In mysql db table contact_details I have almost 12,000 rows and it's continuously updating.
Now I have a search form where I need to search data from the db table contact_details
For e.g : I am searching 2 in type column from contact_details table and there are almost 11,000 records of 2.
In this situation, my sql query is taking long time to produce result ! Sometime it's showing me Maximum time exceed. What should I do to get the result more quickly ?
Here is the contact_details table look like :
Here is the search form look like with error message :
I am using following sql query to get the search result :
if(!empty($ad_keyword)) {
$getSearch = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT keywordName ORDER BY keywordName) as keywordName, ";
$getSearch = "SELECT ";
$getSearch .= " cd.cdid, cd.family_name, cd.given_name, cd.department, cd.title, company.*, users.nickname, contact_label.label_data FROM
contact_details as cd
LEFT JOIN users ON users.user_id = cd.user_id
LEFT JOIN company ON company.cid = cd.cid
LEFT JOIN contact_docs ON contact_docs.cdid = cd.cdid
LEFT JOIN userkeywords ON userkeywords . cdid = cd . cdid
LEFT JOIN keywords ON keywords . kid = userkeywords . kid
LEFT JOIN contact_label ON contact_label.cdid = cd.cdid
WHERE 1=1 ";
$getSearch .= "AND company.company_name LIKE '$ad_company%' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.family_name LIKE '$ad_fname%' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.department LIKE '$ad_department%' ";
$getSearch .= "AND >= '$ad_mp' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.e2 >= '$ad_e2' ";
$getSearch .= "AND >= '$ad_pl' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.ap >= '$ad_ap' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.j2 >= '$ad_j2' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.age >= '$ad_agreater' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.age <= '$ad_aless' ";
if(!empty($ad_agreater) && !empty($ad_aless)){
$getSearch .= "AND cd.age BETWEEN '$ad_agreater' AND '$ad_aless'";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.comp >= '$ad_sgreater' ";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.comp <= '$ad_sless' ";
if(!empty($ad_sgreater) && !empty($ad_sless)){
$getSearch .= "AND cd.comp BETWEEN '$ad_sgreater' AND '$ad_sless'";
$ad_noteterm = preg_replace("/\{ASUSIBBIR\}(.+?)\s:\s(.+?)\{ASUSIBBIR\}/m", "$2", $ad_noteterm);
$getSearch .= "AND LOCATE('$ad_noteterm', REPLACE (notesUpdate, '{ASUSIBBIR}', ' '))";
$getSearch .= "AND LOCATE('$ad_cnote', cd.characterNotes)";
$getSearch .= "AND contact_label.label_data LIKE '%$ad_twork%'";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.mobile_phone like '%$ad_tmobile%'";
$getSearch .= "AND LOCATE('$ad_resume', contact_docs.file_content)"; //is this the resume? yes
if(!empty($ad_datefrom) && empty($ad_dateto)){
$getSearch .= "AND cd.created_date BETWEEN '$ad_datefrom'AND '$date'";
if(!empty($ad_dateto) && empty($ad_datefrom)){
$getSearch .= "AND cd.created_date BETWEEN date('0000-00-00') AND '$ad_dateto' ";
if(!empty($ad_datefrom) && !empty($ad_dateto)){
$getSearch .= "AND cd.created_date BETWEEN '$ad_datefrom' AND '$ad_dateto'";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.type = '$ad_type' ";
$getSearch .= "AND LIKE '$ad_wemail%'";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.email_private LIKE '$ad_pemail%'";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.title LIKE '$ad_title%'";
$getSearch .= "AND cd.source LIKE '$ad_source%'";
$getSearch .= "AND users.nickname LIKE '%$ad_consultant%'";
$ad_keyword_param = str_replace(",","','",$ad_keyword);
$getSearch .= " AND keywords.keywordName IN ('$ad_keyword_param') ";
$getSearch .= " GROUP BY cd.user_id, cd.cid, cd.cdid ";
$ad_keyword_param = str_replace(",",",",$ad_keyword);
$getSearch .= " ) as a WHERE keywordName LIKE '$ad_keyword_param%' ";
Implement indexing
Instead of fetch '*' specify only the required column name.
instead of subquery try to use join
use 'limit' clause
First You need to do indexing with your all table like users,company etc...
about that error solving of fatal error please put below line in php script in first line
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
I have this code that (without the WHERE, was working) How do I get it to work with the WHERE clause ?
