move_uploaded_file() function does not upload to my folder - php

I'm making a ecommerce website with a CMS where I can edit, add products etc, when I add a product and choose and image from my computer it does not upload to my folder I made for images "uploads".
Does anyone know the solution to this, it's probably in my code but I can't seem to figure it out.
If I manually add the image to the folder uploads and choose the image when I add the product the image shows.
Here is my code:
function add_product() {
if(isset($_POST['publish'])) {
$product_title = escape_string($_POST['product_title']);
$product_category_id = escape_string($_POST['product_category_id']);
$product_price = escape_string($_POST['product_price']);
$product_description = escape_string($_POST['product_description']);
$short_desc = escape_string($_POST['short_desc']);
$product_quantity = escape_string($_POST['product_quantity']);
$product_image = escape_string($_FILES['file']['name']);
$image_temp_location = escape_string($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
move_uploaded_file($image_temp_location, UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . DS . $product_image);
$query = query("INSERT INTO products(product_title, product_category_id, product_price, product_description, short_desc, product_quantity, product_image) VALUES('{$product_title}', '{$product_category_id}', '{$product_price}', '{$product_description}', '{$short_desc}', '{$product_quantity}', '{$product_image}')");
$last_id = last_id();
set_message("New Product with id {$last_id} was Added");
The UPLOAD_DIRECTORY is a path that I have configured in a file named config.php and it looks like this:
defined("UPLOAD_DIRECTORY") ? null : define("UPLOAD_DIRECTORY", __DIR__ . DS . "uploads");


unlink is showing error that is not present

I am trying to delete image from server but unlink is showing error that is not a error at all. My code is given below:
private function delete_image($ad_id){
$sql = "SELECT image1,image2,image3 from ads where AdId = ?";
$query = $this->db->query($sql,array($ad_id));
//for fetching result
$result = $query->result_array();
//to make a array of all images
$img = [$result[0]['image1'],$result[0]['image2'],$result[0]['image3']];
$i = 0;
while ($img[$i]!= "edubuylogo.png" && $i<3){
and the link to image is http://localhost/edubuy/uploads/IMG_20180120_210433.jpg
And image is perfectly loading.
The error is Message:
unlink(/uploads/IMG_20180120_210433.jpg): No such file or directory
It seems that your computer is confused, and you should specify an absolute path. In CodeIgniter you can use the FCPATH constant, so do like this:
unlink( FCPATH . 'uploads/' . $img[$i] );
That assumes your index.php file is inside edubuy. If it's not then:
unlink( FCPATH . 'edubuy/uploads/' . $img[$i] );

magento addImageToMediaGallery is not working

i was trying to add images into magento products programmatically but no luck.
i find the function addImageToMediaGallery can do that but its not working
$p = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($id);
// save product
foreach ($imgs as $k => $img) {
$img_path = Mage::getBaseDir('media'). $img;
if( !$k ) {
$p->addImageToMediaGallery( $img_path , array('small_image', 'thumbnail', 'image'), false, false);
} else {
$p->addImageToMediaGallery( $img_path , array(), false, false);
what i know
product is loading successfully i try $p->getName() and i get the title
the paths are correct, images do live in /home/tronixco/public_html/caskyco/media/temp_images/dji_phantom_4_drone_4k_hd_camerea_3_axis_gimbal_5km_range_with_28_minutes_flight_time_manfrotto_bag_pack_4_.jpg
addImageToMediaGallery is doing some work as it copy the images to catalog/product/d/j...
in the admin panel product_edit there is nothing , like no image have been uploaded what so ever
im running an external script and not getting any logs in var folder neither any error in error_logs files
this whole code is running inside a function product_add_images( $id , $images )
magneto version is
require_once 'app/Mage.php';
$importDir = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'bulkimages/101/';
$productsData = array('Purple-Crown-Ring-MFAS.jpg','Purple-Crown-Ring-MFC.jpg','Purple-Crown-Ring-MSAS.jpg','Purple-Crown-Ring-MSF.jpg');
$productSKU = '111';
$ourProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku',$productSKU);
foreach($productsData as $fileName){
$filePath = $importDir.$fileName;
if (file_exists($filePath)) {
$ourProduct->addImageToMediaGallery($filePath, array('image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail'), false, false);
echo "done ";
} else {
echo $productSKU . " not done";
echo "<br>";

