Google People API in PHP - php

I try to implement People API, after successfully OAuth2, when try to load people, error is:
Undefined property: Google_Service_People_Resource_People::$connections
This is lines who produce error:
$people_service = new Google_Service_People($client);
$connections = $people_service->people->connections->listConnections('people/me');
Am going by this tutorial,
and this:

I think you are looking for...
$connections = $people_service->people_connections->listPeopleConnections('people/me');

We've written a PHP Google People API library that might help. It makes implementing access to Google Contacts via the Google People API much easier than using Google's own library.
Example Usage
Retrieve all contacts
// Retrieval all contacts
foreach($people->all() as $contact) {
echo $contact->resourceName.' - ';
if ($contact->names) {
echo $contact->names[0]->displayName;
echo PHP_EOL;
Retrieve a single contact
// Retrieve single contact (by resource name)
$contact = $people->get('people/c8055020007701654287');
Create a new contact
// Create new contact
$contact = new Contact($people);
$contact->names[0] = new stdClass;
$contact->names[0]->givenName = 'Testy';
$contact->names[0]->familyName = 'McTest Test';
Update a contact
// Update contact
$contact->names[0]->familyName = 'McTest';
Delete a contact
// Delete contact


How to Return List of Project Tasks in ActiveCollab

Sorry this may be a trivial question but I am new to PHP. In the documentation to retrieve project tasks, the following code is provided to connect to an Active Collab cloud account:
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
// Provide name of your company, name of the app that you are developing, your email address and password.
$authenticator = new \ActiveCollab\SDK\Authenticator\Cloud('ACME Inc', 'My Awesome Application', '', 'hard to guess, easy to remember');
// Show all Active Collab 5 and up account that this user has access to.
// Show user details (first name, last name and avatar URL).
// Issue a token for account #123456789.
$token = $authenticator->issueToken(123456789);
// Did we get it?
if ($token instanceof \ActiveCollab\SDK\TokenInterface) {
print $token->getUrl() . "\n";
print $token->getToken() . "\n";
} else {
print "Invalid response\n";
This works fine. I can then create a client to make API calls:
$client = new \ActiveCollab\SDK\Client($token);
and get the list of tasks for a given project as shown in the documentation.
$client->get('projects/65/tasks'); // PHP object
My question is, what methods/attributes are available to get the list of tasks? I can print the object using print_r() (print will obviously not work), and what I really want is in the raw_response header. This is private however and I cannot access it. How do I actually get the list of tasks (ex: the raw_response either has a string or json object)?
Thanks in advance.
There are several methods to work with body:
$response = $client->get('projects/65/tasks');
// Will output raw JSON, as string.
// Will output parsed JSON, as associative array.
For full list of available response methods, please check ResponseInterface.
If you wish to loop through tasks, use something like this:
$response = $client->get('projects/65/tasks');
$parsed_json = $response->getJson();
if (!empty($parsed_json['tasks'])) {
foreach ($parsed_json['tasks'] as $task) {
print $task['name'] . "\n"

xero PHP variable which starts with {

A number of Xero accounts API samples have PHP variables which start with {
$invoices = {invoices:[{type: Invoice.TypeEnum.ACCREC, contact:{contactID:"00000000-0000-0000-000-000000000000"}, lineItems:[{ description:"Acme Tires", quantity:2.0, unitAmount:20.0, accountCode:"000", taxType:"NONE", lineAmount:40.0}], date:"2019-03-11", dueDate:"2018-12-10", reference:"Website Design", status: Invoice.StatusEnum.DRAFT}]};
I am struggling to understand how this can work. I am trying to use the API to create multiple invoices in the same call, I can do it fine in Postman so I know my code is OK.
I have tried following:
Using the documents
But for some reason I just can't find a way to make it work.
All our SDKs and documentation is generated from our OpenAPI specs. Generating runnable code in our docs is our long term goal. In the interim, we needed to offer "some" generated docs, but the JSON payloads are not meant to be used.
We have created a sample app that demonstrates different endpoints and displays the code used to make the call.
Here is the code you'll need to create an invoices
$result = $apiInstance->getContacts($xeroTenantId);
$contactId = $result->getContacts()[0]->getContactId();
$contact = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Contact;
$arr_invoices = [];
$invoice_1 = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice;
->setDueDate(new DateTime('2019-12-10'))
array_push($arr_invoices, $invoice_1);
$invoice_2 = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoice;
->setDueDate(new DateTime('2019-12-02'))
array_push($arr_invoices, $invoice_2);
$invoices = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Invoices;
$result = $apiInstance->createInvoices($xeroTenantId,$invoices);

