Taking user input and inserting it into an associative array using PHP - php

I need to put user input into an associative array. The program asks the user how many people are in their group. Then it asks each person's name along with their order. It then proceeds to print out the group member's names along with their orders. My idea was to use a for loop to add each data set into the array. I think I have it all figured out except how to put the data into the array. Here is my code so far:
$people=readline("How many orders?");
for($i=0; $i<$people; $i++)
print("Order ");
print(" name: ");
print("Order ");
print(" order: ");
print("Total order:\n");
foreach($orders as $names=>$orders)
print(": ");

PHP has some of the best documentation of any programming language, so I would advise taking a peak at the array intro, which will show you exactly what you need to know.
As a tip, because you're going to be keeping track of multiple datums per order (name, food), and you will want to be able to associate these with each other later, you will be adding arrays to your $orders array. For example:
$orders[$i] = [$name, $food];
This can be accessed later using numeric indexing:
$orders[$i][0] // value of $name for order $i
$orders[$i][1] // value of $food for order $i
But, in this case, I would actually advise taking the next step and using associative arrays instead:
$orders[$i] = ['name' => $name, 'food' => $food]
This makes access much easier to remember and read:
$orders[$i]['name'] // value of $name for order $i
$orders[$i]['food'] // value of $food for order $i


How to display data without redundancy

i want to display in my system just one record with the same id.
for example: 01,01,02,02,03,03.
I just want to display 01,02,03.
The array_unique() function removes duplicate values from an array. If two or more array values are the same, the first appearance will be kept and the other will be removed.
$number = "01,01,02,02,03,03";
$result = implode(',',array_unique(explode(',', $number )));
echo $result; // output 01,02,03
Happy Programming

Assign random but even amount from an array to a list array in PHP?

I have two arrays. One array $People currently creates number of 44 individuals. Lets just assume currently its
$People = array('1','2',...,'44');.
I have another array of 15 elements.
$Test = array('A','B',...'O');
Now I want to be able to assign the test randomly to each individual. I know how to do this using random function in php.
Where it has got tricky for me and what I need help with is how can I even out the test array. What I mean by this is since there are currently 44 individuals (this array will grow in future), what I want is 14 test versions to have 3 individuals and 1 version would have 2. So I want the test array to even out. I also want it to handle as growth of $People array.
Ex: Test Version D will have individual '4', '25'. Every other version has three random individuals.
Few ideas I came up with are things like running random integer on $Test array and which ever gets highest/lowest gets 2 individuals and rest three. This would give a problem when I increase the size of $People array; to deal with that I though about using modulus to figure out what will be even number of $Test beforehand.
I can do this and other ideas but am pretty sure there has to be a better way to do this.
Clarifying your situation:
You want to distribute the values inside $People randomly amongst your $Test array. The problem you stated you are having is that the amount of values in $People isn't always perfectly dividable by the amount of values in $Test, and you aren't sure how to go about implementing code to distribute the values evenly.
Proposed solution:
You could obtain the values in a foreach loop randomly 1 by 1 from a shuffled version of $People and put them in a new array called $Result. You would also have a conditional checking if you have extracted all the values from the shuffled $People array: if($count>=$arrayCount) where $arrayCount=$count($shuffledPeople);. If you have obtained all the values, you first make the $bool value false (in order not to iterate through the while loop anymore, and then you break; out of the foreach loop.
$Result =[];//the array containing the results
$shuffledPeople = $People;
shuffle($shuffledPeople);//mixing up the array
$arrayCount = count($shuffledPeople);//finding the total amount of people
$count = 0;
$bool = TRUE;
while ($bool)
foreach($Test as $value)
$Result[$value][] = $shuffledPeople[$count];
if ($count>=$arrayCount)
$bool = FALSE;
To view the results, all you would need to do is:
foreach ($Result as $key => $value)
echo "{$key}: <br>";
if (is_array($value))
foreach ($value as $something)
echo "-->{$something}<br>";
echo "-->{$value}<br>";
I believe that this is what you want to do...
Assume that you have $people and $test arrays. You want to know how many people per test...
$ppt = ceil(sizeof($people)/sizeof($test));
Now, $ppt is the people per test. The next step is to shuffle up the people so they are randomly assigned to the tests.
Now, we can chunk up the people into sub-arrays such that each sub-array is assigned to a test. Remember, the chunks are random now because we shuffled.
$chunks = array_chunk($people, $ppt);
Now, everyone in $chunks[0] will take $test[0]. Everyone in $chunks[1] will take $test[1]. Everyone in $chunks[2] will take $test[2].