PHP move_uploaded_file not uploading

I'm trying to upload an image on blog but it just doesn't do it. No error mesgs, just doesn't upload it. Checked permissions on the folder and they work when i place the image in the images folder but not when adding a post.
Below is the code im using.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
$post_image = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$post_image_temp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
$post_content = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['post_content']);
$post_tags = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['post_tags']);
$post_status = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['post_status']);
// $post_comment_count = 4; //THIS NEEDS TO BE DYNAMIC
move_uploaded_file($post_image_temp,"../images/".$post_image) ;
// if(!move_uploaded_file($post_image_temp,"../images/".$post_image)){
// echo 'Moved successfully:';
// }else{
// print_r(error_get_last());
// }
$query = "INSERT INTO posts(post_category_id, post_title, post_author, post_date, post_image, post_content, post_tags, post_status)";
$query .= "VALUES ({$post_category_id},'{$post_title}','{$post_author}',now(),'{$post_image}','{$post_content}','{$post_tags}','{$post_status}') ";
$create_post_query = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
move_uploaded_file($post_image_temp,"../images/".$post_image) ;
__DIR__ . "/../images/" . $post_image
Change these
move_uploaded_file("$post_image_temp,","../images/" . $post_image) ;
to these
move_uploaded_file("$post_image_temp,", "images/" . $post_image) ;
if(move_uploaded_file($post_image_temp, "images/" . $post_image)){
Tested and works fine now!
you can use below code for acessing images folder
move_uploaded_file($post_image_temp,dirname(__FILE__)."/images/".$post_image) ;
but you should make sure images folder exists in same folder as the php file. If images folder is in an higher directory than your php file then use

Store image in new directory in PHP

so i can upload my photo from my Android app fine to /var/www/html/ProductPhotos but when i want to get the name of the Product and use that as the name of the new directory and image name then its not working. I create the new directory and /var/www/html/ProductPhotos with 777 permissions (even though its super bad) but for now its what i need. here's my PHP code:
$ProductAccountName = $_POST['ProductAccountName'];
$ProductName = $_POST['ProductName'];
$ProductImage = $_POST['EncodedImage'];
$NewDirectory = "/var/www/html/ProductPhotos/" . $ProductAccountName;
mkdir($NewDirectory, 0777, true);
//$DecodedProductImage = base64_decode("$ProductImage");
//$ProductName = $ProductName .".JPG";
file_put_contents("/var/www/html/ProductPhotos/" . $ProductAccountName, $ProductName . ".JPG", $DecodedProductImage);
You're using a comma instead of a period. And you're missing a slash.
file_put_contents("/var/www/html/ProductPhotos/" . $ProductAccountName . "/" . $ProductName . ".JPG", $DecodedProductImage);`
See the file_put_contents docs.
You may want to be put into place some checks to make sure the user doesn't use relative paths(using ../ as part the ProductAccountName, for example). Just be careful of the user using this to do malicious things.

How To Add Additional Images To A Product In Magento

I can add an image to a product during creating using the following script. However, I'm having trouble loading a product and add additional image to the product media gallery. Do I have to delete the product media gallery and readd all the images at once? It's one image per row in a csv file.
public function addImage($product, $image)
$imagePath = $this->downloadImage($image);
$product->setMediaGallery(array('images' => array(), 'values' => array()));
if (is_file($imagePath)) {
$product->addImageToMediaGallery($imagePath, array('image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail'), false, false);
Why are you using a script to add images? Adding images in magento can be easily done via the admin interface.
Just login to the admin panel, Catalog > Manage Products > Edit Product > Images (on left panel).
You add the additional images using the following script.
$importDir = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS;
// additional images
if ($import_product[29] != '') {
$addImages = explode(",", trim($import_product[29]));
foreach ($addImages as $additional_image) {
$image_directory = $dir .DS.'data'.DS. trim($additional_image);
if (file_exists($image_directory)) {
$product->addImageToMediaGallery($image_directory, null, false, false);
} else {
$image_directory = $dir . 'data' . DS . 'comingsoon.jpg';
$product->addImageToMediaGallery($image_directory, null, false, false);
echo 'Additional images for product ' . $product->getName() . ' ' . $product->getId() . ' imported successfully' . PHP_EOL;
The $import_product[29] is an array of images separated by commas. Please refer my tutorial as well which explains how to set default image as well.
