I have this code in my php dynamic table
<?php echo'<img src="../images/a-camera-icon.png">'.$row_rsInventory['PHOTO'].''; ?>
When the code runs it displays the link as an image and the text as a hyperlink in the PHOTO field. What do I need to change so that it just shows the link as an image in the PHOTO field. I appreciate any help on this.
Just remove the text you have for anchor .$row_rsInventory['PHOTO']. this way
<?php echo'<a href="http://'.$row_rsInventory['PHOTO'].'">
<img src="../images/a-camera-icon.png">
</a>'; ?>
Remove the anchor text .$row_rsInventory['PHOTO'] Use either of the code below
<img src="../images/a-camera-icon.png">
<?php echo'<img src="../images/a-camera-icon.png">'; ?>
I have below code but don't want to encode the image as Base64 just link the image and get it with same function.
<img src="data:image/png;base64,'.base64_encode(file_get_contents(get_field('email_logo', 'option')['url'])).'" alt="The Domain" />
How to call the function inside img src?
You've not shown us how this bit of code connects to the PHP around it. Assuming that there is a closed PHP block before hand, rather than this appearing in a print or heredoc...
<img src="data:image/png;base64,
print base64_encode(file_get_contents(
get_field('email_logo', 'option')['url']
?>'" alt="The Domain" />
If you want only the link and it's correct as it is:
<img src="'.get_field('email_logo', 'option')['url'].'"/>
I'm using Advanced Custom Fields plugin for custom fields in WordPress, and I tried to embed YouTube videos by adding one more custom fields where I write the YouTube video IDs. And I added the snippet below to the realted content php file, but it did not work. Could you please tell me what is wrong with the code? Thanks.
<div class="videoembed">
<?php $embedcode = the_field('video-embed');
echo do_shortcode("[embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" .$embedcode. "&width=600height=350[/embedyt]"); ?>
I had the problem myself and found a solution that worked!
the field type must not be oembed, but must be single-line text
and than it works with this code:
<?php // use inside loop echo $youtubevideo_code = wp_oembed_get( get_field('video_url') ); ?>
You don't need to use shortcode in your case, just write iframe tag :
<iframe src="<?php echo $embedcode; ?>" width="600" height="350" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Hi i am trying to get an image to display when a result is picked from a data base this is my code below:
$box .= '<div style="margin-top:10px;height:120px;"id=\"Video\">
<div style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#00000;width:400px;float:right;"id=\"Title\">'.$row['title'].'</div>
<div style="width:220px;height:150px;float:left;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#000000;" id=\"VideoImage\">"
<img class="partimg1" src="classroom/images/'.$row['media_id'].'.jpg" /></div>
<div style="height:50px;width:400px;float:right;padding:2px;margin-bottom:5px;" id=\"Blurb\">'.$row['blurb'].'</div>
<div style="height:21px;width:152px;margin-top:45px;margin-left:7px;background:url(images/bg_top_img2-09.jpg) repeat-x;color:#ffffff;padding-left:2px;float:left;border:1px solid #000000;position:relative;border-radius:15px;text-align:center;" id=\"Downloads\"> Download </div>
the line with in the middle is where the image should be the .$row['media_id']. this will be a value from the database it will only be a number so for example 1 up to 50 and in the images folder the images are named 1 to 50 and they are all JPG is there something that i have missed because i have used this before and it worked.
all that displays on the screen is a broken image link like when the web page cannot find the image in the folder.
any help would be much appreciated.
You break the src link.
As you use simple quote ' for string delimiter, you don't need to escape double ones "
<img class=\"partimg1\" src=\"classroom/images/"'.$row['media_id'].'".jpg\"/>
Should be
<img class="partimg1" src="classroom/images/'.$row['media_id'].'.jpg" />
You also need to fix all your id attributes
I am trying to echo in php the image description in the data-caption of the clearing image gallery of Foundation3 but it is not working. Here is my code:
<li class="clearing-feature">
<a href="administration/galleri/kcfinder/upload/images/Galleri1/1.jpg">
<img data-caption="<?php echo $myDataBild1 ?>;" src="kcfinder/upload/images/Galleri1/1.jpg"></a>
This is not working. The image gallery is still working correctly but the caption in this picture is not showing. How can I correct this?
NOTE: The php $myDataBild1 is a txt file with text inserted via CKEditor and it is working just fine. Let me know if you need the code and the variable is shown if I echo it anywhere else.
Misplaced comma - also try by using addslashes.
<img data-caption="<?php echo addslashes($myDataBild1); ?>" src="kcfinder/upload/images/Galleri1/1.jpg"></a>
I've been able to put some code together and get a QR code to display on my site. Now I'm attempting to get the QR Code to open a larger version inside colorbox. This is the code I've got so far:
<a href="<?php echo $????; ?>" title="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>"
class="colorbox" rel="colorbox">
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=250x250&cht=qr&chld=L&chl=
<?php $url="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; echo $url; ?>"
alt="Product QR Code" width="80" height="80" style="float: right" /></a>
All the code for colorbox is on this page already as I have products that use this very function. The original code said echo $popup but when I use that it shows me the main product image so that's no good. What I can't figure out is what to do with echo in the href section so it calls the image again in the pop-up box but in a larger size?
I've tried using the same url as with the img src but it only returns garbage characters in the pop-up box and doesn't know to turn it into an image instead.
Thanks for your time!
When you assign colorbox, set the photo property to true. Example:
Colorbox normally uses a regex to determine if a link is pointing to an image or not, but the URL you are using isn't going to pass that regex.