Getting unknown property Exception in yii2 - php

here I have a model in yii2
namespace app\models;
* This is the model class for table "car_ad".
* #property integer $id
* #property integer $brand_id
* #property integer $sub_brand_id
* #property integer $sell_type
* #property integer $year
* #property integer $the_function
* #property integer $fuel_type_id
* #property integer $gearbox
* #property integer $sell_mode
* #property integer $real_price
* #property integer $prepayment
* #property integer $installment_price
* #property integer $no_installments
* #property integer $delivery_time_id
* #property integer $installments_period
* #property integer $body_status_id
* #property integer $body_color_id
* #property integer $inside_color_id
* #property integer $number_type
* #property string $description
* #property integer $ad_type_id
* #property integer $provice_id
* #property integer $city_id
* #property string $address
* #property string $lang
* #property string $lat
* #property string $creation_date
* #property integer $user_id
class CarAd extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public $imageFiles;
* #inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return 'car_ad';
* #inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['brand_id', 'sub_brand_id', 'sell_type', 'year', 'used_value', 'fuel_type_id', 'gearbox', 'body_status_id', 'body_color_id', 'number_type', 'ad_type_id', 'provice_id', 'city_id', 'address', 'lang', 'lat', 'creation_date', 'user_id'], 'required'],
[['brand_id', 'sub_brand_id', 'sell_type', 'year', 'fuel_type_id', 'used_value ', 'gearbox', 'sell_mode', 'real_price', 'prepayment', 'installment_price', 'no_installments', 'delivery_time_id', 'installments_period', 'body_status_id', 'body_color_id', 'inside_color_id', 'number_type', 'ad_type_id', 'provice_id', 'city_id', 'creation_date', 'user_id'], 'integer'],
[['description'], 'string'],
[['address', 'lang', 'lat'], 'string', 'max' => 512],
[['imageFiles'], 'file', 'skipOnEmpty' => true, 'extensions' => 'png, jpg', 'maxFiles' => 10],
public function upload()
foreach ($this->imageFiles as $file) {
$image = New CarAdImage();
$image->image = $file->baseName . '.' . $file->extension;
$image->car_ad_id = $this->id;
$file->saveAs('img/car_ad/' . $file->baseName . '.' . $file->extension);
* #inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'شناسه', 'brand_id' => 'برند', 'sub_brand_id' => 'مدل','sell_type' => 'فروش به صورت',
'year' => 'سال','used_value' => 'کارکرد','fuel_type_id' => 'سیستم سوخت','gearbox' => 'گیربکس',
'sell_mode' => 'نوع فروش','real_price' => 'قیمت نقدی','prepayment' => 'پیش پرداخت','installment_price' => 'مبلغ هر قسط','no_installments' => 'تعداد اقساط','delivery_time_id' => 'موعد تحویل',
'installments_period' => 'دوره پرداخت',
'body_status_id' => 'وضعیت بدنه',
'body_color_id' => 'رنگ بدنه',
'inside_color_id' => 'رنگ داخل',
'number_type' => 'نوع پلاک',
'description' => 'توضیحات اضافی',
'ad_type_id' => 'نوع آگهی',
'provice_id' => 'استان',
'city_id' => 'شهرستان',
'address' => 'آدرس',
'lang' => 'طول جغرافیایی',
'lat' => 'عرض جغرافیایی',
'creation_date' => 'تاریخ ایجاد',
'user_id' => 'کاربر ایجاد کننده',
'imageFiles' => 'تصاویر آگهی'
when I want to submit the form I face with this error.
Getting unknown property: app\models\CarAd::used_value
but as you see I have this field in my fields.
My table name is car_ad.
what is the problem with my code?

Because this field is not present in the #property comment I guess you have added it after the model has been generated. If you have got the DB schema cached new fields are not fetched until cache is updated. Try to remove the cache for DB.

Yii::$app->cache->flush(); worked for me too


YII2 - Save user ID to work with it on other pages

I'm building a questionnaire site.
On this site the user enters his email to receive the result of his questionnaire. So this site has no authentication.
How do I store the user's email to the end of the questionnaire?
It is my User model:
namespace common\models;
use Yii;
use \yii\db\ActiveRecord;
// use yii\web\IdentityInterface;
* This is the model class for table "user".
* #property int $id
* #property string $email
* #property string $name
* #property string $family
* #property string $major
* #property string $univercity
* #property int $education
* #property int $gender
* #property int $age
* #property int $income
* #property int $get_result
* #property int $created_at
class User extends ActiveRecord
* {#inheritdoc}
public static function tableName()
return 'user';
* {#inheritdoc}
public function behaviors()
return [
// TimestampBehavior::className(),
* {#inheritdoc}
public function rules()
return [
[['email', 'created_at'], 'required'],
[['education', 'gender', 'age', 'income', 'get_result', 'created_at'], 'integer'],
[['email', 'name', 'family', 'major', 'univercity'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['email'], 'unique'],
* {#inheritdoc}
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'email' => 'Email',
'name' => 'Name',
'family' => 'Family',
'major' => 'Major',
'univercity' => 'Univercity',
'education' => 'Education',
'gender' => 'Gender',
'age' => 'Age',
'income' => 'Income',
'get_result' => 'Get Result',
'created_at' => 'Created At',
There are many ways of achieving that, it mostly depends on your logic under the hood.
One of the easiest is to use session.
First store the email in session:
\Yii::$app->session->set('questionnaire-email', $usersEmail);
Then, when you want to use it:
$email = \Yii::$app->session->get('questionnaire-email');

how to solve "Object of class Closure could not be converted to int"

I was going to call the data from model in gridview. I installed advanced grid view via composer and I am using \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn. but the prolem ProgressColumn widget is not taking
return $model->paxtashart;
as int value, it gives me error: Object of class Closure could not be converted to int
is there any possiblity that I can convert it to int or any other alternative?
here let me present you my entire code:
'class' => \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::className(),
'attribute' => 'paxta_given',
'size' => \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::SIZE_LARGE,
'isAnimated' => true,
// 'maxValue'=> $fermercha->paxtashart,
// 'minValue'=> $fermercha->paxta_given,
'progressBarClass' => function ($model, $column) {
return $model->{$column->attribute} > 60
? \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::STYLE_SUCCESS
: \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::STYLE_WARNING;
I tried this way:
but it is jsut giving me 1 value for all attributes, it is not helping
here is what my model looks like:
namespace app\models;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "fermer".
* #property integer $id
* #property string $FIO
* #property integer $tuman_id
* #property string $Massiv
* #property integer $ferhojalik
* #property integer $maydoni
* #property integer $paxtamay
* #property integer $paxtashart
* #property integer $gallamay
* #property integer $gallashart
* #property integer $bog
* #property integer $uzum
* #property integer $poliz
* #property integer $sabzavot
* #property integer $chorva
class Fermer extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* #inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return 'fermer';
* #inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['tuman_id', 'ferhojalik', 'maydoni', 'paxtamay', 'paxtashart', 'gallamay', 'gallashart', 'paxta_given', 'poliz', 'sabzavot', 'chorva','paxta_done'], 'integer'],
[['FIO', 'Massiv'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['image'], 'file', 'extensions' => ['png','jpg','jpeg']],
public function upload()
if ($this->validate() and $this->image->baseName) {
$this->image->saveAs(Yii::$app->basePath.'/web/uploads/' . $this->image->baseName . '.' . $this->image->extension);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* #inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'FIO' => 'ФИО',
'tuman_id' => 'Туман номи',
'Massiv' => 'Массив номи',
'ferhojalik' => 'Фермер хўжалиги номи',
'maydoni' => 'Майдони',
'paxtamay' => 'Пахта майдони',
'paxtashart' => 'Пахта майдони шартнома режаси (тонна)',
'gallamay' => 'Ғалла майдони',
'gallashart' => 'Ғалла майдони шартнома режаси (тонна)',
'paxta_given' => 'Пахта шартнома бўйича топширилган тонна',
'image' => 'Расм',
'poliz' => 'Полизчилик',
'sabzavot' => 'Сабзавотчилик',
'chorva' => 'Чорвачилик',
// return $this->hasone(Extraagri::className(), ['id' => 'po_item_no']);
public function getDone()
return $this->hasone(done::classname(),['id'=>'paxta_done']);
/* public function getPoitem()
return $this->hasMany(Poitem::className(), ['id' => 'po_item_no']);
/* public function getExtraagri()
return $this->hasMany(Extraagri::className(), ['id' => 'id']);
An anonymous function is an instance of Class closure. Try following variation
//assign the closure to variable
$value = function($model){
return $model->paxtashart;
$progressBarClass = function ($model, $column) {
return $model->{$column->attribute} > 60
? \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::STYLE_SUCCESS
: \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::STYLE_WARNING;
'class' => \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::className(),
'attribute' => 'paxta_given',
'size' => \yiister\grid\widgets\ProgressColumn::SIZE_LARGE,
'isAnimated' => true,
'value'=>(int)$value($model), //invoke the closure and cast as integer
'progressBarClass' =>(string)$progressBarClass($model, $column), //invoke the closure and cast as string

yii2 function issue called with null value

i'm trying to copy some values from a table that contain a column that relates to another table to copy too.
the problem is that if i call the function createNew() of the model Email.php
namespace app\models;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "email".
* #property integer $id
* #property integer $provider_id
* #property integer $sender_id
* #property string $recipient
* #property string $name
* #property string $cc
* #property string $ccn
* #property string $subject
* #property string $body
* #property integer $type
* #property string $created
* #property Emailaccount $sender
* #property Provider $provider
class Email extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* #inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return 'email';
* #inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['provider_id', 'sender_id', 'name', 'subject', 'body', 'type'], 'required'],
[['provider_id', 'sender_id', 'type'], 'integer'],
[['body'], 'string'],
[['created'], 'safe'],
[['recipient'], 'string', 'max' => 200],
[['name', 'cc', 'ccn', 'subject'], 'string', 'max' => 100],
[['sender_id'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => Emailaccount::className(), 'targetAttribute' => ['sender_id' => 'id']],
[['provider_id'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => Provider::className(), 'targetAttribute' => ['provider_id' => 'id']],
* #inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'provider_id' => 'Provider ID',
'sender_id' => 'Sender ID',
'recipient' => 'Recipient',
'name' => 'Name',
'cc' => 'Cc',
'ccn' => 'Ccn',
'subject' => 'Subject',
'body' => 'Body',
'type' => 'Type',
'created' => 'Created',
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getSender()
return $this->hasOne(Emailaccount::className(), ['id' => 'sender_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getProvider()
return $this->hasOne(Provider::className(), ['id' => 'provider_id']);
public function createNew ($id,$new_id){
$model = Email::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$model->id = null;
$model->provider_id = $new_id;
$model->isNewRecord = true;
return $model->id;
from the model Service.php
namespace app\models;
use Yii;
use app\models\Email;
use app\models\Question;
* This is the model class for table "service".
* #property integer $id
* #property integer $provider_id
* #property string $token
* #property string $name
* #property string $description
* #property integer $parent_id
* #property string $reference
* #property integer $reference_id
* #property integer $depth
* #property integer $isleaf
* #property string $color
* #property string $icon
* #property integer $type
* #property string $type_label
* #property integer $totem_reference_id
* #property Service $parent
* #property Service[] $services
class Service extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* #inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return 'service';
* #inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['provider_id', 'token', 'name'], 'required'],
[['provider_id', 'parent_id', 'reference_id', 'depth', 'isleaf', 'type', 'totem_reference_id'], 'integer'],
[['reference', 'color'], 'string'],
[['token', 'type_label'], 'string', 'max' => 45],
[['name', 'description'], 'string', 'max' => 255],
[['icon'], 'string', 'max' => 30],
[['token'], 'unique'],
[['parent_id'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => Service::className(), 'targetAttribute' => ['parent_id' => 'id']],
* #inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'provider_id' => 'Provider ID',
'token' => 'Token',
'name' => 'Name',
'description' => 'Description',
'parent_id' => 'Parent ID',
'reference' => 'Reference',
'reference_id' => 'Reference ID',
'depth' => 'Depth',
'isleaf' => 'Isleaf',
'color' => 'Color',
'icon' => 'Icon',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_label' => 'Type Label',
'totem_reference_id' => 'Totem Reference ID',
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getParent()
return $this->hasOne(Service::className(), ['id' => 'parent_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getServices()
return $this->hasMany(Service::className(), ['parent_id' => 'id']);
public function mostraService($id,$new_id){
$service = Service::find()
foreach ($service as $s) {
if ($s->parent_id==NULL) {
$o_id= $s->id; //ID ORIGINALE
$s->id= null;
$s->token= Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString(45);
$s->isNewRecord = true;
$s->provider_id = $new_id; //ID_NUOVO
$copy = $this->recursiveCopy($o_id,$new_id,$p_id);
} else {
//do something
public function recursiveCopy ($id_s,$id_pr,$id_p){
$children = Service::find()
foreach ($children as $c) {
if ($c->reference == null){
$c->id= null;
$c->token= Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString(45);
$c->isNewRecord = true;
$c->parent_id = $id_p;
$c->provider_id = $id_pr;
$copy = $this->recursiveCopy($o_id,$id_pr,$c_id);
}else {
if ($c->reference =='email') {
$email = new Email();
$e_id=$email->createNew($c->reference_id, $id_pr);
$c->id= null;
$c->token = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString(45);
$c->reference_id = $e_id;
$c->provider_id = $id_pr;
$c->parent_id = $id_p;
$c->isNewRecord = true;
} else if ($c->reference =='question'){
$question = new Question();
$q_id = $question->createNew($c->reference_id, $id_pr);
} else {
$c->id= null;
$c->token = Yii::$app->getSecurity()->generateRandomString(45);
$c->reference_id = $id_p;
$c->provider_id = $id_pr;
$c->parent_id = $id_p;
$c->isNewRecord = true;
it work perfectly but if i call in the same way in the Question.php
namespace app\models;
use Yii;
use app\models\Email;
* This is the model class for table "question".
* #property integer $id
*#property integer $provider_id
* #property string $title
* #property string $description
* #property string $children
* #property integer $parent_id
* #property string $reference
* #property integer $reference_id
* #property integer $depth
* #property integer $type
* #property Provider $provider
* #property Question $parent
* #property Question[] $questions
class Question extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* #inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return 'question';
* #inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['provider_id', 'title'], 'required'],
[['provider_id', 'parent_id', 'reference_id', 'depth', 'type'], 'integer'],
[['reference'], 'string'],
[['title'], 'string', 'max' => 150],
[['description'], 'string', 'max' => 1000],
[['children'], 'string', 'max' => 300],
[['provider_id'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => Provider::className(), 'targetAttribute' => ['provider_id' => 'id']],
[['parent_id'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => Question::className(), 'targetAttribute' => ['parent_id' => 'id']],
* #inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'provider_id' => 'Provider ID',
'title' => 'Title',
'description' => 'Description',
'children' => 'Children',
'parent_id' => 'Parent ID',
'reference' => 'Reference',
'reference_id' => 'Reference ID',
'depth' => 'Depth',
'type' => 'Type',
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getProvider()
return $this->hasOne(Provider::className(), ['id' => 'provider_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getParent()
return $this->hasOne(Question::className(), ['id' => 'parent_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getQuestions()
return $this->hasMany(Question::className(), ['parent_id' => 'id']);
public function createNew ($id,$new_id){
$model = Question::findOne(['id'=>$id]);
$model->id= null;
$model->provider_id = $new_id;
$model->isNewRecord = true;
$child= explode(",", $model->children);
$sons= '';
foreach ($child as $c) {
$model_c = Question::findOne(['id'=>$c]);
$email = new Email();
$model_c->id= null;
$model_c->provider_id = $new_id;
$model_c->parent_id = $model->id;
$model_c->isNewRecord = true;
$model->children =$sons;
it pass a null value and of course throw an exception.
exception 1 exception 2
i tried to echo the value before pass it to the function and it print the right value. i really don't understand, someone can help me?
The problem is you are not checking if Model::findOne() has actually returned a valid result model. It could be false / null if the record with $id doesn't exist.
The second error you are getting usually happens in following case:
$object = null;
$object->prop = 'a value';
aka whey you try to set a value of an object property which doesn't exist.
And your first error message is saying that above case is true.
app\models\Email::createNew(null, 51) <-- notice the null here
So when you are finding a model always check before using it. You can do following:
foreach ($child as $c) {
$model_c = Question::findOne(['id'=>$c]);
if( $model_c ) { // check the model is valid
$email = new Email();
$model_c->id= null;
$model_c->provider_id = $new_id;
$model_c->parent_id = $model->id;
$model_c->isNewRecord = true;
Just showed you one, do the rest. :)

