I want to use Slim 3.x framework to create a REST API for my applications.
I am using a shared hosting, so I can't use composer to install dependencies, therefore I have to install it manually.
I followed this tutorial, but I can't figure out how to change these lines in my index.php file to make it work!
require 'Slim/Slim.php';
$app = new \Slim\Slim();
and also this one:
use \Slim\Slim;
The easiest way to handle Composer dependencies is to run Composer locally and commit the vendor directory into your repository.
Write your website, using Composer, as usual and commit composer.json, composer.lock and all the files in vendor.
Note the following:
Ensure that your .gitignore file does not exclude vendor. This is very common when starting from a skeleton project.
2, Ensure that you only use packages that have a release number. That is never use dev-master in your composer.json as if you do, Composer will install it via git and you won't be able to add it to your own repository. There are good reasons for avoiding dev-master dependencies anyway.
Your git repository now has all the files needed to run the website directly within it and so you can now simply upload your website to your shared host as you usually do.
I wrote up full details here: https://akrabat.com/using-composer-with-shared-hosting/
Download the Slim Framework from here https://php-download.com/package/slim/slim then just add require_once('vendor/autoload.php');
I'm trying to install the Coinbase PHP API but it requires Composer:
I'm looking for a universal PHP solution (perhaps a function) to let me install composer packages directly onto my server, without having to use Composer.
I think the developers of Composer believe they are helping people, but actually there are thousands of beginner developers that are being locked out of learning web development by the 'Composer barrier'.
It would really help if there was a flexible solution or some approach where we could install without Composer? How can I do this?
Please don't respond with some sarcastic comment. There are people that don't want to use Composer and I don't see why we should be herded into a specific third-party software in order to do web development.
You can try https://php-download.com/ which can help you download all dependency most of the time along with vendor folder. It promises composer not required.
Tried it myself. It finds and creates all required folders and zips it for download. Works perfectly !!
The composer.json file lists the dependencies. In your example:
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5.0",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.0",
"psr/http-message": "^1.0",
"psr/log": "^1.0"
You must then find the corresponding packages in the packagist site. Repeat the same process for each dependency: find additional dependencies in their corresponding composer.json files and search again.
When you finally have a complete list of the required packages, you only need to install them all one by one. For the most part, it's just a matter of dropping the files somewhere in your project directory. But you must also ensure that PHP can find the needed classes. Since you aren't using Composer's auto-loader, you need to add them to your own custom autoloader. You can figure out the information from the respective composer.json files, e.g.:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "Coinbase\\Wallet\\": "src/" }
If you don't use a class auto-loader you'll need to figure out the individual require_once statements. You'll probably need a lot of trial and error because most library authors won't care documenting that.
Also, and just in case there's confusion about this:
Composer has an official GUI installer for Windows and a copy and paste command-line installation procedure for all platforms.
Composer can be run locally and its output just uploaded elsewhere. You don't need SSH in your shared hosting.
The command needed to install a library can be copied and pasted from the package web site—even if the package maintainer didn't care to document it, packagist.org generates it by default.
Composer is not perfect and it doesn't suit all use cases but, when it comes to installing a library that relies on it, it's undoubtedly the best alternative and it's a fairly decent one.
I've checked other answers that came after mine. They mostly fall in two categories:
Install a library and write a custom download script with it
Use an online web based interface for Composer
Unless I'm missing something, none of them address the complaints expressed by the OP:
Learning curve
Use of third-party software
Possibility to develop right on the server (using SSH, I presume)
Potentially deep dependency tree
I'm using shared hosting for a website and can't execute commands there. Aside from running composer via php script request that I request via browser, I usually use this workflow:
Make sure you have php installed locally.
Make directory on desktop.
download composer.phar from https://getcomposer.org/download/ (under header *Manual Download) and place it in the directory.
make a file composer.json paste in it the following contents
"require": {
"coinbase/coinbase": "~2.0"
Browse to the directory with the shell of your choice(bash, git-bash, cmd, windows bash)
type php composer.phar update
Upload the vendor directory to your webserver via ftp or whatever mechanic you use.
include in your php project where you load your libraries(modify path to where you uploaded the vendor dir so it will include that autoload file)
This way you get the benefit of dependency management and you don't have to include manually all the gazillion of files and download all the dependencies manually, and updating them is just as easy as typing php composer.phar update and then replacing the vendor dir on your server with the new one.
An alternative solution that worked for me (since php-download was down) can be done by making your own little local composer downloader.
