Calling wordpress previous_post_link function with an html link - php

In the midst of Customizing my new Wordpress site I would like to add next and previous portfolio post buttons to the single portfolio post page, and I've found that I can easily do so by pasting the following code:
<div><?php previous_post_link('%link', 'PREV'); ?> | <?php next_post_link('%link', 'NEXT'); ?></div>
Somewhere in the single-flv_portfolio.php page.
The only problem with this solution though is that I'm only able to place the links/buttons in the "portfolio frame" so to speak, and not in the actual content of every single post, which I would like to, for layout purposes.
I've tried pasting the same code within the contents of a portfolio post, using the backend editor, but to no avail. Wordpress, or my specific template (Wizard) seams not allow me using php at all - not even for something small like echoing out the current year in a dynamic copyright function.
Is it possible to maybe create the next and previous portfolio post functions in a custom .php-file, and then call them with an html anchor tag, and if so, how would I go about doing that?

Try something like this in your functions.php file:
function my_next_previous_link($content) {
$content .= 'some html here';
return $content;


Create entire content block in Advanced Custom Fields

I am new to ACF and am trying to understand how to create entire sections of content.
I can't seem to find any answers to this, though I am perhaps not phrasing the question correctly because of my limited understanding.
I have created my first website using ACF and Gutenberg where I have a separate php template for each block of content, which is then registered as a Gutenberg block. This works perfectly in that the content blocks can contain entire blocks of html/php and are always available but only appear on the page when they are chosen, making it very user friendly.
What I am struggling to understand is how you can insert an entire section WITHOUT Gutenberg - say using a shortcode.
At the moment if I have a structure like so:
<section class="reusable-block">
<div class="title-box">
<?php if( get_field('main_heading') ): ?>
<h1 class="hero-heading"><?php the_field('main_heading'); ?></h1>
<?php endif; ?>
If I use the shortcode [acf field="main_heading"] It will obviously output the contents of that field but how do I enter a shortcode that would enter the entire section on a needs basis across any page?
If I hard code it into the page template then the fields are always visible on the WordPress backend page, regardless fo wether they are being used, though if that's the way it has to be then I'll work with.
Unfortunately I need to use ACF with a page builder for a current project (I do not have a choice on this). This is the reason I cannot use Gutenberg and register blocks and will need to use shortcodes.
In short, is there a way to create an entire ACF block that would then contain html and acf fields, and even better that could be built in a separate PHP file as you would when using this in conjunction with Gutenberg.
I have watched about 3 courses online and read lots of resources, but this one thing still seems to allude me.
You already mentioned one possibility yourself: creating a custom shortcode for this.
Therefore, you either need to create a new plugin, or, append this to your (child) theme's functions.php:
function shortcodeHeadingBlock($attr, $content = null) {
if (! class_exists('ACF') ) { // will not work without ACF
return '';
$opts = shortcode_atts([
'field' => 'main_heading',
], $attr);
<section class="reusable-block">
<div class="title-box">
<?php if( get_field($opts['field']) ): ?>
<h1 class="hero-heading"><?php the_field($opts['field']); ?></h1>
<?php endif; ?>
return ob_get_clean();
function setupShortcodes() {
add_shortcode('headingblock', 'shortcodeHeadingBlock');
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'setupShortcodes');
After this, you can use the shortcode
anywhere across your page where shortcodes are interpreted. The shortcode first checks if the ACF-class is available which implies that the ACF functions should be available, too.
The shortcode also has an optional field attribute that defaults to 'main_heading', meaning you can also do
[headingblock field="another_acf_field_name"].
It then returns your code template and inserts the desired ACF field.
Just in case your .title-box CSS isn't available in the admin interface, you might have to enqueue it separately using the admin_enqueue_scripts hook. Regarding CSS, you will also have to make sure the full selector for .title-box doesn't contain additional classes/objects that might no longer apply when the shortcode places it into other places on the page.

How can I prevent HTML duplication in WordPress website?

I have written some PHP and HTML code to insert social share buttons at the top and bottom of each post.
Since the buttons appear twice on the same page, I had to copy paste the same HTML at two locations.
Is there any way for me to save the HTML code just once at some place and then output it using WordPress shortcodes or anything else like that? I just want to avoid copy pasting the same HTML whenever I need to add share buttons in different places.
The social media links are generated using the following code (similarly for other networks like Twitter etc.):
<i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i>
I need a way to get the premalink and title etc. properly from the shortcode function.
Well you can achieve this by using hooks. I use the_content hook here. So you don't need to alter any template system. Create a small function in functions.php in your theme.
function yourtheme_before_after($content) {
global $post;
$socialIcons = 'Facebook';
$socialIcons .= '<a>Twitter</a>';
$socialIcons .= '<a>Pintrest</a>';
$beforecontent = $socialIcons;
$aftercontent = $socialIcons;
$fullcontent = $beforecontent . $content . $aftercontent;
return $fullcontent;
add_filter('the_content', 'yourtheme_before_after');
Basically, you append the post content after your custom content, then return the result.
Note: You can modify the social icon part using css/html
EDIT :Added the global $post in the function, you can get pretty much everything related to post.