PHP Compile Error while creating Views and Controller using Gii in YII2

I have created Review model for the table. after that while creating views and controllers for the same table it shows PHP Compile error.
PHP Compile Error – yii\base\ErrorException
Declaration of app\models\Review::getRelation() must be compatible with yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface::getRelation($name, $throwException = true)
Here is the full error page .
I have created rest of the MVCs for my tables. I get error only for this.
My Model Class
Search Model Class
Controller Class
Note: while creating this same in Yii2-Advanced It shows Error (#64) Internal Server Error
Review Model:
namespace app\models;
use Yii;
* This is the model class for table "review".
* #property string $id
* #property string $title
* #property string $reviewer_id
* #property string $timestamp
* #property string $description
* #property string $organization_id
* #property integer $rating
* #property string $relation_id
* #property integer $send_msg
* #property string $org_contact_email
* #property string $org_contact_msg
* #property Answer[] $answers
* #property Reviewer $reviewer
* #property Organization $organization
* #property Relation $relation
class Review extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* #inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
return 'review';
* #inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['title', 'reviewer_id', 'organization_id', 'rating', 'relation_id'], 'required'],
[['reviewer_id', 'organization_id', 'rating', 'relation_id', 'send_msg'], 'integer'],
[['timestamp'], 'safe'],
[['title'], 'string', 'max' => 45],
[['description'], 'string', 'max' => 2000],
[['org_contact_email'], 'string', 'max' => 60],
[['org_contact_msg'], 'string', 'max' => 1000]
* #inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'title' => 'Title',
'reviewer_id' => 'Reviewer ID',
'timestamp' => 'Timestamp',
'description' => 'Description',
'organization_id' => 'Organization ID',
'rating' => 'Rating',
'relation_id' => 'Relation ID',
'send_msg' => 'Send Msg',
'org_contact_email' => 'Org Contact Email',
'org_contact_msg' => 'Org Contact Msg',
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getAnswers()
return $this->hasMany(Answer::className(), ['review_id' => 'id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getReviewer()
return $this->hasOne(Reviewer::className(), ['id' => 'reviewer_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getOrganization()
return $this->hasOne(Organization::className(), ['id' => 'organization_id']);
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getRelation()
return $this->hasOne(Relation::className(), ['id' => 'relation_id']);
You need to rename your getRelation() method as, you are overriding yii\db\ActiveRecordInterface::getRelation($name, $throwException = true). So this will cause an exception that getRelation method has an invalid declaration.

