Hello guys I'm new to composer thing. Previously I had configured dropbox manually in my codeigniter project but my head asked me to do it using composer now. I have configured composer somehow and installed dropbox using composer. Now this was my login function which I used before
public function login() {
// $this->CI->session->set_userdata('state', 1);
$this->CI->session->dropbox_success = false;
$oauth = new Dropbox_OAuth_PHP($this->CI->config->item('APP_KEY'), $this->CI->config->item('APP_SECRET'));
$this->dropbox = new Dropbox_API($oauth);
if ($this->CI->session->state) {
$state = $this->CI->session->state;
} else {
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('state', 1);
$state = 1;
switch ($state) {
/* In this phase we grab the initial request tokens
and redirect the user to the 'authorize' page hosted
on dropbox */
case 1 :
// echo "Step 1: Acquire request tokens\n";
$tokens = $oauth->getRequestToken();
// echo "<a href='".$oauth->getAuthorizeUrl(site_url())."' >Authorize</a>";
// header('Location: '. $oauth->getAuthorizeUrl());
echo "<img width='30px' src='" . base_url() . "somePAth'> Connect Dropbox";
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('state', 2);
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('oauth_tokens', $tokens);
return FALSE;
/* In this phase, the user just came back from authorizing
and we're going to fetch the real access tokens */
case 2 :
if (!$this->CI->session->oauth_tokens) {
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('state', 1);
header("Location: ?");
$tokens = null;
try {
$tokens = $oauth->getAccessToken();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('state', 1);
header("Location: ?");
return false;
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('state', 3);
$this->CI->session->set_userdata('oauth_tokens', $tokens);
header("Location: ?");
case 3 :
// echo "The user is authenticated\n";
$this->CI->session->dropbox_success = true;
echo "<a class='btn btn-primary float-right' href=" . base_url('somePath') . ">Disconnect Dropbox</a>";
return true;
Now after I installed dropbox using composer and after going through the configration I created the app-info.json file and included the code which dropbox asked me to add in the code which is $oauth = dbx\AppInfo::loadFromJsonFile("../config/app-info.json"); in place of the second uncommented line but it's not working. It is throwing me this error.
ERROR : Exception of type 'Error' occurred with Message: Class 'dbx\AppInfo' not found in File D:\Ampps\www\softcake\application\libraries\Dropbox.php at Line 30
So can somebody please guide me what is it that I'm doing wrong and redirect me to some solution which would help me in configuring drop box in my app. Thanks in advance
I have installed the Xibo CMS 1.7 version and able to log in and use CMS properly. After that, according to the requirement, I have upgraded my CMS to 1.8 version. I have already taken the backup of all required files as well as the database. I have followed steps for upgrade CMS from 1.7 to 1.8 from this link.
I am able to upgrade to 1.8 from 1.7 but I am not able to log in into CMS. I have debugged the code and found that in session token is not stored. But in CMS version 1.7 I am able to get those session values. I have debugged below code in CMS files
public static function CheckToken($tokenName = "token")
if (!isset($_POST[$tokenName]) || !isset($_SESSION[$tokenName]))
return false;
if ($_POST[$tokenName] == $_SESSION[$tokenName])
// See if its still in Date
if (($_SESSION[$tokenName.'_timeout'] + 1200) <= time())
return false;
return true;
Debug::LogEntry('error', "Form token incorrect from: ". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. " with token [" . $_POST[$tokenName] . "] for session_id [" . session_id() . ']');
return false;
and below code from index.class.php file
function login()
$db =& $this->db;
$user =& $this->user;
global $session;
// this page must be called from a form therefore we expect POST variables
$username = Kit::GetParam('username', _POST, _USERNAME);
$password = Kit::GetParam('password', _POST, _PASSWORD);
$referingpage = rawurldecode(Kit::GetParam('referingPage', _GET, _STRING));
// Check the token
if (!Kit::CheckToken()) {
// We would usually issue a HALT error here - but in the case of login we should redirect instead
// Split on & and rejoin with &
$params = explode('&', $referingpage, 3);
$referingpage = implode('&', $params);
$session->set('message', __('Sorry the form has expired. Please refresh.'));
header('Location:index.php?' . $referingpage);
if ($user->login($username,$password))
$userid = Kit::GetParam('userid', _SESSION, _INT);
$session->set_user(session_id(), $userid, 'user');
Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'Login with referring page: ' . $referingpage);
if ($referingpage == '')
// Split on & and rejoin with &
$params = explode('&', $referingpage, 3);
$referingpage = implode('&', $params);
header('Location:index.php?' . $referingpage);
can anyone help me to resolve this issue?