I just need it to only list lines that is current and max 2 years ahead.
$SQL .= "SUM(Bookings.Spots) as SUMSPOT, Trips.ID, Bookings.FK_ID, Trips.MaxSpots, ";
$SQL .= "Trips.Tripnr, Trips.StartDate, Trips.EndDate, Trips.StartLocation, ";
$SQL .= "Trips.DestinationDK, Trips.PricePerSpot ";
$SQL .= "FROM Trips WHERE Trips.EndDate >= NOW() AND Trips.EndDate < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 YEAR) ";
$SQL .= "LEFT JOIN Bookings on Bookings.FK_ID = Trips.ID ";
$SQL .= "GROUP BY Trips.ID, Bookings.FK_ID ORDER BY Trips.StartDate ASC ";
You need to add the WHERE clause after the LEFT JOIN and before the GROUP tag.
You can check the documentation here for more answers as to where you can put which keyword.
mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT, monthname(pu.date_complete) AS Month
FROM `pds_user` pu
WHERE monthname(pu.date_complete) IN ('".implode("','",$data1)."')
AND pu.date_complete IN ('".implode("','",$data2)."')
AND Name IN ('".implode("','",$data3)."')
ORDER BY Month");
If $data1 is empty, what to do?
Use !empty then create dynamic where clause
$where_clause ='where 1=1';
$where_clause .= " And monthname(pu.date_complete) IN ('".implode("','",$data1)."')";
$where_clause .= " And pu.date_complete IN ('".implode("','",$data2)."') ";
$where_clause .= " And Name IN ('".implode("','",$data3)."')";
mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT, monthname(pu.date_complete) AS Month
FROM `pds_user` pu $where_clause ORDER BY Month");
Im trying to make a query that will do a full text search with 2 additional conditions. The full text part works fine. I tried these so far, and both are not working:
$query = "SELECT * FROM table ";
$query .= "WHERE MATCH(title) ";
$query .= "AGAINST('".$title."') ";
$query .= "AND state='".$state."' ";
$query .= "AND county='".$county."' ";
$query .= "LIMIT 5 ";
$query = "SELECT * FROM table ";
$query .= "WHERE MATCH(title) ";
$query .= "AGAINST('".$title."') ";
$query .= "MATCH(state) AGAINST('".$state."') ";
$query .= "MATCH(county) AGAINST('".$county."') ";
$query .= "LIMIT 5 ";
I just tried this from the comments, but I get an error 1064 near %$state%:
$query = "SELECT * FROM table ";
$query .= "WHERE MATCH(title) ";
$query .= "AGAINST('".$title."') ";
$query .= "AND state LIKE %".$state."% ";
$query .= "AND county LIKE %".$county."% ";
$query .= "LIMIT 5 ";
$query = "SELECT * FROM table ";
$query .= "WHERE title ";
$query .= "LIKE %".$title."% ";
$query .= "AND state LIKE %".$state."% ";
$query .= "AND county LIKE %".$county."% ";
$query .= "LIMIT 5 ";
Basically, I have a drop-down menu that has two options - 'All' & 'Top Rated'.
<select class="dropdown">
<option value="all">All</option>
<option> value="toprated">Top Rated</option>
I want to run this query through the 'All' option...
$myQuery = "SELECT Attraction.*, Type.TypeName, Rating.RatingUrl ";
$myQuery .= "FROM Attraction ";
$myQuery .= "INNER JOIN Type ON Attraction.Type = Type.TypeID ";
$myQuery .= "INNER JOIN Rating ON Attraction.AttractionID = Rating.AttractionID ";
$myQuery .= "WHERE Attraction.Type = 4 ";
$myQuery .= "ORDER BY Name ";
$result = mysql_query($myQuery);
if (!$result) {
die('Query error: ' . mysql_error());
And the this query through the 'Top Rated' option...
$myQuery = "SELECT Attraction.*, Type.TypeName, Rating.RatingUrl ";
$myQuery .= "FROM Attraction ";
$myQuery .= "INNER JOIN Type ON Attraction.Type = Type.TypeID ";
$myQuery .= "INNER JOIN Rating ON Attraction.AttractionID = Rating.AttractionID ";
$myQuery .= "ORDER BY Rating DESC, Name ";
$result = mysql_query($myQuery);
if (!$result) {
die('Query error: ' . mysql_error());
Can anyone generate the php structure I would need for this to work...
