I use laravel framework I want to use more than one guard in my route like :
Route::group([ 'middleware' => 'jwt.auth', 'guard' => ['biker','customer','operator']], function () {}
I have a script in AuthServiceProvider.php like below in boot section:
$this->app['router']->matched(function (\Illuminate\Routing\Events\RouteMatched $event) {
$route = $event->route;
if (!array_has($route->getAction(), 'guard')) {
$routeGuard = array_get($route->getAction(), 'guard');
$this->app['auth']->resolveUsersUsing(function ($guard = null) use ($routeGuard) {
return $this->app['auth']->guard($routeGuard)->user();
That work with just one guard in route like 'guard'=>'biker'
So how change that code in AuthServiceProvider.php to work with more than one gaurd in route
I know this is an old question but I just went through this issue and figured out how to solve it by myself. This might be useful for someone else. The solution is very simple, you just have to specify each guard after the name of your middleware separated by commas like this:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:biker,customer,operator'], function() {
// ...
The guards are then sent to \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate function authenticate(array $guards) which checks every guard provided in the array.
This works for Laravel 5.4.
Also works for Laravel 6.0.
Hi I have the following Lumen Route
$router->get('/end', function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) use ($router) {
$controller = $router->app->make('App\Http\Controllers\Legacy\EndLegacyController');
return $controller->index($request);
I am trying to give it a route name so that I can use redirect to redirect to this route like redirect()->route('name_of_route')
so far I have tried
})->namedRoute['end'] = '/end'; // No Effect
})->name('end') //Undefined function
but it didn't work
here's a list of present routes
Because of my certain requirement, I can't use ['as' => 'end', 'uses'=> 'ControllerName#Action']
you can use the following syntax: $router->get('/end', ['as'=>'name_here', function()]);
I am working with Laravel 5.5 and want to find out if the current route belongs to the auth:web middleware group. Is there a way to get this?
My routes:
* Guest routes
'middleware' => ['guest']
], function () {
Route::get("login", "Auth\LoginController#showLoginForm")->name("user.login");
Route::post("login", "Auth\LoginController#login")->name("user.do-login");
* All routes that require AUTH
'middleware' => ['auth:user']
], function () {
Something like below. Note I want the route group not the auth for the user:
Is this possible? I cannot seem to find this in the Laravel docs.
I am trying to achieve executing a popup modal on all guest route pages without having to check and maintain a list of routes to test against. Thanks.
You can modify the handle method in the guest middleware class \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated, something like:
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
// share a token to all views for this middleware:
View::share('is_guest_route', true); // <-- this line is added
if (Auth::guard($guard)->check()) {
return redirect('/home');
return $next($request);
Make sure to also add:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;
in the use-section of the file.
Now, in every view (blade file), you can do:
#if (isset($is_guest_route))
// do whatever is needed for guest routes
Fixed it with workaround. Added web. or app. prefix to all route names and now I search for this.
#if(substr(\Request::route()->getName(), 0, 4) !== 'web.')
with now the routes having changed to: web.user.login
I have following route group for admin panel
Route::prefix('admin')->group(function (){
I want to wrap this route to a new route e.g asda12asda
so that old behavior :
is changed to :
not allowing old route. I don't want to change it internally from the system and want to find some efficient Laravel way to achieve it.
Redirect the old route to a new route
Route::prefix('admin')->group(function (){
Route::any('login', function () {
// Redirect to new route
redirect()->route('new route');
by creating a new route and mapping it accordingly
Route::prefix('asda12asda')->group(function () {
Route::any('login', function () {
// Do whatever you were about to do
})->name('new route');
If you are using Laravel 5.4 then you can add a new route file. Assume your route name is
adsp.php then add it to RouteServiceProvider.php like this.
protected function mapApiRoutes()
'middleware' => 'web',
'namespace' => $this->namespace,
], function ($router) {
require base_path('routes/adsp.php.php');
In laravel I've simply done this:
Route::group(["middleware" => "admin"], function() {
Route::get("/", "UserController#index")->name("user_index");
Route::group(["middleware" => "user", "as" => "User::"], function() {
Route::get("/", "DocumentController#index")->name("user_index");
The problem is when I am logged in as my Admin auth middleware, when going to "/" my browser returns too many redirects and stops. I'm guessing because the second route is removing this as when I print out php artisan route:list there is only one result for "/" and that's with the user middle's parameters so it's defo overriding the previous route.