I am trying to figure out how to programmatically create a "Account" in vTiger6.5 using its Web Services API.
I am currently using the official vtwsclib v1.5 PHP Library. The log in, appears to succeed and I can also successfully perform a doDescribe on the module, however doCreate returns 'false' no matter what I do.
Sample below. Am I missing anything?
$url = 'http://vtiger.mydomain.com/';
$client = new Vtiger_WSClient($url);
$login = $client -> doLogin('systemuser', 'O8nFgnotrealkey');
if (!$login)
echo 'Login Failed';
else {
$module = "Accounts";
$record = $client -> doCreate($module, Array('accountname'=>'S1',
'account_type'=>'Prospect', 'phone'=>'75584'));
if ($record) {
$recordid = $client -> getRecordId($record['id']);
$record: bool(false)
With $client->lastError() i now what my error ,I have create same mandatory fields
$module = 'Accounts';
$record = $client->doCreate($module, Array('accountname'=>'c2', 'account_type'=>'Prospect', 'industry'=>'444', 'phone'=>'4555',cf_753=>'Code',cf_755=>'45588','assigned_user_id' => '14x4'));
if($record) {
echo "done";
//$recordid = $client->getRecordId($record['id']);
//echo "Record ".$recordid;
else {
$wasError= $client->lastError();
if($wasError) {
echo "</br>last error : ".$wasError['code'] . ':' . $wasError['message'];
My prime aim is to get a page , parse the text and create a subpage periodically depending on the text. To get a page ,create and login, i have the following code .Php version-5.3.3,server:localhost
private function login($username, $password, $wiki) {
$response = $this->postAPI($wiki, 'api.php?', 'action=login&lgname=' . urlencode($username) . '&lgpassword=' . urlencode($password));
if ($response['login']['result'] == "Success") {
//Unpatched server, all done
} elseif ($response['login']['result'] == "NeedToken") {
//Patched server, going fine
$token = $response['login']['token'];
$newresponse = $this->postAPI($wiki, 'api.php?', 'action=login&lgname=' . urlencode($username) . '&lgpassword=' . urlencode($password) . '&lgtoken=' . $token);
if ($newresponse['login']['result'] == "Success") {
//All done
} else {
echo "Forced by server to wait. Automatically trying again.<br />\n";
$this->login($username, $password, $wiki);
} else {
if (isset($response['login']['wait']) || (isset($response['error']['code']) && $response['error']['code'] == "maxlag")) {
echo "Forced by server to wait. Automatically trying again.<br />\n";
$this->login($username, $password, $wiki);
} else {
die("Login failed: " . $response . "\r<br />\n");
Function to get a page is:
public function get_page($page, $wiki = "")//get page's content
$response = $this->callAPI($wiki, 'api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' . urlencode($page) . '&rvprop=content');
if (is_array($response)) {
$array = $response['query']['pages'];
$array = array_shift($array);
$pageid = $array["pageid"];
return $response['query']['pages'][$pageid]['revisions'][0]["*"];
} else {
echo "Unknown get_page error.<br />\n";
return false;
I have a problem with login. I always get Forced by server to wait. Automatically trying again regardless my password and id is correct. Infact the URI works properly if given manually.And if i try to create a page or get a category, i get the following error:
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at serverlocation/Phpwikibot.php:188) in serverlocation/includes/WebResponse.php
Can some one help me with this issue?
You say "localhost", so you have server-side access and you should be using the internal PHP API, not the web API. In particular, to edit a page you can use maintenance/edit.php. See a real world example I used for some Wikimedia wikis:
# Stuff
# Fetch stuff
echo -e $stuff
} | php edit.php --user "FuzzyBot" \
--bot --summary "Update stats" "Meta:Babylon/Translation_stats"
I'm trying to add microsoft login to an application I'm developing, but I'm repeatedly getting this error which I'm unable to understand.
The URL is :-
$client = new oauth_client_class;
$client->server = 'Microsoft';
//$client->redirect_uri = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].
$client->client_id = 'clietidhere'; $application_line = __LINE__;
$client->client_secret = 'secrethere';
if(strlen($client->client_id) == 0
|| strlen($client->client_secret) == 0)
die('Please go to Microsoft Live Connect Developer Center page '.
'https://manage.dev.live.com/AddApplication.aspx and create a new'.
'application, and in the line '.$application_line.
' set the client_id to Client ID and client_secret with Client secret. '.
'The callback URL must be '.$client->redirect_uri.' but make sure '.