Using Service Account to access Google Analytics API doesn't work

I'm trying to access my Google Analytics data using a service account. I've created one in the Developers Console and I've enabled the Google Analytics API in that same console, but somehow, I can't manage to pull data from the API.
I've used the script on this page.
My code is as follows:
$keyfile = 'google/key.p12';
// Initialise the Google Client object
$client = new Google_Client();
new Google_AssertionCredentials(
'', array(''), file_get_contents($keyfile)
$analytics = new Google_AnalyticsService($client);
$analytics_id = 'ga:UA-XXXXXX-1'; //!topic/analytics/dRuAr1K4waI
// get data for the last 2 weeks
$lastWeek = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 week'));
$today = date('Y-m-d');
// Test connection
try {
$results = $analytics->data_ga->get($analytics_id, $lastWeek, $today, 'ga:visits');
echo '<b>Number of visits this week:</b> ';
echo $results['totalsForAllResults']['ga:visits'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'There was an error : - ' . $e->getMessage();
Note: if it says "XXXX", that means I've removed part of the string for security purposes; the proper strings are in my actual script.
It should either display the number of users or a error, but I just get a blank screen. I'm sure the URL to the keyfile is correct.
Does anybody have suggestions on how to fix this? That would be much appreciated.
It looks like you are using your property Id (UA-XXXXX-1) in place of your view (profile) id. If you go to Google Analytics Query Explorer it makes it easy to see what your actual ga:XXXX view (profile) id is. Any given property can have multiple view's (profiles). This reference guide gives a good description of the parameters that this request requires.

How can auto post to google plus in PHP?

I find article about Post on Google Plus on
From that we find example shows how to create moment.
$moment_body = new Google_Moment();
$item_scope = new Google_ItemScope();
$item_scope->setName("The Google+ Platform");
$item_scope->setDescription("A page that describes just how awesome Google+ is!");
$momentResult = $plus->moments->insert('me', 'vault', $moment_body);
From Google APIs Client Library for PHP i'm not find api about Google_ItemScope, and Google_Moment is Google_PlusMomentsService.php. So can not try this example.
Anybody know about this? Or have solution can me try auto post on google plus using PHP?
i also found same problem, in new google + api they change class name try below code
$plusservicemoment = new Google_Service_Plus_Moment();
$plusService = new Google_Service_Plus($client);
$item_scope = new Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope();
$item_scope->setName("yout site/api name");
$item_scope->setDescription("A page that describes just how html work!");
//$item_scope->setImage("full image path here");
$result = $plusService->moments->insert('me','vault',$plusservicemoment);

PHP - Syncing MySQL Contacts with Exchange

As part of a PHP webapp I have MySQL contacts table. It is integrated throughout the app, allowing you add a contact, edit a contact or add a contact as a relation to another table. However, currently it is self-contained. The company would like it to sync with Exchange, so that contacts added to Exchange will show up on the webapp and contacts added on the webapp will show up through Exchange.
So I have two problems: 1) communicating with Exchange 2) syncing with Exchange.
As far as the basic communication goes, it looks like this library will be able to manage it However, I am quite lost as to how to manage syncing and don't where to start.
The build-in way to sync items is via function called SyncFolderItems. Basically to Exchange everything, including contacts is a folder, so you'll just pass CONTACTS as DistinguishedFolderId in your sync request.
The sync works by donloading all the items for given account in batches of max 512 elements and after each batch it gives you SyncState as a refernce point for Exchange to know where you left off. So it gives you ability to do incremental sync.
Now, that's one way of course, meaning Exchange -> Your DB. The other way it aeound you should preform atomic updates/request - the moment you change/add/delete item form your db you should issue adequate request to Exchange server to keep data in sync, elese it'll be overwritten on your next SyncFolderItems.
You can read up more on SyncFolderItems # MSDN
If you'd like to see example of SyncFolderItems you can take a look # python version of EWSWrapper, it's been added in recently. Although it's python, you can still get the basic idea how to construct the request / handle response.
Hope this helps :)
I am aware that this topic is pretty old. However, for future reference find a solution below. It is using the above-mentioned library php-ews.
I have also just added this to the official php-ews wiki:
// Define EWS
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices($host, $username, $password, $version);
// fill with string from last sync
$sync_state = null;
$request = new EWSType_SyncFolderItemsType;
$request->SyncState = $sync_state;
$request->MaxChangesReturned = 512;
$request->ItemShape = new EWSType_ItemResponseShapeType;
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::ALL_PROPERTIES;
$request->SyncFolderId = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType;
$request->SyncFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId = new EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdType;
$request->SyncFolderId->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdNameType::CALENDAR;
$response = $ews->SyncFolderItems($request);
$sync_state = $response->ResponseMessages->SyncFolderItemsResponseMessage->SyncState;
$changes = $response->ResponseMessages->SyncFolderItemsResponseMessage->Changes;
// created events
if(property_exists($changes, 'Create')) {
foreach($changes->Create as $event) {
$id = $event->CalendarItem->ItemId->Id;
$change_key = $event->CalendarItem->ItemId->ChangeKey;
$start = $event->CalendarItem->Start;
$end = $event->CalendarItem->End;
$subject = $event->CalendarItem->Subject;
// updated events
if(property_exists($changes, 'Update')) {
foreach($changes->Update as $event) {
$id = $event->CalendarItem->ItemId->Id;
$change_key = $event->CalendarItem->ItemId->ChangeKey;
$start = $event->CalendarItem->Start;
$end = $event->CalendarItem->End;
$subject = $event->CalendarItem->Subject;
// deleted events
if(property_exists($changes, 'Delete')) {
foreach($changes->Delete as $event) {
$id = $event->CalendarItem->ItemId->Id;
$change_key = $event->CalendarItem->ItemId->ChangeKey;
$start = $event->CalendarItem->Start;
$end = $event->CalendarItem->End;
$subject = $event->CalendarItem->Subject;
