I have a problem with orchestral imagine for laravel (https://github.com/orchestral/imagine). It's a wripper for imagine component, so I had been caught an error:
Class 'Orchestra\Imagine\ImagineServiceProvider' not found
what I doing wrong?!
I had been added nesseccary lines to config/app.php including this line.
So, solution is a right version of the extension. For Laravel 5.2 It's 3.2
As I mentioned in the question, I just upgraded the Laravel version of my project from 5.8.* to 6.0.*.
Now I am getting the below error:
In AppServiceProvider.php line 32:
Call to undefined function App\Providers\studly_case()
Is Laravel supposed to throw error in it's own core file ? I was invoking the following command when I got this error, so I suppose this happens with any artisan command:
php artisan list
I saw in docs, that the new function is Str::studly from Str class file. Is it ok to change in the AppServiceProvider.php ?
Referring to the Laravel 6.x docs, I just discovered that the function for converting the string's current case to studly case is moved to Illuminate\Support\Str class, and named as studly().
So I added that dependency and then replaced the studly_case() to Str::studly() in AppServiceProvider.php, and then was able to run the artisan commands just like before.
I wasn't sure that changing AppServiceProvider.php is standard way or not, but it did worked so I am posting the answer here, that way it'll help anyone else facing the same issue.
I am using symfony 3.4, but planning to update 4.0 in future.
So I reduce the bundle override step by step. ( it is prohibited in symfony 4)
For now I am planning to use template override in templtes directoly.
So I made the file here.
then cache clear
php app/console cache:clear
However it doesn't work.
My error messages are like this below.
Unable to find template "ApplicationSonataMediaBundle:Form:media_widgets.html.twig"
(looked into: /Users/whitebear/CodingWorks/httproot/myapp/vendor/knplabs/knp-menu/src/Knp/Menu/Resources/views,
Where should I check next??
your error message suggests, you have a call
somewhere (plus parameters). That syntax isn't used anymore, instead use:
as shown in the Symfony templating docs (it appears this changed from symfony 3.1 to 3.2, if the docs can be trusted).
exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'Class 'Watson\Sitemap\SitemapServiceProvider' not found' in
I'm trying to apply Watson Package for generating sitemap. But I saw that error. I cannot understand why that class is not found.
Vendor\watson\sitemap... everything seems there.
The problem is increased with every new package and could not explain to myself..
I tried composer dump-autoload... php artisan optimized...
Thank you...
In Laravel 5.1 the way you add service providers to your app/config/app.php file has changed slightly.
Instead of using:
Try using:
I'm using this LdapBundle.
I have already installed it, but I catch an error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\SecurityExtension::addSecurityListenerFactory() in C:\wamp\www\trainingboard\src\IMAG\LdapBundle\IMAGLdapBundle.php on line 41
I know that I have to change my Symfony version to 2.1. I tried to change folder Symfony in vendors, but after that I caught another error. So, I can't so simple change Symfony. Can you give me advice what to do?
P.S. Now I'm using the 2.0.9 version of Symfony
IMAGLdapBundle only works with Symfony 2.0.x
Instead you can try FR3DLdapBundle 1.6.x
I was trying to install MongoDB doctrine bundle as written in here
But when I ran the command
$ php bin/vendors install
It throws up the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method
C:\wamp\www\Symfony\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 245
I have followed the installation instructions to the word (which has not been much anyways...) and i have also double checked my installation... Is there something I am missing here?
Update : A similar problem is mentioned here, but even after following the answer there, i could not successfully configure DoctrineMongoDBBundle.
The latest changes in the Doctrine MongoDB repo have introduces this problem. To stick to a version before this happened, add this line to deps.lock:
doctrine-mongodb 5ccb18231218ce92c9d72295f69bebfe172ef5fb
Well, finally I managed to solve it by adding this to the deps file:
** note the
which is different from the previously suggested simple
version=2.0.0 or something similar...
I have a hunch that this problem occurs only on Windows, I hope someone could kindly confirm this.