'the domain is valid and can be resolved by a public DNS.');
/* API permissions
$client->scope = 'wl.basic wl.emails wl.birthday';
if(($success = $client->Initialize()))
if(($success = $client->Process()))
$client->error = $client->authorization_error;
$success = false;
$success = $client->CallAPI(
'GET', array(), array('FailOnAccessError'=>true), $user);
$success = $client->Finalize($success);
header("location: index.php");
echo 'Error:'.HtmlSpecialChars($client->error);
Here's a link to check online :- www.novostack.com/mcr/
I do have the correct settings in my developer console.
What seems to be the problem here?
All suggestions are appreciated.
Make sure that the "Root domain" under APP Settings is equal to your caller domain (www.novostack.com).
I start saying that I HATE OpenID, because it's poorly implemented/documented.
I'm trying to use "openid-php-openid-2.2.2-24". Here the source code: https://github.com/openid/php-openid
When I try to use the authentication example, it returns to me:
"You have successfully verified https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=[...] as your identity.
No PAPE response was sent by the provider."
but there's no shadow of email, nickname or fullname of google openid login data.
While reading the file ("/openid/examples/consumer/finish_auth.php"), I note that SREG variables have to be printed between the "You have successfully verified" and "No PAPE response" messages, but they don't:
$success = sprintf('You have successfully verified ' .
'%s as your identity.',
$esc_identity, $esc_identity);
if ($response->endpoint->canonicalID) {
$escaped_canonicalID = escape($response->endpoint->canonicalID);
$success .= ' (XRI CanonicalID: '.$escaped_canonicalID.') ';
$sreg_resp = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::fromSuccessResponse($response);
$sreg = $sreg_resp->contents();
if (#$sreg['email']) {
$success .= " You also returned '".escape($sreg['email']).
"' as your email.";
if (#$sreg['nickname']) {
$success .= " Your nickname is '".escape($sreg['nickname']).
$_SESSION['nickname'] = escape($sreg['nickname']);
if (#$sreg['fullname']) {
$success .= " Your fullname is '".escape($sreg['fullname']).
$pape_resp = Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::fromSuccessResponse($response);
if ($pape_resp) {
} else {
$success .= "<p>No PAPE response was sent by the provider.</p>";
I've tried to print the content of $sreg['email'], $sreg['nickname'] and $sreg['fullname'], but they return all blank contents (null/empty values).
I need to retrieve the email address of the account which users use to login in..
To get the question off the unanswered list, I post dante's answer here as answer:
I solved my problem.
Example usage of AX in PHP OpenID: Example usage of AX in PHP OpenID
After 2 days of research, I've just now found the answer ("but Google uses AX (attribute exchange) instead of SReg for additional data"). Why Google must always be so different?
However, the code in that stackoverflow answer page doesn't work for me (my hosting server returns 500 internal server error code).
So, I post here "my code" (it's so rough):
// Circumnavigate bugs in the GMP math library that can be result in signature
// validation errors
define('Auth_OpenID_BUGGY_GMP', true);
$path_extra = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
$path = ini_get('include_path');
$path = $path_extra . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path;
ini_set('include_path', $path);
function displayError($message) {
$error = $message;
include './index.php';
function doIncludes() {
* Require the OpenID consumer code.
require_once "Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php";
* Require the "file store" module, which we'll need to store
* OpenID information.
require_once "Auth/OpenID/FileStore.php";
* Require the Simple Registration extension API.
//require_once "Auth/OpenID/SReg.php";
require_once "Auth/OpenID/AX.php";
* Require the PAPE extension module.
require_once "Auth/OpenID/PAPE.php";
global $pape_policy_uris;
$pape_policy_uris = array(
function &getStore() {
* This is where the example will store its OpenID information.
* You should change this path if you want the example store to be
* created elsewhere. After you're done playing with the example
* script, you'll have to remove this directory manually.
$store_path = null;
if (function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) {
$store_path = sys_get_temp_dir();
else {
if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0) {
$store_path = $_ENV['TMP'];
if (!isset($store_path)) {
$dir = 'C:\Windows\Temp';
else {
$store_path = #$_ENV['TMPDIR'];
if (!isset($store_path)) {
$store_path = '/tmp';
$store_path = './tmp/';
$store_path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_php_consumer_test';
if (!file_exists($store_path) &&
!mkdir($store_path)) {
print "Could not create the FileStore directory '$store_path'. ".
" Please check the effective permissions.";
$r = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore($store_path);
return $r;
function &getConsumer() {
* Create a consumer object using the store object created
* earlier.
