Laravel 5 - how to perform left join on same table - php

In my application, there's two tables at the moment: users and employees. The latter is simply a profile table for the boilerplate users table that ships with Laravel.
I have two foreign keys inside of employees, one is user_id that points to id on users table. So basically, the profile data of the registered user. The second foreign key in employees is manager_id. That is the id of the person who is the manager of an employee. Some users are managers and have a blank manager_id field.
I want to retrieve the row from my Employee model where the user_id matches the manager_idand then send them all to my view, where they will see the first_name and last_name of the manager. At the moment I see the manager ID instead of their name.

Sample LeftJoin =>
DB::connection('testing')->table('table1 as t1')
->select('t1.column, t2.column')
->leftJoin('table2 as t2','t2.client_id','=','')

Try some thing like this:
$users = DB::table('users t1')
->join('users t2', '', '=', 't2.user_id')
->select('your column list')
// here we are creating 2 aliases for users table which make it self join

In your Employees model add the following method:
public function manager()
return $this->hasOne('App\User', 'id', 'manager_id');
You can then get the name of the Manager like this:
$employee = \App\Employee::find(1);
$manager = $employee->manager()->first();
$manager_name = $manager->name;


laravel query builder: join dependent on primary content

I'm using luman and Database Query Builder to fetch full user info from database.
First, Please Take a lock at my database structure:
I have a table called users and a series of other tables that are related to user groups (Ex: secretaries, patients, doctors and admins) which stores additional information about the users.
Also To determine user access, I have a level column on user table which can have one of this value as enum: 'admin', 'doctor', 'secretary', 'patient'.
So, I want to get this information using one query by join and select.
My training code is something like this:
$userInfo = User::where("userID", $userID)
->join('[GROUP_TABLE_NAME]', function ($join) {
$join->on('user.userID', '=', '[GROUP_TABLE_NAME]' .'.'.
'[GROUP_NAME]' . 'ID');
The GROUP_NAME comes from level column on user table and the GROUP_TABLE_NAME can be built based on the GROUP_NAME value(Ex: ['secretary' => 'secretaries' , 'patient' => 'patients' , ...]).
Any idea to handle the join structure using laravel query builder?
First you should be aware of the fact that this code architecture is not convenient and not easy to understand for other developers.
You can achieve your goal by using union and join.
Just convert this query for laravel builder or use it directly with DB::statement: select users.*, from users left join (( select secretaries.* from secretaries ) UNION (select doctors.* from doctors)) infos ON = infos.user_id where
The easiest way to do it is to fetch info in two queries, both indexed and fast: user from users by primary key and then info by indexed field user_id in it. Create Doctorinfo, Admininfo models and correspondent migrations. So user class can be smth like this:
public function getInfo() {
switch($this->level) {
return $this->doctorinfo;
private function doctorinfo() {
You can use left join to join all sub tables as well. The following builder selects info column.
User::where("userID", $userID)->limit(1)
->leftJoin('patients', '', '=', 'patients.user_id')
->leftJoin('doctors', '', '=', 'doctors.user_id')
->leftJoin('admins', '', '=', 'admins.user_id')
->select('users.*', DB::raw('IF(users.level="admin",, (IF users.level="doctors",,'))

Handling relationship in model in laravel

I am learning relationships in Laravel php framework and I am trying to build this query
SELECT * FROM users u INNER JOIN link_to_stores lts ON INNER JOIN stores s ON lts.store_id=s.store_id WHERE lts.privilege = 'Owner'
I built this in Model
public function store()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Store');
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
public function store_links()
return $this->hasMany('App\Link_to_store');
public function user_links()
return $this->hasMany('App\Link_to_store');
I tried this query but this only joins user and link_to_store table
$personal_stores = Auth::user()->store_links->where('privilege','=','Owner');
Now I am confused how to join store table too. Can anyone help with this?
Schema is like this
Stores Table
store_id store_name
Users Table
id name
Link_to_stores Table
id store_id user_id privilege
I suppose store_links is actually a pivot table. In this case, you can use belongsToMany(), this will automatically take care of the pivot table.
To do this, in your User model you change the store function to this:
function stores() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Store', 'store_links', 'user_id', 'store_id')->withPivot('privilege');
Because the primary key of stores is not id, you will have to define this in you Store model with the following line:
protected $primaryKey = 'store_id';
Now to get the stores for a user, you simply call
$stores = Auth::user->stores()->wherePivot('privilege', 'Owner')->get();
I am learning relationships in Laravel php framework and I am trying to build this query
SELECT * FROM users u INNER JOIN link_to_stores lts ON INNER JOIN stores s ON lts.store_id=s.store_id WHERE lts.privilege = 'Owner'
You are trying to do a join here. You can do a join like this:
$stores = User::join('link_to_stores as lts', '', '=', 'lts.user_id')->join('stores as s', 'lts.store_id', '=', '')->where('lts.privilege', 'Owner')->get();
But like Jerodev pointed out, it seems like Many to Many relationship might make more sense in your case. The difference is that relationship will actually execute 2 queries (1 for original model, 1 for relationship). It will then attach the related models to the original model (which is extremely handy).