Download and install XAMPP locally: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
Download and install composer locally: https://getcomposer.org/download/
Open commandprompt, navigate to say c:\temp and and simply type the composer dependancy, for example: composer require league/oauth2-client
Copy the files from your c:\temp folder to your web host using an FTP program
Add this to the top of your php: require("vendor/autoload.php");
This is not the ultimate solution but for me it was a big help for most of the cases:
Allow you to load composer.json file just as composer would do it.
This allow you to load composer.json file without composer (so
theorically PHP 5.2 is enough)
I know the question is old but I hope it will help someone.
I had to do this for an FTP server I didn't have SSH access to. The site listed in here worked, then I realized you can just do a composer install on your own server (using your target's PHP version), then copy all the files over.
Analizing the problem
The problem in installing the dependencies without Composer is the autoloading system.
Composer use a homemade autoloader based on an array map, this is a de-facto standard.
But this autoloading system, "fortunally" in this case, is not PSR-4 compliant.
PSR-4 is the de-iure standard for autoload a class in PHP, so you can't escape from autoloading. You must use one of them.
Solution Proposal
In this case, this brilliant PSR-4 autoloader is capable to be manually configured to autoload a VendorClass in a VendorNamespace anywhere in your code, as long as you require the custom autoload.php file early in your source code.
Real life example
Let's look at this example:
I have a legacy project who can't and won't use Composer never and never even if God allow this with a miracle. This project can be speed up in development with this fantastic package for command line scripts.
This is my project directory structure:
- src
- tests
- vendor (not the Composer's one)
This package has this directory structure:
- examples
- src
- Commando
- tests
The only thing I need is the src folder. Placing this folder in my vendor folder would be fine. So my custom autoloader would be like this:
// Constants
$base_path = "path\to\my\project";
$autoloader_class = '\vendor\MarcoConsiglio-Wichee\PSR-4-Autoloading\Psr4AutoloaderClass.php';
define("BASE_PATH", str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $base_path));
// Autoloader
require_once BASE_PATH.'\vendor\MarcoConsiglio-Wichee\PSR-4-Autoloading\Psr4AutoloaderClass.php';
// Init the autoloader.
$package = [
"nategood\commando" => [
"namespace" => "Commando",
"path" => str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\vendor\nategood\commando\src\Commando')
"kevinlebrun\colors.php" => [
"namespace" => "Colors",
"path" => str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\vendor\kevinlebrun\colors.php\src\Colors')
// Register namespaces.
$loader = new \PSR4\Psr4AutoloaderClass;
// Namespace // Path to source
$loader->addNamespace($package["nategood\commando"]["namespace"], BASE_PATH.$package["nategood\commando"]["path"]);
$loader->addNamespace($package["nategood\commando"]["namespace"], BASE_PATH.$package["nategood\commando"]["path"]."\Util");
$loader->addNamespace($package["kevinlebrun\colors.php"]["namespace"], BASE_PATH.$package["kevinlebrun\colors.php"]["path"]);
Now I can use the command package anywhere in my project!
Pros & Cons
This solution allow you to:
Easely and manually build your own custom autoloader (you only need to specify the VendorNamespace and the folder(s) where search for VendorClasses in the VendorNamespace.
Freely organize your composer dependency anywhere in your project folder (and why not, outside it)
Import a composer package as is in your project (either downloading locally with Composer or cloning the package repository) or a relevant part of it (i.e removing composer.json file or files that require the composer autoloader).
Manually build your custom autoloader means to work on every required dependency of your project (i hope not a lot).
Mistakes in package source paths can be tedious and frustrating.
Works only with PSR-4 compliant file names (i.e. can't use a A.class.php file name)
I'm trying to install the Coinbase PHP API but it requires Composer:
I'm looking for a universal PHP solution (perhaps a function) to let me install composer packages directly onto my server, without having to use Composer.
I think the developers of Composer believe they are helping people, but actually there are thousands of beginner developers that are being locked out of learning web development by the 'Composer barrier'.
It would really help if there was a flexible solution or some approach where we could install without Composer? How can I do this?
Please don't respond with some sarcastic comment. There are people that don't want to use Composer and I don't see why we should be herded into a specific third-party software in order to do web development.
You can try https://php-download.com/ which can help you download all dependency most of the time along with vendor folder. It promises composer not required.
Tried it myself. It finds and creates all required folders and zips it for download. Works perfectly !!
