:
function array_to_select() {
//get args
$args = func_get_args();
//get args key names
$keys = array_keys($args[0][0]);
//set return array
$return = array();
foreach ($args[0] as $itteration){
//$itteration[$keys[0]] is field id value, $itteration[$keys[1]] is field name value
$return[$itteration[$keys[0]]] = $itteration[$keys[1]];
return $return;
And you can use it again in your controller.
Hope it's usefull.
form drop down with lot of options codeigniter form drop down menu with validation class also