What I don't understand is why would it do this is both have a separate middleware?
Both middlewares are extremely simple. Below is my admin
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ( Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole("customer_service") )
return $next($request);
return redirect("/");
And my user's middleware is exactly alike except the role is different
This is probably wrong but this is what I did to fix this particular issue with the above.
public function index() {
return \Auth::user()->hasRole("trainer") ? \App::call("App\Http\Controllers\Trainer\UserController#index")
: \App::call("App\Http\Controllers\User\UserController#index");
I am trying to cache entire response using middleware
Steps i followed
Generated two middleware
With in BeforeCacheMiddleware:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$key = $request->url();
if(Cache::has($key)) return Cache::get($key);
return $next($request);
With in AfterCacheMiddleware
public function handle ($request, Closure $next)
$response = $next($request);
$key = $request->url();
if (!Cache::has($key)) Cache::put($key, $response->getContent(), 60);
return $response;
Registered middleware in $routeMiddleware array of kernal.php
'cacheafter' => 'App\Http\Middleware\AfterCacheMiddleware',
'cachebefore' => 'App\Http\Middleware\BeforeCacheMiddleware',
With in routes.php i am calling this dummy routes like this
Route::get('middle', ['middleware' => 'cachebefore', 'cacheafter', function()
echo "From route";
only cachebefore middleware is getting called. cacheafter is not getting called at all
Can anyone suggest what i am missing here ?
I found this question while I was looking for solution myself. I am aware that there is the Flatten package which does this caching, but I couldn't find nice examples on how to do this by myself. The solution attempt in this question contains ideas that were useful for my own solution, although I chose to go with a single middleware only.
Although the question is old and asker probably doesn't need the answer anymore, I will share my solution here as I feel that SO (and internet) lacks this caching sample for Laravel 5. I will try to explain as much as I can, but for most benefit you should be familiar with Routing, Caching and Middlewaring in Laravel 5. So here goes the solution:
Create a middleware, those are usually placed in app/Http/Middleware folder and I will call the file CachePage.php
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;
use Cache;
class CachePage
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$key = $request->fullUrl(); //key for caching/retrieving the response value
if (Cache::has($key)) //If it's cached...
return response(Cache::get($key)); //... return the value from cache and we're done.
$response = $next($request); //If it wasn't cached, execute the request and grab the response
$cachingTime = 60; //Let's cache it for 60 minutes
Cache::put($key, $response->getContent(), $cachingTime); //Cache response
return $response;
Change $key according to your needs... You have all the $request with all the parameters... Change Cache::put($key, $value, $minutes) to Cache::forever($key, $value) if you will clear the cache manually and don't want it to ever expire.
Using the URL as key for storing cache is usable in most cases, but one might think of something more appropriate for a certain project.
Registering middleware
Register it in app/Http/Kernel.php by adding the middleware to $routeMiddleware array like this:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
/* ... */
/* Other middleware that you already have there */
/* ... */
'cachepage' => \App\Http\Middleware\CachePage::class,
Of course, you should change \App\Http\Middleware\CachePage if you placed it elsewhere or gave it another name. Also the key name cachepage is up to you - it will be used to invoke the middleware.
In your app/Http/routes.php use the middleware just like auth or other middlewares, for example, you might make a route group for all the pages that should be cached:
Route::group(['middleware' => 'cachepage'], function ()
Route::get('/', 'HomeController#home');
Route::get('/contacts', 'SectionController#contacts');
The list of middlewares has to be inside square brackets:
Route::get('middle', ['middleware' => ['cachebefore', 'cacheafter'], function()
echo "From route";