$store = getStore();
$r = new Auth_OpenID_Consumer($store);
return $r;
function getScheme() {
$scheme = 'http';
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) and $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
$scheme .= 's';
return $scheme;
function getReturnTo() {
return sprintf("%s://%s:%s%s/oid_ax_receive.php",
getScheme(), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
function getTrustRoot() {
return sprintf("%s://%s:%s%s/",
getScheme(), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
require_once "oid_ax_common.php";
// Starts session (needed for YADIS)
function getOpenIDURL() {
// Render a default page if we got a submission without an openid
// value.
if (empty($_GET['openid_identifier'])) {
$error = "Expected an OpenID URL.";
include './index.php';
return $_GET['openid_identifier'];
function run() {
// https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id
// $openid = 'http://openid-provider.appspot.com/';
$openid = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id';
// $openid .= getOpenIDURL();
$consumer = getConsumer();
// Begin the OpenID authentication process.
$auth_request = $consumer->begin($openid);
// Create attribute request object
// See http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/OpenID.html#Parameters for parameters
// Usage: make($type_uri, $count=1, $required=false, $alias=null)
$attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/contact/email',2,1, 'email');
$attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/namePerson/first',1,1, 'firstname');
$attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/namePerson/last',1,1, 'lastname');
// Create AX fetch request
$ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchRequest;
// Add attributes to AX fetch request
foreach($attribute as $attr){
// Add AX fetch request to authentication request
// No auth request means we can't begin OpenID.
if (!$auth_request) {
displayError("Authentication error; not a valid OpenID.");
/* $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::build(
// Required
// Optional
array('fullname', 'email'));
if ($sreg_request) {
} */
$policy_uris = null;
if (isset($_GET['policies'])) {
$policy_uris = $_GET['policies'];
$pape_request = new Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Request($policy_uris);
if ($pape_request) {
// Redirect the user to the OpenID server for authentication.
// Store the token for this authentication so we can verify the
// response.
// For OpenID 1, send a redirect. For OpenID 2, use a Javascript
// form to send a POST request to the server.
if ($auth_request->shouldSendRedirect()) {
$redirect_url = $auth_request->redirectURL(getTrustRoot(),
// If the redirect URL can't be built, display an error
// message.
if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($redirect_url)) {
displayError("Could not redirect to server: " . $redirect_url->message);
} else {
// Send redirect.
header("Location: ".$redirect_url);
} else {
// Generate form markup and render it.
$form_id = 'openid_message';
$form_html = $auth_request->htmlMarkup(getTrustRoot(), getReturnTo(),
false, array('id' => $form_id));
// Display an error if the form markup couldn't be generated;
// otherwise, render the HTML.
if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($form_html)) {
displayError("Could not redirect to server: " . $form_html->message);
} else {
print $form_html;
require_once "oid_ax_common.php";
// Starts session (needed for YADIS)
function escape($thing) {
return htmlentities($thing);
function run() {
$consumer = getConsumer();
// Complete the authentication process using the server's
// response.
$return_to = getReturnTo();
$response = $consumer->complete($return_to);
// Check the response status.
if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_CANCEL) {
// This means the authentication was cancelled.
$msg = 'Verification cancelled.';
} else if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_FAILURE) {
// Authentication failed; display the error message.
$msg = "OpenID authentication failed: " . $response->message;
} else if ($response->status == Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS) {
// Get registration informations
$ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchResponse();
$obj = $ax->fromSuccessResponse($response);
// Print me raw
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$pape_resp = Auth_OpenID_PAPE_Response::fromSuccessResponse($response);
if ($pape_resp) {
if ($pape_resp->auth_policies) {
$success .= "<p>The following PAPE policies affected the authentication:</p><ul>";
foreach ($pape_resp->auth_policies as $uri) {
$escaped_uri = escape($uri);
$success .= "<li><tt>$escaped_uri</tt></li>";
$success .= "</ul>";
} else {
$success .= "<p>No PAPE policies affected the authentication.</p>";
if ($pape_resp->auth_age) {
$age = escape($pape_resp->auth_age);
$success .= "<p>The authentication age returned by the " .
"server is: <tt>".$age."</tt></p>";
if ($pape_resp->nist_auth_level) {
$auth_level = escape($pape_resp->nist_auth_level);
$success .= "<p>The NIST auth level returned by the " .
"server is: <tt>".$auth_level."</tt></p>";
} else {
$success .= "<p>No PAPE response was sent by the provider.</p>";
include './index.php';
P.S.: to complete the opera of OpenID, although I solved my problem with user info / login data with Google, I still have one problem with Light OpenID (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10735708/lightopenid-openid-authurl-does-not-return-any-value).
If you want to help me, we will completely work out and conclude with the OpenID story.