Elixir versioning with SCSS and JavaScript - php

How do I chain Elixir's .version() method with others? My gulpfile.js looks like this:
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.sass("frontend/frontend.scss", "public/css/app.css")
.sass("backend/backend.scss", "public/css/admin.css")
.scripts(js, "public/js/app.js");
Do I just call .version() after this chain on my generated files? Like this:
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.sass("frontend/frontend.scss", "public/css/app.css")
.sass("backend/backend.scss", "public/css/admin.css")
.scripts(js, "public/js/app.js")
.version(["public/css/app.css", "public/css/admin.css", "public/js/app.js"]);
Or is there some way to combine .sass() and .scripts() methods with .version() to avoid repeating file names?
Another problem with my example is that it produces redundant unversioned files prior to creating versioned ones, so I have useless files there.

You said it. The only way to version based on what the laravel docs says is too chain .version([path_to_public_file]). If you would like to make sure for yourself, the docs are here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.0/elixir.


Loading a composer class in laravel

I'm in the process of trying to make a laravel compatible composer/packagist package. I'm using Laravel 5.5.
I've created a package : floor9design/machine-identifier. Composer downloads this to vendors/floor9design fine, but despite reading/googling how to do this, I'm unsure of how to include this in my laravel projects.
PHP Storm is correctly picking up the class, auto-completing as expecting.
I have not modified any files so far. If I add the following to a controller:
use Floor9design\MachineIdentifier\MachineIdentifier;
(alongside some class usage on the page).
PHP storm autocompletes this (as it does with other classes validly called).
When I try to load this, the following error comes:
Class 'Floor9design\MachineIdentifier\MachineIdentifier' not found
I've had a look round plenty of tutorials, and this final step seems to be missing from a lot of information.
I realise there are three approaches:
Direct include_once, which while working, is not the normal approach
Pre-laravel 5.5 approach (add something to app.php)
Laravel 5.5 approach and up, autodetection of something.
I've deliberately said something as the documentation seems to speak about ServiceProviders, and I simply don't get how they work.
Let me rephrase this into a question and a follow up question:
Question: apart from include_once, how do I load the MachineIdentifer class from floor9design/machine-identifier in Laravel.
Question 2: If the answer is via a service provider, can you simply explain how they relate to one another.
Answer (as accepted below)
On the composer repo I was incorrectly specifying the PSR4 namespace, which is now corrected to:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Floor9design\\MachineIdentifier\\": "src"
The previous namespace had a -, which is an illegal character. Many thanks to lawrence-cherone.
Your PSR4 is wrong in the package
floor9design\\machine-identifier\\": "src"
Will cause the composer/autoload_psr4.php to map to:
'floor9design\\machine-identifier\\' => array($vendorDir . '/floor9design/machine-identifier/src'),
Which is not a valid class namespace.
You should change the PSR4 to match your class namespace:
Floor9design\\MachineIdentifier\\": "src"
Once you fix that you will be able to use it like normal from anywhere in your project.

How to use CSSModules in PHP (non SPA)

So I want to use the benefits of CSSModules in a regular PHP project (a wordpress theme to be more specific). I am using webpack with autoprefixer, browsersync, postcss and more to compile and hot reload parts of the project while developing. I understand that there is also a plugin to postcss called postcss-modules which I would like to use.
The plugin is adding hashes to all my css classes and outputting a json with the mappings, as expected. Now I would like to bind one css module (which is a scss-file uncompiled) to each php file (as you would do when using css modules in React). How should I do this? I would still like the css to resist in one large file after compiling.
This is a part of my webpack config:
test: /\.(scss|css)$/,
use: extractSass.extract({
use: [{
loader: "css-loader"
loader: 'postcss-loader',
options: {
plugins: function () {
return [
loader: "sass-loader"
fallback: "style-loader"
And I am using a main.js and a style.scss as entry point in webpack. The style.scss is then importing all the partial scss-files (which should be one css module each).
I did a really good writeup on how to do all this. The only difference is I am using grunt-postcss instead of Webpack to handle the postcss plugins and functionality. Should be straightforward to port the concepts over to Webpack.
The key is to configure postcss-modules to handle the separate pcss files as modules. That way you can parse the JSON separately per module. Using globalModulePaths you are able to keep your main pcss intact and append your modules to it.

