Compare similarity between two string with PHP - php

Hey guys :) I want to ask for some solution. Now, I have dictionary words.txt, here some example:
And I have the slang string:
I want to search & match that slang string to my dictionary wich means it will return "happy" because those string refer to "happy" in dictionary.
Recently I've been using similar_text() but doesn't confident about its validity. Can you guys recommend better solution for my problem? Thank you :)
And here i put my codes:
function searchwords($tweet){
//echo $tweet;
$find = false;
$handle = #fopen("words.txt", "r");
if ($handle)
while (!feof($handle))
$buffer = fgets($handle);
if ($percent == 100){ // this exact match
$find = true;
}else if ($percent >= 90){ //there is the possibility of errors
$find = true;
if ($find == true){
return $tweet;

As answered here
I've found that to calculate a similarity percentage between strings,
the Levenshtein and Jaro Winkler algorithms work well for
spelling mistakes and small changes between strings, while the Smith
Waterman Gotoh algorithm works well for strings where significant
chunks of the text would be the same but with "noise" around the
edges. This answer to a similar question shows more detail on
I included the php examples of using each of these three examples to return a similarity percentage between two strings:
echo levenshtein("LEGENDARY","BARNEY STINSON");
Jaro Winkler
class StringCompareJaroWinkler
public function compare($str1, $str2)
return $this->JaroWinkler($str1, $str2, $PREFIXSCALE = 0.1 );
private function getCommonCharacters( $string1, $string2, $allowedDistance ){
$str1_len = mb_strlen($string1);
$str2_len = mb_strlen($string2);
$temp_string2 = $string2;
for( $i=0; $i < $str1_len; $i++){
$noMatch = True;
// compare if char does match inside given allowedDistance
// and if it does add it to commonCharacters
for( $j= max( 0, $i-$allowedDistance ); $noMatch && $j < min( $i + $allowedDistance + 1, $str2_len ); $j++){
if( $temp_string2[$j] == $string1[$i] ){
$noMatch = False;
$commonCharacters .= $string1[$i];
$temp_string2[$j] = '';
return $commonCharacters;
private function Jaro( $string1, $string2 ){
$str1_len = mb_strlen( $string1 );
$str2_len = mb_strlen( $string2 );
// theoretical distance
$distance = (int) floor(min( $str1_len, $str2_len ) / 2.0);
// get common characters
$commons1 = $this->getCommonCharacters( $string1, $string2, $distance );
$commons2 = $this->getCommonCharacters( $string2, $string1, $distance );
if( ($commons1_len = mb_strlen( $commons1 )) == 0) return 0;
if( ($commons2_len = mb_strlen( $commons2 )) == 0) return 0;
// calculate transpositions
$transpositions = 0;
$upperBound = min( $commons1_len, $commons2_len );
for( $i = 0; $i < $upperBound; $i++){
if( $commons1[$i] != $commons2[$i] ) $transpositions++;
$transpositions /= 2.0;
// return the Jaro distance
return ($commons1_len/($str1_len) + $commons2_len/($str2_len) + ($commons1_len - $transpositions)/($commons1_len)) / 3.0;
private function getPrefixLength( $string1, $string2, $MINPREFIXLENGTH = 4 ){
$n = min( array( $MINPREFIXLENGTH, mb_strlen($string1), mb_strlen($string2) ) );
for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){
if( $string1[$i] != $string2[$i] ){
// return index of first occurrence of different characters
return $i;
// first n characters are the same
return $n;
private function JaroWinkler($string1, $string2, $PREFIXSCALE = 0.1 ){
$JaroDistance = $this->Jaro( $string1, $string2 );
$prefixLength = $this->getPrefixLength( $string1, $string2 );
return $JaroDistance + $prefixLength * $PREFIXSCALE * (1.0 - $JaroDistance);
$jw = new StringCompareJaroWinkler();
echo $jw->compare("LEGENDARY","BARNEY STINSON");
Smith Waterman Gotoh
class SmithWatermanGotoh
private $gapValue;
private $substitution;
* Constructs a new Smith Waterman metric.
* #param gapValue
* a non-positive gap penalty
* #param substitution
* a substitution function
public function __construct($gapValue=-0.5,
if($gapValue > 0.0) throw new Exception("gapValue must be <= 0");
//if(empty($substitution)) throw new Exception("substitution is required");
if (empty($substitution)) $this->substitution = new SmithWatermanMatchMismatch(1.0, -2.0);
else $this->substitution = $substitution;
$this->gapValue = $gapValue;
public function compare($a, $b)
if (empty($a) && empty($b)) {
return 1.0;
if (empty($a) || empty($b)) {
return 0.0;
$maxDistance = min(mb_strlen($a), mb_strlen($b))
* max($this->substitution->max(), $this->gapValue);
return $this->smithWatermanGotoh($a, $b) / $maxDistance;
private function smithWatermanGotoh($s, $t)
$v0 = [];
$v1 = [];
$t_len = mb_strlen($t);
$max = $v0[0] = max(0, $this->gapValue, $this->substitution->compare($s, 0, $t, 0));
for ($j = 1; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v0[$j] = max(0, $v0[$j - 1] + $this->gapValue,
$this->substitution->compare($s, 0, $t, $j));
$max = max($max, $v0[$j]);
// Find max
for ($i = 1; $i < mb_strlen($s); $i++) {
$v1[0] = max(0, $v0[0] + $this->gapValue, $this->substitution->compare($s, $i, $t, 0));
$max = max($max, $v1[0]);
for ($j = 1; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v1[$j] = max(0, $v0[$j] + $this->gapValue, $v1[$j - 1] + $this->gapValue,
$v0[$j - 1] + $this->substitution->compare($s, $i, $t, $j));
$max = max($max, $v1[$j]);
for ($j = 0; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v0[$j] = $v1[$j];
return $max;
class SmithWatermanMatchMismatch
private $matchValue;
private $mismatchValue;
* Constructs a new match-mismatch substitution function. When two
* characters are equal a score of <code>matchValue</code> is assigned. In
* case of a mismatch a score of <code>mismatchValue</code>. The
* <code>matchValue</code> must be strictly greater then
* <code>mismatchValue</code>
* #param matchValue
* value when characters are equal
* #param mismatchValue
* value when characters are not equal
public function __construct($matchValue, $mismatchValue) {
if($matchValue <= $mismatchValue) throw new Exception("matchValue must be > matchValue");
$this->matchValue = $matchValue;
$this->mismatchValue = $mismatchValue;
public function compare($a, $aIndex, $b, $bIndex) {
return ($a[$aIndex] === $b[$bIndex] ? $this->matchValue
: $this->mismatchValue);
public function max() {
return $this->matchValue;
public function min() {
return $this->mismatchValue;
$o = new SmithWatermanGotoh();
echo $o->compare("LEGENDARY","BARNEY STINSON");

