I am trying to access the values of an array.
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => comment [value] => 19074.125 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => like [value] => 2179.9 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => link_click [value] => 16.633202528886 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_add_to_cart [value] => 451.45857988166 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_complete_registration [value] => 897.60588235294 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_initiate_checkout [value] => 1230.5887096774 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_lead [value] => 372.17804878049 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase [value] => 2384.265625 ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_view_content [value] => 63.316597510373 ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => post [value] => 8477.3888888889 ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => post_like [value] => 193.15569620253 ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => unlike [value] => 76296.5 ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => page_engagement [value] => 15.168290258449 ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => post_engagement [value] => 15.274574574575 ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [action_type] => offsite_conversion [value] => 43.39960182025 ) )
I need to access the value of [action_type] => offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase [value] => 2384.265625 , how to get the value of only offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase ??
these values comes from the foreach loop.
$r = $i->cost_per_action_type;
foreach($r as $key => $value){
echo $key["action_type"];
the array you are seeing is the print_r($x).
If you want to use the result as an array and not as object, use:
//will return an associative array
$x = json_decode($j, true);
In your code $x is an object, not array, so that foreach is incorrect. You should work on your code and give some reasons for witch you encoded an array just to decode it and try to use it like an array not as object.
You should change the Object to array if you are using the array and got rid of the encode.
You can do what #Chay22 did in the example as array:
foreach($r as $val){
if ($val[action_type] == 'offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase') {
echo $val[value];
You're trying to treat object as array which doesn't simply working. Use arrow operator -> instead to get object value.
foreach($r as $val){
echo $val->action_type;
In case you're really wanted it to be an array, make sure to implement interfaces that gives ability to treat object as an array ArrayAccess, Countable, etc. You can also extends ArrayObject class, too.
And, according to your comment
foreach($r as $val){
if ($val->action_type == 'offsite_conversion.fb_pixel_purchase') {
echo $val->value;
Someone please can explain me how i can get the values from entry_list in a foreach loop in php?
Following is the return data structure. Please help.
stdClass Object
[result_count] => 1
[total_count] => 1
[next_offset] => 1
[entry_list] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 6adfd27d-0a48-48c9-97b2-5639c6d9e697
[module_name] => Leads
[name_value_list] => stdClass Object
[assigned_user_name] => stdClass Object
[name] => assigned_user_name
[value] => Administrator
[modified_by_name] => stdClass Object
[name] => modified_by_name
[value] => Administrator
[created_by_name] => stdClass Object
[name] => created_by_name
[value] => Administrator
[id] => stdClass Object
[name] => id
[value] => 6adfd27d-0a48-48c9-97b2-5639c6d9e697
Try this,
foreach($arr->entry_list as $row) {
foreach($row->name_value_list as $key => $val){
echo $key;// will echo assigned_user_name
echo $val->name; // assigned_user_name
echo $val->value; // Administrator
Sample values are given for first row... Similarly, all values will get printed.
What I want to do is read the information and be able to get the data of each game, so which teams played, who won and etc. I've tried everything but can't seem to do this.
This is my data structure:
stdClass Object (
[_links] => Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
[self] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/soccerseasons/354/fixtures
[1] => stdClass Object (
[soccerseason] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/soccerseasons/354
[count] => 10
[fixtures] => Array (
[0] => stdClass Object (
[_links] => stdClass Object (
[self] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/fixtures/137842
[soccerseason] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/soccerseasons/354
[homeTeam] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/teams/338
[awayTeam] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/teams/70
[date] => 2015-01-17T15:00:00Z
[status] => FINISHED
[matchday] => 22
[homeTeamName] => Leicester City
[awayTeamName] => Stoke City FC
[result] => stdClass Object (
[goalsHomeTeam] => 0
[goalsAwayTeam] => 1
[1] => stdClass Object (
[_links] => stdClass Object (
[self] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/fixtures/136840
[soccerseason] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/soccerseasons/354
[homeTeam] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/teams/72
[awayTeam] => stdClass Object (
[href] => http://api.football-data.org/alpha/teams/61
[date] => 2015-01-17T15:00:00Z
[status] => FINISHED
[matchday] => 22
[homeTeamName] => Swansea City
[awayTeamName] => Chelsea FC
[result] => stdClass Object (
[goalsHomeTeam] => 0
[goalsAwayTeam] => 5
For example: I'd like to know what the value for "homeTeamName","awayTeamName", "goalsHomeTeam", "goalsAwayTeam" ...
Its hard to tell because you didnt post the code you are using but i suspect you are confusing the structure type. What you posted is actually an object - an instance of stdClass and the items that look like array elements are in fact properties on that object. So you need to use the appropriate access method of ->propertyName as opposed to ['propertyName']:
// YES
echo $data->fixtures[0]->homeTeamName;
// NO
echo $data['fixtures'][0]['homeTeamName'];
So to get the data for each game (or what i presume to be the "game" items) you would do:
foreach ($data->fixtures as $game) {
echo $game->homeTeamName;
echo $game->awayTeamName;
echo $game->result->goalsHomeTeam;
echo $game->result->goalsAwayTeam;
// etc..
It also seems like this is the return value from an API parsed with json_decode(). If that is the case you can actually make it an array all the way through by passing true as the second argument to json_decode():
$data = json_decode($response, true);
foreach ($data['fixtures'] as $game) {
echo $game['homeTeamName'];
echo $game['awayTeamName'];
echo $game['result']['goalsHomeTeam'];
echo $game['result']['goalsAwayTeam'];
// etc..