How to do configuation management in my PHP third-party?

I have, let's say, five types of job A,B,C,D,E. Each has different configuration. I want to make a configuration system in PHP, which is solely in PHP. In this system I like to return an object of configuration on specifying job type:
$obj=new ServiceConfiguration(); $configForA= $obj->getConfig('A');
getConfig reads the config, which may contain URL, job server, port and set this in config object. In writing all this I want that proper design should be followed.
Should I write all config parameter in a PHP array in a config file or there is any better alternative to it? Can I use external parties like YAML to store config? I want to know the best way to achieve it. Please answer with the whole design.
NOTE: I want to write a third party which should be written in PHP and should have no or minimal dependency on external third parties like YAML.
I personnaly use JSON files for configuration and a PHP class to read thoses files.
Accessing a var is doing by giving a string with underscores, that way I can explore the depth of the JSON file
example :
"prod" :
"server" : ""
"key_with_underscore" : "value"
I also do some small treatment to access JSON array as PHP array but basically, that's it.
In fact the config class just transform a multidimensionnal array to one-dimensionnal array by flattening it and insert an underscore for each new "dimension", then I stock the result in a variable (and cache it).

Symfony 2 - how to parse %parameter% in my own Yaml file loader?

I have a Yaml loader that loads additional config items for a "profile" (where one application can use different profiles, e.g. for different local editions of the same site).
My loader is very simple:
# YamlProfileLoader.php
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
class YamlProfileLoader extends FileLoader
public function load($resource, $type = null)
$configValues = Yaml::parse($resource);
return $configValues;
public function supports($resource, $type = null)
return is_string($resource) && 'yml' === pathinfo(
The loader is used more or less like this (simplified a bit, because there is caching too):
$loaderResolver = new LoaderResolver(array(new YamlProfileLoader($locator)));
$delegatingLoader = new DelegatingLoader($loaderResolver);
foreach ($yamlProfileFiles as $yamlProfileFile) {
$profileName = basename($yamlProfileFile, '.yml');
$profiles[$profileName] = $delegatingLoader->load($yamlProfileFile);
So is the Yaml file it's parsing:
# profiles/germany.yml
locale: de_DE
hostname: %profiles.germany.host_name%
At the moment, the resulting array contains literally '%profiles.germany.host_name%' for the 'hostname' array key.
So, how can I parse the % parameters to get the actual parameter values?
I've been trawling through the Symfony 2 code and docs (and this SO question and can't find where this is done within the framework itself. I could probably write my own parameter parser - get the parameters from the kernel, search for the %foo% strings and look-up/replace... but if there's a component ready to be used, I prefer to use this.
To give a bit more background, why I can't just include it into the main config.yml: I want to be able to load app/config/profiles/*.yml, where * is the profile name, and I am using my own Loader to accomplish this. If there's a way to wildcard import config files, then that might also work for me.
Note: currently using 2.4 but just about ready to upgrade to 2.5 if that helps.
I've been trawling through the Symfony 2 code and docs (and this SO question and can't find where this is done within the framework itself.
Symfony's dependency injection component uses a compiler pass to resolve parameter references during the optimisation phase.
The Compiler gets the registered compiler passes from its PassConfig instance. This class configures a few compiler passes by default, which includes the ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass.
During container compilation, the ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass uses the Container's ParameterBag to resolve strings containing %parameters%. The compiler pass then sets that resolved value back into the container.
So, how can I parse the % parameters to get the actual parameter values?
You'd need access to the container in your ProfileLoader (or wherever you see fit). Using the container, you can recursively iterate over your parsed yaml config and pass values to the container's parameter bag to be resolved via the resolveValue() method.
Seems to me like perhaps a cleaner approach would be for you to implement this in your bundle configuration. That way your config will be validated against a defined structure, which can catch configuration errors early. See the docs on bundle configuration for more information (that link is for v2.7, but hopefully will apply to your version also).
I realise this is an old question, but I have spent quite a while figuring this out for my own projects, so I'm posting the answer here for future reference.
I tried a lot of options to resolve %parameter% to parameters.yml but no luck at all. All I can think of is parsing %parameter% and fetch it from container, no innovation yet.
On the other hand I don't have enough information about your environment to see the big picture but I just come up with another idea. It can be quite handy if you declare your profiles in your parameters.yml file and load it as an array in your controller or service via container.
locale: de_DE
host_name: http://de.example.com
locale: en_EN
host_name: http://uk.example.com
locale: tr_TR
host_name: http://tr.example.com
You can have all your profiles as an array in your controller.
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$profiles = $this->container->getParameter('profiles');
return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Default:index.html.twig');
With this approach
you don't have to code a custom YamlLoader
you don't have to worry about importing parameters into other yml files
you can have your profiles as an array anytime you have the $container in your hand
you don't have to load/cache profile files one by one
you don't have to find a wildcard file loading solution
If I got your question correctly, this approach can help you.