Hopefully it'll serve your purpose. But there are some things to keep in mind while working with similar_text().
matching percentage can differ depending on the order of parameters. ie: similar_text($a, $b, $percent) and similar_text($b, $a, $percent) here in both cases $percent may not be same.
Note that this function is case sensitive: so while passing $a and $b pass both either in uppercase or lowercase.
for more info check this page


Calculate normal distribution probability in php

I need to use this table to get the probability from a given z value:
I'm sure there should be a better way to get those values on php but don't know how to calculate them.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution with precision calculation:
function cumulativeNormalDensity($x, $mean = 0, $stddev = 1, $precision = 48) {
$result = 0;
$x -= $mean;
$x /= $stddev;
for ($i = 0, $k = 1; $i < $precision; $i++) {
$n = $i * 2 + 1;
$k *= $n;
$p = pow($x, $n) / $k;
if (is_nan($p) || is_infinite($p)) break;
$result += $p;
$result *= 1 / sqrt(2 * pi()) * exp(-pow($x, 2) / 2);
$result += 0.5;
return max(0, $result);
Table, I believe, is CDF of the normal distribution. I coded it using expression for
error function approximation.
Code is untested!
function sgn( $x ) {
if ( $x < 0 )
return -1;
return 1;
function erf( $x ) {
$e = exp(-$x*$x);
$e2 = exp(-$x*$x*2);
$q = sqrt(pi())/2 + 31*$e/200 - 341*$e2/8000;
return 2*sgn($x)*sqrt(1-$e)*$q/sqrt(pi());
function CDF( $x ) {
return (1 + erf($x / sqrt(2))) / 2;
Here is quick (untested!) code to compute erf() with up to 4 terms
function erf( $x ) {
$e = exp(-$x*$x);
$t = 1.0 - $e;
$s = 1. + $t*(-1./12. + $t*(-7./480. + $t*( -5./896. +$t * (-787./276480.))));
return 2.*sgn($x)*sqrt($t)*$s/sqrt(pi());