Dynamic title depending on page (DRUPAL 7)

Before I made the switch to Drupal (previously just static HTML), I had a div title in my header that changed depending on what page the user was on using the following code:
$title = "ABOUT US</span>";
$path .= "/includes/header.php";
include_once($path); ?>
The reason this worked, however, was because I was using static HTML... which means I had every page set to use its own Index.PHP, located at (for the About page, for example) public_HTML/about/index.php. Therefore, I could edit each page individually to my liking by editing its respective Index file...
Now, with Drupal.. instead of having so many Index.PHP files like I did before (which was messy IMO...), I want to have every page use the same page.tpl.php (with the exception of the front page, which uses page--front.tpl.php).
Can I somehow modify the above PHP code to display a different title using IF statements depending on what page the user is on?
For example... (I have no idea how to PHP code so this is just to give you experts an idea of what I would want..)
Ifpage=about, $title=About Us;
Ifpage=contact, $title=Contact Us;
Could this code all be in the same page.tpl.php?
Thank you so much!
Drupal 7 has a title field for each content type. Why don't you use that?
It shows by default and you can change it for every node.
It is this code in your template file.
<?php print render($title_prefix); ?>
<?php if ($title): ?>
<h1 class="title" id="page-title">
<?php print $title; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php print render($title_suffix); ?>
$title_prefix (array): An array containing additional output populated by modules, intended to be displayed in front of the main title tag that appears in the template.
$title: The page title, for use in the actual HTML content.
$title_suffix (array): An array containing additional output populated by modules, intended to be displayed after the main title tag that appears in the template.
See!system!page.tpl.php/7 for all the variables available in your page.tpl template file.
If you want to style one part different from the other you could use an extra field for it.
Or if you need to do something with the value (I wouldn't suggest this!!!).
switch ($title) {
case "About Us":
// Do something with the title
case "Contact Us":
// Do something with the title
case 2:
// Do something with the title
Here's a simple approach:
Add a new field for the content type
Call it title2
Render the two fields
Use css to inline align them and add styling
Here was my solution since I am unable to position a Drupal-based title block right next to a non-Drupal based logo DIV..
I created a div called .headertitle and positioned/styled it how I want.
My header.php is an PHP include file which is called by each page and the headertitle has a PHP condition..
<?php if(empty($headertitle)) $headertitle = "ASK REAL QUESTIONS, <br><span class='white'>GET FREE ANSWERS.</span>";
echo $headertitle; ?>
That way, if no text is declared for the .headertitle, it takes the default form of "ASK REAL QUESTIONS, GET FREE ANSWERS."
...Now, I had to figure out a way to actually declare text for the .headertitle depending on what page I was on...
I did this by using a custom template for each page (node) by using this file.. "page--node--nodeid.tpl.php".
So, for my ABOUT US page, I created a tpl.php file called "Page--node--7.tpl.php".. for this page, the 7 is the nodeid which is easy to find.
Then, I added the following PHP code to declare text for the .headertitle specifically on the ABOUT US page which looks like this...
<?php $headertitle = "ABOUT<span class='white'>.US</span>"; include('includes/header.php'); ?>
I'll do that for each page. :)

Getting WordPress Gallery to work in external PHP file

I am developing a custom site and I am pulling in data from a wordpress backend to display on my page. The page that I am developing is completely outside of the wordpress directory. So far I have figured out a way to get the content to display on my page, however if the content has a gallery in it, the gallery doesn't display correctly on my page. What I see is the shortcode text [gallery ids="35,29"]. I am assuming that I need to include some functions or some other files in order to get my page to render the shortcode correctly? Here is what I have in my file so far:
At the top of my file:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
function get_content($id) {
$post = get_page($id);
$content = apply_filters('get_the_content', $post->post_content);
echo $content;
then in the page I have the code to display the content:
<?php get_content(25); ?>
Can someone please help?
Use do_shortcode to allow the shortcode to filter through it's own handler's and functions. This will return the formatted content.
Replace 'get_the_content' with 'the_content' and running that through do_shortcode.

wordpress post/page content in code

i am trying to insert a post/page into one of my themes files and it wont display shortcodes or php
i have created a page called home in the wordpress admin-paned and inserted into my code the following:
<div id="home_page"> <!-- echos the content from the page "home" id:43 -->
<?php $home_id = 43;
$home_page = get_page( $home_id );
<?php echo $home_page->post_content; ?>
</div> <!-- end #home_page -->
and non of the shortcodes that i have in the page work.
i installed a php in post or page and tried useing php and it doesnt work.
when i insert
echo do_shortcode('[youtube_sc url=]');
directly into the code it works.
does anyone know y this happens?
thank you.
I got an answer in
I Quote:
You need to apply the filter the_content e.g.:
<?php echo apply_filters('the_content',$home_page->post_content); ?>
Also, you don't need custom shortcodes for youtube, just put the URL in the content (but not a hyperlink), and it'll be swapped out for a youtube player at runtime. No plugins or extra code needed thanks to oembed.
Thank You Tom J Nowell
The $home_page->post_content value is the exact post content as stored in the database. Echoing this does not give any of your shortcodes a chance to run.
You should use a "WordPress Loop" to display the content, as this sets things up to allow you to use template tags such as the_title() and the_content() - this will call the processing functions for shortcodes and other functions like wpautop() that "massage" post content for output.
If you don't want to use a Loop, you could output the content using
echo do_shortcode($home_page->post_content);
This will run the post content through the shortcode processor, giving the shortcodes a chance to run.
For more on how WordPress "massages" post content, you can look here:
