I have a android app, which messages workds with emoji. Saved message with emojis is diaplayed ok on android after fetching from mysql via json.
Now I want to display same message with emojis on web script.
Found JS lib https://github.com/iamcal/js-emoji but cant make it work.
Anyone has a ready to use implementation of it?
Sample db record look like this:
Unii \uD83D\uDE02\uD83D\uDE03\uD83D\uDE2E\uD83D\uDE25\uD83D\uDE23\uD83D\uDE0F
These are android emojis. Hot make the work on web?
First of all coping files will not make it work ;) you need also do some configuration:
first of all download that repo
run npm install in main directory
run bower install in main directory
now we need to run some grunt task but before that make sure that you have copied this - https://github.com/iamcal/emoji-data/tree/6daffc10d8e8fd06b80ec24c9bdcb65218f71563 to emoji-data folder in downloaded-repo-location/build/emoji-data
also copy that content of that whole emoji-data (https://github.com/iamcal/emoji-data/tree/6daffc10d8e8fd06b80ec24c9bdcb65218f71563) to C:\js-emoji\build\emoji-data
now in demo.htm (which is placed in mainfolder/demo/demo.htm change jquery linkage to an also make sure that this line is placed above ""
run "grunt" from console.
check if in downloaded-repo-root/lib/emoji.js in line 520 you have listed emojis ;)
run demo.htm in browser
Basically check browser console if it has any errors. Most common erros is that there will be en empty emoji.prototype.data on line 519 in emoji.js file - so you need to be sure the grunt task finishes correctly without errors.
Figured it out. The basic configuration from https://github.com/iamcal/js-emoji is enough to make js script to work. The problem was the string encoding. Android uses "Unicode escape sequences" to store specials characters in strings. It works great on mobile, but php has issues with it. Therefore we need to convert Unicode escape sequences with php working version. The converted version of previous db rec
Unii \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude2e\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude23\ud83d\ude0f
Php convert functions can be found # How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?
Question 1
I am trying to set up server side for Apple passes so they can be updated. I am currently generating signed zipped passes, which also register to update my tables, with device tokens /id Etc.
The passes do not update with the new passes I generate (Same serial, auth token - different message/image)
In console I'm getting this error (fault):
BOM could not extract archive : Couldn't read PKZIP signature
Received invalid pass data (The pass cannot be read because it isn\U2019t valid
I am using https://github.com/tschoffelen/PHP-PKPass
Along with storing data & passes, and the webserviceurl php page on my server.
Any one got an idea on this?
Question 2
I am also getting an error (fault) in console:
Setting display properties with screenSize=(375, 667) scale=2
Not sure why, or if this even matters?
I created my own version of a generator like the github link.
That fixed the issue.
The problem is in the way ZIP (pkpass) files are generated. I've looked at the code and it's using PHP's ZipArchive. Though the ZIP files generated can be extracted both on Windows and Linux without errors, Apple server is more picky.
I've tried PclZip as well, and it has the same problem.
The solution is to use system() call to zip files using the command-line zip command. The ZIP file generated this way is accepted by Apple.
I'm attempting to find a way to sanitize/filter file names in a Bash script the exact same way as the sanitize_file_name function from WordPress works. It has to take a filename string and spit out a clean version that is identical to that function.
You can see the function here.
GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-57-generic x86_64)
This is perl 5, version 18, subversion 2 (v5.18.2) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Example input file names
These can be and often are practically anything you can make a filename on any operating system, especially Mac and Windows.
This File + Name.mov
Some, Other - File & Name.mov
some & file-name Alpha.m4v
Some Strange & File ++ Name__.mp4
This is a - Weird -# Filename!.mp4
Example output file names
These are how the WordPress sanitize_file_name function makes the examples above.
It doesn't just have to solve these cases, it has perform the same functions that the sanitize_file_name function does or it will produce duplicate files and they won't be updated on the site.
Some thoughts I've had are maybe I can somehow use that function itself but this video encoding server doesn't have PHP on it since it's quite a tiny server and normally just encodes videos and uploads them. It doesn't have much memory, CPU power or disk space, it's a DigitalOcean 512MB RAM server. Maybe I can somehow create a remote PHP script on the web server to handle it through HTTP but again I'm not entirely sure how to do that either through Bash.
It's too complicated for my limited Bash skills so I'm wondering if anyone can help or knows where a script is that does this already. I couldn't find one. All I could find are scripts that change spaces or special characters into underscores or dashes. But this isn't all the sanitize_file_name function does.