PHP String Comparison and similarity index

What's an elegant code for finding common alphabets among two strings without including the space in PHP?
Also return a similarity index i.e. count the number of common characters and return that as a percentage over the total number of characters.
Suppose i have one string "LEGENDARY ", whereas other as "BARNEY STINSON" so i need to find common letters b/w both without including space.
Also my code should return a similarity index i.e. count the number of common characters and return that as a percentage over the total number of characters.
For these two strings, the common characters are "ARNEY" so the score is 5/22 ~= 22%. Any help on this?
I've found that to calculate a similarity percentage between strings, the Levenshtein and Jaro Winkler algorithms work well for spelling mistakes and small changes between strings, while the Smith Waterman Gotoh algorithm works well for strings where significant chunks of the text would be the same but with "noise" around the edges. This answer to a similar question shows more detail on this.
Here are php examples of using each of these three examples to return a similarity percentage between two strings:
echo levenshtein("LEGENDARY","BARNEY STINSON");
Jaro Winkler
class StringCompareJaroWinkler
public function compare($str1, $str2)
return $this->JaroWinkler($str1, $str2, $PREFIXSCALE = 0.1 );
private function getCommonCharacters( $string1, $string2, $allowedDistance ){
$str1_len = mb_strlen($string1);
$str2_len = mb_strlen($string2);
$temp_string2 = $string2;
for( $i=0; $i < $str1_len; $i++){
$noMatch = True;
// compare if char does match inside given allowedDistance
// and if it does add it to commonCharacters
for( $j= max( 0, $i-$allowedDistance ); $noMatch && $j < min( $i + $allowedDistance + 1, $str2_len ); $j++){
if( $temp_string2[$j] == $string1[$i] ){
$noMatch = False;
$commonCharacters .= $string1[$i];
$temp_string2[$j] = '';
return $commonCharacters;
private function Jaro( $string1, $string2 ){
$str1_len = mb_strlen( $string1 );
$str2_len = mb_strlen( $string2 );
// theoretical distance
$distance = (int) floor(min( $str1_len, $str2_len ) / 2.0);
// get common characters
$commons1 = $this->getCommonCharacters( $string1, $string2, $distance );
$commons2 = $this->getCommonCharacters( $string2, $string1, $distance );
if( ($commons1_len = mb_strlen( $commons1 )) == 0) return 0;
if( ($commons2_len = mb_strlen( $commons2 )) == 0) return 0;
// calculate transpositions
$transpositions = 0;
$upperBound = min( $commons1_len, $commons2_len );
for( $i = 0; $i < $upperBound; $i++){
if( $commons1[$i] != $commons2[$i] ) $transpositions++;
$transpositions /= 2.0;
// return the Jaro distance
return ($commons1_len/($str1_len) + $commons2_len/($str2_len) + ($commons1_len - $transpositions)/($commons1_len)) / 3.0;
private function getPrefixLength( $string1, $string2, $MINPREFIXLENGTH = 4 ){
$n = min( array( $MINPREFIXLENGTH, mb_strlen($string1), mb_strlen($string2) ) );
for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++){
if( $string1[$i] != $string2[$i] ){
// return index of first occurrence of different characters
return $i;
// first n characters are the same
return $n;
private function JaroWinkler($string1, $string2, $PREFIXSCALE = 0.1 ){
$JaroDistance = $this->Jaro( $string1, $string2 );
$prefixLength = $this->getPrefixLength( $string1, $string2 );
return $JaroDistance + $prefixLength * $PREFIXSCALE * (1.0 - $JaroDistance);
$jw = new StringCompareJaroWinkler();
echo $jw->compare("LEGENDARY","BARNEY STINSON");
Smith Waterman Gotoh
class SmithWatermanGotoh
private $gapValue;
private $substitution;
* Constructs a new Smith Waterman metric.
* #param gapValue
* a non-positive gap penalty
* #param substitution
* a substitution function
public function __construct($gapValue=-0.5,
if($gapValue > 0.0) throw new Exception("gapValue must be <= 0");
//if(empty($substitution)) throw new Exception("substitution is required");
if (empty($substitution)) $this->substitution = new SmithWatermanMatchMismatch(1.0, -2.0);
else $this->substitution = $substitution;
$this->gapValue = $gapValue;
public function compare($a, $b)
if (empty($a) && empty($b)) {
return 1.0;
if (empty($a) || empty($b)) {
return 0.0;
$maxDistance = min(mb_strlen($a), mb_strlen($b))
* max($this->substitution->max(), $this->gapValue);
return $this->smithWatermanGotoh($a, $b) / $maxDistance;
private function smithWatermanGotoh($s, $t)
$v0 = [];
$v1 = [];
$t_len = mb_strlen($t);
$max = $v0[0] = max(0, $this->gapValue, $this->substitution->compare($s, 0, $t, 0));
for ($j = 1; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v0[$j] = max(0, $v0[$j - 1] + $this->gapValue,
$this->substitution->compare($s, 0, $t, $j));
$max = max($max, $v0[$j]);
// Find max
for ($i = 1; $i < mb_strlen($s); $i++) {
$v1[0] = max(0, $v0[0] + $this->gapValue, $this->substitution->compare($s, $i, $t, 0));
$max = max($max, $v1[0]);
for ($j = 1; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v1[$j] = max(0, $v0[$j] + $this->gapValue, $v1[$j - 1] + $this->gapValue,
$v0[$j - 1] + $this->substitution->compare($s, $i, $t, $j));
$max = max($max, $v1[$j]);
for ($j = 0; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v0[$j] = $v1[$j];
return $max;
class SmithWatermanMatchMismatch
private $matchValue;
private $mismatchValue;
* Constructs a new match-mismatch substitution function. When two
* characters are equal a score of <code>matchValue</code> is assigned. In
* case of a mismatch a score of <code>mismatchValue</code>. The
* <code>matchValue</code> must be strictly greater then
* <code>mismatchValue</code>
* #param matchValue
* value when characters are equal
* #param mismatchValue
* value when characters are not equal
public function __construct($matchValue, $mismatchValue) {
if($matchValue <= $mismatchValue) throw new Exception("matchValue must be > matchValue");
$this->matchValue = $matchValue;
$this->mismatchValue = $mismatchValue;
public function compare($a, $aIndex, $b, $bIndex) {
return ($a[$aIndex] === $b[$bIndex] ? $this->matchValue
: $this->mismatchValue);
public function max() {
return $this->matchValue;
public function min() {
return $this->mismatchValue;
$o = new SmithWatermanGotoh();
echo $o->compare("LEGENDARY","BARNEY STINSON");
see similar_text(). And if you want to exclude spaces simple str_replace(' ', '', $string); prior.
echo similar_text ( 'LEGENDARY' , 'BARNEYSTINSON', $percent); // outputs 3
echo $percent; // outputs 27.272727272727
Here's another way using only unique characters
function unique_chars($string) {
return count_chars(strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $string)), 3);
function compare_strings($a, $b) {
$index = similar_text(unique_chars($a), unique_chars($b), $percent);
return array('index' => $index, 'percent' => $percent);
print_r( compare_strings('LEGENDARY', 'BARNEY STINSON') );
// outputs:
[index] => 5
[percent] => 55.555555555556