If anyone can help that would be great!
I recommend this tutorial for PHP and this mysqli reading
Also, check what WebChemist said:
Not ok:
<option> value="toprated">Top Rated</option>
<option value="toprated">Top Rated</option>
Hi Guys i have this query and it is super slow.
If you can understand the code how can i possibly combine the two queries into one
or how can i possibly make this query faster.
this is the code
$strSQL = "SELECT user_status_history.*, queues_config.extension FROM user_status_history ";
$strSQL .= "LEFT JOIN queues_config ON user_status_history.skillset = REPLACE(queues_config.grppre, \":\", \"\") ";
$strSQL .= "WHERE user_status_history.status_id = 9 "; # outbound call
$strSQL .= "AND DATE_FORMAT(status_time, '%Y-%m-%d') = '$check_date' ";
if ($i==1)
$strSQL .= "AND TIME_FORMAT(status_time, '%H:%i') >= '$cboHrFrom:$cboMinFrom' ";
else if (strtotime($check_date) == strtotime($end_date))
$strSQL .= "AND TIME_FORMAT(status_time, '%H:%i') <= '$cboHrTo:$cboMinTo' ";
$strSQL .= "AND queues_config.extension = '$cboSkillSet' ";
if ($cboGroup!='' && $strAgentGroup!='') $strSQL .= "AND user_status_history.user_id IN (".$strAgentGroup.") ";
$strSQL .= "ORDER BY user_status_history.user_id, user_status_history.status_time ";
$rs2 = &$cn->Execute($strSQL);
while (!$rs2->EOF)
$strSQL = "SELECT status_time, time_to_sec(timediff(status_time, '".$rs2->fields['status_time']."')) AS timesecs FROM user_status_history ";
$strSQL .= "LEFT JOIN queues_config ON user_status_history.skillset = REPLACE(queues_config.grppre, \":\", \"\") ";
$strSQL .= "WHERE status_time > '".$rs2->fields['status_time']."' ";
$strSQL .= "AND user_id = '".$rs2->fields['user_id']."' ";
$strSQL .= "AND queues_config.extension = '".$rs2->fields['extension']."' ";
$strSQL .= "ORDER BY status_time LIMIT 1;";
$rs3 = &$cn->Execute($strSQL);
if (!$rs3->EOF)
$sum_talk_sec = $sum_talk_sec + $rs3->fields['timesecs'];
Check out there are table indexes for
these are difficult for optimizer. Try get rid of these
LEFT JOIN queues_config ON user_status_history.skillset = REPLACE(queues_config.grppre, \":\", \"\") ";
LEFT JOIN queues_config ON user_status_history.skillset = REPLACE(queues_config.grppre, \":\", \"\") ";
Get rid of the loop query.
Fetch all IDs from query1 to an array and create one query for them all:
"SELECT user_id, status_time, time_to_sec(timediff(status_time, '".$rs2->fields['status_time']."')) AS timesecs FROM user_status_history ";
AND user_id IN (id1, id2, id3 ... )
4 (From DCOder )
Convert these the other way around. Use PHP to create mysql datetime fields.
$strSQL .= "AND DATE_FORMAT(status_time, '%Y-%m-%d') = '$check_date' ";
-- >
preg_match('/^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$/', $check_date, $regs );
$enddate = date('Y-m-d', mktime( $hour=6, $min=0, $sec=0, $mon=$regs[2], $day=$regs[3]+1, $year=$regs[1] ));
$strSQL .= " AND status_time > '$check_date' AND status_time <= '$enddate' ;
$strSQL .= "AND TIME_FORMAT(status_time, '%H:%i') >= '$cboHrFrom:$cboMinFrom' ";
-- > $strSQL .= " AND status_time >= '$check_date $cboHrFrom:$cboMinFrom:00' ";
$strSQL .= "AND TIME_FORMAT(status_time, '%H:%i') <= '$cboHrTo:$cboMinTo' ";
-- > $strSQL .= " AND status_time <= '$check_date $cboHrTo:$cboMinTo:59' ";