PHP spontaneously creates associative array where indexed array is required - using PHP arrays with Highcharts

I'm using PHP to retrieve data from an SQL database to produce a stacked column chart in Highcharts. The idea is that I'm taking the following piece of code to retrieve values from my database. This code should generate an array which then gets encoded to JSON and passed to Highcharts; this code produces a single 'part' of a stacked column, and the index determines which vertical bar that part is in. (So in http://www.highcharts.com/demo/column-stacked, the index would represent which fruit, and the data in this series would represent one person/color.)
The issue is that when I run this code, instead of ending up with an indexed array of data grouped by category, such as
[12,13,14,15] where each item is a category, I end up with an associative array where the indexes I specified in the code are turned into a string key.
{"1":13,"0":12,"3":14, "2":13, "5":15}
Because my indexes are being interpreted as associative keys and not as the indexed locations of the data inside the array, the data is now being added to locations in the order that I retrieved the data, and not assigned to a location in the array based on the index I give. Highcharts assigns categories based on location in the array, and not on key, so all my data ends up in the wrong categories.
Is there a way to get PHP to treat my carefully collected indexes as indexes and not as keys, and add my data points in the location in the array indicated by the indexes? I'm kind of new to PHP, and Java and C++ - the languages I've worked with before - don't have associative arrays, so any help you can give me in explaining and fixing this undesired behavior would be much appreciated.
Code below.
$variable indicates what the data is being sorted into categories by, and $r is the variable representing the array of the SQL query, so $r['variable'] is the category of this data point, and $r['amount'] is the data point itself.
$found = -1;
//if this is the first set of data being collected
if (count($category['data']) == 0){
$category['data'][0] = $r[$variable];
$series1['data'][0] = floatval($r['amount']);
//if it's not the first set of data, find out if this category has been used before
else {
for ($x = 0; $x < count($category['data']); $x++){
if ($r[$variable] == $category['data'][$x]){
$found = $x;
// if that category does not already exist, add it, and add the data
if ($found == -1) {
$category['data'][$count] = $r[$variable];
$series1['data'][$count] = floatval($r['amount']);
else { //otherwise, add its data to the data already in the current category. This will eventually yield an average, with $times1[] as the divisor
$series3['data'][$found] = floatval((floatval($series3['data'][$found]) + floatval($r['amount'])));
Go through with below code hope it will give some idea to resolve your problem --
$jsonstring = '{"1":13,"0":12,"3":14, "2":13, "5":15}';
$tempArr = json_decode($jsonstring, true);
asort(tempArr); // for sorting the array --
//run another foreach to get created an array --
$finArr = array();
foreach(tempArr as $key=>$val){
$finArr[] = $val;
$requiredjsonString = json_encode(finArr); // it will return your required json Array [12,13,14,15]
Edit: I advice also set JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK flag in json_encode();

Array is reassigning previous values into unset locations, PHP

I am trying to create a multidimensional array at run-time that queries and stores several MySQL results. For instance, let us say we have a table like so (is fictional, so please don't pick at the example):
2--103--yellow -- m
The need is to create an multi-d array that will store all the products per store. The result I would like is:
$storeArray = array[[[101],[blue],[s]],[[102,103],[red,yellow],[s,m]],[[104],[blue],[m]]];
here is the code I have:
$counter = 0;
foreach($storeIDs as $item){
$result = mysql_query('select whatever');
$rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
$tag[$i] = mysql_result();
$color[$i] = mysql_result();
$size[$i] = mysql_result();
$tempArray = array($tag,$,$color,$size);
$storeArray[$counter] = $tempArray;
The problem is, even though I have unset $tempArray, the third loop which should capture just
actually stores
I've tried setting $tempArray to array(), or array(array()). The data from the second loop always spills over into ANY future iteration that is of smaller size.
How can I get $storeArray to look like the goal above?
Thank you
You're unsetting $tmpArray, but it looks like you may need to also unset $tag, $color, and $size as well. There are better approaches with a slightly different data structure, but as is, have you tried this?
Effectively, you might set $tag[0] and $tag[1] in a loop that has two items. Then, for a loop that has one item you update $tag[0], but $tag[1] remains set.

Sorted Array of Objects

Is there any way to maintain a sorted array of objects?
For example, if I have an object with properties ID, Date, Name and a collection of these objects:
$col = array();
public function addNewObject($id, $date, $name)
$col[] = new Object($id, $date, $name);
//but instead of appending, it should place it by Name desc
If I call something like getObjects, it would return the items in the collection by Name desc.
I think there were some answers for getting objects back in a sorted order, but for efficiency, I would think it be better to sort at insert as the "sort by" variable in my case will never change.
So based on the comments, I should resort the whole array each time something is added but that seems a bit memory intensive...
Since the array would always be in sorted order to start out with I can identify the location where I want to insert by traversing the array (would this be efficient, is there a better way?). Once I find that how could I "insert" a new object into the array?
I do not imagine that the array will be very large but I would like to implement this the most efficient way possible.
If you're not keen on resorting the array after you add (although I'd recommend it; realistically this wont be a performance issue and it keeps the code readable.
However, if you definitely don't want to do this then you can, as you said, traverse the array and find out where to insert:
$col = array();
public function addNewObject($id, $date, $name){
//Find the index to insert at
$index = 0;
foreach($col as $i => $item){
if($item->name > $name){
//This item is after the item we want to insert.
//Use the previous index and stop traversing
$index = $i;
$col = array_splice($col, $index, 0, new Object($id, $date, $name));
Using array_splice to insert at an arbritary position thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/3797526/505722
this is a good example of a function that sorts an array from whatever key you want it sorted by
in your example you should run it like :
array_sort($col, 'Name', SORT_DESC));
take in mind that every time you add a new item to the array the whole array is sorted each time