Can you help me understand this simple PHP function, please?

I would like to know how this function works so I can re-write it in ColdFusion. I've never programmed in PHP. I think, the function checks if $string is 11 numbers in length.
But how is it doing it?
Why is it using a loop instead of a simple len() function?
I read about str_pad(), and understand it. But what is the function of the loop iteration $i as a third argument? What's it doing?
if($this->check_fake($cpf, 11)) return FALSE;
function check_fake($string, $length)
for($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$fake = str_pad("", $length, $i);
if($string === $fake) return(1);
The function is meant to validate a CPF, the Brazilian equivalent of a US SSN #. The CPF is 11 characters in length. Basically, I need to know what it's doing so I can write the function in Coldfusion.
If it's just a length, can't it be if (len(cpf) != 11) return false; ?
Here is the entire code snippet if it interests you:
*# Class VALIDATE - It validates Brazilian CPF/CNPJ numbers
*# Developer: André Luis Cupini -
*# Remove ".", "-", "/" of the string
function cleaner($string)
return $string = str_replace("/", "", str_replace("-", "", str_replace(".", "", $string)));
*# Check if the number is fake
function check_fake($string, $length)
for($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$fake = str_pad("", $length, $i);
if($string === $fake) return(1);
*# Validates CPF
function cpf($cpf)
$cpf = $this->cleaner($cpf);
$cpf = trim($cpf);
if(empty($cpf) || strlen($cpf) != 11) return FALSE;
else {
if($this->check_fake($cpf, 11)) return FALSE;
else {
$sub_cpf = substr($cpf, 0, 9);
for($i =0; $i <=9; $i++) {
$dv += ($sub_cpf[$i] * (10-$i));
if ($dv == 0) return FALSE;
$dv = 11 - ($dv % 11);
if($dv > 9) $dv = 0;
if($cpf[9] != $dv) return FALSE;
$dv *= 2;
for($i = 0; $i <=9; $i++) {
$dv += ($sub_cpf[$i] * (11-$i));
$dv = 11 - ($dv % 11);
if($dv > 9) $dv = 0;
if($cpf[10] != $dv) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
it basically makes sure the number isn't:
With comments:
function check_fake($string, $length)
// for all digits
for($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++)
// create a $length characters long string, consisting of
// $length number of the number $i
// e.g. 00000000000
$fake = str_pad("", $length, $i);
// return true if the provided CPN is equal
if($string === $fake) return(1);
In short, it tests to see if the provided string is just the same digit repeated $length times.

