How to use GET method to send string which includes'#"? - php

I want to use the GET method to send a string to the receive page, but if the string includes '#', the receiver page can only get the sub string before the '#'.
As the following example:
When I click the 'test' link to open the 'test.php' page, which has the following code:
if(isset($_GET["q"])) {
echo $_GET["q"];
It only display 'string1' on the page, '#string2' is missing.
So I want to know what happened to the string, and how to fix this problem.
Thank you for any help!
With the help of #Eric Shaw and #JP Dupéré, I know how to fix this problem.
The simplest way is encoding the string before using the get method.
To encode the query string, you can:
use urlencode() in PHP, and urldecode() can decode the string.
use encodeURIComponent() in JavaScript, and decodeURIComponent() can decode the string.

before calling GET.

The #foo is used to jump to an <a name="foo"/> tag on the page, rather than viewing the top of the page when the browser loads it.
The stuff after the # is processed by the browser and NOT sent to the server.
You can escape the # and the escaped version will be sent to the server, i.e.
will do what you want I think
This escaping is also a common technique to get the # passed along in the URL for redirectors.


Encoding string in PHP

I currently working on PHP and at some part of code I generate URL string. I set the GET parameter to currencyCode. But before I add &. So, at result I must get &currencyCode but get ¤cyCode.
How do I fix it?
You need to create url this way using urlencode() function:
echo ''.urlencode('&currencyCode');
I also think that your main problem is with displaying it. You should use:
echo htmlspecialchars('&currencyCode');
to display it.
Otherwise it seems browser change the first part of this string into: ¤ entity so you get something like that ¤cyCode and what makes you have display ¤ symbol what is ¤ and the rest of string cyCode
You should use urlencode() function in php to encode the url. Your code should look like this
echo ''.urlencode('&currencyCode');

How do I pass one PHP url as a php variable in another URL without that syntax messing up the variables?

I have a download page that take arguments like the download URL, the download-counter data file url, and the page to return to after downloading.
It is arranged like so:
(Download url, redirect page, counter file)
The problem is, when the redirect page contains PHP arguments with ? and & symbols, the URL becomes a confusing mess for PHP to work with.
What should happen:
what happens:
How could I substitute characters or somehow make these arguments pass correctly in php?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Well, I'm not sure how your "messed up" URL looks like. However the string after the "?" is called Query String, and you can decode/encode it with
urlencode($normalString); //will be encoded for use in URL
urldeocde($queryString); //will be decoded for "normal" use
Here is some short example:
echo "Encode for use in URL: ";
echo urlencode("this is a string & üäöllasdlk<bbb2");
echo "<br />";
echo "Decode to use it in your script: ";
echo urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
Encode for use in URL:
Decode to use it in your script: test=12
(Assuming you have a Querystring containing the variable test=12)
Just use htmlspecialchars function on your URL string:

PHP URL decode GET

I have been using URL decode on encoded URL variables from $_get.
The current problem I am facing is I have a URL encoded like this:
I'm not sure what kind of encoding this is, can someone help me? When I use just "urldecode" on this it just returns
Edit: My problem is not that url decode isn't working, it works if I manually enter this encoded URL and use urldecode(), but when this encoded url is in the actual pages url and I use the _GET function then I try to decode it it stripes off everything after the "#" in the URL.
<?php print urldecode($_GET["url"]);?>
It returns
instead of
I think the issue is that the pound sign is not encoded, if I refresh the page it strips away the pound sing and everything after it, so how do I get around this? Can I still retrieve the info from "GET" even though there is a pound sign? (#)
The problem is that the full link has multiple = signs, and browser cant determine, that the other = signs refer just to the url= parameter.
in your case, at first, you need to use function before link is given to url= parameter:
========================= 1) JAVASCRIPT ======================
<script type="text/javascript">
var mylink = encodeURIComponent('');
document.write("" + mylink);
========================= 2)or PHP ===========================
$mylink = '';
echo ''.urlencode($mylink);
so, your output (url parameter) will get like this
so, the url parameter will get the encoded url.
after that, your .php file needs to decode that "url" parameter-
$varr = $_GET['url'];
$varr = preg_replace("/%u([0-9a-f]{3,4})/i","&#x\\1;",urldecode($varr));
$varr = html_entity_decode($varr,null,'UTF-8');
echo $varr;
that will give you the correct value
I read on about urldecode function and they say that superglobal $_get is already decoded, ex: "The superglobals $_GET and $_REQUEST are already decoded. Using urldecode() on an element in $_GET or $_REQUEST could have unexpected and dangerous results."
It is encoded into ASCII format .
So here is the problem, the pound sign (#) (Hash) wasn't encoded... since I can't go back and re-encode it I have to use javascript (ex. alert(window.location.hash);) to send me the full URL after the hash then I append it to PHP's version of the URL, I THEN use a find and replace function in PHP to replace the "#" with "%23", then I use the urldecode method and it returns the full proper url decoded.
This encoding is called percent encoding or URL encoding. You can use urldecode for decoding it. (Example: )

cutting special chars in folder name when using GET

I've been visiting for a long time and always found the solution to my problem. But this time it's different. That's why I'm posting my first question here.
The situation looks like this: My website provides a directory explorer which allows users to download whole directory as a zip file. The problem is I end up with error when I want to download a dir containg special characters in it's name, i.e. 'c++'. I don't want to force users to NOT name their folders with those special chars, so I need a clue on this one. I noticed that the whole problem comes down to GET protocol. I use ajax POST for example to roll out the directory content, but for making a .zip file and downloading it I need GET:
var dir_clicked = $('path'); //let's say it equals '/c++'
window.location = 'myDownloadSite.php?directory_path='+dir_clicked;
I studied whole track of dir_clicked variable, step by step, and it seems that the variable in adress is sent correctly (I see the correct url in browser) but typing:
echo $_GET['directory_path']
in myDownloadSite.php prints
instead of
Why the GET protocol is cutting my pluses?
You can use:
encodeURIComponent() //to get the url then use
decodeURIComponent() //to decode and access ur filename.
Use urlencode() and urldecode() on server side.
Try encoding your URI with encodeURI(url) JavaScript function.
window.location = encodeURI('myDownloadSite.php?directory_path=' + dir_clicked);
Maybe use encodeURIComponent() and then remove all %xx occurrences?
When the information is posted it is encoded with special chars, sounds like you just need to decode them before using the information.
You can use php function urldecode() to decode the folder names before using them...

php redirect and querystring

i have script
$to = $_GET["to"];
header("Location: $to");
if i call script such
in param $to be only
how to fix? i want that $to =
You can escape the URL at the site calling out.php:
Go to $to
& is a reserved character in an URI. When you access this URL, &param2=2
is interpreted as belonging to the current URL and not to the value of to.
If you want to transmit it literally, you have to encode it with %26:
Most programming languages provide a function to do so. (e.g. JavaScript, PHP). The best thing is to encode the whole URL.
$to must be urlencoded, but note that you giving a redirect script to anyone, so, any phisher can use it.
So, it would be better to store urls in the database and pass only an identifier.
try encoding the to URL in base64 and then in the example that u have shown decode it before you pass it to the header :)
urlencode it
I ran into the same problem before, this is what I did:
Now you can use the $new_to variable.
Of course if you're using this for production environment, I would recommend encoding the url as the other answers advised. I was using it for testing curl script. getting the variable this way has lots of flaws, so be careful.
You can use a Function called "html_entity_decode"
Click Here for more information about this function
or use md5 function to encrypt the URL and then decrypt it when you put it into a varriable.
I hope this can help you
