I've got something that's strange for me. It's in Symfony Controller, but I don't think that matters. In the controller file, next to controller class I created a simple "class" with consts just to keep some things in queries more clear:
class ExportType
const EXPORT_EU = 2;
Of course there's only one namespace at the top. These constants are used in one of the controller's actions.
Every time I use PhpStorm's code autoformatting, that class is moved to the top of the file. OK, I don't mind and PhpStorm doesn't report any error here. But seems like PHP (or Symfony?) doesn't like it, because every time that helper class is on the top, there's a FileLoaderLoadException thrown, saying that class doesn't exist in this namespace.
When it's at the bottom, there's no problem. Is it normal? Should used class be declared after the class that is using it??
The problem probably comes from Composer, you code is simply not PSR-0/4 compliant which is convention Composer is using to autoload your files. You get an error because it can't find the file to load because of that.
It probably works if declared as second because the only place where you are using it is in your Controller. Use your constant somewhere else and it will automatically fail.
The following code is included by another file. My\Engine\Control is defined much earlier and extended all throughout my site with no issues. However in this one file I get the the error:
Fatal error: Class 'My\Engine\Control' not found in
/mnt/web/~/classes.php on line 6
namespace My\Engine;
// class Control {}
class RequiresAccount extends Control {
public function permissions() {
Yet when I try to put a dummy Control class in (uncomment the commented part) I get a different error.
Fatal error: Cannot declare class My\Engine\Control, because the name
is already in use in /mnt/web/~/Control.class.php on line 47
It seems impossible and I just can't figure it out. I write code like this all the time and just this one time...
All other files that require extending \My\Engine\Control function perfectly.
It seems that your using some custom autoload logic and some kind of optimizer which puts all the classes together into one file.
I would suggest sticking with PSR-4 standard & Composer library to support and maintain it.
This way your files will be organized and composer will take care of properly handling loading the files and optimizing the loading process for production. All you need to do is to include ./vendor/autoload.php file into your project and define the auto-loading strategy in composer.json file.
My problem seems to be around where I am declaring my classes. If I have everything in one .php file, the autoload, the Use declarations and my script that uses those classes within the same file it all works correctly. However, when I have my "Use" statements in a separate required file, I get class not found errors. I eventually want to instantiate class objects in a function, but I can't get past this issue.
My fault - I needed to have the Use statements at the top of every included file. Right there in the documenation, somehow I missed it.
I have a laravel 4.1 application, and I've created a folder in my app folder to store most of the logic.
these are the two main folders.
In my composer.json I have this in the auto load, and done a dump run.
"psr-4" : {
"Acme\\" : "app/Acme"
However I am getting, what I think are silly issues. For example my Acme/Models/Task.php has the following
namespace Acme\Models;
class Task extends \Eloquent {
public function job()
return $this->belongsTo('Job');
however when I run this, I get an error
Fatal error: Class 'Task' not found in vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php on line 780
In my Job.php I have the same namespace at the top of the file....
Must I manually import/use object which are in the same name space?
use Acme/Models/Job as Job; ? it seems like such a duplicate...
And in my Repositories folder when I set a namespace of namespace Acme/Repositories;, must I use items like
use Acme\Models\Job as Job;
I is, a bit lost!
Namespaces are relative so you do not need to add use to directly reference classes within the same namespace.
The error you are getting is because you need to fully qualify relationships to namespaced models so eloquent knows where to find them eg
In the case of your repository namespace, you will need to add a use statement in your file as you suggested, or reference the fully qualified namespace eg new \Acme\Models\Job();
On a side note, I know PHPStorm (and I'm sure other IDEs) will inject the namespaces for you which is super useful and saves you having to write use or the full namespace out every time you reference a class - worth checking out.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't read the question properly first time around - updated my answer.
On a web project there are two classes that have the same name. This was never an issue until now, because the two classes where never used at the same time / in the same script.
Now we require to use both classes in one script, and therefor got ourselves an "Cannot redeclare class" fatal error.
My question is: What options are there to resolve this issue?
The one possible solution would be to rename one of the classes in question, but it is something I would very much like to avoid - one of the classes is part of a third-party software that should not be modified at this level, to remain updateable.
I know there are namespaces - are they a valid option to this problem? I have never used namespaces until now.
Assuming we would put one of the classes into a namespace: Would this resolve the issue? Also, what measures would we need to take to access the now-namespaced class?
Namespaces would surely solve your problem.
For example I got multiple classes named 'core', but because they're all classes of a different namespace it doesn't give any conflict at all.
This does mean you have to go over all your code and refer to the namespaced class with the correct path.
$item = new doubleClass();
would become
$item = new \my_namespace\doubleClass();
Also make sure that your other scripts don't get namespaced otherwise it wouldn't be able to find the non namespaced class anymore.
How Namespace work:
consider we have 2 classes named User in file structure
with content
namespace Package1;
class user {...}
with content
namespace Package2;
class user {...}
and now for some reason we decide to use both in some class UserManager in:
with content:
namespace /Package3;
use package1/User as User1;
use package2/User as User2;
class UserManager {
public function __construct(User1 $user1, User2 $user2) {...}
I have two PHP apps which have twho class with the same name.
- app1 with a class "Project"
- app2 with a class "Project"
I have to use classes of the first app in the second one, but two class with one name cause an error ("PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Project ...").
I can't change class names.
I have to use PHP 5.2 (no namespace in PHP 5.2).
Is there a solution ?
May be :
use the class Project
undef this class (kind of "unset Project", is it possible with PHP ?)
include() the 2nd class
use the 2nd class
I don't know if it's possible with PHP (don't find any ressource about this) and I don't know a better way to manage this ...
I had this problem recently, with (embarrassingly) Joomla. I needed to find the versions of two different installations with one script, by loading up their two "version.php" files and then reading the class properties. But, of course, they're both called "JVersion", and it's impossible to require() both version.php files because of it.
After much thought, I realized eval() could take the place of require(). So I just read in the contents of the version.php files and change the names of the classes, then eval() that text, and then I can access both classes with different names. I bet you'd like some code. Here's what I ended up with...
$v15_txt=preg_replace('/class JVersion/i', 'class JVersion15', $v15_txt);
$jvold=new JVersion15;
$old_version = $jvold->RELEASE.'.'.$jvold->DEV_LEVEL;
$v25_txt=preg_replace('/class JVersion/i', 'class JVersion25', $v25_txt);
$jvnew=new JVersion25;
$new_version = $jvnew->RELEASE.'.'.$jvnew->DEV_LEVEL;
Just modify it so it loads the right two files for your needs and renames them as required. Sorry you had to wait over a year for it. :-)
It's hard to believe PHP doesn't have some kind of "undeclare($classname)" function built-in. I couldn't even solve this with namespacing, because that requires changing the original two files. Sometimes ya just gotta think outside the framework.
Whatever you are doing is wrong. Backup. Re-evaluate what you are doing and why.
If after that, you still need to do this. Pick an app, and do a find and replace on that class name in the app. If it was well designed, it should be unique and easy to do.
Document the hell out of the fact that you did this in whatever external documentation you are using.