Smith–Waterman for string in PHP?

i need smith-waterman in php, do you know if there is already an implementation?
I need this algo for proxmity searches ( Function that returns affinity between texts? )
I will try to make it if there aren't any.
I reverse engineered the SimMetrics java code for SmithWatermanGotoh - I found that SmithWatermanGotoh is more efficient than SmithWaterman with very similar results:
class SmithWatermanGotoh
private $gapValue;
private $substitution;
* Constructs a new Smith Waterman metric.
* #param gapValue
* a non-positive gap penalty
* #param substitution
* a substitution function
public function __construct($gapValue=-0.5,
if($gapValue > 0.0) throw new Exception("gapValue must be <= 0");
//if(empty($substitution)) throw new Exception("substitution is required");
if (empty($substitution)) $this->substitution = new SmithWatermanMatchMismatch(1.0, -2.0);
else $this->substitution = $substitution;
$this->gapValue = $gapValue;
public function compare($a, $b)
if (empty($a) && empty($b)) {
return 1.0;
if (empty($a) || empty($b)) {
return 0.0;
$maxDistance = min(mb_strlen($a), mb_strlen($b))
* max($this->substitution->max(), $this->gapValue);
return $this->smithWatermanGotoh($a, $b) / $maxDistance;
private function smithWatermanGotoh($s, $t)
$v0 = [];
$v1 = [];
$t_len = mb_strlen($t);
$max = $v0[0] = max(0, $this->gapValue, $this->substitution->compare($s, 0, $t, 0));
for ($j = 1; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v0[$j] = max(0, $v0[$j - 1] + $this->gapValue,
$this->substitution->compare($s, 0, $t, $j));
$max = max($max, $v0[$j]);
// Find max
for ($i = 1; $i < mb_strlen($s); $i++) {
$v1[0] = max(0, $v0[0] + $this->gapValue, $this->substitution->compare($s, $i, $t, 0));
$max = max($max, $v1[0]);
for ($j = 1; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v1[$j] = max(0, $v0[$j] + $this->gapValue, $v1[$j - 1] + $this->gapValue,
$v0[$j - 1] + $this->substitution->compare($s, $i, $t, $j));
$max = max($max, $v1[$j]);
for ($j = 0; $j < $t_len; $j++) {
$v0[$j] = $v1[$j];
return $max;
class SmithWatermanMatchMismatch
private $matchValue;
private $mismatchValue;
* Constructs a new match-mismatch substitution function. When two
* characters are equal a score of <code>matchValue</code> is assigned. In
* case of a mismatch a score of <code>mismatchValue</code>. The
* <code>matchValue</code> must be strictly greater then
* <code>mismatchValue</code>
* #param matchValue
* value when characters are equal
* #param mismatchValue
* value when characters are not equal
public function __construct($matchValue, $mismatchValue) {
if($matchValue <= $mismatchValue) throw new Exception("matchValue must be > matchValue");
$this->matchValue = $matchValue;
$this->mismatchValue = $mismatchValue;
public function compare($a, $aIndex, $b, $bIndex) {
return ($a[$aIndex] === $b[$bIndex] ? $this->matchValue
: $this->mismatchValue);
public function max() {
return $this->matchValue;
public function min() {
return $this->mismatchValue;
$str1 = "COELACANTH";
$str2 = "PELICAN";
$o = new SmithWatermanGotoh();
echo $o->compare($str1, $str2);
There is this "BioStor" project that has an implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm in PHP.