JS Lexer to detect function calls

In order to localize strings used within my javascript, I want scan all my js files for such strings.
I am using a t() function to request string translations as follows:
t("Hello world");
or with dynamic portions:
t("Hello #user", {"#user": "d_inevitable"});
I want to detect all calls to the t() function and thus gather the strings contained in the first argument in a php "build" script, but skipping the following:
function foo(t) {
t("This is not the real t, do not localize this!");
function bar() {
var t = function(){}; //not the real t either...
function zoo() {
function t() {
//This also isn't the real t() function.
t("Translate this string, because this is the real t() in its global scope");
So the simple rule here is that the t function being invokes must be in global scope in order for the first argument to qualify as a translation string.
As a rule, dynamic runtime data as first argument is not allowed. The first argument to t() must always be a "constant" literal string.
I think php codesniffer will help me do it, however all the documentation I could find on it is about enforcing code standard (or detecting violations of it). I need lower level access to its js lexer.
My question is:
Would the php codesniffer's js lexer be able to help me solve my problem?
If so how do I access that lexer?
Are there any other php libs that could help me find the calls to t()?
Please do not suggest stand-alone regular expressions as they cannot possibly solve my problem in full.
Thank you in advance.
What you are describing is basically a coding standard. Certainly, ensuring strings are localised correctly is part of many project standards. So I think PHPCS is the right tool for you, but you will need to write a custom sniff for it because nothing exists to do exactly what you are after.
The best thing to do is probably clone the PHPCS Git repo from Github and then create a new directory under CodeSniffer/Standards to contain your custom sniff. Let's say you call it MyStandard. Make sure you create a Sniffs directory under it and then a subdirectory to house your new sniff. Take a look at the other standards in there to see how they work. You'll also find it easier to copy an existing ruleset.xml file from another standard and just change the cotent to suit you. if you don't want to include any other sniffs from anywhere (you just want to run this one check over your code) then you can just specify a name and description and leave the rest blank.
There is a basic tutorial that covers that.
Inside your sniff, you'll obviously want it to check JS files only, so make sure you specify that in the supportedTokenizers member var (also in the docs). This will ensure PHP and CSS files are always ignored.
When you get down to the actual checking, you'll have full low-level access to the parsed and tokenised content of your file. There are a lot of helper functions to check things like if the code inside other scopes, or to help you move backwards and forwards through the stack looking for bits of code you need.
TIP: run PHPCS using the -v option to see the token output on your file. It should help you see the structure more easily.
If you want to really do things properly, you can even create a nice unit test for your sniff to make sure it keeps running over time.
After all this, you'd check your code like this:
phpcs --standard=MyStandard /path/to/code
And you can use a lot of integrations that exist for PHPCS inside code editors.
You might decide to add a new more sniffs to the standard to check other things, which you can then do easily using your ruleset.xml file or by writing more custom sniff classes.
I hope that helps a bit. If you do decide to write your own sniff and need help, just let me know.