The composer.json file lists the dependencies. In your example:
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5.0",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.0",
"psr/http-message": "^1.0",
"psr/log": "^1.0"
You must then find the corresponding packages in the packagist site. Repeat the same process for each dependency: find additional dependencies in their corresponding composer.json files and search again.
When you finally have a complete list of the required packages, you only need to install them all one by one. For the most part, it's just a matter of dropping the files somewhere in your project directory. But you must also ensure that PHP can find the needed classes. Since you aren't using Composer's auto-loader, you need to add them to your own custom autoloader. You can figure out the information from the respective composer.json files, e.g.:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "Coinbase\\Wallet\\": "src/" }
If you don't use a class auto-loader you'll need to figure out the individual require_once statements. You'll probably need a lot of trial and error because most library authors won't care documenting that.
Also, and just in case there's confusion about this:
Composer has an official GUI installer for Windows and a copy and paste command-line installation procedure for all platforms.
Composer can be run locally and its output just uploaded elsewhere. You don't need SSH in your shared hosting.
The command needed to install a library can be copied and pasted from the package web site—even if the package maintainer didn't care to document it, packagist.org generates it by default.
Composer is not perfect and it doesn't suit all use cases but, when it comes to installing a library that relies on it, it's undoubtedly the best alternative and it's a fairly decent one.
I've checked other answers that came after mine. They mostly fall in two categories:
Install a library and write a custom download script with it
Use an online web based interface for Composer
Unless I'm missing something, none of them address the complaints expressed by the OP:
Learning curve
Use of third-party software
Possibility to develop right on the server (using SSH, I presume)
Potentially deep dependency tree
I'm using shared hosting for a website and can't execute commands there. Aside from running composer via php script request that I request via browser, I usually use this workflow:
Make sure you have php installed locally.
Make directory on desktop.
download composer.phar from https://getcomposer.org/download/ (under header *Manual Download) and place it in the directory.
make a file composer.json paste in it the following contents
"require": {
"coinbase/coinbase": "~2.0"
Browse to the directory with the shell of your choice(bash, git-bash, cmd, windows bash)
type php composer.phar update
Upload the vendor directory to your webserver via ftp or whatever mechanic you use.
include in your php project where you load your libraries(modify path to where you uploaded the vendor dir so it will include that autoload file)
This way you get the benefit of dependency management and you don't have to include manually all the gazillion of files and download all the dependencies manually, and updating them is just as easy as typing php composer.phar update and then replacing the vendor dir on your server with the new one.
An alternative solution that worked for me (since php-download was down) can be done by making your own little local composer downloader.
Download and install XAMPP locally: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
Download and install composer locally: https://getcomposer.org/download/
Open commandprompt, navigate to say c:\temp and and simply type the composer dependancy, for example: composer require league/oauth2-client
Copy the files from your c:\temp folder to your web host using an FTP program
Add this to the top of your php: require("vendor/autoload.php");
This is not the ultimate solution but for me it was a big help for most of the cases:
Allow you to load composer.json file just as composer would do it.
This allow you to load composer.json file without composer (so
theorically PHP 5.2 is enough)
I know the question is old but I hope it will help someone.
I had to do this for an FTP server I didn't have SSH access to. The site listed in here worked, then I realized you can just do a composer install on your own server (using your target's PHP version), then copy all the files over.
Analizing the problem
The problem in installing the dependencies without Composer is the autoloading system.
Composer use a homemade autoloader based on an array map, this is a de-facto standard.
But this autoloading system, "fortunally" in this case, is not PSR-4 compliant.
PSR-4 is the de-iure standard for autoload a class in PHP, so you can't escape from autoloading. You must use one of them.
Solution Proposal
In this case, this brilliant PSR-4 autoloader is capable to be manually configured to autoload a VendorClass in a VendorNamespace anywhere in your code, as long as you require the custom autoload.php file early in your source code.
Real life example
Let's look at this example:
I have a legacy project who can't and won't use Composer never and never even if God allow this with a miracle. This project can be speed up in development with this fantastic package for command line scripts.
This is my project directory structure:
- src
- tests
- vendor (not the Composer's one)
This package has this directory structure:
- examples
- src
- Commando
- tests
The only thing I need is the src folder. Placing this folder in my vendor folder would be fine. So my custom autoloader would be like this:
// Constants
$base_path = "path\to\my\project";
$autoloader_class = '\vendor\MarcoConsiglio-Wichee\PSR-4-Autoloading\Psr4AutoloaderClass.php';
define("BASE_PATH", str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $base_path));
// Autoloader
require_once BASE_PATH.'\vendor\MarcoConsiglio-Wichee\PSR-4-Autoloading\Psr4AutoloaderClass.php';
// Init the autoloader.