I can't seem to figure out the correct syntax to print:
[Agriculture] => AGR
[Animals] => AN
[Arts and Humanities] => ART
within the $TOPIC object.
What makes this a bit more confusing is that $TOPIC is in an object that can be called in a different order than this example. So instead of [3] => stdClass Object, it could be [4] => stdClass Object, (or any number).
Some sample foreach syntax is included below; it doesn't work though.
stdClass Object
[123456] => stdClass Object
[required_actions] => Array
[1] => stdClass Object
[maxlength] =>
[value] => $MESSAGE
[options_hash] =>
[2] => stdClass Object
[maxlength] =>
[value] => $NAME_PREFIX
[options_hash] => stdClass Object
[Ms.] => Ms.
[Mrs.] => Mrs.
[Mr.] => Mr.
[3] => stdClass Object
[maxlength] =>
[value] => $TOPIC
[options_hash] => stdClass Object
[Agriculture] => AGR
[Animals] => AN
[Arts and Humanities] => ART
foreach ($json->123456->required_actions as $info) {
echo $info->value => $TOPIC->options_hash;
The solution is to search for the parent object by value, and then request the child object's array. Here is what I used:
foreach ($json->123456->required_actions as $info) {
if ('$TOPIC' == $info->value) {
Here's my issue:
I have an object filled with arrays that look like this.
[376339] => Array
[0] => 1f422730-f54b-4e4d-9289-10258ce74446
[1] => 60dc4646-06ce-44d0-abe9-ee371847f4df
I need to search another object to find objects with the matching IDs, like below. Is there a way of doing this without a foreach? There are SEVERAL and I would like to not have to loop over the entire object every time.
stdClass Object
[id] => 1f422730-f54b-4e4d-9289-10258ce74446
[percentage] => 32
[destinations] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 59826
[destination_id] => 59826
[type] => Destination
[dequeue] =>
[value] => xxxxxxxxxxx
stdClass Object
[id] => 60dc4646-06ce-44d0-abe9-ee371847f4df
[percentage] => 68
[destinations] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 60046
[destination_id] => 60046
[type] => Destination
[dequeue] =>
[value] => xxxxxxxxxxxx
I need it to end up looking like this.
[376339] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 1f422730-f54b-4e4d-9289-10258ce74446
[percentage] => 32
[destinations] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 59826
[destination_id] => 59826
[type] => Destination
[dequeue] =>
[value] => xxxxxxxxxxx
[1] => Array
[id] => 60dc4646-06ce-44d0-abe9-ee371847f4df
[percentage] => 68
[destinations] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 60046
[destination_id] => 60046
[type] => Destination
[dequeue] =>
[value] => xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm not sure if this makes any sense, that's why I had my two inital outputs I need to have merged into one somehow. This is all coming from one huge json object and I'm just using json_decode($jsonStuff) to decode it.
Would this be easier if I added true in the decode function? If I could just search for it like I could in python, that would be neat. But as it is, I'm at a loss as to how to get the output I need.
Note: Input json CANNOT be changed, I have no affiliation with the people that created it.
First loop over your input array and create an array with the key as the id
$input = json_decode($json_input);
$output = array();
foreach($input as $obj){
$output[$obj->id] = $obj;
then you can build your other array by searching the id on the array key
$massive_search_array = array(376339 => array
0 => 1f422730-f54b-4e4d-9289-10258ce74446,
1 => 60dc4646-06ce-44d0-abe9-ee371847f4df
$final_output = array();
foreach($massive_search_array as $index => $searches){
foreach($searches as $search){
$final_output[$index][] = $output[$search];
Here I have an output from a website using Soap
stdClass Object
[page] => 0
[items] => 3
[total] => 3
[saleItems] => stdClass Object
[saleItem] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[reviewState] => open
[trackingDate] => 2011-11-03T01:06:43.547+01:00
[modifiedDate] => 2011-11-03T01:06:43.677+01:00
[clickDate] => 2011-10-30T22:57:57.383+01:00
[adspace] => stdClass Object
[_] => Beslist.nl [id] => 1437603
[admedium] => stdClass Object
[_] => 001. Program logo
[id] => 535098
[program] => stdClass Object
[_] => Zavvi NL
[id] => 8991
[clickId] => 1565847253976339456
[clickInId] => 0
[amount] => 40.45
[commission] => 2.83
[currency] => EUR
[gpps] => stdClass Object
[gpp] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[_] => shoplink
[id] => zpar0
[trackingCategory] => stdClass Object
[_] => Default
[id] => 45181
[id] => 46a4f84a-ba9a-45b3-af86-da5f3ec29648
I want to have the data (with a foreach loop) from program, commission and gpp->_. I can get the data from program and commission like this:
foreach ($sales->saleItems->saleItem as $sale) {
$programma = $sale->program->_;
$commissie = $sale->commission;
Works like a charm. However I can't get the data from the gpp->_ (want to have shoplink as result). I currently have:
foreach ($sales->saleItems->saleItem->gpps->gpp as $tracking) {
echo $tracking->_;
I get the error "Trying to get property of non-object". I've tried lots if variations and can't get it to work. Think I'm really close. Anyone has a solution?
This should work
foreach ($sales->saleItems->saleItem as $sale) {
foreach($sale->gpps->gpp as $tracking) {
echo $tracking->_;
As saleItem is an array, you won't be able to use chaining on it.