Is it possible? If I set $config['url_suffix'] = '/en'; in the file config.php itself everything is ok.
However if I want to set it like so: $ci->config->set_item('url_suffix', '/en'); in my hook class:
class Language_loader {
public function __construct()
public function initialize()
$ci =& get_instance();
$ci->db = $ci->load->database('english', TRUE);
$ci->config->set_item('url_suffix', '/en');
then it doesn't work! I get 404 Page Not Found. Oh, and hook is set up properly I tested with the above change of database.
Hook config in hooks.php:
$hook['post_controller_constructor'] = array(
'class' => 'Language_loader',
'function' => 'initialize',
'filename' => 'Language_loader.php',
'filepath' => 'hooks'
EDIT: Some more info I noticed, application redirects links properly with /en suffix its just when I get there instead of the site I get 404. So I guess it works but only half of it.
EDIT2: I can't set $this->config->set_item('url_suffix', '/en'); anywhere for that matter I tried various location throughout the script. I can set other variables in config file but not this url_suffix one. If I only knew when in the excecution codeigniter reads that value I could change it.
We have built out our own version of the tinyMCE editor in SilverStripe. The only issue is that you need to hit refresh for our custom configuration to be loaded. Once it has been refreshed once, it sticks for the rest of the session.
Our set up is as follows:
class BolierplateWYSIWYG extends Extension {
protected function defaults() {
$defaultEditorConfig = HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms');
'theme' => 'advanced',
'priority' => 1,
// More config options
return HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms');
public function getConfig() {
return $this->defaults();
Then, inside of Page.php we have the following:
... page functions ...
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
// Update WYSIWYG
$digital360Wysiwyg = new Digital360WYSIWYG;
... Page CMS configuration ...
Inside of our boilplate.yml we have:
- BolierplateWYSIWYG
How do I get this new configuration to load without requiring a page refresh?
Like #assertchris mention, my PR has now been merge so you can easily have multiple TinyMCE configs which should help you with you extension.
Setup your HTMLEditorConfig in _config.php like
Since you have to have an extension, you could have something like:
class BolierplateWYSIWYG extends Extension {
public function setEditorConfig($name = 'default')
The you can use it like this when setting up your CMS fields
$digital360Wysiwyg = new Digital360WYSIWYG;
$digital360Wysiwyg = new Digital360WYSIWYG;
This should work fine. Although be careful when changing some of the editor options like mode, as this can cause your refresh issue. an you shouldn't have to change theme or priority?
Might want to check this pull request:
You can customise your HtmlEditorField by calling setOptions in your _mysite/config.php:
'theme' => 'advanced',
'priority' => 1,
// More config options
This will work without the need to refresh a CMS page.
My website having feature requirement of blogging. I have to make blog which would look same like my website appearance.
How to combine CodeIgniter and Wordpress blogging(only) functionality such that it should look like within same website?
I have seen this question: Wordpress template with codeigniter. But didn't got much clue.
Seems like a bit of overkill.
Why not use a Restful service like json_api to retrieve your posts, then copy over the css file(parts)?
You do this you will need to create 2 files and modify 2 existing functions. One function is in CodeIgniter and the other is in Wordpress.
Here are the steps.
1.) Open your configs/hooks.php file and create a pre_controller hook as follows:
$hook['pre_controller'] = array(
'class' => '',
'function' => 'wp_init',
'filename' => 'wordpress_helper.php',
'filepath' => 'helpers'
2.) Create a new file in your helpers directory called 'wordpress_helper.php', and add the following code to it:
function wp_init(){
$CI =& get_instance();
$do_blog = TRUE; // this can be a function call to determine whether to load CI or WP
/* here we check whether to do the blog and also we make sure this is a
front-end index call so it does not interfere with other CI modules.
&& ($CI->router->class == "index" && $CI->router->method == "index")
// these Wordpress variables need to be globalized because this is a function here eh!
global $post, $q_config, $wp;
global $wp_rewrite, $wp_query, $wp_the_query;
global $allowedentitynames;
global $qs_openssl_functions_used; // this one is needed for qtranslate
// this can be used to help run CI code within Wordpress.
require_once './wp-load.php';
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
// Loads the WordPress Environment and Template
// were done. No need to load any more CI stuff.
3.) Open wp-includes/link-template.php and made the following edit:
if ( ! function_exists('site_url'))
function site_url( $path = '', $scheme = null ) {
return get_site_url( null, $path, $scheme );
4.) Copy url_helper.php from the CodeIgniter helper folder to your APPPATH helper folder
and make the following edit:
if ( ! function_exists('site_url'))
function site_url($uri = '', $scheme = null)
// if we are in wordpress mode, do the wordpress thingy
return get_site_url( null, $path, $scheme );
$CI =& get_instance();
return $CI->config->site_url($uri);
The steps above will allow you to dynamically load either your CI app or your WP site based on some simple filtering. It also gives you access to all CI functionality within WP of that is something you can use.
I have a library in code igniter that looks like class MyClass($options = array())
The file is Myclass.php
I have a file (config/Myclass.php) that looks like
$Myclass = array(
'something' => 'value',
'another' => 'value'
Which I thought should pass the $Myclass array in when I initialize my class, but apparently not?
What do I need to do to fix it?