Property "Alerts.alert_status_id" is not defined in Yii application

Here is my Alerts model:
* This is the model class for table "alerts".
* The followings are the available columns in table 'alerts':
* #property string $id
* #property string $alert_status_id
* #property string $cmas_regions
* #property string $alert_type_id
* #property string $agency_id
* #property string $incident_at
* #property string $entered_by_given_name
* #property string $entered_by_surname
* #property integer $incident_location_state_reference_code
* #property string $incident_location_county
* #property string $incident_location_city
* #property string $incident_location_latitude
* #property string $incident_location_longitude
* #property string $incident_location_address1
* #property string $incident_location_address2
* #property string $incident_location_postal_code
* #property integer $cap_expiration_interval
* #property string $audio_url
* #property string $wordpress_post_id
* #property string $incident_summary
* #property string $ncic_case_number
* #property string $local_case_number
* #property string $information_provider_given_name
* #property string $information_provider_surname
* #property string $activation_authorization_officer_given_name
* #property integer $activation_authorization_officer_surname
* #property string $activation_authorization_officer_given_rank
* #property string $activation_authorization_officer_badge_number
* #property string $activated_at
* #property string $cancellation_authorization_officer_first_name
* #property string $cancellation_authorization_officer_surname
* #property string $cancellation_authorization_officer_rank
* #property string $cancellation_authorization_officer_badge_number
* The followings are the available model relations:
* #property AlertLog[] $alertLogs
* #property AlertPersons[] $alertPersons
* #property AlertVehicles[] $alertVehicles
* #property AlertTypes $alertType
* #property AlertStatuses $alertStatus
* #property StatesReference $incidentLocationStateReferenceCode
* #property Agencies $agency
* #property CapRegions[] $capRegions
* #property DistributionLists[] $distributionLists
* #property SharedAlertRequests[] $sharedAlertRequests
* #property SharedAlerts[] $sharedAlerts
class Alerts extends CActiveRecord
* Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
* #param string $className active record class name.
* #return Alerts the static model class
public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);
* #return string the associated database table name
public function tableName()
return 'alerts';
* #return array validation rules for model attributes.
public function rules()
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
// will receive user inputs.
return array(
array('alert_status_id, alert_type_id, agency_id, incident_at, entered_by_given_name, entered_by_surname, incident_summary', 'required'),
array('incident_location_state_reference_code, cap_expiration_interval, activation_authorization_officer_surname', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true),
array('alert_status_id, alert_type_id, agency_id, incident_location_postal_code, wordpress_post_id, ncic_case_number', 'length', 'max'=>10),
array('entered_by_given_name, entered_by_surname, incident_location_county, incident_location_city, incident_location_address1, incident_location_address2, information_provider_given_name, information_provider_surname, activation_authorization_officer_given_name, activation_authorization_officer_given_rank, activation_authorization_officer_badge_number, cancellation_authorization_officer_first_name, cancellation_authorization_officer_surname, cancellation_authorization_officer_rank, cancellation_authorization_officer_badge_number', 'length', 'max'=>63),
array('incident_location_latitude', 'length', 'max'=>11),
array('incident_location_longitude, local_case_number', 'length', 'max'=>12),
array('cmas_regions, audio_url', 'length', 'max'=>255),
array('activated_at', 'safe'),
// The following rule is used by search().
// Please remove those attributes that should not be searched.
array('id, alert_status_id, alert_type_id, agency_id, incident_at, entered_by_given_name, entered_by_surname, incident_location_state_reference_code, incident_location_county, incident_location_city, incident_location_latitude, incident_location_longitude, incident_location_address1, incident_location_address2, incident_location_postal_code, cmas_regions, cap_expiration_interval, audio_url, wordpress_post_id, incident_summary, ncic_case_number, local_case_number, information_provider_given_name, information_provider_surname, activation_authorization_officer_given_name, activation_authorization_officer_surname, activation_authorization_officer_given_rank, activation_authorization_officer_badge_number, activated_at, cancellation_authorization_officer_first_name, cancellation_authorization_officer_surname, cancellation_authorization_officer_rank, cancellation_authorization_officer_badge_number', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