$package = [
"nategood\commando" => [
"namespace" => "Commando",
"path" => str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\vendor\nategood\commando\src\Commando')
"kevinlebrun\colors.php" => [
"namespace" => "Colors",
"path" => str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\vendor\kevinlebrun\colors.php\src\Colors')
// Register namespaces.
$loader = new \PSR4\Psr4AutoloaderClass;
// Namespace // Path to source
$loader->addNamespace($package["nategood\commando"]["namespace"], BASE_PATH.$package["nategood\commando"]["path"]);
$loader->addNamespace($package["nategood\commando"]["namespace"], BASE_PATH.$package["nategood\commando"]["path"]."\Util");
$loader->addNamespace($package["kevinlebrun\colors.php"]["namespace"], BASE_PATH.$package["kevinlebrun\colors.php"]["path"]);
Now I can use the command package anywhere in my project!
Pros & Cons
This solution allow you to:
Easely and manually build your own custom autoloader (you only need to specify the VendorNamespace and the folder(s) where search for VendorClasses in the VendorNamespace.
Freely organize your composer dependency anywhere in your project folder (and why not, outside it)
Import a composer package as is in your project (either downloading locally with Composer or cloning the package repository) or a relevant part of it (i.e removing composer.json file or files that require the composer autoloader).
Manually build your custom autoloader means to work on every required dependency of your project (i hope not a lot).
Mistakes in package source paths can be tedious and frustrating.
Works only with PSR-4 compliant file names (i.e. can't use a A.class.php file name)
I'm using Symfony2 and for my projects I normally do composer require name/repository which will install the repository in the vendor folder and add a line in the composer.json including the package and the installed version.
Supposing that I fork a project because I want to add something to it or fix a bug and use it in my Symfony app, I'd have to run composer require myname/repository, modify it, test it and then submit a pull request. Afterwards, after the pull has been commit to the original repository, I'll have to delete my own and remove it from composer.json and reinstall the original repository.
Is there a better workflow to this that doesn't have to change the json file that much?
I would like to use Merchant PayPal SDK for processing my transactions. On the following page there is a brief installation about installing the SDK.
On the GITHUB there are two types of available installation, using install.php and using composer. I prefer installation using install.php.
When I download project from github, there are two folders:
Which folder is important, and which folder should I import in my application and how?
On the GITHUB installation procedure is following:
1. Create a composer.json file with the following contents:
"name": "me/shopping-cart-app",
"require": {
Question: Where should I put this composer file, how to run composer update etc... Is this step required if I use install.php?
2. Install the SDK as a dependency using composer or the install.php script - I prefer second installation using install.php on my webserver? When I run install.php, what will happen?
3. Require vendor/autoload.php OR PPBootStrap.php in your application depending on whether you used composer or the custom installer. - I should use require_once("PPBootStrap.php") if I use install.php.
To partially answer your question:
Composer is a dependency manager. This means that it will download libraries your project needs to run for you. By default it downloads dependencies into a folder called vendor.
All you need to do is include vendor/autoload.php in your project. The rest will be taken care of by the autoloader generated by composer. You can use composer update etc to update your project dependencies.
You can find more information by reading this page: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
Without using Composer, is it possible to download a repository in Github along with it's defined composer packages?
For example: FluxBB 2 requires Laravel 4.
I was hoping to download FluxBB and at the same time the packages of Laravel 4 without using Composer.
Usually projects that use composer will ignore 3rd party components. In .gitignore you will see /vendor. This is the place where Composer downloads its dependencies.
This will find the latest version of monolog/monolog that matches the supplied version constraint and download it into the vendor directory. It's a convention to put third party code into a directory named vendor. In case of monolog it will put it into vendor/monolog/monolog.
Tip: If you are using git for your project, you probably want to add vendor into your .gitignore. You really don't want to add all of that code to your repository.
Doing it manually is a bit of a hassle. Composer uses packagist to get its files (if you look at a package it has a source added to it Laravel https://packagist.org/packages/laravel/framework).
Composer auto loads the needed files automatically so its a big time saver.
For libraries that specify autoload information, Composer generates a vendor/autoload.php file. You can simply include this file and you will get autoloading for free.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
This makes it really easy to use third party code. For example: If
your project depends on monolog, you can just start using classes from
it, and they will be autoloaded.