question about merge sort under php

i'v been trying to implement merge sort under php. but seems unsuccessful :( couldn't find source of error. any kind of help is very much appreciated!
function merge_sort(&$input, $start, $end) {
if($start < $end) {
$mid = (int) floor($start + $end / 2);
merge_sort($input, $start, $mid);
merge_sort($input, $mid + 1, $end);
merge($input, $start, $mid, $end);
function merge(&$input, $p, $q, $r) {
$a = $q - $p + 1;
$b = $r - $q;
for($i = $p;$i <= $q;$i++) {
$arr1[] = $input[$i];
for($i = $q+1;$i <= $r;$i++) {
$arr2[] = $input[$i];
$c = $d = 0;
for($i = $p; $i <= $r; $i++) {
$s = $arr1[$c];
$t = $arr2[$d];
if($a && (($s <= $t) || !$b)) {
$input[$i] = $s;
} else if($b) {
$input[$i] = $t;
return true;
here's the info xdebug throw back:
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!
To reach a nesting level of 100 on a merge sort, you would need to have an input array of size 2^100(about 1e30), which is impossible. I suspect your recursion is incorrect. For instance, you wrote $start + $end / 2 instead of ($start + $end) / 2.
in my php.ini
Here's my working solution, feel free to compare...
* #param array $items array to sort
* #param int $l left index (defaults to 0)
* #param int $r right index (defaults to count($items)-1)
function mergeSort(&$items, $l = 0, $r = null)
if (!isset($r)) {
$r = count($items) - 1;
if ($l < $r) {
$m = floor(($r - $l) / 2) + $l;
mergeSort($items, $l, $m);
mergeSort($items, $m + 1, $r);
merge($items, $l, $m, $r);
* #param array $items array to merge
* #param int $l left index
* #param int $m middle index
* #param int $r right index
function merge(&$items, $l, $m, $r)
$itemsA = array_slice($items, $l, $m + 1 - $l);
$itemsB = array_slice($items, $m + 1, ($r + 1) - ($m + 1));
$a = 0;
$aCount = count($itemsA);
$b = 0;
$bCount = count($itemsB);
for ($i = $l; $i <= $r; $i++) {
if ($a < $aCount && ($b == $bCount || $itemsA[$a] <= $itemsB[$b])) {
$items[$i] = $itemsA[$a++];
} else {
$items[$i] = $itemsB[$b++];
$items = array(5,3,6,1,2,3,9,10,7,2,4,8);
echo implode(',', $items) . "\n";
There is a maximum function nesting level of '100', and you have reached it. Your recursive function goes too deep.
Type: integer, Default value: 100
Controls the protection mechanism for infinite recursion protection. The value of this setting is the maximum level of nested functions that are allowed before the script will be aborted.
You are going too deep in your recursive function triggering this xdebug error. Try raising this limit and see if that helps.
Also, here is an interesting article about recursion and PHP:
PHP is not a good language for recursive algorithms. From the manual:
It is possible to call recursive
functions in PHP. However avoid
recursive function/method calls with
over 100-200 recursion levels as it
can smash the stack and cause a
termination of the current script.
If you need to do it in PHP, you'll probably have to find an iterative version of the algorithm. You've hit a hard-coded limit in the language.
Cosi dovrebbe funzionare!!!!
function merge ( &$a, $left, $center, $right ) { //left = p right = r center = q
$n1 = $center - $left + 1;
$n2 = $right - $center;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n1; $i++) $L[$i] = $a[$left+$i-1];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n2; $i++) $R[$i] = $a[$center+$i];
$L[$n1+1] = 99999;
$R[$n2+1] = 99999;
$i = 1;
$j = 1;
for ($k = $left; $k <= $right; $k++) {
if ($L[$i] <= $R[$j] ) {
$a[$k] = $L[$i];
echo $a[$k];
else {
$a[$k] = $R[$j];
echo $a[$k];
return $a;
function merge_sort ( &$a, $left, $right ) { //left = p right = r
if ( $left < $right ) {
$center = (int) floor(($left + $right) / 2 );
merge_sort ($a, $left, $center);
merge_sort ($a, $center+1, $right);
merge ($a, $left, $center, $right);
merge_sort ( $a, 1, $n );