* #return array relational rules.
public function relations()
// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related
// class name for the relations automatically generated below.
return array(
'alertLogs' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'AlertLog', 'alert_id'),
'alertPersons' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'AlertPersons', 'alert_id'),
'alertVehicles' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'AlertVehicles', 'alert_id'),
'alertType' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'AlertTypes', 'alert_type_id'),
'alertStatus' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'AlertStatuses', 'alert_status_id'),
'incidentLocationStateReferenceCode' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'StatesReference', 'incident_location_state_reference_code'),
'agency' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Agencies', 'agency_id'),
'capRegions' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'CapRegions', 'alerts_has_cap_regions(alerts_id, cap_regions_id)'),
'distributionLists' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'DistributionLists', 'alerts_has_distribution_lists(alert_id, distribution_list_id)'),
'sharedAlertRequests' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'SharedAlertRequests', 'alert_id'),
'sharedAlerts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'SharedAlerts', 'alert_id'),
public function getHour()
return date('H',strtotime($this->incident_at));
public function getMinute()
return date('i',strtotime($this->incident_at));
public function getDate()
return date('Y-m-d',strtotime($this->incident_at));
* #return array customized attribute labels (name=>label)
public function attributeLabels()
return array(
'id' => 'ID',
'alert_status_id' => 'Alert Statuses',
'cmas_regions' => 'Cmas Regions',
'alert_type_id' => 'Alert Type',
'agency_id' => 'Agency',
'incident_at' => 'Incident At',
'entered_by_given_name' => 'First Name',
'entered_by_surname' => 'Last Name',
'incident_location_state_reference_code' => 'State',
'incident_location_county' => 'County',
'incident_location_city' => 'City',
'incident_location_latitude' => 'Latitude',
'incident_location_longitude' => 'Longitude',
'incident_location_address1' => 'Address1',
'incident_location_address2' => 'Address2',
'incident_location_postal_code' => 'Postal Code',
'min'=> 'Minute',
'cmas_regions' => 'Cmas Regions',
'cap_expiration_interval' => 'Cap Expiration Interval',
'audio_url' => 'Audio Url',
'wordpress_post_id' => 'Wordpress Post',
'incident_summary' => 'Incident Summary',
'ncic_case_number' => 'Ncic Case Number',
'local_case_number' => 'Local Case Number',
'information_provider_given_name' => 'First Name',
'information_provider_surname' => 'Last Name',
'activation_authorization_officer_given_name' => 'First Name',
'activation_authorization_officer_surname' => 'Last Name',
'activation_authorization_officer_given_rank' => 'Officer Rank',
'activation_authorization_officer_badge_number' => 'Officer Badge Number',
'activated_at' => 'Activated At',
'cancellation_authorization_officer_first_name' => 'First Name',
'cancellation_authorization_officer_surname' => 'Last Name',
'cancellation_authorization_officer_rank' => 'Officer Rank',
'cancellation_authorization_officer_badge_number' => 'Officer Badge Number',
* Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
* #return CActiveDataProvider the data provider that can return the models based on the search/filter conditions.
public function search()
// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that
// should not be searched.
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
I am calling it in controller by following line :
$alert_model = new Alerts;
$alert_model, $agency_model, $victim_model, $suspect_model, $vehicle_model
$status = AlertStatuses::model()->find("name='created'");
$alert_model->alert_status_id = $status->id;
This is the error message:
Error: Property "Alerts.alert_status_id" is not defined.
Any help is much appreciated!
Check your alerts table, it most definitely does not contain alert_status_id column.
This "Property n is not defined" issue can also occur if you have set (text) type of a field and in your model while defining a property, you may have defined it as a boolean or integer.
For example: The below is wrong for text type property.
* #property boolean $billing_address
The right definition will be
* #property string $billing_address
Sometimes there is a small mistake that takes hours to be traced.
