PayPal REST API [Sandbox] - INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR on payment sale execute - php

i've been using PayPal REST API since some months to handle sale payments programmatically without problems, both on live and sanbox platform. From a couple of days I figured that, only for sanbox, is impossible to finalize (execute) payments using resource POST, indeed I get every time INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR response with status code 500.
Last response:
Got Http response code 500 when accessing {"name":"INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR","message":"An internal service error has occurred","information_link":"","debug_id":"2205fb9528a0f"}
Any idea about what is happening?

full disclosure, I work at PayPal leading developer advocacy.
There was an issue with sandbox today and we escalated it through to try to have it resolved. I'm being told that the issue should now be resolved. In my tests on sandbox, the payments are going through. Can you please let me know if you're still encountering the 500 errors? If so, I'll send that back to the team.

Others are experiencing similar issues:
I'm experiencing the same only when using 'paypal' as the payment type. Submit a ticket to paypal at:


Paypal transaction completed but empty response from api (Random)

I am using PayPal API of php. It was ok since 2 years but now its creating problems for some customers. Some of the orders are fine but for few users, the transaction is completed but API doesn't response (throw empty response).
I don't think it will be because of code issue. I am unable to track the issue. Anyone know, why it's showing the random behavior.
The interesting thing is, for the same customer, doing the second time transaction, it works fine. Totally random behavior. Please need expert suggestion.
Please contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support, provide with your PayPal account and API request example which go empty response.

Error L_ERRORCODE0=10486 returned from paypal

Let me try to explain the situation. Our site provide a payment via paypal, DoExpressCheckoutPayment method.
We tested the payment via the sandbox and everything is working fine.
Once we switch to production, the customer cannot make a payment and we get the following in our logs :
Response nvpresp=TIMESTAMP=2016%2d05%2d16T03%3a51%3a20Z&
This issue was not happening a week ago.
My understanding is that the error 10486 is the same as the 10417 but it allows us to send the customer back to paypal, which we are not doing.
Does this mean the payment fails on paypal side, or this issue is coming from our server?
Thank you very much for your comments/answers.
We finally found what was the issue.
In case the customer has its credit card blocked by the bank, this is the error returned by PayPal. In other words, the issue at the customer side.
I hope this will help somebody looking for the same issue.

php express checkout recurring created profile successfully but recurring not working

we have implemented express checkout very well.
we get ipn response for each transaction.
we done these thing in sandbox.
now we are making recurring payment with express checkout.
here the recurring profile is creating proper,
But i am not getting any ipn notification for transaction and also not any transaction is done for that profile.
Can anyone suggest me solution for this issue.
Help will be highly appreciated.
Recurring Payments transactions send IPN's just fine, so my guess is your IPN script must not be handling them correctly or maybe just "doing nothing" with them. For example, if you're only handling a specific txn_type, then you might be missing out on other stuff.
Log in to your PayPal account and check your IPN History and you should see a list of all the IPN's it's been sending. You can see if it's returning Success or Fail, there, because another possibility is that your IPN script is simply failing when a certain txn_type hits it.
Your own web server logs can be a big help when troubleshooting that sort of thing, too. If you are getting some IPN's, though, it would be sending them all, so something must be going on to make you think they're not sending when they are.

paypal sandbox completed the payment successfully, but my script didn't receive the ipn post call

I am developing with paypal sandbox, all the payment flow can go successfully without any error. I set up 'notify_url' in my form and this url can be successfully tested by Instant Payment Notification (IPN) Simulator.
Paypal sandbox told me the payment completed successfully but my ipn handler could not receive any requests.
by the way I am using this ipn library:
Can you confirm your IPN History is / keeps blank?
For me, it seems like Paypal is having Problems with their Sandbox IPN again.
They had similar problems till about 2 weeks ago:
I can confirm it was working again as the thread at tells but for about 2 or 3 days (I guess) I do not get any IPN anymore although the payment itself is processed fine.
There is already a new thread at that may cover our problem, but unfortunately there are no answers so far:
Btw: I'm pretty sure this is not related to PHP or the library you use since I have the same problems using Ruby and the guy asking at is using Java.

Paypal express checkout session expired / token invalid - Error 10411

i have a big Problem.
I build my own Shop and now i'm trying to integrate Paypal.
I successfully integrated Paypal with Sandbox. Now that I'm changing to the Live Mode an Error appears:
API Error 10411 - This Express Checkout session has expired. Token value is no longer valid.
It doesn't make any sense..
Normaly this Error appears if the client needs to much time to complete the transaction, but i don't need more than 30 seconds.
Actually everything works until reaching the return-Site, here comes the answer "FAILURE" and this error message.
The strange thing is, that everything works fine with Sandbox, but in the Live-mode my token is invalid. I checked the API Name, Password and Signature almost a hundred times and it should work.
Does anybody has any ideas why this Error appears?
Thanks for your help!
I had the same problem.
My mistake was :
- SetExpressCheckout was made toward paypal sandbox
- GetExpressCheckoutDetails was made toward real Prod Paypal
So double check that the Token you get from PaypalSandBox is used with PaypalSandbox (and same thing for real Paypal)
i had the same issue, and i was in sandbox mode when checking the token. so always be sure to test against the LIVE system and not the sandbox