In case you are curious, the filenames have to be compatible with this WordPress function because of the way this website is setup to handle videos. It allows people to upload videos through WordPress that are then sent to a separate video server for encoding and then sent to Amazon S3 and CloudFront for serving on the site. However it also allows adding videos through Dropbox using the External Media plugin (which actually is duplicating the video upload with the Dropbox sync now but that's another minor issue). This video server is also syncing to a Dropbox account and whitelisting the folders in it and has this Bash script watching a VideoServer Dropbox folder using inotifywait which copies videos from it to another folder temporarily where the video encoder encodes them. This way when they update the videos in their Dropbox it will automatically re-encode and update the video shown on the site. They could just upload the files through WordPress but they don't seem to want to or don't know how to do that for some reason.
If you have Perl installed, try with:
function sanitize_file_name {
echo -n $1 | perl -pe 's/[\?\[\]\/\\=<>:;,''"&\$#*()|~`!{}%+]//g;' -pe 's/[\r\n\t -]+/-/g;'
filename="Wh00t? it's a -- re#lly-weird {file&name} (with + Plus and__1% #of# [\$qRots\$!]).mov"
cleaned=$(sanitize_file_name "$filename")
echo original : "$filename"
echo sanitised: "$cleaned"
Result is:
original : Wh00t? it's a -- re#lly-weird {file&name} (with + Plus and__1% #of# [$qRots$!]).mov
sanitised: Wh00t-it's-a-re#lly-weird-filename-with-Plus-and__1-of-qRots.mov
Looking at WP function, this emulates it quite well.
Inspired by the answer.
printf '%s' "$#" | perl -pe 's/[:;,\?\[\]\/\\=<>''"&\$#*()|~`!{}%+]//g; s/[\s-]+/-/g;';
I'm using jQuery to retrieve a json response from an endpoint
die(json_encode(array('success' => 3, 'message' => 'You must use at least 1 credit or more.')));
Whenever I check the JSON response received in chrome developer tools I'm getting a red dot showing \ufeff is being added before the json response. I've encoded the PHP file with UTF-8 in Notepad++ however it still adds the BOM character infront of any response. If I return anything or change the die it will still show the BOM character in the response.
I've tried the same file on my localhost and it works absolutely fine however on the server it adds the character.
I'm at a loss as to what's causing the issue, any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is an 13 year old issue
There are workarounds (removing BOM from all PHP files, ob_clean at script start), but the real solution is to have a PHP compiled with --enable-zend-multibyte or --enable-mbstring, or wait until it is fixed by the PHP team.
As you sometimes have no control over the PHP version and compilation flags on hosted environments, I prefer removing BOMs from all PHP files, to prevent this kind of issues. This will work on any server.
Your solution is to fix the output with JS. But for other usages, e.g. generating an image or other binary data via PHP, or sending headers, you cannot solve this way.
It seems it was specifically an issue with this server configuration as it works on other servers. For the meantime I've filtered the response to remove any BOM chracters using javascript before parsing the JSON response.
Having trouble capturing the following dynamic image on disk, all I get is a 1K size file
I have setup PHP cURL feature to work just fine on static imagery, but does not work for the above link. Similarly, also copy function, file_put_contents (file_get_contents)...they all work fine for static image. Plenty of references in SO for usage of these PHP functions, so I will not get into details here. Just the copy command:
copy('http://water.weather.gov/precip/save.php?timetype=RECENT&loctype=NWS&units=engl&timeframe=current&product=observed&loc=regionER', 'precip5.png');
Behavior is same, getting precip5.png size 760 bytes, on my windows development box and linux staging box, so can rule OS issues out. Again, all PHP functions do exactly the same thing - generate a file - but empty. Command line curl program is also generating that same junk 1K file.
So, the issue seems to be source and the best I can tell is that it is a dynamic (streaming?) image.
Ideally, I would like this be done in PHP or some command line utility like curl. I am trying to avoid adding java (imageio) dependency just for this...until I absolutely have have to go there...
I am trying to understand the nature of the beast (the image) first ;-)...
The URL you are saving produces HTML output, not the image. You are missing the parameter &print=1
I have installed Apache on my server (I wasn't using Apache) and special characters started to show wrong.
So I changed every file to UTF-8, configured MySQL to work with UTF-8 and everything worked fine. However, my Python app (which retrieves some information from the website) doesn't work properly.
For example, I had a file "test.php" which returned either 0 or 1. Python code then did whatever with that result.
But now, my Python app doesn't receive "0", I don't know what it gets from the website. I made the app send a GET request to my site with what it was getting and it sent me this: "???0".
What can I do? I tried to change the header to send the result as ISO-8859-1 (as it was before) but isn't working either.
It's BOM symbol. Remove this symbol from script in Notepad++ editor (Menu -> Encoding -> Encode in UTF-8 without BOM).