Retrieve distant relation through has-many-through for many-to-many relation in Laravel

I have the following models in my application
which have the following relationships
User and Group have a many-to-many relationship
Task and Group have a many-to-many relationship
So basically a user can belong to more than one group and each group can have more than one task.
Following is the table structure.
group_id (foreign key with groups table)
user_id (foreign key with users table)
group_id (foreign key with groups table)
task_id (foreign key with tasks table)
Now I want to retrieve all the tasks for the user.
I tried the following approaches and both didn't work.
Approach 1
$user->groups() gives the list of groups for a user
$group->tasks() gives the list of tasks for a group
So I tried
$user->groups()->tasks() but it didn't work.
Approach 2
I tried Has Many Through by adding this to my User model
public function tasks()
return $this->hasManyThrough(Task::class, Group::class);
but even that didn't work. The following is the error that I am getting
QueryException in Connection.php line 713:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'groups.user_id' in 'field list' (SQL: select `tasks`.*, `groups`.`user_id` from `tasks` inner join `groups` on `groups`.`id` = `tasks`.`group_id` where `groups`.`user_id` = 1)
My guess is that this is happening because it is expecting one-to-many relationship, but I have a many-to-many relationship.
So is there a way to retrieve it without getting all groups and then looping through them?
User Model
public function groups()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Group');
Group Model
public function tasks()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Task');
Task Model
public function groups()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Group');
Retrieving all tasks for a user.
$user = User::find(1);
$tasks = $user->groups->pluck('tasks')->collapse();
You can also take a look at the extension of the HasManyThrough here:
It helps you to retrieve many sub-levels of your relationships.
In your case, it would be
User -> belongsToMany(Groups) -> blongsToMany (Tasks)
just add your method to the user model like:
public function tasks()
return $this->hasManyDeep(

How to get list depending on condition over the relation in Laravel

I have a User and Role entity, with a Many-to-Many relation. In my role table I have a column named visible that stores a boolean value. If a user has a role (at least one amongst others) which is not visible I want to exclude him from the result set.
I can get the related roles in my query and just iterate through them and find out that way, but what I really would like to do is just have my query only return the users with all roles that are visible instead of filtering the query afterwards.
Something like :
public function scopeVisible($query)
$query->whereHas('roles', function($q){
// and here i want to find that thing out
Lets first identify the tables we're working with
id - integer
name - string
id - integer
visible - bool in the form of SMALLINT 0 or 1
user_id - integer
role_id - integer
We'll solve it in plain old SQL first. Like this:
INNER JOIN user_role ON user_role.user_id =
INNER JOIN role ON = user_role.role_id
HAVING COUNT(user_role.user_id) = SUM(role.visible);
The key here is the HAVING statement. We do a count on the amount of roles a user has and then we do a sum on the visible column. If all roles are visible then the amount of relations a user has to roles will equal the amount of visible roles.
Now to convert this into Laravel speak. In order to do this we'll have to use Laravel's query builder.
$visibleUsers = DB::table('user')
->join('user_role', 'user_role.user_id', '=', '')
->join('role', '', '=', 'user_role.role_id')
->havingRaw('COUNT(`user_role`.`user_id`) = SUM(`role`.`visible`)')
I'm not familiar with whereHas but I would try something like this
public function scopeVisible($query)
return $query->whereHas('roles', function($q) {
$q->where('visible', '=', true);
And then use it: $usersVisible = User::visible()->get();

codeigniter join changing id from one table's id to another

I have this code for an active record query in codeigniter:
$this->db->join('user', ' = purchase_req.owner_id', 'inner');
$this->db->where('user.employer_id', $User->employer_id);
$Purchase_req = $this->Purchase_req->find();
In a view without the join statement, $Purchase_req->id would return the actual purchase request id. In the view with the join, $Purchase_req->id returns the user id. How can I join the tables together, and still get the purchase request id, instead of it changing to the
The id you want to achieve is the ambiguous for mysql because the both tables have the id columns therefore when you tries to access the $Purchase_req->id it will return the last id column which is from the purchase_req table you need to assingn the unique aliases for the same columns in the joined table like
$this->db->select('`user`.*,`purchase_req`.*,`user`.id AS user_id')
$this->db->join('user', ' = purchase_req.owner_id', 'inner');
$this->db->where('user.employer_id', $User->employer_id);
$Purchase_req = $this->Purchase_req->find();
Now when you echo $Purchase_req->user_id it will return the