AH I found the answer,
The array inside your config file must be called $config.
The name of the file must also be a lower case representation of the library file name.
LIB FILE: Somelibrary.php
LIB CONTENTS: class Somelibrary($options = array()){...
CONF FILE: somelibrary.php
CONF CONTENTS: $config = array('something' => 'value');
The way this usually works is that you pass in an array of options you wish to override, or pass in nothing to use the defaults.
var myObject = new MyClass(); // default settings
var myObject = new MyClass(array('something' => 'value2')); // override only "something"
Honestly, I wouldn't create your own file in config without a good reason; instead, just put the defaults in your class definition, and then override in your constructor:
class MyClass {
var $default_options = array(
'something' => 'value',
'another' => 'value',
var $options = array();
function MyClass($override_options = array())
$this->options = array_merge($this->default_options, $override_options);
// your code here...
Fast-forward to 2013, someone is still having problems with this. So my situation was the same but slightly different, so I thought I'd try to save someone else some time.
I was naming my config file after my extended class, that was wrong. The Config file should always be form_validation.php, (this is because eventually it is handed to the CI_Form_validation class and that's what it expects)
Thanks to the folks who answered this question above, I realized that I had to pass the config to the parent class and using codeigniter v2.1.3 I did it as follows:
public function __construct( $config = array() )
How do I auto load templates at mobile_views when I use $this->load->view and view by iphone or other mobile phone?
Check this
You can do it in two way.
Way 1: Its very simple. In the above answer (the link I have given) add following line in the end of MyController function
$this->load->_ci_view_path . = $this->view_type .'/';
You are done. You can simply load view like normal view load.
Way 2:
To autoload a view based on user agent, I think you can implement it using hooks. To implement this hooks you need to follow the following steps
Autoload user agent library in autoload.php
$autoload['libraries'] = array('user_agent');
Enable hooks in config.php
$config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
Not implement hooks on post_controller_constructor. Add following codes to hooks.php
$hook['post_controller_constructor'][] = array('class' => 'Loadview',
'function' => 'load',
'filename' => 'loadview.php',
'filepath' => 'hooks'
Now create a page named loadview.php under hooks directory having following code
class Loadview
public static $MOBILE_PLATFORM = 'mobile';
public static $DEFAULT_PLATFORM = 'default';
public function load(){
$this->CI =& get_instance();
$view_type = $this->CI->agent->is_mobile() ? self::$MOBILE_PLATFORM : self::$DEFAULT_PLATFORM;
$this->CI->load->_ci_view_path = $this->CI->load->_ci_view_path . $view_type .'/';
You are done now. You can simply load view like normal view load.
to load views from another dir aside from "views", i found this forum topic to be helpful
function external_view($path, $view, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE)
$full_path = $path.$view.'.php';
if (file_exists($full_path))
return $this->_ci_load(array('_ci_path' => $full_path, '_ci_view' => $view, '_ci_vars' => $this->_ci_object_to_array($vars), '_ci_return' => $return));
show_error('Unable to load the requested module template file: '.$view);
and you can work the rest from the controller.
I do this in my controller:
public function index()
public function load_mobile()
public function load_web()
In this way I can add different data to mobile and to web pages.
I also extend the default controller and add some useful extra features:
Enables the usage of master page/templates.
Can add css and javascript files.
Uses the _output method for controlling the controllers output.
Can load relative content with in the form of modules (views)
So I can manage better the different pages.
I just started using a PHP framework, Kohana (V2.3.4) and I am trying to set up a config file for each of my controllers.
I never used a framework before, so obviously Kohana is new to me. I was wondering how I should set up my controllers to read my config file.
For example, I have an article controller and a config file for that controller. I have 3 ways of loading config settings
// config/article.php
$config = array(
'display_limit' => 25, // limit of articles to list
'comment_display_limit' => 20, // limit of comments to list for each article
// other things
Should I
A) Load everything into an array of settings
// set a config array
class article_controller extends controller{
public $config = array();
function __construct(){
$this->config = Kohana::config('article');
B) Load and set each setting as its own property
// set each config as a property
class article_controller extends controller{
public $display_limit;
public $comment_display_limit;
function __construct(){
$config = Kohana::config('article');
foreach ($config as $key => $value){
$this->$key = $value;
C) Load each setting only when needed
// load config settings only when needed
class article_controller extends controller{
function __construct(){}
// list all articles
function show_all(){
$display_limit = Kohana::config('article.display_limit');
// list article, with all comments
function show($id = 0){
$comment_display)limit = Kohana::config('article.comment_display_limit');
Note: Kohana::config() returns an array of items.
If you are reading a group of configuration items for a controller, store them in class member ($this->config), if you are reading a single configuration item; read it individually.
I think first method (A) should be fine, it has lesser code and serves the purpose fine.
If you have site wide stuff that you want access to from "anywhere", another way of doing it may be to put something like:
Kohana::$config->attach(new Kohana_Config_File('global'));
in bootstrap.php. Then create global.php in the application/config directory with something like:
return (array ('MyFirstVar' => 'Is One',
'MySecondVar' => 'Is Two'));
And then when you need it from your code:
Kohana::config ('global.MyFirstVar');
But I suppose all of this comes down to where and how you want to use it.