How to fetch wordpress function in custom page - php

In wordpress how can we use functions like is_user_logged_in(), we can use this function in any page like header.php , sidebar.php
In wordpress page we are making a form which will be submitted using ajax. Suppose we are gatering form's data on a page 'submitform.php' whose url is which is totally a custom page.
Now how will I be able to know using is_user_logged_in(); function whether user is logged in or not. because submitform.php is a simple page outside wordpress.

At the top of your custom PHP file, use the following to load WordPress core functionality. This assumes your file is in the root of the installation:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);


Include PHP files depending on Wordpress Templates being used

I am using WordPress for my site. The site uses many different PHP page templates to display information to the user. At the moment I include all PHP files necessary for posting data to the backend of the site in a common functions.php file e.g. require_once("function1_functions.php"); require_once("functions2_functions.php"); etc
The issue I am having is all of my functions#_functions.php files are loaded on every page, I don't want this. There is an IF statement you can use in WordPress that will allow you to put call certain files on a page depending on the template (page) the user is currently on but this doesn't work for PHP files.
if (is_page_template( array('pagetemplate-about-us.php') )) {
// call JS files here that will only show on the "About us" page
require_once("functions_about_us.php"); <-- This doesn't work.
Any ideas?
The Conditional Tags which control what content is displayed with conditions (such as is_page_template(). Note these only work after the posts_selection action. So here the setup function is actioned at wp action, just after posts_selection.
More info here on Conditional Tags.
if (!function_exists('theme_php_include_setup')):
function theme_php_include_setup() {
if (is_page_template( array('pagetemplate-about-us.php') )) {
// apply conditions at appropriate WP action
add_action('wp', 'theme_php_include_setup');

Creating a shortcode from a backend page

I am trying to create a shortcode from a page that currently resides in the back end. The page has several acf fields as part of a form that creates a request. I would now like to have the same page on the front end. I have tried following the syntax of creating a shortcode from a function after reading about shortocdes, its api and doc and several different tuts online.
add_shortcode('create_requests', array($this, 'load_custom_wp_admin_style'));
^ The attempt above didn't work and I don't get any output when I include the shortcode in a new page.
You can notice that the function I am trying to use 'load_custom_wp_admin_style' returns a null value and uses hooks.
This is the file that contains the function.
Try to include file like below code. I checked your file according to me you need use the plugin url it seems like you are developing the plugin
wp_register_style('your_namespace', plugins_url('style.css',__FILE__ ));
wp_register_script( 'your_namespace', plugins_url('your_script.js',__FILE__ ));
Assuming that the page you want to display on the front end is a normal WordPress page - created in the pages tab, post type page.
Very simply you can just use the following PHP code to include it in a template:
$page = get_post(192994);
echo $page->post_content;
If it needs to be a shortcode you can add this into your functions.php:
function output_page_function($atts) {
$page_id = $atts['page_id'];
if (!$page_id) return false;
$page = get_post($page_id);
return $page->post_content;
add_shortcode('output_page', 'output_page_function');
And include a shortcode where desired (with 'page_id' attribute)
[output_page page_id=192994]
If it's not a WordPress page, but an actual wp-admin screen, then this would be significantly more difficult/not possible.

Custom Page Template VS Plugin VS Shortcode refer to function

I need to create a form that will be called many times through application .
below is the steps i did :
1- Create a form.php page and place it in my child theme folder.
i wrote the below code at the top of the page
<?php /* Template Name: Hercal Template */ ?>
and then i write my form code.
2-This page calls another PHP files and Jquery file , i place those file in
3- I create a wordpress page and select a template option 'Hercal Template' ,
The page run now ,form loaded and working fine but i have some issue that i need to understand.
1-What about security , is it secure to place files and database connection to test folder directly ?
2-How can i call my form inside other pages ?
3-the above steps enables me to create a template page , so what is the difference between template page , plugin , short code that refer a function ???
I mean :
when i create a plugin , i can call it anywhere by using function name.
when i create a function,place it into wp-content and create shortcode for it , i can call it anywhere by using shortcode .
so what is the difference between them , i have conflict between (page template,plugin,shortcode).
You should use shortcode to display form.
if you will use template than you can't put extra content/design for multiple places.
if you will use function than you have to call that in your page or you need to physically edit template file.
if you will use your form as shortcode than you can access/call it anywhere in your page/post/custom post and place it on anywhere between the div, paragraph etc.
Even you can access it on php file as well
I suggest you to use short code

Wordpress Get URL Footer File

I need to access the footer inside a wordpress theme via a url. Ideally it would just render the footer data and nothing else, alternative suggestions welcomed though.
To add some context, the data will be fetched through the url and a script will read the markup. This data will then be cached and available through Magento where it is needed to be displayed..
Is there a url path that will display it or should I make a new page that can be called via the base-url+the-page-name???
There's nothing built in to do that. You could use the AJAX API in your theme or a plugin and accomplish it.
You hook into an action that gets sent as a URL or POST data parameter and then make a request to
add_action('wp_ajax_so20495429_display_footer', 'so20495429_display_footer');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_so20495429_display_footer', 'so20495429_display_footer');
function so20495429_display_footer()
This will work for all users, logged in or not, despite the wp-admin URL. Here is code above wrapped up in a plugin.
what you can do is make a wordpress custom page template.
If you dont know how heres a little tutorial :
Now you want the custom page template to only load the footer (add the html, head and body opening tags yourself)
if you create a new page with your page template seletced it will only output the footer.
Hope you can get it to work
What about $footer_url=get_template_directory_uri().'/footer.php'; ?

Wordpress function access through url

Is there any option to access a function inside function.php through a url?
Like joomla has this.
Any idea?
Use ajax functionality of wordpress:
You can use nopriv actions for that.
wp-admin/admin-ajax.php is the url for the ajax page of wordpress.
Or either you can make a template page which gives only content and create a shortcode
and add to a specific page.
functions.php is part of the core of your theme and is automatically included.
to access your function, simply use it in your theme file, as such:
<?php myfunc(); ?>
